The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 479: Battle of the Wilderness Slaves

Chapter 479: Battle of the Wilderness Slaves

The area outside the ancient forbidden area was crowded with people, including foreign forces, Beidou human race, Taigu race, etc. There were all kinds of races. They were all looking at the figure who was walking step by step into the depths of the forbidden area, and they were talking about it.

Many people hoped that he would die in the forbidden area, especially the Taigu clan. Ji Hongjing took the lead in exterminating the ten most vicious clans and their affiliated races. More than tens of millions of lives died because of him, and there was no one in the Taigu clan who was not terrified.

But Ji Hongjing approached the holy mountain intact, with mysterious patterns covering his entire body. The ancient forbidden area could not absorb his essence. He had already reached the foot of the holy mountain and was about to start climbing.

"The wild slave is out, let's see how he dies?!"

On the top of the mountain, a huge iron sword that was more than ten meters long was inserted straight into the mountain. A man stood quietly on the hilt of the sword, with his black cloak fluttering in the wind.

The second person appeared, with a silver bell as big as a house hanging quietly above his head, shining brightly.

Then came the third person, standing on a steep cliff on another holy mountain. The surrounding white bones were climbing around him. Above his head hung an ancient tower with nine floors, more than ten meters high, which seemed to be able to suppress the world.

"The fourth person!"

Another wild slave appeared, standing with his hands behind his back, his purple robe fluttering. Above his head was a square seal, full of ancient charm and majestic.

Bells, towers, seals and other instruments are the most difficult to sacrifice and refine. People who use them as weapons are generally extraordinary people, and those who truly succeed in their practice will definitely have unimaginable achievements.

"Legend has it that only an unrivaled master can become a slave of the wilderness. Most of these people who use bells, towers, seals, etc. as weapons were earth-shaking figures in the past. Maybe we can find records of them in ancient history."

At this moment, the fifth person appeared. He was a white-haired old man wearing an old Taoist robe. His face was full of wrinkles, his hair was as white as snow, and his eyes were lead gray.

"This is... Ancient Saint Xia Feng, who had met the Green Emperor several times and had achieved great accomplishments, but he is a slave here!" Outside the restricted area, someone recognized this old man. He was an unrivaled strong man from ten thousand years ago.

From ancient times to the present, great masters who are about to reach the end of their lives have almost all made the same choice in their later years - to enter the seven forbidden areas of life and search for the elixir of immortality in the hope of living a second life.

Unfortunately, I have never heard of anyone succeeding!

Silently, a woman appeared beside those men. She had bright eyes, white teeth, a slender neck, and was as beautiful as a lotus emerging from water. She was pure and beautiful.

She was dressed in white, dancing in the mountain breeze, like the Guanghan Fairy who was about to fly away on the wind. She was otherworldly and it was difficult to find any flaws in her, just like a person in a painting.

"Saintess Tianxuan!"

Ji Hongjing looked up at the beautiful figure, which was also one of the purposes of his trip.

Six figures appeared in the abyss, all of them were flesh and blood people, standing side by side. Some had white hair like snow, some had black hair like waterfalls, and the hair was flying in the mountain breeze. Even people with extensive knowledge could only recognize two of them, each more important than the other. The others with more ancient clothing could not be identified, and it was unknown what period they belonged to.

The six wild slaves looked down with cold eyes, without any emotion at all, and were extremely indifferent.

"What does it mean?"

Ji Hongjing didn't understand the meaning. He came here at the invitation and the Lord of the Wasteland allowed him to enter, so why were there slaves blocking his way?
He was fearless in his heart, and moved forward bravely, climbing upwards into the void.

After practicing to his level, he is already capable of flying in the ancient forbidden area. He walked on the ground to show respect. Now the slaves are blocking his way. No matter if it is to show him a warning or to test him, there is no need for him to walk step by step. A mere slave has no right to look down on him!
With every step he took, ripples appeared in the void and his momentum became stronger. In just three or two steps, he surpassed the height of the Holy Mountain and looked down at the Six Desolate Slaves.

A divine purple-gold lamp was hung above his head, engraved with countless Dao marks, each of which was extremely powerful. The most conspicuous were the six black Dao marks within the lamp wall, which guarded the wick like a real dragon of chaos.

The magic lamp was bright without fire, shining brightly, illuminating the nine holy mountains and even the sky. Ji Hongjing saw a blurry figure, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman. It was like a god or a demon, and extremely tall.

Several thick iron chains were locked on his body, and his eyes were like two golden magic lamps, captivating people.

"Great Holy Body!"

Ji Hongjing had a guess that since the ruthless emperor had not yet shown up, this might be because the Holy Body wanted to test his skills.

The icy iron chains rang, as if gods were giving orders, and the six wild slaves moved at the same time, each of them shocking. All kinds of divine chains of order pierced through the universe like bright phoenix feathers, piercing through all directions, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to split, and they came towards Ji Hongjing.

A huge iron sword that was more than ten meters long pierced through the sky and instantly appeared in front of Ji Hongjing. It was filled with icy murderous intent, as if it was going to split his body and soul in half.

The divine purple gold lamp above his head spun around, and a ray of chaos rushed out from the lamp wall, transforming into an Immortal Execution Sword that collided with the big iron sword. The power of destruction split the sky and earth, killing all of them, and dissipated as it chopped the big iron sword away. However, the power of creation turned, and the Immortal Execution Sword condensed again and continued to kill the owner of the iron sword.


On the other side, the silver bell as big as a house above Huang Nu's head shook and made a loud noise, like the primordial sound when the universe was born. The void exploded, chaos appeared, and endless silver light rushed towards Ji Hongjing.


Ji Hongjing shouted loudly, as if the universe was just opening, the sound of the beginning came, and there was a buzzing sound. The heaven and earth trembled. The six-character mantra of Buddhism blocked the sound of the bell. A law of chaos flew out from the Shenhen purple gold lamp, bursting out with infinite light, annihilating the silver light, and then infinite darkness swallowed up the silver bell as big as a house, as if it fell into a black hole. No matter how it vibrated, it could not make any sound.


The nine-story ancient tower, more than ten meters high, could suppress the world. It enveloped Ji Hongjing, and countless runes appeared, as if there were gods chanting in the tower. The divine light turned into chains to tie up Ji Hongjing, and then drag him into the tower to suppress him.


The divine purple gold lamp above Ji Hongjing's head shook, and countless purple rays turned into sharp swords and shot out, cutting all the chains. A law of chaos flew out from the lamp wall and turned into a chaotic green lotus dozens of feet high with three leaves, which were verdant and juicy. A gentle shake stirred the chaos and blew the nine-story ancient tower away.

The fourth slave was wearing fluttering purple clothes, and a square seal with an ancient charm and majestic appearance came towards Ji Hongjing, like a sacred mountain falling. The void solidified, and the heaven and earth trembled. A heavy pressure spread out of the forbidden area, making everyone outside the restricted area feel their breathing stagnate, as if a weight of tens of millions of pounds was pressing on their chest.

Another law of chaos flew out from the Shenhen purple gold lamp, and turned into a dragon and snake to break through the confinement, rising up, and after knocking the seal away, it turned into a heavenly monument to suppress it. The heavenly monument seemed to carry the achievements of the two great emperors Fuxi and Nuwa, and was heavier than the heaven and earth. It pressed down on Huang Nu so much that his purple clothes dropped down, and his knees trembled as he was about to kneel on the ground.

Ancient Sage Xia Feng made his move, his hair was as white as snow, and two divine dragons shot out from his lead-gray eyes. He had met the Green Emperor many times, and his cultivation was as great as that of nature. A single strike of his contained thousands of changes, and countless holy laws were contained within it.

Ji Hongjing's face became solemn, he was worthy of being a famous ancient saint from the Qing Emperor period, his first move was a fatal blow, the two lead-gray dragons contained all of the ancient saint Xia Feng's cultivation, a simple glance was no worse than the forbidden secret technique!

On the other side, Saint Tianxuan was like a fairy descending to the earth, with white clothes fluttering in the wind. Every time she moved her hands and feet, the laws were as vast as the sea. She was the most beautiful woman six thousand years ago, and she had charmed countless heroes. Unfortunately, she was now in a muddle-headed state and had become like this. Almost all those who admired her had turned to dust.

Her attack was no worse than that of Ancient Sage Xia Feng. Her jade-white palm looked extremely delicate, but it could crush the heaven and earth. The entire Tianxuan Avenue was melted in this palm. With one palm strike, it was like a world pressing down.


Ji Hongjing shouted, and the last two laws of chaos in the Shenhen Purple Gold Lamp flew out. One of them turned into the ancestor of the ten-thousand-foot Holy Spirit, who plucked hearts and grabbed the moon, controlled cranes and captured dragons, gave life with one hand and death with the other, and easily pinched the two lead-gray dragons. The cycle of life and death wiped out all things, and then the Holy Spirit killed the ancient saint Xia Feng.

Facing the palm of Saint Tianxuan, Ji Hongjing raised his fist to meet it. The Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist was powerful and domineering. Six ancient worlds were born on the tip of his fist. With one punch, he destroyed the laws of Saint Tianxuan and directly knocked her back.

There was a flash in the void, and he caught up with the retreating Saint Tianxuan. His fist changed into a palm seal, and the Tianxuan secret technique was integrated into it. He grabbed the wrists of Saint Tianxuan with both hands and directly imprisoned her.

Saint Tianxuan struggled violently, and divine light burst out from Ji Hongjing's brows. His soul formed a seal and sent a divine thought into the saint's brows. The images of the old madman and Wei Yi bloomed in her mind, and the saint's struggle was obviously much less.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you."

The last chaotic path turned into chains to trap Saint Tianxuan, and the Yin and Yang controlled all the paths to imprison all five secret realms. The divine power disappeared, and Saint Tianxuan calmed down completely, allowing Ji Hongjing to take her to the holy mountain.

At the same time, the other five wild slaves were also controlled by the Chaos Principle. The Zhuxian Sword was inserted into one of the wild slaves, destroying all his laws. The big iron sword lay beside the wild slave and trembled, unable to help its master out of trouble.

The world of light and darkness, the chaotic green lotus, the Fuxi dragon stele, and the Holy Spirit ancestor each suppressed a wild slave. At this point, all six wild slaves were defeated by Ji Hongjing. He stood on a cliff at the edge of the sky, his green robe fluttering, like a god descending to the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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