The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 340 The Source of Tao

Chapter 340 The Source of Tao

On the bloody battlefield, Ji Hongjing and his team returned with force, easily killing several powerful ancient saints and scaring off the alien army. The surrounding trialists stayed away, allowing them to occupy a large area of ​​territory.

"What exactly is the Source of Tao, and why is it so hard to find?" Nan Qin was dejected. The trial was about to end, but the best treasure on this battlefield had not yet been found.

"A rare immortal creature was obtained a few years ago. I'm afraid it won't be seen again in a short time." Daozhen is graceful and elegant. He occupies such a large area. After searching for so long, he still can't find the source of Dao. He can't help but feel disappointed.

Ji Hongjing opened his eyes and looked at the battlefield, and saw many treasures, but unfortunately there was no source of Tao.

He couldn't help but ask the two gods, what is the source of Tao? Why can this battlefield breed such a thing?
"In the final analysis, it is just a source." The Holy Body God is sitting cross-legged in the golden lamp of Dao Tribulation, coexisting with the lamp spirit, mutual benefit, improving the quality of the lamp, and improving his own cultivation. "Didn't the old tree spirit say Did you pass it? Several great emperors obtained the source of the Tao but did not fuse it. That thing has a strange will. After merging through the tribulation, it can be closer to the Tao, but it also has an additional layer of shackles. However, if you reverse the Tao, you must not be able to fuse this kind of thing. , it would be a good idea to ask him for some enlightenment.”

"In the ancient times, the ancient roads of the human race were destroyed many times and rebuilt many times. This battlefield was also shattered. Now it is composed of several chaotic fairy lands."

The Holy Emperor recalled: "In the era of the Sun Holy Emperor, there is a legend that the Taiyin Holy Emperor collected the broken chaotic fairy land and rebuilt the bloody battlefield. The Sun Holy Emperor was grateful to the Taiyin Holy Emperor and also found a piece of chaotic fairy land to integrate into it. Now The bloody battlefield is much larger than that of the Holy Emperor, which shows that later emperors also built this place, but not all chaotic fairy lands can breed the source of Tao. Only the original fairy soil found by the Taiyin Saint Emperor can breed this thing. "

"Original Immortal Soil." Ji Hongjing lowered his head and muttered to himself. His Martial Arts Heavenly Eyes could see through dozens of miles of land, and his Origin Heaven Divine Technique analyzed the soil quality, and he quickly discovered different soil qualities.

"I know!" He took the lead and drilled into the ground, going hundreds of miles deep, and found several different types of soil from different chaotic fairy lands.

They traveled thousands of miles underground, and Yuyi couldn't help but ask: "What did fellow Taoist find?"

"The bloody battlefield was created by the ancient emperors of the human race who spliced ​​several pieces of chaotic fairy soil together. The original chaotic fairy soil was the place where the source of Tao was nurtured. That piece of fairy soil has long been buried deep in the ground and became the foundation of the bloody battlefield. "

"Fellow Taoist, you mean that by finding the original fairy land of the bloody battlefield, you can find the source of Tao?" Daozhen asked.

Ji Hongyuan nodded, and while using the Yuantian Divine Technique to locate the place where the Origin Qi was strong, he ran the Taiyin Manual to see if there were any traces left by the Taiyin Holy Emperor.

Soon, he sensed a vein of steaming dragon energy, with a faint lunar aura flowing.

"Found it!" Ji Hongjing was overjoyed and quickly escaped to the place where the underground dragon veins were located. The fairy light here was brilliant, all kinds of auspicious energy flowed, the atmosphere was extraordinary, and the most original aura in the world filled the air.

"The source of Tao!"

Nan Qin exclaimed, in a spring in the dragon vein, there was a ball of light as big as a human head, extremely peaceful and holy, and various avenue symbols appeared, mysterious and unpredictable.

The source of the Tao has an astonishing divinity. At this time, it was alarmed and wanted to rise into the sky. Ji Hong's Jingyuan technique was profound and his imperial formation was invincible, covering ten directions and trapping him.

He grabbed the source of Tao in his hand, and at this moment, a vague will spread out from the source of Tao.

"You are contrary to the Tao and defy heaven and earth. You cannot attain the Tao and become an emperor."

This brief act of will made Nan Qin and others widen their eyes. No one expected that such a thing would happen.


The source of Tao shattered and flew in all directions, trying to return to the void of heaven and earth again.

Ji Hongjing had already expected it, and used the Six Seals of the Forbidden Immortal to seize the source of Tao, reunite it into one, and suppress it into the dragon-patterned black gold lamp.

Nan Qin was dumbfounded and murmured: "It goes against heaven and earth and forcibly captures the source of Tao. Will this be punished by God?"

Suddenly, terror filled the air, the ground above his head exploded, and a divine chain of order descended from the sky, as bright as the feathers of an immortal phoenix, slashing Ji Hongjing.

"God's punishment, there really is a punishment!" Nan Qin was shocked.

This is a splendid divine chain, with divine power that can frighten people. It travels across the sky and the earth, encircling and suppressing Ji Hongjing in half.

Ji Hongjing was fearless, and shot out two rays of divine light from his eyes, blocking the bright divine chain of order. The divine chain vibrated, and thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, and thousands of rays of calamity light appeared, striking down.

"Heavenly calamity, God is angry!"

Terrifying light danced, and blazing electric light shone, submerging this place, turning it into an electric sea area like a Ze country.


Flashes of lightning and billions of divine rays intertwined into a world of light. This place was shrouded in a large area, alarming everyone in the bloody battlefield.

The endless thunder sea descends, and the terrifying catastrophe emerges, killing all obstacles. It is like a god is roaring, trying to tear apart everything in the world.

Yuyi was frightened and cried out: "This is simply a divine catastrophe. The sea of ​​thunder is too vast to withstand. How many people can survive such a catastrophe?!"

Boom! The thunder sea is terrifying, each one is like a falling star river, majestic and powerful, how can this be competed by flesh and blood?

Baojing and others couldn't help but want to escape. They were next to Ji Hongjing and under the sea of ​​thunder, feeling like they were suffocating.

Ji Hongjing showed no fear at all. The black gold lamp with the dragon pattern above his head soared into the sky and submerged into the sea of ​​thunder. He opened his mouth to spit out thunder and tempered his body with the heavenly tribulation.

"What a surprise." Ji Hongjing said to himself.

This was not a thunder punishment sent down by the will of heaven and earth against him. After careful understanding, he found that this should be a naturally existing force of order.

The source of the Tao is indeed something that defies heaven, imitating the most fundamental thing in the entire universe. As for the vague will... it is very strange.

The Six Forbidden Immortals sealed this object in the magic lamp and reunited it into a ball of light. There were many symbols inside, which were terrifying and mysterious.

But the vague will disappeared and never appeared again. However, this light was repulsive to him and it was difficult to integrate with him.

"Is it really the will of heaven? Or is it something else?"

He thought carefully and did not dare to use this thing. The will of the Tao was not simple. No wonder the emperors did not use it after they obtained the source of the Tao.

The movement here alarmed all the natives and trialists, who looked up at the figure in the sea of ​​thunder.

"How could there be a divine punishment coming to this world?"

"It's the source of Tao. It appeared a few years ago, and it's unexpectedly reappeared so soon!"

"The source of Tao did not recognize him and was forcibly collected. This is the punishment from heaven!"

Some people's eyes were blazing, staring at the dragon-patterned black gold lamp. The magic lamp was re-sacrificially refined and incorporated into the fairy gold sword grabbed from the first city. It was the size of a palm. In addition to the source of Tao suppressed in the magic lamp, there was no People don’t covet.

This is simply a kind of immortal fate. Seizing the immortal gold can also seize the source of Tao. If you can get it, what is the point of grudges?
A blood sword struck silently at the back of Ji Hongjing's head, intending to kill him with one blow.

At the same time, various other weapons also shone with divine brilliance and struck from the mountains and clouds. Many strong men took action.

Money and silk are alluring, let alone something so heaven-defying.

"Kill, hand over the immortal gold and the source of Tao!"

This massacre came so unexpectedly, and the quiet battlefield suddenly became noisy. Ji Hongjing went on a killing spree and walked on the ancient road in the starry sky. He always became stronger when he encountered strong ones, competing among endless masters.


The dragon-patterned black gold lamp turned into a long sword and slashed the sky and the earth. Every time he struck, someone would be killed, decisively and neatly.

"Puff", "Puff"

One body, two bodies... all of them were beings above the Great Perfection King. Their corpses were lying at his feet, and each of them had his throat sealed with a sword.


Both the natives and the trialists were screaming. The dragon-patterned black gold sword in Ji Hongjing's hand was as fast as lightning, drawing a mysterious trajectory and killing the 70th master.

This is a murderous robbery!
Finally, several ancient saints came to kill, Ji Hongjing unleashed his true anger, the Five Emperors canopy unfolded, sealing the sky and the earth, the dragon-patterned black gold sword slashed horizontally, a large crack of light swallowed all the ancient saints, separated their souls from their physical bodies, and melted them In the flames.

Everyone was calm and the whole world was quiet. He bathed in the holy blood and fought his way out of the battlefield, no one dared to stop him.

In the next half month, the entire ancient land was not peaceful, and there were bloody battles everywhere. Ji Hongjing and his party encountered groups of strong men who blocked them and killed them with iron blood.

In the end, the sky and the earth were pale, the sun and the moon lost their light, and many mountains and rivers were riddled with holes and no longer existed.

This was a catastrophe. Ji Hongjing couldn't even remember how many saints he had killed. Ancient saints from all races in this bloody battlefield had fallen in his hands. The trialists were far away from him, and only a few dared to find opportunities to sneak attack. He killed several people.

Of course, there were also several crises, including the appearance of local saint kings from the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Demons, as well as a villain who was transformed into a spirit from the Nine Heavens God.

They avoided the Saint King, and when they couldn't avoid it, they jointly sacrificed Nanqin's Quasi-Emperor Bracelet and injured the Saint King of the Demon Kingdom. Only then did they frighten the Saints and achieve peace.

(End of this chapter)

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