The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 358 Underworld Puppet

Chapter 358 Underworld Puppet

Dayuepo, this is a strange place.

The slope is not steep and is in the shape of a half-moon, which is where the name comes from. It looks very desolate, with no grass growing on it and the terrain is vast.

According to legend, this place was once a place where ancient beasts came to get close to the gods. It is unknown how it evolved into what it is now, lifeless.

No matter it is day or night, it is always gray and foggy, and the scenery is dim and drowsy.

When Ji Hongjing and the others set foot in this area, they could not see a single plant, not an ant, no living creatures, not even birds passing by.

"Bai Hui, did you really get the secret of composing words here? I can't tell you are braver than me!" The golden lion also knows this place. This is a forbidden place on this ancient star, and it is the Holy Beast King. They didn't dare to set foot.

White Jade Qilin rolled her eyes at him and said: "I accidentally touched an abandoned formation pattern and was sent to a burial place of gods and demons in Dayue Slope. It's not the place I wanted to go. Who can do it better than me if I want to cause trouble?" Fuck you Jinhou?”

Dayue Slope is desolate, as if no one has entered it for hundreds of thousands of years. It is silent and is an abandoned place.

According to Bai Hui, this slope was definitely not like this in the past. Some ancient beast survivors told some anecdotes that Dayue Slope was once an important place in the mythical era, and it was not as desolate as it is today.

"Really?" These things made Ji Hongjing very tempted, and he even wanted to sell another source of Tao!
"Fortunately, I remembered the young master's instructions. The most lacking thing now is the Yin attribute treasure and fairy gold to nourish the gods. The second most important thing is the ancient scripture secret treasure, so I gritted my teeth and chose Jiuyouming Mountain."

"Sir, this is something that was auctioned by the Origin of Dao, and it is in your hands. I keep feeling like someone is watching me these days."

Bai Hui did indeed obtain the secret technique of the Heavenly Master from the mythical age here, which proved that what she said was true. She was transported to a burial place of gods and ghosts, and almost died. Fortunately, she survived with the life-saving secret treasure given by the Elk King. Get the incomplete group word secret.

"Shi Jian will be here soon, let's wait for him here." Ji Hongjing said.

The golden lion rides on a high seat, and the white jade crocodile tail talks about mysteries.

"Does he often cause trouble?" Ji Hongjing asked.

The white jade elk said helplessly: "After I got the secret of formation, my formation skills improved greatly. I won and lost in competitions with him. Then he often came to fight with me, which was very annoying!"

"Such a large Nine Netherworld Mountain can refine an extremely powerful quasi-emperor magic weapon!" Bai Hui was surprised.

Xiaobai kicked the golden lion away. Bai Hui's eyes twitched and said, "I can't tell that Jinhou is still a masochist!"

"Thank you, sir!"


"He has basically beaten all the holy beasts on this ancient star. He is invincible in the realm of saints. He even dares to provoke the King of Holy Beasts, but the seniors will not care about him for the sake of the Lion King."

"We have known each other since we were young. In terms of combat power, I am not as good as him, but he has a single mind and is often fooled by me. After the Holy Realm, the Golden Lion's combat power exploded. I am a small level lower than him. Since then, After that, he will be able to defeat all methods with one force, and he won’t bother me anymore if he wins.”

Ji Hongjing closed the treasure box and said to Shi Jian: "It's a good choice. I will remember you for your great achievements."

The three beasts didn't matter. The restless Jinhou pushed Xiaobai to fight with him. Since he had Xiaobai, he didn't bother Bai Hui anymore. After all, fighting with fists to the flesh is much better than being beaten by the formation. .

Ji Hongjing smiled. The two beasts, one solemn and sacred, the other elegant and wise, are also childhood sweethearts. They complement each other, but they do not practice the way of transformation. Is there any reproductive isolation?
At this time, Shi Jian descended from the sky, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ji Hongjing, and handed him a treasure box.

Shi Jian glanced at her, guessing that he was Ji Hongjing's new subordinate, so he didn't ask any questions and said: "Young master, I don't know. There are many treasures in the auction price of the source of Tao. The Tianzun Immortal Sutra from the mythical era, the Immortal Sutra from the ancient era." The Ancient Emperor’s Heavenly Scripture, the supreme secret technique of the Holy Spirit lineage, the peerless secret treasure of the Ancient Demon Emperor, as well as the Chaos Stone, World Stone and other quasi-Emperor materials, and even a small piece of Divine Mark Purple Gold, really dazzled me.”

Ji Hongjing opened the treasure box. It was a treasure in space. There was a sacred mountain in it, exuding pure Yin energy, as if it came from the underworld.

"How long do you want to hide?" Ji Hongjing looked at the sky. Shi Jian was startled and followed his gaze. Four figures appeared there, surrounded by two Yin Qi. Their appearance could not be seen clearly, and they exuded an ominous aura. , like people from the Nine Netherworld.

The other two were incomplete Holy Spirits, a stone tiger and a stone wolf, all the while staring at Shi Jian.

The Holy Spirit, nourished by nature and protected by God, is extremely powerful from the moment he is born.

However, it is difficult to explain things like fate. The more God favors them and makes them amazing in battle, the more likely they are to have accidents. Stone tiger and stone wolf had an ill-fated fate. They were not human, and their bodies had great defects. An accident occurred during the conception process, and they were far from Dzogchen.

The stone tiger has no tail and one eye, and the stone wolf has only three legs and a terrible crack on its head. They may have come to this world hundreds of thousands of years in advance.

Even so, there is still a lot of blood in their bodies, containing a vast ocean of holy blood essence, which can sweep out like a tsunami at any time.

"You look very complete, but you cannot be the fully conceived Holy Spirit. Did you obtain the Heaven-Mending Technique from your ancestors?" Shi Hu stared at Shi Jian and said.

Shi Lang said: "Since you have completed your physical body and have unlimited potential, why did you join the human race?"

"The Great Technique of Mending the Sky?" Shi Jian was confused. He relied on his innate secret skills to plunder the foundations of other holy spirits to repair his physical body, and he also had the help of Emperor Wa's Divine Formation of Mending the Sky.

Bai Hui's voice transmission: "I once heard my father say that in the ancient mythical era, there was an ancient art that allowed the Holy Spirit to achieve perfection through acquired efforts. It is probably deep in Dayue Slope."

Ji Hongjing's heart moved slightly. Could this be the sky-repairing technique from the ancient times?
He looked at the two figures wrapped in Yin Qi and said: "The source of Tao must have been taken away by you two. Why, you regret it?"

"We want the source of the Tao, and we can't throw away the Nine Netherworld Mountain. We also want the pure-blooded unicorn!" A figure said sinisterly, and his voice was as sharp as a ghost.

"Understood!" Ji Hong nodded and rushed towards the person in an instant. At the same time, the three beasts also moved. Xiaobai faced the stone tiger, Shi Jian faced the stone wolf, the golden lion and the white jade elk's auspicious beasts were different species. Fearing the sinister and ominous situation, we work together to deal with another figure shrouded in gloomy energy.


The war is about to break out. When the battle reaches Dayue Slope, this area is very strange. Attacks hitting the ground cannot cause much damage, and the fluctuations in divine power cannot be transmitted.

"What a good place for killing people and stealing goods!" Ji Hongjing's opponent was extremely cold. The black mist enveloped his whole body and made it difficult to see his appearance. Only a pair of blood-red eyes looked like two red lanterns, which was eerie and terrifying.

Ji Hongjing looked at the palm of his hand. He had just slapped this man, and a few red hairs had grown out of his palm, just like Master Yuan Tian in his later years.

"Underworld?" There was a guess in his mind. His origin technique was already close to Master Yuantian. People who were close to the underworld were likely to trigger Master Yuantian's curse in advance.

With a flash of fire, the red hair turned into ashes, and the Five Emperors canopy unfolded, which was obviously different from before. The Five Great Dao Lords recited new scriptures, the five elements mutually generated and restrained each other, and the operation was smoother. The five-color divine light fell from the canopy, and everything was brushed. Invincible, it instantly eliminated the opponent's Yin Qi, revealing a middle-aged man with a pale face and black armor.


The eternal blue-gold lamp flew out of the body, and the five realms rotated to form the grinding disk. The magic lamp fell in the center of the grinding disk and shed bright divine light. Space froze, time solidified, and eternity was suppressed.

Yin Qi burst out from the middle-aged man's body, and even if time and space were frozen, it would not have much impact on him. This was a master at the peak of the saint, and he had already stepped into the realm of the saint king, which was extremely terrifying.


Taiji Dao Zun rushed out of Ji Hongjing's body and came to this person in an instant. The power of the dragon and snake entangled the invisible Dao sword, causing chaotic thunder to penetrate the black armor.


The man hit the invisible Dao sword with a short stick wrapped with a white strip of cloth, knocking Taiji Taoist back. His soul was shaken. This was a mourning stick. It was unknown how much Yin energy had been absorbed, and it had a strong restraining effect on the soul. .

If Taiji Dao Zun were an ordinary Taoist body, he would definitely be restrained by it. However, the Dao Zun's foundation comes from the Yin and Yang Holy Spirit, which is tangible and comparable to a incomplete Holy Spirit. The vibration of the soul quickly stabilized, and he continued to kill with his feet on the secrets of the characters. middle-aged man.

At the same time, the void flashed, and Ji Hongjing appeared behind the man, with his right fist wrapped around the law of chaos. The Void Emperor's Fist hit the man's back hard, shattering the black armor, and the power of chaos rushed into the man's body, killing him. Half of the body was crushed.


Tao Zun Taiji took this opportunity to split the man's head open with his sword, revealing the man's immortal platform. There was no soul on the immortal platform, but a paper man. When he was exposed, he smiled strangely and turned into ashes.

"It's actually a puppet!"

Ji Hongjing was startled and turned to look at another person who was riddled with evil energy. The white jade elk trapped him with a formation, and the golden lion smashed his head with one claw. There was no spirit, just a paper man controlling him.

(End of this chapter)

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