Chapter 341 Law Enforcer

After half a month of bloody fighting, Ji Hongjing was already a little tired considering his cultivation. He had taken turns fighting with trialists, aliens, etc., and his body had hidden injuries.

He killed no less than a thousand people and bathed in their blood. Wherever he passed, the corpses of heroes lay at his feet, killing people to the point of fear.

"It's finally over." Nanqin's face was pale. She had fought until her body was completely bruised and scarred. After a few more battles, her hidden danger of being eager for success would be eliminated!

The clear lake water and the fragrance of lotus flowers are quiet. This is a beautiful lake filled with water mist, like sapphire. They rested here and restored their strong vitality.

"What exactly is the source of Tao?"

By the lakeside, golden unicorn grass grew, full of spiritual energy, brilliant, and even medicinal fruits, fragrant. Xiaobai lay lazily on the ground and asked Ji Hongjing.

Ji Hongjing set down the Heaven-Deceiving Formation and released the source of the Tao. After careful observation, he felt that it was unfathomable, with various symbols flowing inside, and containing infinite principles of the Tao.

This time, there was no will coming from the source of the Tao, but it shattered immediately and turned into wisps of peace and auspiciousness, trying to escape.

He once again used the Six Seals of the Forbidden Immortal to gather the source of the Tao into a ball of light, making it unable to leave his side and being firmly imprisoned here.

"You have been rejected by the source of Tao, what are you going to do?" Yuyi looked at Ji Hongjing, his eyes full of longing, and the same was true for Nanqin and others.

"This thing has a strange will. It's best not to fuse it. As far as I know, the ancient emperors didn't fuse it when they got it. Let's learn about it together." Ji Hongjing looked at a few people and said with a smile, "Trial There are still a few days until the end. Let’s try to see if we can find a few more. It would be good to exchange them for resources.”

Several people looked at each other and chose to believe him. He came from the Emperor Burial Star and the Imperial Clan. He knew many secrets. Going deep into the ground to find the source of Tao was beyond their expectations. In their opinion, the Imperial Clan must have this ability. records.

The source of Tao should have been one, but this time it was divided into several strands, scattered in various ancient battlefields. One of the strands was obtained a few years ago.

Ji Hongjing went deep into the ground again, and half a day later he found an empty dragon vein, which should be the place where the source of Tao was conceived a few years ago.

Another half day later, he once again found a dragon vein, where there was a mass of Tao Source. He asked Xiaobai to collect it, but the source of Tao came out with sour will.

"You are so perfect, why do you need me?"

Nan Qin and others were shocked, Xiaobai could actually make Dao Zhiyuan jealous?

The ball of light exploded again. After the six banned immortals were reunited, Shi Jian stepped forward to collect it. The Source of Tao hesitated for a long time, but he finally collected it.

In the next few days, they found several more sources of Tao, all of which were secretly collected by Shi Jian. The end of the trial was approaching, and they stopped looking for them.

Ji Hongjing stood on the dragon veins and observed, recalling the dragon veins that had obtained the source of Tao before, and said to the two gods: "These dragon veins are all branched off from one ancestral vein, which caused the source of Tao to be divided into several strands. The ancestral veins I'm afraid he's dead."

The Holy Emperor God nodded and said: "This battlefield has been in disrepair for a long time, and wars often occur. It is about to collapse. It needs to be re-sacrifice."

"It takes at least a quasi-emperor to reunite the ancestral lineage." Holy Body God Nian said.

Ji Hongjing thought of Gai Jiuyou, and with the help of the White Tiger elixir, after so many years, he must have recovered his peak vitality long ago, but he didn't know how much his cultivation had recovered.

There is also the human demon old man, the yin and yang should be balanced, and maybe he has broken through to the quasi-emperor state.

In addition, what happened to Shennong, Laozi, Sakyamuni, and Chiyou now? Have Shennong and the others found the Yellow Emperor, and have their plans begun? How is the pollution purification in Chiyou going?

Counting down, there are many quasi-emperors he knows who can re-train the bloody battlefield, but they all have more important missions and have no time to take care of this trial place.

"It can last for thousands of years, let's talk about it later."


The ancient bell rang slowly, urging the trialists to go on their way, and a huge altar appeared in the void, shining bright light.

It flew across the sky and appeared in various ancient battlefields. The testers flew up one after another, preparing to go on the road. Ji Hongjing and others flew up, and saw a figure covered in silver divine clothing blocking the front. It was dazzling, and the helmet even covered the face, making it impossible to see the true appearance.

This is a divine garment made of great silver. It is the exclusive divine garment for law enforcers. It is a saint-king-level battle garment. The silver light shines brightly and shines brightly. It flows with the profound meaning of the great road and is extremely extraordinary.

"This person is rejected by the source of Tao, has attracted heaven's punishment, and has a murderous nature. He must be the world-destroying demon. In the name of the law enforcer, I order you to kill him!"

The law enforcer shouted, and several figures shot out of the void, all of which were cultivated as saint kings. One of them, with demonic flames soaring into the sky, was the lord of the demon kingdom and one of the strongest people on the bloody battlefield.

"Come to the altar!" Ji Hongjing shouted, and Nan Qin offered the Quasi-Emperor Bracelet. They activated it together, and the Quasi-Emperor's power overwhelmed the world and blocked several saint kings.

"Although the quasi-emperor soldiers are powerful, your cultivation level is too low. What can you do to me?" The Lord of the Demon Kingdom came to kill with the power of the bracelet. He was so fast that he even dodged the divine power of the quasi-emperor soldiers. , getting closer and closer to several people, holding a black spear and stabbing at the weakest Nan Qin.

Ji Hongjing's expression changed, he stood up to protect Nan Qin, and threw out a black feather arrow to shoot at the Demon King.

"Great Holy Arrow!" The leader of the Demon Kingdom was startled and fired back to block the flying arrow. However, the feathered arrow had a spirit and would not give up until it reached its target. He spun twice and shot again.

Taking this opportunity, Ji Hongjing put the quasi-emperor bracelet on his head, increased his speed to the extreme, and like a stream of light, he led several people to the altar while avoiding the law enforcers.


The sun-shooting arrow passed through the body of the demon king, brought out a large amount of demon blood, and then flew back to Ji Hongjing's hands. When it reached the altar, several aboriginal saint kings could not take action against him.

The law enforcer rushed to the altar. Ji Hongjing's eyes turned cold. He raised his hand and pointed at the emperor's soldiers. A ray of divine light shot out. The enforcer could not avoid it and was hit by the divine light.


The fairy clothes made of Da Luo's silver spirit shattered, revealing a middle-aged man. The man was shocked, stabbing at him with a spear in his hand, shouting loudly: "How bold, how dare you attack the law enforcer!"

The altar's brilliance flashed for the last time, and they all disappeared. The battle in the dark passage did not stop, and they went straight into a majestic holy city of the human race.

The bright red divine blood spilled, the cold holy weapons clashed, and the terrifying fairy light swallowed the sky. This battle was like a battle between gods and demons, cruel and fierce, sweeping all directions.
The majestic and majestic city was like a dormant lion, exuding a kind of majesty and inviolability. Ji Hongjing and the others marched straight in, causing a big sensation.

For many years, no one has dared to act recklessly in the city. This has never happened before. Someone actually fought all the way here. The whole city was shocked and everyone paid attention.

Meteors burned out of the sky, ancient stars were torn apart, and the dark universe was torn apart. This was the scene when they were fighting to the point of madness on the road.

Now that they entered the city, they were still full of energy and their fighting spirit was undiminished. They fought until their black hair danced wildly, blood splattered everywhere, and the sky shook.

The ancient holy clothes on the law enforcer's body were shattered, and the holy war spear in his hand split the sky. He looked like he was swallowing mountains and rivers with anger.

Ji Hongjing held a black gold sword with a dragon pattern and four other magic lamps to protect his body. Tai Chi Dao Zun rushed out, and Xiao Bai, together with Xiao Bai, fought against a sage king without losing.

Nan Qin and others mobilized the quasi-emperor soldiers to interfere from time to time, and the law enforcers had to distract themselves to resist. Xiao Bai accidentally bit his thigh. When he stabbed Xiao Bai with the war spear in his hand, a Dao Tribulation golden lamp blocked the tip of the spear. The eternal blue-gold lamp froze time and space, and the long sword transformed from the dragon-patterned black-gold lamp struck the war spear, directly cutting it off!
"How outrageous, today you have rebelled and are going to be enemies of the entire human race. Everyone on the Starry Sky Ancient Road will be killed!" The law enforcer was furious. The handed down holy clothes cast by Daluo Silver Essence were destroyed by the quasi-emperor's soldiers. Now even the war spears It was also destroyed. Bai Qilin bit his leg and tore it apart, actually tearing his saint-king level body apart.

Even if he has not long entered the realm of Saint King, he cannot be humiliated by a few saints. What's more, law enforcers are so noble on the ancient road of the human race. When will anyone dare to take action against them?
"Who do you think you are, you dare to represent the entire human race?" Ji Hongjing sneered, and slashed his chest open with a slash of the dragon-patterned black gold sword.

The Kingly Way of the Saint spurted out, and the color of the sky and the earth changed. The law enforcer forced a few people back, held up a silver token, and shouted: "Where is the envoy in this city? Why don't you show up quickly and capture this rebellious human race? Kill this madman."

The silver token shot out a divine light and soared into the sky. The formation in the holy city was triggered, and a majestic pressure suppressed it, trying to imprison Ji Hongjing and his party.

"Get out!" Ji Hongjing shouted, and shot out a simple token with his hand, blocking all the pressure. The simple token flew high into the sky, and with a slight shock, the formation of the Holy City suddenly dimmed.

"How is that possible?" The law enforcer was shocked.

The body that had just arrived was blurred, and only a pair of bright eyes looked at the simple token and he took back his steps.

(End of this chapter)

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