The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 352 Taiyin Holy Emperor

Chapter 352 Taiyin Holy Emperor
At the tenth level, all the heroes trembled!
Everyone's hair stood on end. Gods' thoughts were so rare that they had not been seen many times in all eternity. Moreover, they were all terrifying existences that were difficult to deal with.

This black shadow was very blurry, and he was wearing a black cloak that covered his whole body. He seemed to have come from the mythical age, with a vicissitude of life and a sense of evil that defied the heavens.

According to legend, the thoughts of gods are the evil thoughts generated by the gods in the nine heavens after their death. They are in opposition to the most holy gods in life. They have the most terrifying demonic nature and make people fearful.

No one thought that the Overlord carried a god's mind, and this god's mind was very powerful and could be called the most evil. It exuded a disgusting aura and had black lights surrounding his body, like a halo of death.

When he appeared, the stars trembled!

A powerful yin energy swept across the sky, like the sharpest and brightest knife scraping across people's bodies. Many people fell with cold hair and their bodies hurt.

Powerful fluctuations spread, and Zhu Xiong felt depressed!
"This... is the idea of ​​gods produced in the ancient times. It is not in recent times, and it is far away from the ancient times, otherwise it would not have such strength." An old man said.

The ancient emperors or emperors who made great contributions to the people of the world will be remembered by people after their death. The power of faith in all living beings can help them cast evil thoughts.

This is the fundamental reason for the birth of divine thoughts!

In a sense, the emperor who is talked about the most by all living beings must be the most powerful once he is born.

Not to mention trying it on others is even more unbelievable. According to legend, Emperor Amitabha once built a blood pagoda to study ancient gods and demons.

Whether it is the mythical age or now, there are people who are pursuing immortality and hoping to become immortals. Emperor Amitabha and Emperor Yuhua in the Middle Ages all made terrible attempts, and they were masters of this method.

An old man changed his color, thought of some possibility, and said in a trembling voice: "Is it the result of the attempts of those supremes!?"

The young Supreme of Cangtian Ba's bloodline was covered in blood, his hair was standing on end, his eyes were wide open, purple light penetrated the void, he was unwilling to the extreme, this battle was really frustrating!
"Awaken the Taiyin Emperor!" He offered an ancient altar, with avenue lines one after another, filled with the power of Taiyin, and the aura of a peerless supreme being.

Not every ancient emperor will be born with the idea of ​​gods. Unless the obsession before death is too deep and there are various complicated causes and effects, under normal circumstances, such creatures will not appear at all.

What kind of eyes are those? Ruthless, cold, and full of the chill of death, it is like the arrival of a demon from the dark ages, reappearing in this vast universe, making people feel a kind of despair.

"Kill him!" Ba Ti yelled, and Shen Nian stood beside him. Although there were endless stars, the place where he stood was dim and blurry. At this moment, he turned around and looked at Ji Hongjing.

"Hasn't the Divine Thought of the Taiyin Holy Emperor been born a long time ago? It should have been lost in the years. How could it exist to this day and still be so powerful?!" The banished fairy couldn't believe it.

Di Tian stared at the altar made of blood soul stone, his expression changed, and he said: "Maybe it has something to do with the blood soul stone. It looks like an ancient pagoda, a Buddhist pagoda, and reunites the rays of the Taiyin God's thoughts!"

"There is something special about this god's mind. We cannot judge its age based on common sense. Its strength is weird and difficult to judge!" An old voice came out in the tenth level.

He let out a low roar, which suddenly shook the vast universe violently. The violent aura flowed, and everyone in the starry sky was chilled from head to toe.

"It's him, the divine thought of the Taiyin Holy Emperor..." Ditian and Fairy Qingshi suddenly stood up and looked at each other. They had received part of the inheritance of the Taiyin Immortal Sutra in the tenth level and had some understanding of the Holy Emperor.

The leader of the tenth level had a solemn look on his face. He left the garden in a flash and appeared in the sky, ready to deal with this evil existence at any time.

The god's thoughts were moved, and his low roar and yin energy surged into the sky, which actually directly dispersed the bright brilliance of the sun, moon and stars, turning them dim.

To this end, they conducted many experiments. In order to be immortal and to last forever in the world, these supreme beings paid unimaginable prices.

The place where Ji Hongjing is located is extremely strong and yang, resisting the yin energy of the gods.

This god Nian cannot be said to be the most powerful, but he is far superior to the Overlord, and cannot even compare with the average saint king. Therefore, some older people infer that he is the supreme evil Nian from the ancient times.

If he has passed away for too long and is forgotten by all living beings, then there will be fewer people talking about him. Even if the idea of ​​a god is born under special conditions, it is not insurmountable.

Everyone was shocked, their bodies were all chilled, and their hairs were trembling, as if steel needles were being stabbed into their bodies, the stinging pain was unbearable. It was the invasion of the Yin, which could freeze and crack a person's soul bone.

In an instant, murderous intent swept across the universe, and the universe seemed to be darkened all of a sudden. All the stars were covered by that evil thought. It was like a demon king came across the realm and dominated everything here.

"This blood altar is a pagoda built by Emperor Amitabha. It uses secret methods to continue the Taiyin Emperor's divine thoughts. Watching the evil thoughts of the Human Emperor persist, you can gain a glimpse of the secret of immortality." An old man told a secret from that year.

This divine thought full of evil intentions is just a patchwork, not as good as the real Taiyin divine thought. Only the saint king has the cultivation level, but it is not something Ji Hongjing can deal with.

But the Overlord didn't see a trace of fear on his face, but instead saw a look of joy. "What tricks is he trying to get up to?" The Overlord was puzzled and urged the gods to take action. With overwhelming evil thoughts, he grabbed Ji Hongjing.

Ji Hongjing was extremely calm and communicated with the Sun God: "Senior, please take action. The Taiyin God's thoughts cannot be missed."

"Okay!" The sun god nodded, raised his one-armed hand, and the fusang tree trembled. A gap opened in the ancient coffin in the sun temple. The stone tower in the hall shook slightly, and a wisp of the power of the extreme flew out and wrapped around it. On one arm.

To be on the safe side, the Sun God's Thought used the Sun God Tower. Ji Hongjing's abdomen suddenly lit up with golden light, which was more dazzling than the sun. The extreme divine power suppressed the eternity, sealed the heaven and earth, and imprisoned the Taiyin God's Thought.

This power was so strong that it could not resist the Taiyin God's thoughts. It couldn't help roaring, and all the evil energy in the body was evaporated, and it was about to die.

Ji Hongjing's purpose was not to kill the gods. He sat cross-legged and recited the Sutra of Savior to awaken the Taiyin Holy Emperor's consciousness.

"The accumulated yang becomes the spirit, and there is form within the spirit. The form is born from the sun, and the sun is born from the moon. The accumulated yin forms the form, and there is spirit within the form..."

The sound of chanting resounded in the starry sky. Ji Hongjing sat cross-legged in the Yang Qi and recited the sutra, which spread throughout the star field. The Taiyin God was suddenly shocked and confused, as if he had been greatly touched.

The sun's domain shrunk, wrapping Ji Hongjing and God Nian like a small golden sun. Their figures could not be seen from the outside world. It was too dazzling there, more dazzling than the sun in the tenth level.

"Go quickly!" Someone secretly sent a message to the Overlord. Seeing the Overlord struggling, the person urged: "While Ji Hongjing is suppressing the Taiyin God Nian, you should run away quickly. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

The Overlord didn't want to run away, so he stared at the little golden sun and said fiercely: "Can't even the gods kill him?"

"He has the power of the extreme. It is probably a life-saving measure given by the Ji family. The gods cannot kill him!"

"Your divine form hasn't been completed yet. It won't be too late to fight him until the divine form is completed. At that time, the Heavenly Overlord will be invincible!" The overlord still stared at Ji Hongjing, and the man in the dark imprisoned him directly. , leading him to disappear into the depths of the universe.

"After reciting ten times, the heavens will sing in the distance, the emperors will perform rituals, the rivers and seas will be silent, and the mountains will hide in the clouds..."

This is the complete ancient scripture that saves people. It is the complete version that Ji Hongjing obtained on earth. This is a supreme scripture specially created to deal with the thoughts of gods and Yin spirits. It has magical effects.

Most people think that it is of little use and is not an immortal scripture, nor even a saint's scripture. However, with the teachings of Laozi, Shennong and others, Ji Hongjing has long understood some of its profound meanings.

The perfect scripture of saving people captures the wonder of heaven and earth. The heavens are singing in the distance, and all the emperors are celebrating. Behind Ji Hongjing, there are dense shadows of gods and demons everywhere, and all living beings also appear, singing and singing after him. Shake the starry sky.

The Taiyin Emperor's divine thoughts had long been peaceful and motionless, and he left the blood altar. Wisps of black light overflowed from his body, and the gray mist was evaporated cleanly.

He kept blurring until he was about to disappear.

Ji Hongjing quickly stopped chanting. He understood what was going to happen next, so he used the five-color divine mind ball to convey his future plans to the Taiyin God.

"Why do you always have to kill the Divine Mind as soon as you wake up?" He was puzzled. The Martian Holy Body was like this, and the Taiyin Holy Emperor was like this. If you slowed down a little, the Taiyin Divine Mind would be dead!

The thought of the gods no longer disappeared, and then, a huge supreme aura penetrated the past, present, and future, and burst out in an instant!

A majestic body appears, looking down at the world, taking its place, flowing with the power of eternity.

Under the entire starry sky, all the saints trembled and knelt down, including the great saint on the tenth level of the ancient star of life, who also kowtowed.

This is not independent at all, it is a kind of surrender and worship derived from the soul.

The Human Emperor reappears!

After an eternity, the Taiyin Holy Emperor's evil thoughts were purified by Ji Hongjing. He never expected that the true spiritual will would revive in an instant and manifest in the human world.

He cannot live forever, but this invincible posture, even for one breath, is enough to shock the past, present and future.

"On the road to becoming an immortal, something unexpected happens, and I have regrets and obsessions..." Although it was a soft sigh, it spread throughout the starry sky at once, making everyone tremble, their souls resonate, and they kowtow in worship.

(End of this chapter)

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