Chapter 348 Overlord
The tenth level of the human race is built outside a primitive ancient star. It is not a myth that one can make rapid progress in cultivation here.

And this star is called the place of enlightenment, also known as the star of sanctification. There is no other reason. Many people choose to become saints here and accumulate strength.

"There are the most primitive and powerful laws here. Choose this place to become a saint. Once you break through, you will seize the fortune. The Tao foundation built is extremely solid, laying the strongest foundation for future Taoism."

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many outstanding people have been here, and there is no shortage of ancient emperors. They passed this first ancient star of life on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, and their paths and part of their trajectories were carved by God.

Entering the tenth level of the holy city, it obviously feels larger than the previous nine cities and has more people. This city hangs in space and revolves around the ancient star of life below. It is unknown how many trialists have been stranded in the past few decades.

Due to various reasons, many people stop here and do not take off. It is not that they are not strong, but they have their own purposes.

It is said that Fairy Qingshi stayed here for a chaotic fairy land, and Ditian also stayed here to help her.

The Overlord who arrived here two years later than them often haunts the Holy City. The young Supreme of the Cangtian Overlord bloodline may have found the ruins of the ancient emperor and made great contributions to the human race. The senior officials of the Ancient Road are already discussing to reward him with the Shenguang Ancient Platform.

There are people on the ancient star who are no weaker than the Great Demon God, waiting for the birth of a secret monument. There are also people who are looking for the ancient emperor's legacy, and even more people are digging for heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

There are still people who are looking for the mythical beasts. This place contains great secrets, is extremely terrifying and full of dangers, but there are also many things that make the monks tempted.

Ji Hongjing is most familiar with the mysterious man who is proficient in the art of time. This man has never fallen behind and has kept pace with him. He is extremely talented.

Some people were discussing that a large number of monks were stagnant in the city.

Of course, there are also a few semi-saints here. Their qualifications, combat power, and luck are very strong. They fight bloody battles all the way just to become saints at the tenth level.


"What do you know? This is a manifestation of practicing the Void Sutra to the extreme."

"Decades after the ancient trial road was opened, the people from the Emperor Burial Star have also come here!"

"I heard that they are from the Emperor Burial Star. They come from the lineage of the Void Emperor. They use pure-blooded unicorns as mounts and the Holy Spirit as slaves. Is that true?"

Someone sneered and said: "He killed the Eighteen Cavalrymen of Yanzhou. They were the subordinates of the invincible young Supreme Lord of the Cangtian Overlord Bloodline. The Overlord has long promised to wait for him to fight at this level. If he can pass this level, we can talk about the auction." It won’t be too late.”

Ji Hongjing queued up to enter the city, and the petty Xiao Bai turned into a white beast and was carried away by him. Shi Jian, who heard the discussion, felt that Ji Hongjing was the mount.

On both sides of the avenue, there are medicine shops, weapon pavilions, scripture buildings, etc., as well as various wine shops, teahouses, etc., with people coming and going, making it extremely prosperous and lively.

There are not many familiar people among this batch of trialists who entered the city. Most of them are the previous batches of trialists who are on the road again. Some of them, like Nanqin, stayed to consolidate their realm, and some had to stay because of opportunities. It is not that they are not strong enough. Among them are Several people embarked on the ancient path decades ago, and after receiving the opportunity, they have cultivated to the peak state of saints and are extremely powerful.

"Yes, this is a fierce man. He killed more than a dozen saints in the first city. There are rumors that he shot and killed a law enforcer in the second city. He fought bloody battles and destroyed several ancient people in the first nine levels. family!"

After getting along with him for so long, he also got some details about this person. This person has practiced the complete Emperor's Scripture and has complete forbidden secret techniques. The most important thing is that this person has used the complete Xingzi Secret!
"Is it going to be a restricted area?" Ji Hongjing had some guesses, but this information alone could not determine the identity of this person. The mysterious man spoke very little, and he only nodded his head, and he didn't even know his name until now.

"A new batch of trialists have arrived. Are the people holding the Source of Tao auction here?" There were many people on the street, all looking at the monks entering the city.

When it was Ji Hongjing's turn to enter the city, everyone's eyes were fixed on it. They all wanted to know who he was who dared to shoot the law enforcer. This was something that no one had dared to do in tens of thousands of years!
"It looks ordinary, not as ferocious as the legend says!" someone said disappointedly.

The onlookers were talking a lot, and many people conveyed news to the depths of the ancient road. The person who owned the source of Tao had arrived, and the auction was about to begin.

Outside the tenth city of the human race, the sky collapsed, and a black shadow like a god and demon stood in the sky. Then a jar-shaped magic weapon was opened, and a purple unicorn rushed out from it, and a terrifying aura filled the sky.

This star field became majestic and rumbled.

If you look closely, you will see that this purple creature is very different from ordinary Qilin beasts. The scales all over its body are crystal clear, without any flaws, and it is so powerful that it makes people tremble. With his pure blood and deep cultivation, he can be called the king among beasts and the future supreme among beasts.

The Overlord was sitting on the purple unicorn, holding a bloody spear, like a demon god from the region, exuding overwhelming power, looking down at the gate of the tenth city.

"Ji Hongjing, come and die!"

The words rumbled, and the space outside the tenth city of the human race shook violently, as if it was about to collapse, and the surrounding star field was turbulent and trembling!

"Overlord, fighting is not allowed in the Holy City of Human Race. Do you want to resist the law?" the commander on the city tower scolded.

"He hasn't entered the city yet. Why don't we fight in the starry sky?" Ji Hongjing, who was pointing his spear directly at the city gate, said contemptuously, "Do you dare to fight?"

The Overlord immediately raised his spear, like a god and demon descending from heaven. He was wearing armor, and his head and feet were covered in black metal divine clothing. His whole body was shrouded, mysterious and full of oppression.

In his hand, he held an ancient war spear that was as red as blood, exuding a monstrous killing intent, as if he had drank the blood of hundreds of millions of creatures, and the cold breath made even saints tremble.

In the tenth city of the human race, many powerful monks felt the power and chill, and their whole bodies became cold, almost trembling.

"How strong is the Overlord? I'm afraid no one knows!"

His fighting power is hard to fathom. For so many years, no one has ever been able to force him to attack with all his strength. He is like an invincible god, and his reputation weighs heavily on people's hearts.

Many people think that only Ditian and Fairy Qingshi can fight with them in the Tenth City, but they have not fought against each other in these years, which is regrettable.

A man and a horse stood there, and when the roar came out, the starry sky was trembling, the peerless murderous intention was cold and biting, and the murderous intention was unlimited!
Many people were trembling and retreating involuntarily. They couldn't believe it. They were so far apart and couldn't bear the Overlord's murderous intention.

In a fairy forest in the holy city, the maid Ling'er looked up at Overlord and said, "Miss, does Overlord take action now to cut off the source of Hu Dao?"

"Do you think Ji Hongjing can't win?" Fairy Qingshi asked.

"Based on the news from previous levels over the years, Mr. Ji is also an invincible. But after all, Overlord came to the ancient road of trial five years before Mr. Ji, so he should be stronger."

Fairy Qingshi shook her head and said: "Five years is long or short, it's nothing."

"We are both geniuses, so it's hard to catch up if we move faster, right?"

"We'll find out in the first battle."

The tenth city has a special location, so there are two layers of formations, both of which are at the level of the Great Sage. Ordinary people cannot get out. Ji Hongjing stepped onto the teleportation formation outside the tenth city. The guard turned to look at the commander, and when he nodded, he teleported to space. among.


He walked through the air, walking towards the Overlord step by step, to face the Heavenly Tyrant Blood. His killing intent froze the space around him, and this star field seemed to be frozen. Although the monks in the Tenth City had two levels of Great Sage level Protected by the formation, I also felt a chill coming from my heart, like falling into an ice cave.

"What's wrong with Fellow Daoist Ji? You have such a strong murderous intention?"

Some of the trialists who were with Ji Hongjing were puzzled. In the past two years, they had gotten to know Ji Hongjing. Most of the time, he was charming and generous. He had never seen such a murderous intention in a battle at the same level.

They looked at Shi Jian and saw him saying calmly: "Today is the young master's birthday. He was originally very happy."

"Uh..." Everyone was speechless, the Overlord really knows how to choose the right time!
(End of this chapter)

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