The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 342 Shooting the Law Enforcer

Chapter 342 Shooting the Law Enforcer

A simple token suppressed the second city of the human race. The law enforcer's divine order could not mobilize the formation of the holy city. The law enforcer was shocked and the onlookers were shocked.

"The Law Enforcer's Divine Order represents the authority on the ancient road of trials. How could it be ineffective?"

"What is that ancient order that can actually suppress the Holy City?"

Everyone was in disbelief, especially the law enforcers. They held the Silver Divine Order high and kept urging it, but it had no effect at all.

He shouted in panic: "The divine order of the law enforcer governs the law on the ancient road. How can it be ineffective?"

Ji Hongjing looked down at him and asked coldly: "Who made the laws on the ancient road?"

"Of course he is the ancient emperor."

"Open your dog eyes and take a look. What's written on the token?"

Everyone looked up at the simple token. A simple "Ji" character was engraved on it. At first glance, it seemed ordinary. However, upon closer inspection, the meaning of the Great Way was far-reaching and sublime, eternal and eternal, suppressing for eternity!

"The Divine Order of the Emperor of the Void! There is no mistake, that is the Divine Order of the Emperor of the Void!"

Some ancient saints shouted, knelt on the ground, and knelt down. Many people were infected and unconsciously knelt on the ground, shouting for the Great Emperor of the Void.

Ji Hongjing turned sideways and asked them to bow to the ancient token. The character "Ji" on the token seemed to come alive and emit a faint green light, as if the Void Emperor had heard the call of all the people.

More and more people knelt down and worshiped the Great Emperor of the Void. The ancient order became more and more mysterious, and a shadow emerged, crushing the eternity and accepting the worship of all people.

"Is the effect of will power?"

This change was something Ji Hongjing had not expected. The phantom of the emperor appeared, and the boundless imperial power lingered in his heart. No one could fly in the air, not even him. Nan Qin and others, who had quasi-emperor bracelets on their heads, could not do the same. They fell on On the ground, he saluted the emperor's shadow.

The law enforcer knelt on the ground, unable to raise his head. Ji Hongjing controlled the void divine order to suppress his enforcer divine order. The moment the emperor's shadow appeared, a powerful pressure locked it, and even the saint king could not resist it. , his bones cracked, and his soul almost collapsed.

After nine breaths, the shadow of the Void Emperor disappeared. Ji Hongjing walked towards the law enforcer who was limp on the ground with his sword, and when he was about to cut off his head, he was stopped by the blurry guide.

"Fellow Taoist, even if the law enforcement officer is guilty, he must ask the senior officials on the ancient road to make a decision."

"What if I must kill him?"

The lead envoy looked troubled and said: "If he dies in the second city, it will be my fault. Please let him go. I will report it to the higher-ups to find out the truth and I will definitely give you justice."

"Justice? Along the way from the First City, I have seen a lot of corruption. How do you expect me to believe in justice?" Ji Hongjing sneered, "Such an ancient road of the human race really brings shame to the ancient sages. It is better to tear it down and rebuild it!"

The guide smiled bitterly and said: "It is undeniable that there is corruption in the ancient road, but after all, it is a minority. Those who can be the guide must be fair people who are dedicated to the human race. The same is true for those who can be elected as law enforcers, but some After people are elected, they are corrupted by power, but most people are still good.”

He said sincerely: "There is no shortage of the blood of the emperor's followers on the ancient road to guide the messengers and law enforcers. The lord of the tenth city is in charge of all the guide messengers and law enforcers in the ten cities before the ancient road. He is in charge of punishment. He is a peak saint king. His ancestors have followed many great emperors such as Hengyu and Xukong. This clan is devoted to the human race and is fair and just. There are many guides and law enforcers in the clan. Even if you don't believe me, please believe him."

"Then I'll wait for justice!" Ji Hongjing nodded after thinking for a moment and put away the dragon-patterned black gold sword.

The lead envoy breathed a sigh of relief and personally guarded the law enforcers. At the same time, he sent people to the trialists to understand the situation.

Ji Hongjing and others left, and the spectators dispersed. What happened today spread quickly to the depths of the ancient road of the human race through some special means.

The Source of Tao, the Immortal Golden Magic Lamp, the pure-blooded Kirin, Ji Hongjing of the Ji Family, the Divine Order of the Void Emperor...each of them affects the hearts of everyone on the ancient road.

In the evening, Ji Hongjing and others walked leisurely on the wide streets, seemingly not affected by the war at all.

The second holy city on the Starry Sky Ancient Road is many times more majestic and huge than the first city, and the atmosphere is more solemn and solemn. Occasionally, trialists can be seen wandering around the city.

Leaving the bloody battlefield, only ninety-seven of their group of trialists came here alive, and the others all died.

"A pile of bones on the Imperial Road!"

Stepping on the ancient road in the starry sky and fighting all the way, many heroes withered like withered leaves, fell into a pool of blood, and were buried in a foreign land.

In this ancient city full of autumn, the trialists are recuperating in silence for the next battle and to survive.

When Ji Hongjing and his entourage entered the most magnificent wine palace in the city, they heard some lonely words as soon as they climbed up the stairs.

"I have decided to quit and return to my hometown. I will never dream of becoming enlightened again." The person who said this was a man wearing a purple gold crown. In just a few months, he had become a heroic figure. Extremely vicissitudes of life, his eyes are no longer sharp, a little dim, and his temples are stained with a few wisps of white frost.

"Really...did you voluntarily quit?" someone asked next to him, with the same bitterness, and obviously feeling sad.

"Leave, there's no point in staying. Everyone from the same place as me has died, and I'm the only one left. There's no hope..."

Many people were silent, and a kind of sourness surged into their hearts. This was the unwillingness and sadness in their hearts. Once upon a time, they each stood at the top of their own domain, and they were young and successful.

But the conceited people tasted the consequences here and became stepping stones in the eyes of another group of strong people.

A young man was so drunk that he lost control of his emotions and cried loudly, with tears of reluctance on his face. He said: "The struggle between the emperor and the emperor is only a battlefield for a few people. It is too cruel for us. We are just pathetic." Passers-by and dead people.”

"My beloved died in front of me, but I was unable to save him. I couldn't even find his body." Another person whispered, holding his head and crying, his grief uncontrollable.

"I want to go back to the hometown where I was born and raised!"

One person suddenly stood up, turned around and left. Suddenly, more than a dozen people stood up in the wine stall, staggering downstairs to find the leader of the city, intending to return and never look back.

On this night, one after another, with unwillingness and pain, and a kind of desolation, chose different coordinates in the starry sky, and each went on the road alone. Their backs were very desolate.

When the autumn wind blows, a woman is singing in a low voice, her voice is like weeping, faintly swallowing, and along with the autumn wind, accompanied by fallen leaves, they fall on the ancient city.

On this night, with the mournful shadows disappearing one after another, there were only less than fifty people left in this group of trialists.

A pile of bones on the imperial road, this is the destination of most people, it is a cruel reality, and being confused and unwilling will have no effect.

As soon as they reach the second level, some people see no hope and leave in despair, while others believe in their own potential and think that they are just not mature enough and can grow slowly and eventually become myths.

There are also people who do it just to temper themselves, not to become enlightened, but just to temper themselves, rise to a higher realm, and return to their hometown.

People have different ambitions and ambitions.

Some are lost, some are showing their talents, with different personalities and different destinies. On this night, some of the monks left behind are playing swords and singing, their clanking swords are ringing in the heaven and earth, and their fighting spirit is high.

This night, there are rumors that the city lord of the tenth city will visit the second city tomorrow to deal with the law enforcers' bending the law for personal gain.

The second city fell into silence, as if everyone was waiting for the arrival of this powerful man at the peak of the Saint King, but there was an undercurrent surging behind the scenes.

"The enforcer escaped!"

Suddenly, a shout woke up the ancient city. An ancient building in the city exploded, and a stream of light instantly broke through the second city's protective formation and flew deep into the starry sky.

"The law enforcer's cultivation is imprisoned, how can he escape?" Yuyi said.

Daozhen opened the folding fan and said, "The relationship between these families on the ancient road is not simple!"

Ji Hongjing looked up at the stars. A saint king wanted to escape. He was millions of miles away in an instant, and now the law enforcer was no longer in sight.

He took out the sun-shooting arrow, raised his hand to form an ancient big bow, bowed and pulled the string, and opened the bow like a full moon. The black arrow burst into bright golden light, like the sun, illuminating the entire Second City.


The bow was shocked like a thunderbolt, and the divine arrow came out of his hand, crossing time and space, breaking through the protective shield of the second city, and disappearing into the starry sky in an instant.

"Does he still want to shoot a saint king to death?" Someone in the city sneered.

Some people said worriedly: "Looking at the aura of that arrow, it seems to be the Great Holy Soldier."

"So what about the Great Holy Soldier? How powerful can a saint be?" The man disagreed.

At this time, the black feather arrow flew back from the starry sky, staggering and clean, seemingly in vain, losing strength and falling down, and was caught by Ji Hongjing.

The man in the dark laughed even more wildly. Suddenly, a man stumbled over and shouted loudly: "Something bad has happened. News came from the first city. My uncle's soul lamp has gone out!"

The laughter stopped suddenly, and the man looked ashen as if he had eaten a bed bug.

(End of this chapter)

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