The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 351: Thoughts of Gods

Chapter 351: Thoughts of Gods (more updates!)
In the starry sky outside the tenth city, the Overlord was kicked away, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere. People did not expect that the young Supreme of the Cangtian Overlord bloodline would always be at a disadvantage.

"I'm immortal, you can't defeat me!" The Overlord roared, looking like a madman. He worked secretly, recovered all his injuries again, and came to kill with a bloody spear.

The blood-colored veins flowed, looming, and bursts of phoenix chirping came from the war spear, which was clear and deafening, making people's souls throb.

Phoenix blood red gold!

Everyone was stunned. This ancient spear contained part of the red gold of phoenix blood, which was mixed with other divine materials and became a shocking weapon. It had been ignored by people before, but now it was awakened and became extremely powerful.

At the same time, a big purple bell vibrated leisurely, hanging on the Overlord's head, which was even more mysterious. It dropped bursts of purple gold fairy energy, which was definitely made of divine materials.

Ji Hongjing used his martial arts eyes to the extreme, looked at the two treasures, and sighed: "I thought I could cast another fairy lantern, but in the end I just spent this much fairy gold?"

There was very little phoenix-blood red gold in the bloody spear. Even with the red gold in his hand, it was not enough to make a magic lamp. He was very disappointed and looked at the Overlord with even colder eyes.

"Is this the only level you have?" The dragon-patterned black gold lamp turned into a long sword to block the spear, and the eternal blue gold lamp suppressed the purple bell. Ji Hongjing's aura suddenly surged, and he launched a monument-throwing hand, like a sky-reaching dragon monument suppressing it. And down.

Overlord's body seemed to be pressed by an ancient sacred mountain. The dragon monument bent his waist and bent his knees. His thighs burst and purple blood spurted out. He yelled at the top of his lungs and fought hard to prevent his legs from falling to the ground.

"He just fell into the Eight Forbidden Realm." Fairy Qingshi murmured.


"Stop!" Overlord was anxious, Zi's blood was boiling, and he once again entered the Eight Forbidden Realm, stopped Xiao Bai, and rescued Zi Qilin.

Overlord exudes a terrifying aura that overwhelms the nine heavens, like a galaxy rotating, filled with the most powerful fluctuations of his divine energy, and radiating blazing purple light all over his body.

A dragon roar shook the heavens, and a pair of terrifying dragon horns appeared between his thick hair. The peerless dragon power was so majestic that the vast starry sky was filled with a sense of oppression.
These are all his divine forms, and now they are condensed into one body, showing the terrifying aspect of the Cangtian Tyrant Bloodline, the strongest one in one.

"Fight in my strongest state, build my way, show my magical powers, and I will be the only one in the world!"


The Overlord roared, this was his fighting spirit and his unyielding will. The immortal power swept through him, making his whole body dazzling, repairing his injured body and reaching its best condition.

"What happened? Why does the Overlord seem to be defeated all of a sudden?" The people watching the battle were puzzled, and only a few geniuses understood it.

With a click, a pair of golden Kunpeng wings grew from his back, cutting across the Nine Heavens!
"When..." The bell wave spread, deafening, and a purple villain stepped out of his forehead, turning into a purple divine bell as big as a fist!

Ji Hongjing looked at Overlord, extremely disappointed: "Not to mention the divine ban, you can't even maintain the eight bans?"

He was unwilling to give up and was full of anger. He did not want to sink into it. He wanted to defeat his opponent at his best and wash away his shame.

It seems that such a genius, not to mention staying in the eight forbidden areas, has no problem sustaining a whole battle. The overlord's fall from the eight forbidden areas is enough to show the great pressure Ji Hongjing puts on him!

Overlord was kicked away by Xiao Bai, half of his body was broken into pieces, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere.

It's not that the Overlord is not strong, it's that he has seen all the geniuses. Not to mention the emperor's son and the children of the ancient emperor, among his three juniors, Yin Tiande, Zhong Huang, Nan Yao, Yaoguang Holy Son and others, which one is not stronger than the Overlord in the same realm?
Ye Fanxian Er can trigger the Divine Forbidden Body, but the Overlord is already in the sixth level of the Saint. After a hard battle, he can't even touch the edge of the Divine Forbidden Body. He can't help but wonder whether the Overlord Body can really be as famous as the Holy Body?
Until now, the Overlord has put little pressure on him, and he has not used the Taiji Taoist Master or the newly cultivated Chaos Taoism.

He opened a jar, put it away despite Zi Qilin's objection, and then attacked Ji Hongjing again and again, only to be beaten away again and again. He was tireless and regardless of life and death. Everyone understood that the invincible overlord was defeated!
A ball of divine fire appeared in the starry sky. The Overlord was covered in blood and his hair was disheveled. The word "Zhe" was running on its own, burning all over his body, repairing the injured body with divine essence and blood.

The purple unicorn smashed against a star, and Xiaobai leisurely swung it away. The sacred beast that had watched the Overlord grow up only had one breath left.

There are nine major divine forms in the Baxue lineage. As their cultivation level increases, they continue to manifest themselves, such as Kunpeng divine form, Great Bell Dao body, True Dragon Dharmakaya, Divine Phoenix Tianyu...

These gods have different postures, some are legendary fairy beasts, some are the most powerful weapons in the world, and some are direct manifestations of Taoism.

Overlord has already cultivated three divine forms, and now they are all combined, integrating their advantages into one, and showing them, raising his fighting posture to the ultimate peak!
Everyone gasped, it was difficult for ordinary people to achieve a divine form in their lifetime of hard work. This was an extremely difficult process, and it was very difficult to obtain the Taoist fruits. Only the most talented person could not achieve it. But the Overlord has cultivated three divine forms, and will be able to reach nine in the future, and will eventually be smelted into one, which is really terrifying to the extreme.

Don't call it a battle at this time, the aura alone is intimidating. The Overlord's whole body is surging with purple light, like a burning god, releasing immortal power.

This kind of overwhelming fluctuation makes all the saints tremble. He has combined the strongest characteristics of the three divine forms into one, reaching the current extreme state of this field. He can definitely despise other heroes in this state and look down on the vast universe. .

As a young supreme of the Cangtian Tyrant bloodline, it is not unreasonable to be able to dominate the ancient path of the human race and become one of the invincibles. Once such a fighting stance comes out, who can compete with him?

Although the Great Demon God, Human King, Goddess, Emperor Tian, ​​etc. have never really fought with him and are all afraid of each other, it is conceivable that it is difficult for anyone to match the strongest fighting posture of Ba Ti!

Today, he was forced to this step by Ji Hongjing. This was his biggest trump card and back-up, but he had to show it in front of the world.

And it's not over yet. The Overlord burns purple blood and grows divine phoenix feathers on his body. This is a divine form that he cannot cultivate in his current state. He is forced into a desperate situation and has to fight for his life.


The Overlord roared loudly and attacked forward, his peerless fighting spirit raging across the star field. He was truly the only one to dominate, terrifying to the heavens!
Behind it, a pair of Kunpeng wings spread out, dominating the world, as if crushing three thousand realms; and between its eyebrows, the bell turned into a purple villain kept shaking, spreading out ripples of divine thoughts that would kill everything, specifically killing The human spirit; the true dragon horn also splits the heaven and the earth, shocking people's hearts; the divine phoenix feather is like a heavenly sword, cutting into pieces the sky.

Everyone was shocked. Ba Ti had not yet been defeated. At the last moment, he showed his biggest trump card and fought back!
Ji Hongjing was moved. Cang Tian Ba ​​Xue was indeed one of the strongest physiques in the human race. The Ba Wang's current state instantly became several times stronger!
"This looks good, but it's a pity that I haven't set foot in the forbidden realm!"

In the wheel sea, Taiji Taoist Master chants sutras, the Five Emperors canopy unfolds, and all laws are invulnerable. The world-grinding disk suppresses it, and time and space freezes. The six-path reincarnation fist is sacrificed with his right hand, and a wisp of the true meaning of the Tao of Chaos is attached to the fist. Ji Hongjing uses the divine ban The strongest attack under.

Ba Ti stopped in front of him. His fist was only an inch away from Ji Hongjing's head, but this inch was an insurmountable gap!
The Five Emperors Canopy consumes all the principles within the Five Elements, and most of the Tao of the Overlord is eliminated. Only one of the powers of the Overlord Fist can remain.

Six reincarnation punches hit him, the law of chaos broke out, Kunpeng broke its wings, the divine bell disintegrated, the dragon's horns broke, the Overlord was torn apart, and his body continued to collapse!

A secret weapon was automatically activated, retreating with the broken Overlord, and the divine chains of order wrapped around the Overlord and repaired it.

"A life-saving secret weapon at the level of a great sage." Ji Hongjing narrowed his eyes slightly. It is indeed difficult to kill people with a background.

The Overlord couldn't believe it. The divine form that the Overlord lineage was proud of was actually cracked. It was so easy and freehand. This was driven by the power of his burning blood!

"Impossible, I am invincible!" Purple blood rose into the sky, and the Overlord rushed towards Ji Hongjing again, smashing the void with his fist.


A slap shocked everyone, the invincible overlord was slapped away, all the white teeth in his mouth were knocked out, purple blood spilled, and half of Lao Gao's face was swollen.

"Killing can only be done with a nod. In the past, Fellow Daoist Ji never humiliated others. Is it because the overlord has ruined his interest today?" At the gate of the city, a group of trialists with Ji Hongjing thought that today was his birthday and couldn't help but say.

The onlookers should remember this day and don’t mess with Ji Hongjing at this time in the future!

"You make me angry!" The young Supreme Being of Cangtian Tyrant Bloodline was cold and the Runner's Secret Secretary recovered from his swollen face, but still felt burning pain and extremely humiliated.

"So what?" Ji Hongjing stood in the starry sky with a calm cloud, like a god transcending nine heavens, with his whole body blooming with treasure.

"I'm going to kill you!" Overlord said in a sinister voice. A terrifying aura filled the air, and a black figure appeared in front of him. The demonic aura was overwhelming and frightened the six realms!

All the heroes in the starry sky were frightened and chilled. It felt like the most terrifying and evil god and demon came from the mythical age and appeared in this world.

"God's thoughts!" Ji Hongjing's eyes shot out two bright rays of light, like two lightning flashes across the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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