Chapter 346 Nirvana
Ji Hongjing and Xiaobai went deep into the Yuanci Ancient Cave, and their bodies were suddenly shrouded in fairy light. They looked extremely mysterious, and their bodies were crystal clear and almost transparent. This was not electromagnetism in the traditional sense, but divine magnetism.

This is an ancient cave that has existed for who knows how many thousands of years. There are endless wisps and streaks of Yuanci fairy light. Ji Hongjing and Xiaobai endured the pain of decomposition of their bodies after going deep into it.

"What a treasure place for body training!"

Ji Hongjing gritted his teeth and insisted. The ancient cave was very deep, and at the end where the fairy light was diffused, there were actually several ancient vines with sparse branches and leaves, but each one was clear and shining, and the fairy light was transpiring.

"It smells so good, there are fruits in a place like this!" Xiaobai shouted, opened his mouth and swallowed one.

"Roar..." The next moment, it was sprayed with magnetic light, almost disintegrating, and its entire body was twitching.

Fortunately, the Qilin pattern lit up and refined the immortal light, otherwise his pure-blood Qilin body would not be able to withstand it.

"It's so powerful. It's the purest Magnetic Immortal Light. It's an original force before the world opened up." Xiaobai felt pain and happiness.

Ji Hongjing also took a piece of fruit. It was not an elixir of immortality, but it was a rare fruit with special magical effects. He trembled all over and received a baptism. His whole body looked like a bright mirror or a divine glass mirror. Brilliant.

It's a pity that this fairy fruit is useless after taking the second one. The ancient vine is dazzling, and there are eight fruits. Each one is no bigger than a fist, and they are all radiant, as if they were carved from ancient heavenly jade.

He was close to becoming a Taoist, and finally a little bit of vitality was born from his origin. He was extremely tough and powerful, causing his precious body to reach nirvana, grow new bones, and restore its fullness to his physical body.

Two divine thoughts flew out of their bodies, and the Magnetic Immortal Light passed through their bodies, but had no effect.

Ji Hongjing's physical body quickly shriveled up, his bones turned into ashes, and his whole body collapsed. All his bodies and spirits were languid, and only his soul shone brightly.

The Holy Emperor God thought: "The fire of ten thousand ways tempers the body, tempers his own avenues, and smelts thousands of avenues into one. After surviving it, his physique begins to evolve into a chaotic body, and his physical body will be greatly strengthened!"

The Immortal Light of Yuanci was the strongest here. He took out the Chaos Stone. The bed of Emperor Wu Shi had long been changed beyond recognition. A groove was opened at the end. Various divine materials were used to form the Immortal Earth in the groove. Each inch of it was The long seedlings are shining with mysterious light, giving birth to the origin of the vast ancient avenue.

"What a great place!" Ji Hongjing praised again, sitting cross-legged on the Chaos Stone, inducing the power of thousands of avenues from the Taikoo Taoist Temple to enter his body, colliding with his own avenues, and the power of Yuan Magnetic ignited the Tao Fire and sacrificed his body.

The Holy Body God nodded, but the danger involved was unimaginable to outsiders.

The seeds of Yuanhuang's gourd cut out by Beidou Tianfang have already sprouted. They were stimulated by the heaven-defying magic taught by Taoist Shencan. The growth rate is dozens of times faster, but it will take many years to grow a gourd that can be used to sacrifice and refine the Ji Dao Emperor's weapons.


"It's so crazy. If you're not careful, you will become a Taoist!"

As soon as the seedling appeared, it absorbed the power of the Taikoo Taoist Temple, and all the magnetic immortal light was absorbed by it. The immortal vine grew a little more, and a young leaf appeared, crystal clear.

All the essence and blood of the white tiger medicine on the body melted away, and streams of essence flowed into various acupoints in the body. Thousands of nearly extinct bodies and spirits passed into nirvana at the same time. Dao fire burned blazingly, illuminating their whole bodies, and the bodies and spirits chanted ancient sutras. , tempering the body in Tao fire.

But these essences were still not enough. The Holy Emperor divine thought flew up a small island in his hand, hanging above Ji Hongjing's head. The fusang sacred tree on the island shook, and thousands of golden divine rays fell down, covering it.

Ji Hongjing was shocked, and the Tao in his body formed into divine shapes such as towers, bells, tripods, furnaces, unicorns, immortal phoenixes, and divine dragons. at.

This state lasted for three full days, and Tao Ze in the Taikoo Dojo was constantly attracted. The Tao fire was burning brightly, and even Xiaobai did not dare to approach him.

"Dong" there was a loud sound in the body, like a big Lu Hong bell, thousands of bodies and gods chanted the Immortal Sutra in unison, and each path merged into the five great realms, rotated in it, and fell into the sea of ​​​​wheels.

In the wheel sea, yin and yang govern all the ways, and the Taiji Tao is bound to form a mysterious seal. Dragons and snakes are entangled, and yin and yang meet. The friction creates chaotic thunder and fire, which strikes everywhere in the body, leaving traces of chaos.

"Boom", "Boom"...

The body seemed to be experiencing the creation of the world again and again, the destruction of the world, the combination of yin and yang and the return to chaos. After entering the realm of saints, all mysteries were revealed, and Ji Hongjing finally took the first step to evolve the chaotic body.

The thunder and fire shattered the physical body bit by bit, and the chaotic paths were imprinted deep into the texture. The recast physical body became more powerful, until the whole body was shattered and recast again. The Yuan Shen and the Taiji Taoist sealed their secrets at the same time, and the chaotic divine thunder transformed into A heavenly dragon rushes into the source and tempers the source.


Ji Hongjing opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. The most dangerous moment had come. Only by surviving the recasting of the origin could he complete the first step of evolution.

The Fuso Sacred Tree sheds more Divine Light, and the Treasure Gourd Vine absorbs the Magnetic Immortal Light and shoots a stream of essence into Ji Hongjing's body. The Immortal Vine has a spirit and gives back to the person who cultivated it at critical moments.


The sound of Taichu's heaven resounded throughout the sky and could be heard throughout the Taikoo Taoist Temple. Trials rushed to the Yuanci Immortal Cave to speculate whether an immortal treasure would be born.

In the Yuanci Ancient Cave, Ji Hongjing calmed down and became very peaceful. His transformation had ended, and there was an immortal code imprinted on his origin, like an ancient dragon of chaos.

He stood up suddenly, his bones cracking, and the magnetic fairy light was absorbed when it hit his body. Arcs of electricity traveled on the surface of his body, like a thunder god.

With a slight clenched fist, the void collapsed. He felt that he could easily break this dojo. This was not an illusion, but that his current physical body did have this strength. The first law of chaos was imprinted in the origin. He didn't even know that he was How powerful!
The number nine is the ultimate. In his imagination, after the origin imprints the nine principles of chaos, it will be fully sublimated. The tenth nirvana will evolve into a perfect chaotic body. Even if there is a great emperor in the world, he can also form the mark of Tianxin. , prove the truth and become emperor!

A loud noise came from outside the cave. After Ji Hongjing picked two strange fruits, he rushed out of the ancient cave with the bright Yuanci Fairy Light.

Outside the cave, Daozhen and Yuyi teamed up to fight against the three saints. Baojing and Baoxiang showed their Dharma appearances, and together with Nanqin stopped the other testers, Shi Jian chased and killed the children of the second city's aristocratic families with a ferocious smile on his face.

"What's going on?" Ji Hongjing raised his hand and pressed down, and a ray of chaotic light suppressed all the testers who took action, making the testers watching from a distance all change their colors.

Even Baojing and the others' expressions changed, and they said with a wry smile: "Fellow Taoist has become much stronger in just a few days!"

"The ancient Taoist temple matches my Tao, it's just a fluke." Ji Hongjing smiled slightly.

"There was a loud noise from the Immortal Cave, which attracted everyone. Everyone thought that there was an Immortal Treasure born in the cave, and they wanted to go in to have a look. We were afraid of disturbing the fellow Taoists' practice, so we blocked them." Baojing looked towards the second city. The disciple of the aristocratic family said, "These people wanted to bombard the Immortal Cave with secret treasures and bury fellow Taoists, but Fellow Taoist Stone smashed the secret treasures and killed some people!"


Shi Jian punched a disciple of a noble family to pieces. The Holy Spirit was almost invincible in the same realm. What's more, Shi Jian replenished his physical body and initially transcended the limitations of heaven and earth. After surviving the tribulation of the saint, he connected to two small realms. Although it was not enough Triggering the divine ban, but also being able to step into the eight forbidden areas, even the ancient saint at the pinnacle of saints has the confidence to defeat him, let alone these pampered family members?

Most of the sons of these aristocratic families were killed by him. Only a few of them had the life-saving means given by their elders and were able to escape, but they never had the desire to compete for supremacy.

Yan Chifeng, with disheveled hair and a crooked golden crown, was hiding in a cave and shivering. His beast mount died to protect him, and he only survived because of the skill of surrogate death. At this moment, he recalled Qing Shi. Among Fairy's batch of trialists, there was one person who made him unable to resist and scared him so much that he never dared to go on the road.

"Not much worse than Di Tian a few years ago!" Yan Chifeng was dejected. Such a powerful Holy Spirit was actually just a slave. How powerful could his master be? Are they overestimating their abilities by making enemies of such a being?
(End of this chapter)

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