The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 343 Banishing the Fairy

Chapter 343 Banishing the Fairy

In the early morning, rays of sunshine fell, golden and moist, reflecting a brilliant sky full of vitality.

On this glorious morning, everyone felt a powerful force and became extremely confident.

The haze of the trialists' departure last night has passed, and the remaining strong ones are always strong. It was at this time that Ji Hongjing learned the news that he would soon enter an ancient dojo, where there was infinite power.

The natural avenue, the source of the Tao, the Tao of infinite power... Now, people can't help but ponder, what kind of Taoist place will it be?
"How suitable a place like this is for cultivating the body and mind?" Ji Hongjingguang felt happy just thinking about it and was looking forward to the trip to the Taikoo Taoist Temple!

The sun rose in the east, and the news of the law enforcer's death only spread within a small area. People did not wait for the arrival of the city lord of the tenth city, but unexpected people came to the second city. There was a commotion on the streets, and then there was a loud noise.

"Fairy Qingshi offered sacrifices to the ancient platform of divine light and returned from the ancient road. Go and have a look. You can probably hear the secrets on the front of the ancient road."

The Divine Light Ancient Platform is a divine object comparable to a five-color altar. It can be carried with you and can travel between certain star fields without restrictions.

Only those who have outstanding performance and made great contributions on the ancient road will be given it, such as discovering the tomb of the ancient emperor and making achievements that are beneficial to the human race.

Ji Hongjing covets the ancient Shenguang platform, but currently has no way to get it. It can be said that he has not made any achievements in the ancient road.

Nan Qin looked at Ji Hongjing and saw him shaking his head slightly, knowing that he didn't know how the old man disappeared.

"The tenth level!" the old man said, "Nine is the ultimate number. Beyond nine, transformation will inevitably occur. The tenth level is the first ancient star of life on the ancient road of the human race. It is extremely mysterious and contains the principles left by countless sages. There are many relics of the ancient emperors. Emperor Tian, ​​the Great Demon God, and the Human King were all given the Ancient Divine Light Platform after they found the opportunity to defy the heavens at the tenth level and made great contributions to the human race."

"As far as I know, among the geniuses in recent years, only Emperor Tian, ​​the Great Demon God, and the Human King have obtained the Ancient Divine Light Platform."

"How did Fairy Qingshi obtain the Ancient Divine Light Platform?" He asked an old man next to him who was very well-informed.

These people are all the strongest people on the ancient road. I have heard of their reputation as early as the first city. Among them, Ditian is the one who obtained the source of Tao a few years ago.

"At least he is a strong person in the late stage of Saint King." Ji Hongjing was horrified. He was so close to the old man just now. If this person was hostile to him, it would be difficult for him to escape.

"The tenth level is like a water dam, which has accumulated a large amount of water. I don't know how many trialists have stopped for decades, and they have never started. Seven years ago, Di Tian obtained the source of the Tao, and he arrived six years ago Level 10: Fairy Qingshi and he were in the same batch of trialists. It was with her help that Ditian successfully obtained the great opportunity to redeem the Divine Light Ancient Platform. I heard that she also found a great opportunity a few years ago, but it was just The time has never been ripe and it cannot be obtained, so it has been stuck at the tenth level.”

Fairy Qingshi, known as the banished fairy, was the first among the monks a few years ago. She was a miraculous woman who had left many legends.

"Do you know who got the ancient platform?"

The old man touched his beard, looked at him with a smile, and said with an incomprehensible expression: "I don't know!"

Ji Hongjing was speechless and turned around to ask others. The old man pulled him and said, "Don't worry, young man. There is indeed no news of her obtaining the Divine Light Ancient Platform on the ancient road, but Fairy Qingshi is the best among her batch of trialists. One of the strong ones, the strong one who has already caught up, may have borrowed someone else's ancient divine light platform."

Seeing the people around him listening carefully, the old man paused and stroked his beard and said, "Di Tian has stayed at the tenth level for her until now. She probably borrowed Di Tian's ancient platform of divine light to return to this level."

"Master!" Daozhen was shocked. He could suddenly disappear in front of them, something that no ordinary saint king could do.

However, the old man did not take action and explained so many things to them. There was obviously no hostility. He felt relieved and led everyone to the place where Fairy Qingshi was.

Everyone was stunned, and when they wanted to ask more questions, the old man was nowhere to be seen.

"How did they get the Shenguang Ancient Platform?"

Her return caused a stir and became the focus of discussion.

"Where did she come from?" This is everyone's question.

After setting foot on the ancient road in the starry sky, you cannot go back and take action against those who come after you, nor can you re-enter the trial field. There is no point in turning back. Apart from the source of Tao, nothing else can tempt such characters.

"It's probably because of this thing that the Ji family monk is in trouble."

"Who would have thought that the banished fairy could turn around and come back? With her prestige and strength, who could stand against her?"

"Not necessarily. If Ji Hongjing uses the Void Divine Order to suppress the banished fairy, how can the banished fairy resist?"

"Even his own strength may not be defeated by the banished fairy. When the fairy was in the second city, he was the third level of the saints. After a few years, it would be good to break through one or two small realms. Yesterday, an ancient saint saw that Ji Hongjing was in He is in the third level of the Saint, but his combat power is frightening, and he also has a pure-blood unicorn beside him. "

Some people discussed privately that it was not certain who would win in a fight between Banished Fairy and Ji Hongjing.

Moreover, the source of Tao does not recognize Ji Hongjing, which means that others still have a chance, which even makes the aborigines in the city jealous. Even if the relegated fairy Qing Shi does not appear, people believe that there will be other disturbances, but everyone is frightened by the Void God. Order, don't dare to take action in the city.

"You don't understand Fairy Qingshi. She has a kind of divine detachment, like the reincarnation of a fairy from the upper world. It is impossible to take something by force. That is not her character." The old man in the city shook his head and made this judgment on the banished fairy.

"The source of Tao will enable people to achieve Taoism in the future. No one in this world is tempted. It is something that takes over the world. Unfortunately, we do not have the strength to fight for it. The banished fairy is back at this time, and the purpose is obvious."

Naturally, some people sneered. Facing such a world-defying Taoist treasure, how could there be such a detached person?
Bibo Fairy Forest is an ancient land in the city. It is planted with various strange ancient trees. It is lush and full of aura and covers a large area.

Fairy Qing Shi gathered here with her old friends. When Ji Hongjing and his entourage arrived, they were immediately invited in. Some people sat cross-legged in front of Fangcaodi. There were jade tables in front of them, with spiritual fruits, wine, etc. flashing among the jade. Crystal luster.

In front of that, there was an agile girl playing the piano, with a hint of playfulness, and her delicate jade fingers were nimble, playing a very pleasant piano sound.

As if she sensed that many monks were coming, she began to strum the strings seriously, and wisps of fairy music flowed through the flowers, blooming in an instant, crossing the clear spring, steaming, and dispersed into the sky, attracting various birds to dance around her.

Many monks were shocked. There was no fluctuation of Tao power, only a kind of empty music rhythm, but it could create such a scene.

"I didn't play well, and everyone laughed. Oh, here comes the lady." After the song was over, this smart girl stood up, twirled a lock of her hair with her fingers, and looked very lively standing aside.

"Miss Ling'er is so humble. The music of the piano makes flowers bloom, thousands of birds come to court, and haze rises from the ground. How many people can compare to such visions?" Everyone expressed their sincere admiration.

The girl smiled sheepishly and said: "My piano music is nothing, it's the young lady's that is the right one. She can make rotten bones glow with life after just one piece of music..."

A woman came over, interrupted her words, and said, "Ling'er is naughty again. Don't listen to her nonsense."

There is no doubt that she is the Qing Shi Fairy. She has a graceful figure, and the surrounding fairy mist disperses, revealing her fairy face. Her bright eyes and white teeth are beautiful and exquisite. Her smile is gentle and kind, but she has the meaning of being out of the world. She has divinity in her body and is worthy of being a fairy. The name of banished immortal.

"A few years ago, the fairy was banished and the sound of a flute filled the sky, causing four saints to transform into gods instantly, shocking the immortals and weeping gods," an old man said.

Everyone was awestruck when they heard this.

"They are all rumors and cannot be taken to be true." Qing Shi said with a friendly smile, and asked the monks present to take a seat. He paid his respects to old friends and new people he had never met before, and did not neglect everyone.

Fairy Qingshi invited many people, and the overall atmosphere was joyful and warm. There were famous people in the city, such as the commander-in-chief, heads of several major families, etc., as well as new masters.

"Actually, Qing Shi came back this time mainly for the source of Tao." Just then Fairy Banished spoke.

Everyone was startled. They did not expect that she would propose it in front of everyone. Their eyes were focused on Ji Hongjing. His expression was calm, as he had expected it.

(End of this chapter)

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