The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 359 Burial Ground of Gods and Ghosts

Chapter 359 Burial Ground of Gods and Ghosts

Qilin roared and shocked the incomplete Holy Spirit Stone Tiger to death. The Holy Spirit is naturally powerful and is almost invincible at the same level. However, it depends on who you compare with. This Stone Tiger is several realms higher than Xiao Bai, but it is still invincible to Xiao Bai. Bai, after careful calculation, Xiao Bai was born and raised, isn't it a kind of Holy Spirit?
On the other side, Shi Jian suppressed Shi Lang, who looked sad and said: "You were born with the Holy Spirit and completed your physical body. Why are you willing to be the lackey of the human race? If you take me to escape and seek refuge with the Lord, with you With his talent, he can definitely become the Holy Son of our clan. Isn’t it better than being someone else’s slave?”

Shi Jian paused for a moment, punched Shi Lang on the head, and said: "How is your superior superior compared to the Stone Emperor? I won't even wait for you at the Immortal Mountain, so why can I still like your bullshit superior?"


Shi Lang shouted, spitting out a beam of fairy light, which was his most original life essence, shook Shi Jian open, and escaped.


However, what was waiting for it was a heavy blow. Shi Jian caught up with him like a god and demon, and punched out, causing wind and thunder to shatter the sky.

The stone wolf roared and struggled continuously. After dozens or hundreds of collisions, it was beaten to pieces and covered in blood. The soul wanted to escape, but was suppressed by a big hand.

"Tell me, where is the Heaven-Mending Technique of the Holy Spirit Ancestor?"

"Don't even think about getting anything!" Stone Wolf roared, burning his soul in a bright light to kill himself.

The eternal blue-gold lamp froze time and space, and the Five Emperors canopy fell down, extinguishing the Dao fire. Ji Hongjing arrived and put an end to Shi Lang's thoughts of self-destruction. The main body and Taiji Taoist recited the God's Saving Technique together to transform the stone wolf.

It's a pity that the other two people have nothing on them. They are just puppets, and the source of the Tao they replaced has already been transferred.

Xiaobai was furious and wanted to slap the stone wolf to death. Ji Hongjing quickly comforted him and said, "Okay, okay, there are so many people trying to trick you along the way. Why do you care about them?"

The blood of the Holy Spirit was a great tonic for Bai Hui and Jin Hou, and they happily accepted it. They also found a divine rock of destiny on Shi Hu, which should have been prepared to buy the source of Tao.

"The Holy Spirit actually wants to attack the human race?"

Shi Lang bowed devoutly, while Jin Hou and Bai Hui looked horrified. The God-saving Technique was really frightening. The Holy Spirit who was about to self-destruct one second was actually as devout as a believer for many years the next second. If Ji Hongjing had used this trick to convince him before, They, they would rather die.

It was a majestic castle, like the residence of the devil, engraved with traces of time, exuding a majestic and majestic aura, and it was located on the ground.

Bai Hui was surprised, Ji Hongjing looked solemn, and immediately asked Shi Jian to take Shi Lang to the Tenth City to find the envoy to report the matter.

Ji Hongjing continued to ask Shi Lang some things, and asked about the news of Mending the Sky, and there was also a conspiracy of the Holy Spirit clan against the human race.

"What about the other two?"

Shi Lang shook his head and said: "I don't know. I met them when I was chasing Shi Jian. They offered to cooperate with us. After the matter is completed, Jiuyouming Mountain and Qilin's corpse will belong to them, and the blood of Shi Jian and Qilin will belong to us."

"My mission is to find the location of the ancestor's secret technique of mending the sky. I have gained some clues over the years. Shi Hu came here for the Auction of the Source of Tao. His mission failed. Contact me to capture Shi Jian and make amends. "

"Hmph!" Xiaobai turned around and went to destroy the bodies of the other two people. It was these two people who proposed to divide Qilin.


Ji Hongjing took Xiaobai towards the depths of Dayue Slope, and Shi Lang found out that the Heaven Mending Technique was probably inside.


"What is your purpose?" Ji Hongjing asked Shi Lang.

"The Holy Spirit's conspiracy will affect this ancient star. Bai Huijin roared. You collect Shihu's body, then go to the Elk King and Lion King, explain the situation, and ask them to inform the Holy Beast Clan to take precautions."

"it is good!"

Ji Hongjing happily accepted the Divine Rock of Destiny. Whether it is used to refine evolutionary fluid or to spawn fairy gourd vines, it is very rare and can be said to be an unexpected surprise.

After traveling for more than 800 miles, we gradually approached the depths of Dayue Slope. The gray haze became lighter, and some scenery on the barren horizon became visible.

"There is an ancient castle in a place like this!" Xiaobai was curious, and followed Ji Hongjing to the ancient castle. The castle was huge, majestic, and looming, and there were waves of roaring sounds like gods and demons, which was extremely terrifying.

However, as they approached several times, the castle dimmed, became unstable, turned into a shadow, and could not be entered.

The old castle disappeared, and a very tall stone gate appeared not far away, standing on the ground, hundreds of feet high, as if it was specially built for gods and demons.

Behind the door, there is no building. It connects to the void, as if you can enter another world through it.

"Both the old castle and these giant doors are entrances. Through them, you can enter the burial place of gods and ghosts mentioned by Bai Hui." Ji Hongjing looked around the place and found some formations and a stone altar. After a little thought, you will understand. "How to get in?" Xiaobai asked.

Ji Hongjing looked at the tall stone door. There were some lines on the door. Upon closer inspection, they were characters from the mythical age. He had learned some when he was with me.

"A kind of spell, as if a sacrifice is required to open the portal."


Xiaobai instantly cut his wrist, took his hand to the stone altar, and said: "Quickly recite the incantation!"

Ji Hongjing's eyes twitched and he asked, "Why don't you use your own blood?"

"I fear pain!"

Ji Hongjing was speechless. He flicked the little guy's head with his other hand and let the blood drip on the altar while reciting ancient incantations.

The huge stone door made a clicking sound and was moving slowly. A gap appeared, and an amazing thin smoke rushed out.

The white mist is like fairy mist, hazy, flowing out from the gaps in the stone door, ethereal and agile.

This is a strange scene. The layers of Dao patterns nearby are sparkling, the golden Tyrannosaurus egg on the stone altar is dazzling, and the stone gate is inexplicably creepy.

Xiaobai was very uneasy, growled in a low voice, walked around, and guarded Ji Hongjing's side.

The burial place of gods and ghosts!

Behind the stone gate is an abandoned place, belonging to the ancient mythical era. After such a long time, no one knows what kind of historic site it has become.

Behind the huge stone door, wisps of white fairy mist appeared, but there were no other changes, making it difficult to figure out the situation.

Xiaobai let out a low roar, and a huge amount of blood energy erupted from his body. He stepped through the sparkling lines, came to the stone door, stretched out a paw, and pushed towards the stone door.


Like a mountain moving, the stone door slowly opened, revealing a thick gap that could allow a person to pass side by side, but it was still far from being completely open.


Ji Hongjing held the eternal blue and gold lantern above his head and held the long sword transformed from the dragon-patterned black gold lantern in his hand. The fairy tear green gold lantern protected Xiao Bai as he slowly walked into the stone door.

The white mist curled up, like a piece of fairy land. There was no murderous aura, and no scary creatures could be seen.

Behind the stone gate, this burial place of gods and ghosts is surrounded by white mist and looks very peaceful.

First, they saw a huge stone with a sword mark on it, which was left from ancient times. Endless years have passed, the sacred mountain has been wiped out, and the sea has been evaporated, but it still exists.

They were careful not to touch the sword mark. It was a terrifying sword mark left by a supreme master. Time washed away everything. Sword energy and immortal power no longer existed. All that was left was an undying fighting spirit. .

Ji Hongjing and Xiaobai watched here silently for an hour, feeling a domineering and fierce invincible killing intent, like a blow from the lower realm of an immortal phoenix!
After a while, they moved on without delay, for this was the path practiced by birds and was not suitable for them.

They dispersed the white mist and moved forward step by step in the burial ground of gods and ghosts. Soon they were shocked and what they saw was shocking.

There were corpses one after another on the ground, dripping with blood. It seemed that the battle had just ended. In just a few miles, he had already seen the remains of more than a dozen ancient saints.

Some belong to the demon race, some belong to the human race, and there are also incomplete stone holy spirits...

When they walked over, the bright red blood stains and the corpses exuding holy power all turned into fly ash and turned into dust in the sound of footsteps.

This is an abandoned land that belongs to ancient times. After so many years, everything has been erased and cannot withstand the erosion of time.

After traveling for more than ten miles, I saw a huge black river rushing in. It was majestic but silent, rushing from the depths of the burial place of gods and ghosts.


This is the water of the underworld. According to legend, it originated from the underworld. Ji Hongjing has only seen one in the Immortal Mountain, but there is one here!
(End of this chapter)

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