The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 349 Battle Overlord Body

Chapter 349 Battle Overlord Body (Additional update! Please vote!)

The tenth city of the human race is located outside the sky of an ancient star of life. It is like a satellite, majestic and tall. The city walls are covered with ax marks and arrow holes, and there are also claw marks left by ancient ferocious beasts, like a living... History tells the story of the past.

The ancient city was boiling. The Overlord was fighting outside the city with Ji Hongjing, who had just arrived. Both of them were invincible among their group of testers. Who was better?
"The Cang Tian Ba's blood is unmatched, and the Ba Wang is five years earlier than Ji Hongjing, so he must be stronger."

"That's right, who can defeat the Overlord Physique? Legend has it that the Dacheng Holy Physique was also killed by the Dacheng Overlord Physique. This is a physique that can rival the Great Emperor. Can Ji Hongjing be stronger than the Holy Physique?"

"Ba Ti is invincible. In the tenth level, he found the Tianzun ruins from the Mythical Age, learned invincible ancient arts, and inherited the blood of Cangtian Ba. Who can beat him? Even Emperor Tian and Ban Fairy are not as good as him. "There was a woman who knew a lot and looked at Ba Ti with admiration.

In a garden in the city, Fairy Qingshi looked at an old man and said, "Senior, won't you stop them?"

The old man sighed: "Ji Hongjing killed too many children of the ancient family along the way. Even if I am the envoy of the tenth city, I can't stop the small actions of so many families. I can only warn the families in the first nine levels. After this time, the former The hatred is gone."

"Would the families related to the Ji family on the ancient road allow these families to take action secretly?"

A stalwart man suddenly appeared in the forest, and the maid Ling'er shouted in surprise: "Master Ditian!"

Di Tian smiled and nodded to the little maid. The little maid smiled happily, her eyes wandering between Fairy Qingshi and him, looking at him as if she were an uncle.

"Okay!" Xiaobai kicked him away, and Zi Qilin raised his leg to catch it hard. As a result, one leg was broken by the kick and he rolled away towards the depths of the universe.

"Buried Emperor Star?" Di Tian was curious.

The guide shook his head and said: "Don't worry, the older generation will not take action when peers are fighting. The Great Sage of Yaochi did not pursue the secret actions of the ancient family in the former nine cities after learning about it. He only warned the guide guide and law enforcers of Gulu to be careful. Strictly abide by the laws and do not engage in malpractice for personal gain or harm the talented."

Di Tian and the Banished Fairy looked at each other and asked curiously: "Can I ask which senior it is? Isn't he afraid that Ji Hongjing will lose to the Overlord? Or does it mean that this great sage has a grudge against the Ji family?"

Fairy Qingshi asked curiously: "Senior, you can find out the news about the Emperor Burial Star from the mouth of the Great Sage. Can you tell us about it?"

"I have found out a little bit, but not much. If you want to know more about the Emperor Burial Star, you might as well ask Ji Hongjing. His identity is not ordinary. He is not an ordinary member of the Imperial Clan."

The people in the garden were even more curious about Ji Hongjing. They looked towards the sky. The little white beast in Ji Hongjing's arms suddenly grew in size and turned into a tall and majestic unicorn. The terrifying coercion made both Di Tian and the banished fairy look solemn. Although they had heard about it for a long time, There was no news about this pure-blooded unicorn, but it was only when we saw it that we realized how powerful it was.

"Okay, just leave it to me." Fairy Banished nodded.

Zi Qilin couldn't help but retreat when he felt Xiaobai's superior aura. If it hadn't been for its advanced cultivation and had been in the ninth level of Immortal Four for many years, it would have fallen to its knees long ago.

"Hiss, the purple unicorn at the peak of the holy realm actually fell into a disadvantage in the first round. The white unicorn is indeed a pure-blooded unicorn and must have set foot in the Eight Forbidden Realms!"

The envoy nodded and said: "There is a great sage from Beidou who came to the ancient road to do business. After learning about this, he left it alone and wanted to experience Ji Hongjing."

The receptionist smiled and said: "It seems that I have to inform the higher-ups to prepare another Shenguang Ancient Platform."

He was happy to see the prosperity of the human race and took good care of Tianjiao. He did not have the airs of a peak saint king at all. He said to Di Tian: "The family related to the Ji family originally wanted to take action, but the people from Beidou stopped the matter."

"How is the matter?" The Banished Fairy asked him to sit down, pour him some tea.

"Xiao Bai, go and deal with that beast." Ji Hongjing said coldly.

"That senior is from Yaochi. Not only does he have no enmity with the Ji family, but he is also very close." The guide said, "The senior was just passing by and came to the ancient road to take a look at Ji Hongjing. I asked carefully and learned that Ji Hongjing's My mother is a disciple of the current Queen Mother of Yaochi, so he can be considered as half a disciple of Yaochi.”

"With the Great Sage protecting the road, who would dare to offend Ji Hongjing on the ancient road?" Ling'er said in surprise.

The Overlord's expression changed. His mount was timid before the battle and could no longer be used. He had to jump off the purple unicorn and fight alone.

"The location of the Chaos Immortal Land has been determined. It is behind a trial field, but I can't enter. You have to break through the trial field alone and enter the Immortal Land." Di Tian replied.

"No matter how pure the purple unicorn's bloodline is, it is not a real unicorn after all. How can it compare to a pure-blooded unicorn?"

"Is this the only pure-blooded unicorn in the world?"

Someone among Ji Hongjing's batch of trialists shook his head and said, "No, Fellow Daoist Ji once said that Beidou has the blood of the ancient Qilin Emperor and is extremely powerful!" "Boom"

The white unicorn stepped on the auspicious clouds to catch up with the purple unicorn, and kicked it away again. The purple unicorn did not dare to catch it, so it rolled in the starry sky and turned into a ten thousand-foot-long unicorn, and fled away into the distance.

"Don't run!" Xiaobai yelled. As he ran, he suddenly grew bigger, no smaller than the purple unicorn. He caught up with the purple unicorn in two steps. The unicorn stepped on the sky and suppressed the eternity.


The purple unicorn roared, and the purple holy flame soared into the sky, posing no threat to Xiaobai. Xiaobai stepped on his back, and his spine almost broke, and he crashed into a withered star.

"Hun Zhan, hurry up and help me deal with my opponent." Zi Qilin shouted in pain.

"Okay!" Overlord looked stern and raised his fist to attack Ji Hongjing, his blood boiling, but it couldn't work.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the purple unicorn ran away in the starry sky. Xiaobai stepped on the mysterious footwork. It looked like he was strolling in the garden, but in the blink of an eye he caught up with the purple unicorn and kicked it on the head.

"Although there is bloodline suppression, White Qilin is six small realms behind Purple Qilin, yet he actually won so easily." In the tenth city, the faces of the top geniuses were solemn, and Xiaobai's combat power was far beyond their expectations.

Di Tian solemnly said: "His footwork is a supreme divine skill."

The banished fairy opened her red lips slightly and said: "The lines on the body are not afraid of the Qilin Divine Flame at the peak of the saint. It should also be a supreme divine skill, and his physical body is too powerful!"

The maid Ling'er didn't have enough vision, so she heard this and asked: "Miss, how powerful is Bai Qilin?"

"If I fight with him, I may not be able to win!"

The words of the banished fairy made Ling'er's eyes widen and he murmured: "How could such a powerful pure-blooded unicorn be willing to be a human mount?"

"It's not a mount." The envoy said, "Who wouldn't be tempted by a pure-blooded unicorn? Even the great sage is not exempt from vulgarity. The human protector who accompanied the great sage of Yaochi asked that the white unicorn was cut out of the divine source by Ji Hongjing. , they have a close relationship since they were young, and they are brothers as well as father and son. Moreover, Ji Hongjing has a close relationship with Qilinya. It is widely rumored in Beidou that he is a disciple of the ancient Qilin emperor, which is acknowledged by the great sage of the Qilin tribe. "

"How is it possible that Ancient Emperor Qilin is still alive?" Di Tian and others were shocked.

The guide smiled bitterly and said: "It has been millions of years, who would have thought that the ancient emperor is still alive? We didn't want to believe it when we first heard it, but the great sage Yaochi said this is absolutely true. Beidou has seven lives. The restricted area is the place where the ancient emperor was sealed. There are also great emperors in the human race, and there are people like living fossils on the ancient road who know these secrets, so it’s okay for you, the younger generation, to compete, and no one from the older generation dares to take Bai Qilin’s idea. "

"I will definitely go and see the Emperor Burial Star!" Di Tian said.


There was a loud noise from the sky. Ji Hongjing and Overlord were fighting. Overlord roared like a wild beast, with a fierce light in his eyes. He waved the domineering fist created by the Cangtian Baxue lineage that combined the skills of the Gods, Holy Spirits, Tianzun, etc., and went crazy. Attack and kill Ji Hongjing.

Ji Hongjing opened and closed, and launched the Six Paths of Samsara Fist. He moved forward indomitably, and his fists saw blood. He waved them one after another, as if he was turning the six ancient universes to open up reincarnation.

"How do you know the unique skills of the Holy Body?" Overlord roared, and the purple fist shattered the heaven and earth with every blow, penetrating Ji Hongjing's body several times.


Ji Hongjing smashed his armor with one punch, penetrated the Overlord, and almost smashed his body. He was bleeding profusely and said coldly: "What's so strange about this? I also have a Dacheng Holy Body Master."

"Impossible!" Ba Ti shouted, becoming even more ferocious. With his unparalleled fists and unparalleled magical skills, all of which are lost methods, he actually tore off a piece of flesh and blood from Ji Hongjing's body and swallowed it directly. The corners of his mouth were dripping with blood, which made people shiver. Standing vertically, his whole body is cold, this is a wild god and demon!

"Everyone in the Dacheng Holy Body has died a long time ago. How can I be your master?"

Ji Hongjing was too lazy to answer, and the Six Paths of Samsara Fist became even more fierce, breaking half of the Overlord's body with one punch.

"Well done, kid. Defeat him with the Six Paths of Samsara Fist. I'll teach you the secret technique of the Holy Body lineage!" the Holy Body God read through the message.

Ji Hongjing's eyes lit up, and the six reincarnation fists became more urgent and fierce, beating the overlord back steadily.

(End of this chapter)

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