The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 353 The Holy Emperor comes to Beidou

Chapter 353 The Holy Emperor comes to Beidou

The Human Emperor revives and reappears in the world!
Its shape is tall and its sound is majestic, shocking the world. The heavens are shaking, the souls of all living beings are resonating, and the stars in the sky seem to be falling.

This is a kind of power that shocks the past and the present. The human emperor is majestic and stands naturally, with black hair shawl and eternal loneliness in his eyes.

All the saints knelt down. This was an irresistible aura of majesty, like ants facing the bright moon and facing the gods, with a kind of natural awe.

While everyone was kowtowing, their hearts were surging, and their emotions were like a turbulent wave. It was difficult to calm down. They simply couldn't believe that they could actually face the Human Emperor!

This is a figure from ancient times, and the entire universe and starry sky has his legend. He is so ancient and unparalleled that he created the glory of the human race.

The meaning of his scriptures expounds the most original secrets of heaven and earth. It is still the most famous mother scripture of the human race, and has been used as a reference by future emperors.

Especially his fighting power, which truly amazes gods and weeps immortals. He is invincible and lonely for all eternity. He has fought in nine heavens and ten earths without any opponent, and is alone on the road to becoming an immortal.

"Greetings to the Human Emperor!" No one spoke first, everyone in the starry sky shouted together, one after another, resounding throughout the world, the holy sound was endless.

"How many emperors and emperors in ancient and modern times have perished in smoke and dust..." The Human Emperor looked towards the other side of the starry sky, with a hint of loneliness in his supreme majesty.

With a trace of loneliness, the Human Emperor turned his eyes for thousands of years, and instantly understood everything in front of him. He sighed softly, the eternity has passed, and this is no longer his era.

Everyone was moved, infected by this emotion, and it was difficult to speak for a while.

The Human Emperor nodded, but did not take it seriously. Ji Hongjing's divine thoughts told him everything. If necessary, the two gods' thoughts could summon the memories and Tao fruits of previous lives to discuss the Tao with him.

Although Ji Hongjing did not kneel down, he still showed great courtesy. This was a sign of respect for the Human Emperor, admiration and respect for his supreme achievements.

"A good thing, just right for cultivating the mind of gods!" Ji Hongjing put away this secret treasure, but it was a pity that the Overlord's bloody spear was taken away.

This is not the real Taiyin Holy Emperor, but a wisp of true spiritual will, a moment of awakening, manifesting in the human world, but suppressing all heavens and myriad ways.

"Senior!" Ji Hongjing shouted urgently. The Taiyin Holy Emperor is unwilling to help?
"I'll come back as soon as I go. You wait for me here." The Holy Emperor's voice rang in his heart. Ji Hongjing breathed a sigh of relief and cleaned the battlefield.

"The road to becoming an immortal is actually broken? It's so sad that I died there!" The tall figure muttered to himself, making the stars in the universe roar and tremble because of him.

He stared at Ji Hongjing's body, stunned, and Ji Hongjing understood that he was looking at the thoughts of the Sun God and the God of the Holy Body.

The Blood Pagoda is dim and has no host.

It is hard for people to imagine how majestic and imposing the real Human Emperor would be if he appeared!

Wisps of Dao traces intertwined and wailed, and all the Dao respected by the world trembled in front of him!

"Hey, if I had known better, I would have grabbed the Phoenix Blood Red Gold first. No matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat."

He shook his head and sighed, and came to Xiaobai's side. The person who just secretly took action to immobilize Xiaobai was probably a great sage. If he hadn't been frightened away by the sun god, Xiaobai would have been in danger.

In this place, the world is silent, the avenues rise and fall, and all the rules and order of the world are trampled under his feet. Only the Taiyin Emperor is the only one in the world.

Ji Hongjing's scalp was numb, the Taiyin Holy Emperor actually died on the Beidou Road to Immortality!

The Taiyin Holy Emperor is a god-like man with a majestic appearance and loose black hair, showing the majesty of his youth. His eyes can see everything.

Ji Hongjing's whole body was dim, the Human Emperor was awakened, and the Sun God's Sun Principle could not stop him unless he summoned the Tao Fruit of the Sun Saint Emperor.

The Taiyin Holy Emperor looked into the Beidou Star Territory with deep eyes, then stepped forward and left.

"Senior, look at what I said in my spiritual thoughts..." He looked up at the Human Emperor's face.

The two gods wanted to salute the Human Emperor. They were just gods, but the Human Emperor's consciousness was leading the other side, and they must respect it.

In the tenth city of the human race, the people there were still kneeling and had not yet reacted to the pressure from the coming of the Human Emperor.

Fairy Qingshi and Ditian both had the belief of being invincible and were the first to stand up. The Sun God's thoughts were very secretive. They didn't understand how Ji Hongjing suppressed the Taiyin God's thoughts and awakened the will of the Human Emperor.

Ji Hongjing discovered the two of them. They were as famous as Overlord, but if they were only as good as Overlord, it would be disappointing.

"I hope these geniuses who arrived at the ancient road early can give me a little surprise."

He sat cross-legged in the void, quietly waiting for the return of the Taiyin Holy Emperor, and couldn't help but miss the three juniors in his family.

"The latecomer from Yixian is on top. Now she might be even more powerful than Haoyue. Ziyue followed Ye Fan to the earth and was trained by Shennong. She might be able to surpass Haoyue. After all, her physique is the best among the three siblings."

"My poor nephew, I won't be able to beat my brother-in-law or even my sister in the future. I can only work hard to beat my uncle."

The three juniors have all walked out of their own ways, the second immortal has set foot in the Divine Forbidden City, and they have all reversed the great road. I believe they will meet each other on the ancient road of trial soon.

Their Tao can inspire Ji Hongjing more, and they are much better than Overlord. Unfortunately, they have not seen each other for more than ten years. I don’t know how far they have grown now. Beidou, the Holy Emperor of Taiyin came, and the vast spiritual thoughts were peaceful and fearless, sweeping across the entire ancient star, not sparing the seven restricted areas of life, shocking all races.

Whether it was the Taichu Forbidden Zone, the Immortal Mountain, or the Immortal Mausoleum, the Divine Ruins, etc., there were beings in all the forbidden places of life who were awakened and made majestic voices with questions.

"Human Emperor——Taiyin, yes, just like the Great Holy Body, after its divine thoughts were purified, it finally awakened a true spiritual will from the previous life."

Someone whispered in the penalty area, and the tension eased a lot.

The Holy Emperor went to the Western Desert first. Amitabha's supreme Buddhist weapon, the Demon-Conquering Pestle, automatically resurrected, emitting chaotic energy, and immeasurable celestial light soared into the sky. The inner gods were whispering, asking for apology from the Human Emperor, which shocked all the old monks and Buddhist disciples.

The Holy Emperor did not pursue what Emperor Amitabha had done to his gods. Instead, he looked at Mount Sumeru, which was full of power of faith, and worried whether it would be harmful to the common people.

After the Demonic Pestle was guaranteed to be harmless, the Holy Emperor gave a warning and left, heading to the Eastern Wasteland. He stopped outside the Ancient Forbidden Zone and looked at the road to immortality with a sad look on his face.

In the restricted area, the ruthless emperor was stimulated, woke up briefly, and greeted the Holy Emperor.

The same is true for the Dacheng Holy Body. After saluting, he asked the Holy Emperor about his purpose and was very surprised to learn that the road to immortality was cut off.

"Did the Holy Emperor reach the end of the road to immortality before his death?" Dacheng Holy Body asked.

"No, I am on the road to immortality and have not reached the end."

"Then how did the Holy Emperor know that the road to immortality was cut off?"

"Ji Hongjing told me, don't you know?"

The Holy Emperor told Ji Hongjing what he had heard from the Great Emperor and the Dacheng Holy Body. The Dacheng Holy Body was surprised and said: "When the sacred mind of the Holy Body was revived, I took a look from a distance. There was a person in the Tianduan Mountains who was related to the revived Dacheng Holy Body. After the physical communication, I paid more attention to him and learned that this person is a descendant of the Void Emperor, named Ji Hongjing. He actually knows these secrets? "

At this time, the ruthless emperor suddenly said: "Senior, please tell Ji Hongjing to come back from the ancient road and visit the restricted area."

"Okay." The Holy Emperor left without much communication. He didn't have much time to wake up.

Dacheng Holy Body couldn't help but ask: "When did you meet Ji Hongjing?"

"How could I not know that he met my Dao Fruit?"

"Is this the message left by the Great Emperor of the Void?" The Great Emperor fell silent again, the Dacheng Holy Body whispered, the ancient restricted area fell into deathly silence again, and the numerous bones on the nine holy mountains warned the world not to approach.

The Holy Emperor did not go to other restricted areas. He regarded the Taichu Ancient Mine and the Immortal Mountain as if they were nothing. He did not pay attention to them or listen to them, as if he was not a stranger.

Silently, he disappeared and appeared outside the Ji family's Void Hall. He did not exert the pressure of the Human Emperor. It was ordinary, but it still alarmed the Void Mirror.

The fairy mirror burst out of the chaos and suddenly revived, alarming the Ji family's eldest saint, the human demon old man and others, and rushed outside the Void Hall to pay homage to the human emperor.

Inspired by his bloodline, Hua Xuan murmured: "Is it the ancestor?"

The stalwart figure sighed, "I learned about the Hua family from your master, and I have suffered a lot from you these years."

Hua Xuan burst into tears, knelt down and paid homage, and said excitedly: "The ancestor is still alive, and no one can bully us anymore."

"I don't have much time. I have to go to your master later. I learned from him that you only have Taiyin scriptures and no secret skills, so I came here to teach you." The Holy Emperor pointed at the center of Hua Xuan's eyebrows, forming a circle. The full moon contains endless knowledge.

The Holy Emperor also tapped Jiang Tingting's eyebrows and said: "The innate Taiyin body is also considered as my bloodline, so let me give you a share of the inheritance."

The Holy Emperor looked at the old man who was a fellow demon and yin-yang practitioner, nodded and praised: "Yes, there is a possibility of enlightenment."

"Thank you, Human Emperor, for the compliment!" The old man saluted, all his white teeth exposed, he was very happy.

Ji Hongjing's mother couldn't help but ask: "Senior Human Emperor, you just said you were going to find Hongjing. I wonder how he is doing now?"

"He is very good. He is at the tenth level of the human race's ancient road and is in the fourth heaven of saints."

Ji Hongjing's mother breathed a sigh of relief. All Ji's family members were excited, especially Ji Hongjing's family. Although they wanted to know more information, they did not dare to ask.

The eldest sage of the Ji family said: "Senior Human Emperor, can you please wait a moment while I go get the White Tiger Magic Medicine? Please bring it to Hongjing."

In ten years, they worked hard to obtain a lot of magic medicine essence and blood, but most of them were used to refine the evolutionary fluid for the juniors to use.

The Holy Emperor glanced at him and instantly understood that the magic medicine was in the fairy spring of Yaochi. He couldn't help but smile and said: "He is lucky, but the White Tiger magic medicine should stay here. The Sun Holy Emperor wants to follow him, and the Fusang tree is here. He has no shortage of magic medicine around him.”

"This..." Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Ji Hongjing to be so defiant and find another elixir of immortality. This was the companion of the ancient emperor. It was difficult for ordinary people to find even a drop of blood essence!
Only after the Holy Emperor disappeared did everyone in the Ji family react, the Void Mirror also returned to the chaos, and the Void Hall returned to peace, but everyone's hearts could not be calm for a long time!

(End of this chapter)

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