The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 478: Ancient Forbidden Area

Chapter 478: Ancient Forbidden Area

In the primitive old forest outside the ancient forbidden area, the roars of wild beasts shook the sky, like thunder, and leaves were flying in the mountains and forests. Even though it was still far away from the ancient forbidden area, extremely terrifying beasts had already appeared in the outer areas, and it seemed very difficult to pass through.


A ray of golden light flew away into the distance. It was an ancient golden roc, blocking out the sky and the sun. It flapped its wings and flew endlessly far away at an extremely fast speed. It disappeared at the end of the world in the blink of an eye.

"This Ancient Golden Peng is really hard to deal with. How many years has it taken for him to become a Saint from the peak of the Second Immortal Realm?!"

"Yes, a Saint King from Tongtian Star wanted to catch it as a mount, but he never succeeded."

"Doesn't Beidou have the Golden Winged Dapeng? I heard that he has good qualifications too. Have the people from Tongtianxing taken action?"

"That clan is protected by the blood of the Green Emperor, who dares to mess with them? And that little golden-winged Peng King is not someone to be messed with either. He has already stepped into the realm of the Saint King. If the old Peng King had not become a Taoist and there was no one to look after the clan, he would have gone to challenge the Ancient Trial Road."

"I heard that he was defeated by the human race's holy body before, and then he broke through the Peng clan's heavenly barrier and obtained the mental method of the ancient golden-winged Dapeng. After the suppression of Beidou Avenue ended, he even obtained the inheritance of the ancient emperor Dapeng. I wonder if it is true?"

"Yes, he is also a genius who can pass the ancient trial road, but unfortunately he is burdened by his clan."

"This ancient star is so weird. How many geniuses can take the trial road? In addition to the geniuses who have already gone to the ancient road, the Golden Winged Little Peng King, the head of the Jiang family Jiang Yifei, the Saint of Yaochi, the head of the Feng family Feng Huang, the emperor of Daxia Xia Yiming, the princess Xia Yilin, the celestial demon Yuekong, etc. are all top geniuses who are qualified to break through the ancient trial road. Unfortunately, they are all hindered by family and other things."

"That's right. Take the Ji family that dominates the Southern Region. There are actually six people going to the Ancient Trial Road. That's like an ancient life star. It's terrifying!"

"You only counted the direct bloodline of the Ji family. If you also count the pure-blooded Qilin beside Ji Hongjing in the legend and his three disciples, there will be ten people in total!"

“Don’t forget the Human Saint Body. I heard that he is the son-in-law of the Ji family. The Saint Body has several disciples. The Sun Body that was hunted by the Golden Crow Clan and the little monk that was taken away by Ximodu are also qualified to set foot on the Ancient Trial Road.”

"If these people grow up, this clan will be too terrifying!"

“Even if we don’t grow up, who will dare to mess with the Ji family? Don’t forget when the foreign forces first arrived, the Scorpio tribe was ignorant of the heavens and the earth and wanted to seize the Ji family’s land. The Void Immortal Mirror shot out a divine light that penetrated the heaven and earth and directly destroyed the Scorpio tribe. Even the two Scorpio Saints turned into ashes!”

"Yes, a family that has produced a great emperor cannot be simple. How many foreign forces have been destroyed by the emperor's soldiers in recent years? On this ancient star, even a dragon has to coil up and a tiger has to lie down. If you want to grab the opportunity to become an immortal, you have to abide by the law!"

"There's no need to be so careful. The suppression of Beidou Avenue has just ended. The indigenous people are not strong enough, so it's not a problem to grab some resources. Aren't there many source mines in the Northern Territory that have fallen into the hands of foreign forces?"


There are numerous caves in the dense forest outside the ancient forbidden area, all of which were opened up by outside forces. The outside strongmen were talking about it. They calculated that the road to immortality will be opened in the ancient forbidden area, so they stayed here early in order to compete for the opportunity to become immortals.

Ji Hongjing stood on a high mountain, looking around and listening to mixed information. Over the years, the imperial family was better off, but other forces were not so lucky. They were not completely powerless in the face of extraterritorial forces, but shrinking their power was inevitable, especially the forces in the Northern Territory. The source mines of many major sacred places had been taken away, and some had even been wiped out.

The Ji family also suffered considerable losses. The outside forces did not dare to seize the Ji family's mines, but it was no problem for them to plunder them. Among them was the Taikoo clan. Ji Yanzhi was very annoyed. He could not ask the old Great Sage and others to take action every time. However, the strongest among the contemporary people was only at the early stage of saint cultivation. They did not even dare to bring the Void Mirror to the Northern Territory, for fear that the Great Sage would plot against them and take away their imperial weapon.

Thinking of the Golden-winged Peng King, Ji Hongjing couldn't help but smile slightly. This was another person whose fate was indirectly changed by him!
On the day when Ye Fan broke the curse, Ji Haoyue fought with him. The golden-winged Peng King was stimulated and his cultivation level reached a higher level. He successfully passed the Peng clan's barrier and now obtained the ancient emperor's inheritance. Is this a sign of good fortune after surviving the catastrophe of death?

After listening for a while, Ji Hongjing looked towards the ancient forbidden land. Nine magnificent holy mountains stood in the center of the forbidden land, like nine real dragons lurking, majestic and magnificent. They were connected together, with a terrifying momentum that could suppress everything for eternity!
This is a forbidden zone for life. Anyone who enters will grow old and die, and eventually become a handful of yellow earth. No one can stop the erosion of time, and the saints dare not set foot here.

Nine holy mountains are connected together to form an endless abyss. On each holy mountain there is a different kind of holy fruit and holy spring.

"Nine Wonders of Immortality Elixir!"

Nine holy trees stood alone on the holy mountain, shining with divine light. There was no other vegetation around them, only white bones, left behind by the powerful people who wanted to pick the holy fruit.

"Unfortunately, all the holy fruits were picked by Ye Fan."

Ji Hongjing sighed. Huangdi could use various immortality medicines to heal the injuries on his body. In the era of Emperor Void, Emperor Henren had not yet entered the ancient forbidden land, so Emperor Void had never used the Nine Wonderful Immortal Medicine. This magical medicine was still useful to Huangdi, but there were no ripe fruits.

The holy fruit is gone, but he doesn't know whether Emperor Henren will allow him to borrow the nine sacred trees, which would also help Emperor Huang.

"Big brother, there's someone watching me."

Next to Ji Hongjing, little Nannan was sitting on the back of a golden lion with Xiaobai in her arms. She pointed at the abyss in the middle of the nine holy mountains and said words that horrified everyone.

"Why can't I see it?"

"There's not even a ghost!"

Jinhou Baihui used his divine eyes to look towards Tianyuan, but it was pitch black there, and he couldn't see anything clearly. Ji Hongjing pondered for a moment, then bowed to Tianyuan and said, "I am here to keep my promise, and I hope you will see me, Senior."

At that time, the Taiyin God awakened the Saint Emperor's old memories. After Ji Hongjing informed the Saint Emperor of his plan to become an immortal, the Saint Emperor descended into Beidou and went to the ancient forbidden area to reminisce. The Henren Emperor asked the Saint Emperor to give a message to Ji Hongjing, asking him to meet her after he returned from the ancient road.

Ji Hongjing went to the appointment today and brought his little girl with him, but he was not sure about the ruthless emperor's condition and didn't want the little girl to be in danger.

"You come in alone." The voice of Tao sounded from his mind, extremely domineering. Only Ji Hongjing could hear it. His heart was pounding, and his thoughts were completely secretive in front of such an existence. It was impossible to tell whether the voice was male or female, and it was unknown whether it was from a great saint or a great emperor, but the meaning was that he should not bring little girl into the restricted area.

"Yes!" Ji Hongjing bowed and responded, then stood up and ordered, "Xiaobai, take Nannan and the others to the Zhuofeng of Taixuan Sect to wait for me."

"Let me go in with you." Xiaobai was worried. Following Ji Hongjing, he also knew what was in the restricted area.

Ji Hongjing shook his head and said, "No, if the existence in the restricted area wants to harm me, no matter how many people go there, it will be useless. Just take good care of Nannan."

"Okay." Xiaobai frowned and stopped pestering.

Little Nannan raised her head, looked at Ji Hongjing with a pair of pure eyes, and said in a baby voice: "Big brother will be fine!"

"I accept your good words!"

Ji Hongjing smiled and touched the little girl's hair, then turned and walked into the ancient forbidden area. As soon as he entered the forbidden area, he felt his energy draining away and he was slowly aging.

“This change is a bit like the Heaven-Devouring Magic Art absorbing essence, and a bit like the power of time!” Ji Hongjing paused slightly, and the Qilin pattern covered his whole body, locking the essence, and he strode towards the holy mountain.

"Look, there are people who are trying to climb the holy mountain without knowing how to live or die!" Someone shouted outside the forbidden area, attracting everyone's attention.

"He is a Saint King, so powerful, he has already stepped into the Great Saint realm, he can be called a Heavenly King!"

"He really doesn't know how to live or die. There was once a great sage from outside the domain who wanted to climb the Holy Mountain to pick the immortal medicine. As soon as he approached the Holy Mountain, he was attacked by the wild slaves. Although he finally retreated, he was seriously injured and dying. What is he, a heavenly king?"

"Not only that, I heard that before the arrival of the foreign forces, the natives of Beidou attacked the ancient forbidden land. The ancient tribe dispatched several ancient imperial soldiers but still suffered heavy losses. A lot of ancestral kings died!"

"That's right. I heard that when 'Huang' appeared, he caught the ancient emperor's weapon with his bare hands. The Great Sage was almost scared to death!"

"It is rumored that 'Huang' might be the great emperor of the human race. He was born for the Bronze Immortal Palace. The emperor's tomb under the Holy Land of Yaoguang was left by this great emperor. The ancient race moved something that shouldn't have been moved, which led to 'Huang'."

Outside the restricted area, people were talking about it. Some people from the Beidou tribe had been kneeling here all year round, begging for the emperor's protection. They looked up at the figure in the restricted area with an incredible look on their faces.

"It's him, Ji Hongjing is back!"

"Didn't he go to the ancient human road? Why did he come back so soon? Did he fail?"

"Can you go back that way if you fail? I've never heard of it."

"There is no record of anyone returning from Beidou in failure, but there are records of other ancient stars. I heard that the starry sky from Beidou to the ancient road is particularly dangerous, so there are no failures returning. The roads to other ancient stars are not that dangerous."

"Heavenly King, he has already stepped into the realm of a Great Saint. He should not have returned in failure. He may have already reached the level of a Great Saint!"

"It's only been a few years, how could he have reached this level?"

“During the Ten Thousand Races Conference, who would have dared to believe that he could destroy so many Ancestral Kings with the realm of a Half Saint? Now that he has the fighting power of a Great Saint, it is not impossible. He himself is a miracle!”

"But this is too unbelievable. How old is he? My great-grandson must be younger than him, right?"

"One hundred and twenty-eight years old. I remember it clearly. When he was born, the Ji family's divine body lineage held a grand banquet. My great-grandson who joined the Ji family guards came back and boasted about it."

"He's too young, is the Ji family going to produce another emperor?"

"Humph, it's not that easy to become an emperor. Besides, he entered the ancient forbidden land to seek death. Let's talk about it if he can come out alive..."

The people of Beidou were talking about it. The news of Ji Hongjing's return spread quickly throughout the Southern Region, then the entire Eastern Wasteland, and even the entire Beidou.

(End of this chapter)

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