Chapter 355 Conquer
Mountains were destroyed one after another. The golden lion and the white unicorn fought for an hour, but there was still no winner. If this ancient star was not special and protected by the ancient emperor's formation, it would have been penetrated long ago.

This battle attracted the attention of the demon saints on the Ligu planet. Several holy beast kings gathered together, looked at the golden lion and said: "Isn't this the youngest son of the lion king? Why don't you fight with the daughter of the Elk King today? Instead of fighting with another opponent, ?”

"That's the pure-blood white unicorn who fought in the outer world yesterday. Why did he fight with the little lion today?"

"It seems that Bai Qilin wants to take the little lion as a follower."

Several holy beast kings were stunned, and one of the Tyrannosaurus rex praised: "How brave, take care of this arrogant little lion, so that he won't cause trouble all day long."

An old lion arrived here at some point, and said quietly: "Tuo Lan, my second son didn't mess with your Tyrannosaurus rex clan, did he?"

Tuolan Holy Beast King said resentfully: "Why not? He often comes to harass my son, shouting for my son to break out of his shell quickly and fight with him, which makes me spend a lot of effort to appease my son. It is so annoying that I can't sleep well even if I want to. "

"Uh..." The old lion was speechless. He never expected that his youngest son was so out of tune. How could a Tyrannosaurus rex that had just broken out of its shell be able to defeat his youngest son who had already entered the holy realm?
A holy beast king smiled and said: "Tuo Lan, your son has been pregnant for hundreds of years, why hasn't he hatched yet?"

"My dragon master has made his own decision." Tuolan Holy Beast King rolled his eyes at him, looked at the battlefield, and shouted: "Look, the little lion was kicked, and its nose is crooked. It was a good fight!"

The holy beast kings laughed loudly. Seeing that his son was at a disadvantage, the old lion couldn't help but wonder: "Pure-blooded unicorn, is there really such a fairy spirit in the world?"

A formation plate fell, and the Wushi Formation blocked the Emperor's Formation. He continued to walk into the formation, and one by one the Heavenly Fire Divine Phoenix came to swallow him up. He couldn't help but be surprised again: "Hengyu Formation!"

Ji Hongjing stepped into the formation arranged by the white jade elk, and suddenly the dragon energy of the emperor turned into a heavenly sword to kill him. He was surprised and said: "The great emperor's formation!"

Tuolan Holy Beast King said: "Don't take any chances with Qilin. My Dragon Lord has received news that this Qilin has an unusual background. It is nothing to fight between the younger generations. If the older generation shamelessly takes action, be careful to cause the disaster of annihilation!"

"If it were someone else, he would definitely be trapped, but it's a pity that he met me!" It can only be said that White Jade Elk is too unlucky. He happens to have dabbled in all five kinds of imperial formations. He has a complete set of secrets and has deeper attainments.

Continuing to move forward, we encountered the Wahuang Formation, the Xihuang Formation, and finally we even encountered a small black hole generated by the formation pattern, swallowing everything, and there was a looming chaotic energy.

The Golden Lion King was too lazy to pay attention to her, looked to the other side and said, "Old deer, look, your daughter is competing with others in formations. She is the human race who defeated Cang Tian Hegemony yesterday."

The holy beast kings felt a headache when they saw the formation, and asked: "Old Lu, whose formation do you think is the most powerful?"

The five kinds of imperial formations are connected by the formation patterns carved by the white jade elk. Upon closer inspection, they turn out to be incomplete composition secrets. This secret technique is very difficult to learn and tests wisdom. The white jade elk has profound attainments and its intelligence exceeds Ji Hongjing's expectations. .

"Could it be that the descendants of the Great Emperor of a certain era met here and discussed the Tao with formations?" The age of these formations seems to be the same, at least a hundred thousand years old, otherwise the power would be stronger. The five formations of the Great Emperor, Even the Great Sage would have a headache if he fell into it.

The Elk King's eyes glowed with wisdom and he said: "I have seen it a long time ago. They have been setting up formations for an hour, and now they are starting to break each other's formations."

The old lion said indifferently: "Just let him go and learn more about it, so as not to let him idle around in Guxing all day long and cause trouble."

Tuolan Holy Beast King said: "Old lion, you finally admit that the little lion is causing trouble?"

"I don't understand either. My little girl has received the supreme inheritance of the human race, and her formation has already surpassed mine. But she occupies a favorable location, so she should be able to win."

He opened his martial arts eyes to see clearly the flow of the formation, raised his hand to carve the formation in the void, and the five-color formation lines fell on the turning points of the formation, hindering the movement of the formation, and soon the formation subsided and dissipated automatically.

Looking left and right, these formations do not look like those left by the Great Emperor, otherwise he would have turned into fly ash long ago. The white jade elk has no ability to borrow the Great Emperor's formations. Judging from the formation patterns, it should be left by the Great Sage or even the Quasi-Emperor.

"Come out, Old Lu, your daughter has lost so quickly and wants to be someone else's mount!" The old lion yelled and was kicked away by the Elk King.

Ji Hongjing looked at the black hole and said in shock: "This place even has the formation of the ruthless emperor!"

A holy beast king said: "Then if the little lion loses, will he really become Bai Qilin's follower?"

"This is... the outside of the Five Emperors Rock. Your daughter is really a thief. With the help of the formation left by the genius of the human race, who can break this formation?"

The Elk King's face was livid, but at least he could restrain himself. When he saw Ji Hongjing coming to the formation he had set up and standing still, he couldn't help but angrily said: "He won, why didn't he let the little girl out?"

The old lion returned slowly, not angry, and gloated: "Maybe he wants to see Lu Yatou's strength."

The Elk King gave the old lion a hard look. He didn't know what the man was thinking. He was just concerned and confused, so he didn't think about it for a while. "boom"

In the distance, Xiaobai stepped on the back of the golden lion with half a hoof, and the unicorn stepped on the sky. The terrifying power directly broke the spine of the lion's back and smashed several mountain peaks.

The other half of the ground under the hoof was trampled into a large hole, which went deep into the ground. The terrifying power caused the ground to tremble and opened countless holes.

The Elk King gloated and said, "Old lion, it seems that your son is going to be someone else's mount."

The old lion looked ugly. He didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly. Just when he was about to receive the ridicule from the other holy beast kings, he saw them all staring at the majestic white unicorn with solemn expressions.

"What's wrong, is this?" The old lion was puzzled. He had just been busy teasing the Elk King and missed the moment when his youngest son was defeated.

The other Holy Beast Kings couldn't understand the battle formations. They concentrated on watching the battle and naturally understood what was happening. Tuolan Holy Beast King murmured: "God's Forbidden!"

The old lion said in disbelief: "The white unicorn can actually step into the divine forbidden zone?!"

"Although the little lion is causing trouble all day long, it is still a few realms higher than the white unicorn. How can the white unicorn defeat it if it does not step into the forbidden realm?" Tuolan Holy Beast King said angrily.

The old lion's eyes flashed when he heard this. He didn't know what he was thinking. He looked at Bai Qilin and saw his Shi Shiran falling on his youngest son's head, and asked proudly: "Do you accept it?"

"Ahem...I've accepted it. From now on you are my big brother!" The golden lion was in such miserable condition that Xiaobai almost killed him with a Qilin step when he stepped into the divine forbidden area. If half of his attacks hadn't failed, he wouldn't have been able to kill him. A broken spine is so simple.

Xiaobai was so happy that he took out a few pieces of hibiscus leaves and stuffed them into the mouth of the golden lion. The powerful vitality instantly repaired the broken spine. The golden lion was shocked and turned into the size of an ordinary lion and asked: "What kind of magic medicine is this?" "

With a flash of white light, the huge unicorn disappeared, and a small white beast landed on the lion's back. He pointed in the direction of Ji Hongjing and said, "Go there and work hard in the future. You will benefit from it."

"Okay, brother, please sit down!" The golden lion carried Xiaobai and ran to Ji Hongjing's side. His flattering look made the old lion who was watching from a distance darken his face.

"Old lion, your son is very adaptable!" the Elk King mocked.

The other holy beast kings laughed loudly, and the Golden Lion King said with a dark face: "It's not a bad idea to accept a pure-blood Qilin who can step into the divine forbidden zone as your eldest brother. Lao Lu, your daughter still wants to accept the human race as her master?"

The Elk King suddenly stopped talking, with a black face as if he wanted to eat people.

On the top of the mountain, Ji Hongjing observed how the white jade elk in the formation broke through the formation, and couldn't help but nod. The white jade elk formation was very "live" when used together, much stronger than the Black Emperor more than ten years ago, and she understood the meaning of the formation in the stone forest. With the five kinds of imperial formations and the incomplete composition secret, it was not difficult to break the formation he had arranged in a hurry.

The golden lion arrived with Xiao Bai on its back. The little white beast happily waved on the lion's back and shouted: "Xiao Ji, I won!"

Ji Hongjing had long been accustomed to this title. When he heard this, he just nodded with a smile and said in a loud voice of the golden lion: "Xiao Ji? Chicken stewed with mushrooms?"


Xiaobai slapped him on the head, hitting him so hard that he held his head with his hooves. The little white beast jumped in front of him, held his head high and said, "Xiao Ji, I can only call you. You have to call me Master, do you understand?"

"I know, brother." The golden lion said aggrievedly.

At this time, the white jade elk came out of the formation, covered with injuries, and lay down on the ground after coming out. When he saw Ji Hongjing, he said feebly: "I lost, and I will follow you from now on."

Ji Hongjing nodded with a smile, waved a few hibiscus leaves into the mouth of the elk, and said: "You help me handle the affairs. When the credit is enough, I will not only pass on the Demon Emperor Sutra to you, but also the complete secret of the composition."

"Thank you, sir!" The white jade elk, who had recovered as before, shook his body in surprise. That golden leaf must be an incredible fairy. The precious medicine collected by the Elk King is not as good as a few leaves.

Ji Hong nodded at the scene, turned around and looked in one direction and shouted: "What can you teach me, seniors?"

Several holy beast kings appeared. The golden lion king and the white jade elk king looked very ugly, while the other holy beast kings looked like they were watching the fun.

(End of this chapter)

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