The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 356: Asking for truth

Chapter 356: Asking for truth
Next to a stone forest, several holy beast kings appeared. If other human races saw it, they would cause a huge sensation. These holy beast kings were extremely terrifying. Among them, the Orchid Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Golden Lion King and the White Jade Elk King were all among the holy kings. The outstanding one, even the envoy from the Tenth City did not dare to offend easily.

"Old man!"


The completely different names made the Lion King's face darken, and the Elk King was relieved. What's wrong with letting his daughter see the world?
He looked at Ji Hongjing and said: "You can defeat Cangtian Baxue and defeat my daughter in the formation. It's not a big deal to let her go with you, but I hope to see your strongest combat power, let me feel You can protect my daughter well, I hope you understand the thoughts of an old father."

If you don’t know what you are saying, you might think you are marrying your daughter!

Ji Hongjing was speechless. He exploded with momentum and forced the golden lion and white jade elk to retreat. He looked up and looked outside the area and saw that there were no creatures along the way. He triggered the divine ban many times. It was very difficult without external pressure. He finally succeeded after hundreds of times, all at the same time. Trigger, raise your hand and punch through the void.


The void collapsed, chaos energy flew around, and the Void Emperor's fist in its strongest state shot out of the hole. A fist shadow rushed out of the sky from the ancient star, spanning countless thousands of miles, and hit a huge meteorite with one punch. The meteorite exploded into pieces. There was a big explosion there, and the entire area was cleared of meteorites.

The jaws of the golden lion and the white jade elk dropped to the ground. The holy beast kings were also shocked. It was another peerless genius who could step into the forbidden realm of gods. This punch was earth-shattering. Even the alien beasts at the peak of the saints did not dare to fight head-on. .

"If Cangtian Baxue had received this punch, he would have died a long time ago. Why didn't you use it yesterday?" asked the Lion King.

The Lion King and the Elk King had something to say to their children. Ji Hongjing took Xiaobai to the stone forest and used his martial arts eyes to look inside the stone forest. It was surrounded by more advanced formations. The White Jade Elk had only set up formations outside the stone forest before.

The White Jade Elk stays on this ancient star and surpasses him in the sky to become a great sage. If he goes out to explore, he may be able to break through to a higher realm.

"Here are the formations left by the descendants of the five great emperors. I know all five emperors' formations, but I haven't had much contact with the five emperors' formations. I will use other emperors' formations to open the way for the next step. You guys should follow closely and don't make any mistakes. One step, you know?”

Ji Hongjing drew mysterious lines with his hands, and colored formations were imprinted in the void. He used secret combinations to construct formations. The emperor formations such as Void and Wushi formed a mysterious and complicated formation, and opened up a safe path among the five emperor formations. channel.

The holy beast kings had already left. Ji Hongjing looked at the five sky-reaching stone pillars in the center of the stone forest and said, "I will take you in and teach you about the formation."

He stepped into the stone forest first, followed closely by the white jade elk, and the golden lion carrying lazy Xiaobai.

Even the carefree Golden Lion nodded fiercely. The formation here could easily kill him and even threatened the Saint King. The deeper formations could be imagined.

The white jade elk walked up to him and said: "It is rumored that a hundred thousand years ago, five quasi-emperors of the human race discussed Taoism and formations in this area, forming this stone forest. The central area is called the Five Emperors Rock by later generations. In the past ten thousand years, few people have been able to break through the outer formation and enter the central area to take a look."


He explained while breaking the formation. The white jade elk listened very seriously, the golden lion listened as if listening to a book from heaven, and Xiaobai lay lazily, seemingly not listening, but Ji Hongjing knew that he had listened. A natural fairy spirit, regardless of physique or wisdom, They are all beyond the reach of ordinary creatures!

The combination of various emperor characters in his pupils helped him see farther and deeper. There were five sky-reaching stone pillars in the center of the stone forest, with dense imperial formations engraved on them. Each stone pillar had an imperial aura.


The formations on the outside of the stone forest were not difficult. He didn't say much. After walking for twenty miles, the formations engraved on the stone forest became more advanced. He had to stop and observe before he could continue to go deeper.

This stone forest is very large, with a radius of hundreds of miles. When approaching the central area, even Ji Hongjing had to break the formation before he could continue to move forward.

"Yesterday was my birthday. He ruined my good mood. I beat him to vent my anger. It was because of the unexpected events of the gods that I made him run away." Ji Hongjing shrugged and said indifferently.

The Elk King was completely relieved. Following a divine genius, the existence of someone who might become enlightened in the future would be a blessing that many people could not ask for.

He shouted low and took the lead in stepping onto the passage. He waved out the afterimages with his hands, constantly constructing formations to break them.

The imperial formations in Stone Forest were all left by the quasi-emperor. Even after a hundred thousand years of erosion, even with the group of secretaries and other imperial formations, it was very difficult to break the formation. He stopped and walked, and it took him several days to reach it. Next to five stone pillars reaching the sky.

Five stone pillars form a circle, exuding the aura of the five great avenues, and the atmosphere is myriad. This area is wrapped in the aura of the quasi-emperor, forming a fairy land. The five great avenues attack each other, and a strange balance is formed over hundreds of thousands of years. This place is peaceful and grows many elixirs that are difficult to find in the world. "In a foreign land, I am very relieved to meet friends from my hometown and talk about scriptures and Taoism - Jiang Huanliu."

There was a line of large characters left on the stone pillar that contained Hengyu Avenue, written in Beidou script. Ji Hongjing was surprised that this was actually left by an emperor's son. According to the Jiang family tree, Jiang Yixian's lineage came from this emperor's son, with one hundred thousand. Years ago, there was a restricted area supreme person who broke the seal to look for food. He went shopping for supreme authority and died!

Ji Hongjing checked around the stone pillar, hoping to find more information, but unfortunately there was nothing else about this stone pillar.

"Feng Xi and Feng Li seem to be a pair of talented brothers and sisters in the history of the Feng family. Xia Junxuan, the peerless emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty 100,000 years ago, has the word 'brilliant' in his name. His ruthless lineage is really mysterious!"

There were four names on the other four stone pillars, but no other words. They stepped into the fairy land surrounded by five stone pillars. It was extremely peaceful, there was no formation, and the five avenues formed a balance, making this place full of precious elixirs.

The area surrounded by stone pillars was not large, only about one mile. They also found traces left by other people, indicating that people had been here before.

"Ji Changkong is here for a visit!" Ji Hongjing found a line of writing on a stone, which was left by a god king of the Ji family tens of thousands of years ago. This man was his ancestor. He once competed with Wu Shi Emperor Lu, but unfortunately he lost. .

There are some void formations on this stone, which are different from the original void formation. It should be that the ancestor understood the Taoism on the five stone pillars and made some changes.

In addition, there are also handwritings left by some unknown people. It seems that the writings come from different star fields. The traces of the Dao last forever, and they are all very powerful.

"I am going to retreat here for a period of time, and you should also understand these quasi-emperor Taoism." Instructing the three beasts, Ji Hongjing sat cross-legged among the five stone pillars, meditating on Taoism, practicing his own method, and not caring about worldly affairs. With the sound of chanting sutras, several secret realms shine together.

Over the years, the Tao in his heart has already had a direction. He meditates on it all the time, and all that is left is to create his own path.

The Void Sutra, the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique, the Immortal Heaven Technique, the Xihuang Sutra, the Wahuang Sutra, the Hengyu Sutra, the Taihuang Sutra, the Taiyin Immortal Sutra, the Taiyang Immortal Sutra, etc. He knows too many Emperor Sutras, among the Five Great Dao Realms. The Tao Lords even practiced an Emperor Sutra each, allowing his secret realm of the Tao Palace to touch the legendary extreme realm.

Following one's own path cannot be achieved overnight. As early as many years ago, he was thinking about his future path and gained a deeper understanding after becoming a saint.

Now, having established his own path step by step and clearly understood his path, Ji Hongjing feels like he is gradually clearing away the clouds and seeing the blue sky, feeling suddenly enlightened.

The meanings of the scriptures and the ancient characters jumped out one by one, swirling around him, turning this place into a piece of Taoist soil.

Looking from afar, Dao characters one after another were densely covered in the void, as if they were made of immortal gold. They were brilliant and full of complex meanings, making him appear as transcendent as an immortal.

After defeating the Overlord, the holy body god taught him the secret method of single cultivation of the holy body. It also emerged at the same time. The ancient scriptures rumbled and echoed in his heart, making Ji Hongjing's body shine brightly and emit the true sound of Taoism.

After the lineage of the Holy Body reaches the Holy Realm, it needs to rebuild the five secret realms of Wheel Sea, Dao Palace, Four Poles, Dragon Transformation, and Immortal Platform before it can finally reach perfection.

Ji Hongjing cannot practice this secret technique, but he can refer to its secrets, understand the various methods in it, and create his own secret technique.

Every secret realm of his is glowing. The Yuan Shen and the Taiji Dao Master command thousands of body gods, assisted by the Five Dao Lords, chanting the supreme scriptures, and bursts of Dao sounds are heard from within the body, majestic and dazzling.

Ancient characters jumped out of the body one by one, and each secret realm was filled with light, like clear Taoist platforms, blooming with immortal brilliance.

At this time, all kinds of supreme scriptures chanted together and blended together, making the sound of chanting more and more grand.

He has always had a pioneering spirit since he was a child. He almost played himself to death when he was a child. After practicing step by step to reach the realm of Sendai, he planned the Devouring Heaven Demon Technique. When he met his little girl, he understood the secrets of the Chaos Body. By chance, he cultivated the Five Great Dao Realm. His path began from then on.

After so many years of hard thinking, he wanted to create his own way and cultivate hundreds of sutras in a furnace. He wanted to turn them into one furnace and transform and sublimate them.

Over the years, he has been diligent in his practice, constantly thinking, and understanding his own way, without wasting an inch of time.

Especially this year, he consolidated his holy realm and figured out his own path. This was a process of asking one's mind and seeking the truth, which was of far-reaching significance and great importance for future achievements.

Realizing in loneliness, calming down and searching in boredom, the fog in his heart is blown away, and his path becomes clearer and clearer!
(End of this chapter)

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