Chapter 345 Ancient Dojo
In the early morning, the sun shines brightly, and the Second City is full of vitality and prosperity.


The big bell leisurely, the guide showed up, the new batch of trialists rested for three days, it was time to open the ancient trial ground.

The trialists who set foot on the ancient road in the starry sky are all full of energy. No one wants to miss it and they are all waiting for this moment.

"Yan Chifeng wants to go in too. He has gone in many times over the years and has received great benefits." Someone among the aborigines in the city whispered.

A group of wild beasts were flying across the sky, more than ten feet above the ground, roaring towards them. A man with his hair tied up in a golden crown looked arrogant to the crowd and looked at Ji Hongjing with a very obscure look.

He was the great-great-grandson of the old commander who had retired from the Second City. His talent in cultivation was extraordinary, and the influence of the old commander made all forces fear him, so they naturally looked up to him.

In addition to Yan Chifeng, there are also some disciples from big forces in the city. Although it is against the rules to enter like this, they will turn a blind eye to the disciples in this city.

Ji Hongjing was too lazy to look at these people. Except for the mysterious trialist who controlled the power of time, no one who entered the Taikoo Dojo was his opponent.

"Well, you should take care of yourself and hone yourselves. Back then, some people had a great opportunity here. Now it is famous in the ancient road. For example, the banished fairy, the great devil, etc. all had profound insights here." The guide took a look. Fairy Qing Shi said not far away.

Ji Hongjing felt that this world was simply the best place for cultivation. His blood was boiling all over his body, his body was like thunder, and thousands of bodies and gods were singing the great road together, integrating into this world.

He walked on foot and saw a lot of precious land for cultivation. It was full of auspiciousness and was very suitable for cultivation. There are also some lakes, colorful and misty, which can be called spiritual lakes, overflowing with energy.

After Ji Hongjing walked in, he closed his eyes and walked forward step by step. He felt the majestic atmosphere with his heart, and there was an endless power surging.

"It's still early, I'm slowly realizing it."

The Tao of time, the Tao of space, the Tao of heaven and earth, the Tao of all things, the Tao of force... many methods and all kinds of Taoism are inherent in it.

Twelve portals were opened, and the trialists entered the Taikoo Dojo. Some of the disciples of the big forces also followed, and neither the guides nor the soldiers stopped them.

Several golden crows streaked across the sky, leaving behind strings of fire. A dragon bird spreads its wings and grabs a mountain range to build a nest, blocking out the sky and the sun, creating a terrifying scene.

Then, the divine door slowly closed.

In this world, many ferocious birds and beasts trembled. Even if there were holy beasts, they would all stay away from him.

This is a vast land, vast and majestic, with many ancient beasts roaring, all of which are ancient alien species that have become extinct in the outside world. I never expected to see them here.

The dazzling divine chain rushed into every acupuncture point in his body, making him look dazzling. He was like an immortal phoenix, reborn from the ashes in the immortal realm.

The mountains and rivers were magnificent, and the spiritual energy was so dense that it could not be dissolved. Ji Hongjing truly felt the preciousness of this dojo. In addition to the ferocious birds and beasts that roamed the heaven and earth, and the ancient medicines everywhere, there was also a lot of spiritual soil.

Ji Hongjing had an impulse to refine the entire world, introduce the Great Dao into his body, turn it into divine fire to temper his body, and transform into an invincible treasure body.

He was not reckless, he comprehended for half a month, introduced the Tao into his body, and collided with his own Tao. The existing body and soul became more powerful, and new bodies and souls were constantly bred out. His cultivation level was improving every moment, but he still couldn't. Suppressed by him, it turned into foundation and settled in the body, waiting until the moment it broke out of the cocoon and turned into a butterfly.

He walked on foot, measured every inch of the land, closed his eyes to comprehend all things in nature, captured the traces of the great road, and exercised his body and mind. Every move made the world and all things resonate, and the laws were endless. The divine chains of order were intertwined and penetrated the mountains and rivers.

These are rare sacred lands.

After entering the dojo, Nan Qin and others separated from him and went to find their own opportunities. Even Shi Jian did the same. Only Xiao Bai followed behind him and immersed himself in a wonderful state with him.

In the past half month, they encountered many fairy treasure places, which were helpful for enlightenment and practice, and they were all occupied by people. These people had no enmity with him, so he did not disturb them. After walking for a few days, they met Baojing and Baoxiang. Baojing was sitting cross-legged in a pool of fairy liquid. The treasure liquid wet the skirt of her clothes. Her graceful jade body was looming, with moving curves. Her cloud hair was smooth and soft, scattered on the snow-white skin. Between the neck.

She is evolving a powerful form of Bodhisattva. She has a thousand hands on her body, all of which are bound with mysterious seals. They are caged together to form a sphere. A phantom of the Buddhist kingdom is manifested in the sphere, with myriads of phenomena. There are three thousand ancient Buddhas meditating in the sky. Sing and shake the earth.

Baoxiang protects her like a raging King Kong. Anyone who dares to get close will be struck by it like a storm, and they won't relax even when they see Ji Hongjing.

"She is so powerful. She has cultivated a Dharma form, and she also wants to open a Buddhist kingdom!" Xiaobai was surprised. He also knew a little about Buddhism, so he naturally knew how difficult it would be to open a Buddhist kingdom.

"It's been a little tough."

Baojing's forehead was dripping with sweat, and the phantom of the Buddhist kingdom was still difficult to solidify. Ji Hongjing pointed at the center of his eyebrows and said the word "Om" to the heavenly sound. The Buddhist mantra was like the sound of the beginning. With a buzz, the chaos separated, and a small world appeared. be opened up.

"Mah, ni, ba, mi, hum!"

The six-character mantra came out simultaneously, and the universe came into being and perished. The heavenly sound of the great avenue passed through Baojing's ears, like an enlightenment. She then recited the six-character mantra, and the Buddha's kingdom suddenly solidified. Three thousand ancient Buddhas were chanting in meditation, and each statue of Buddha was like a saint. Ancient Bodhisattvas, ancient Buddhas, turned into golden figures, surrounding her and rotating around her, mysterious and majestic.


The Buddha's kingdom shrank and turned into a small golden ball that entered the center of his eyebrows. The golden light shone brightly, as if a heavenly eye had been opened, solemnly and solemnly.

"Thank you Taoist friend for teaching you the six-character mantra!" Baojing opened his eyes happily, stood up suddenly, and saluted Ji Hongjing to thank him regardless of his graceful figure that was wet.

Buddhism has lost its six-character mantra for a long time. Even in the Amitabha Star Region, there are only fragments of the sutra. One or two words can cause an uproar, let alone the complete six-character mantra. How can she not be happy?
"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be polite!" Ji Hongjing stepped aside to avoid it.

Bao Jing's pretty face was slightly red, her clothes were steamed, and she regained her solemnity in an instant. There was joy in her appearance. This ripple was nothing and was quickly wiped out.

"Have you ever seen anything special?" Ji Hongjing asked.

Bao Jing said: "There are several forbidden areas that are very dangerous. Most people dare not enter. Especially the mysterious magnetic field is the most terrifying. As long as there are metal weapons, you will be torn apart."

"where is it?"

"It's not far from here. It's really a dangerous place. I've seen some people smash into pieces as soon as they get close, let alone go deep. Taoist friends use immortal gold to forge weapons. It's best not to go."

"I'll take a look."

This is a mottled ancient land, the surroundings are quiet, there are no ancient medicines, no spiritual herbs, not even a single strange beast, and it is lifeless.

Deep in the mountains, there is a huge peak that towers into the clouds, tens of thousands of feet high. There are rays of fairy light rushing up from the base of the mountain, which is an ancient cave.

In front of the mountain range, the white bone powder has accumulated very thickly, making this place a veritable place of death, but the fairy light in the cave is so attractive.

"Fellow Taoist really want to go in?" Baojing was worried.

"Don't worry, I'm sensible."

Ji Hongjing did not rush in immediately, and slowly felt the influence of Yuanci's fairy light on the fairy gold, but it had no effect at all.

"Fairy gold, fairy gold, with the word fairy, how can it be affected by magnetism like ordinary metal?" Ji Hongjing smiled casually, fairy gold is as bright as a gem, it can be called fairy jade or fairy stone, it is not an ordinary metal.

(End of this chapter)

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