The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 480: Against Lord Zhanghuang

Chapter 480: Dialogue with the Lord of the Wasteland
One man suppressed six wild slaves. There was an uproar outside the ancient forbidden land. A dazzling purple-gold lamp with a divine mark was hung above the holy mountain. No matter how the six wild slaves struggled, they could not escape. Everyone looked at the figure standing on the holy mountain and felt incredible.

"This is the wild slave who was able to repel the Great Sage, but he was suppressed just like that!"

"He is only a Saint King, but he can actually release the great saint fighting power in the ancient forbidden land. How did he do it?"

"Anyone who can cross the Great Sage Barrier to fight is a peerless genius. Ji Hongjing actually did it. Could it be that he really succeeded in passing the Ancient Trial Road?"

"It's only been more than 70 years. How did he do it?"

"Quickly inform the Holy Lord and send someone to the Ji family to inquire about the news!"

Both the extraterritorial forces and the local forces of Beidou found it unbelievable that one person could suppress the six wasteland slaves. What kind of combat power was this? Even the Great Sage could not do it!

Of course, some people sneered: "These are only six barbarian slaves. There are more than a dozen barbarian slaves in the forbidden area. If they all come out, Ji Hongjing will still die."

"Even if the barren slaves are defeated, there is still the barren master, who can take on the ancient emperor's weapons with his bare hands!"

"Does he want to collect the Nine Wonders Immortal Elixir? How could he succeed in something that even the Fighting Saint Buddha, wearing the Divine Silkworm Treasure Robe and holding the Immortal Iron Rod, couldn't do?"

"That's right. Maybe Ji Hongjing was able to defeat Huang Nu because he secretly used the Void Mirror, not because of his own ability."

Outside the forbidden area, many people were sneering and mocking. In the void, Yao Chi Saintess and Jiang Yifei arrived. They met up with the Ji family's old saint who had a void mirror on his head ready to be activated at any time. Yao Chi Saintess asked, "Senior, we heard that Senior Hong Jing broke into the ancient forbidden area, so we rushed here with the imperial soldiers. What's going on? Why did he do this?"

The old great saint of the Ji family smiled and said, "Thank you two Taoist friends for coming to help. Hongjing was invited by the Lord of the Wilderness to enter the forbidden area. I was just worried about him, so I brought the imperial soldiers to pick him up."

Jiang Yifei asked: "There are rumors that the Lord of the Wasteland is the Ruthless Emperor, but on the day when Ye Fan broke the curse, Brother Haoyue and the others said that the Lord of the Wasteland is a Great Saint Body, so Ye Fan can enter the ancient forbidden land to collect herbs. Which news is true?"

The old Great Sage said, "During the time of Emperor Xukong, the Lord of the Wasteland was a Great Saint Body. Hongjing said that Emperor Henren entered the forbidden area later. However, the status of the Emperor is special, so the one who usually rules should be a Great Saint Body."

"So, in this ancient forbidden land, there is both a ruthless emperor and a great saint?!"

Jiang Yifei and the Saint Maiden of Yao Chi looked at each other and both found it unbelievable, but they were well-informed and soon calmed down. After all, the Jiang family and Yao Chi had detailed records of what the forbidden area was.

Yaochi Saint asked, "When did Senior Hongjing come back? The Queen Mother often talks about him?"

She was talking about the previous generation's Queen Mother, who had taken over the throne of the Lord of Yao Chi and became the contemporary Queen Mother.

"I just came back yesterday. I was going to visit Yao Chi and the Jiang family, but Lord Huang invited me, so I didn't dare to keep him waiting too long."

Jiang Yifei and the Saint Maiden of Yao Chi nodded. It was indeed true. No matter if it was the Ruthless Emperor or the Great Saint Body who invited them, anyone else would have to rush there without stopping, right?
The three imperial weapons, the Void Mirror, the Hengyu Furnace and the West Emperor Tower, were ready to support Ji Hongjing at any time outside the forbidden area. Inside the restricted area, no more wild slaves came out as outsiders had guessed. Ji Hongjing stood above the sky and had already talked with the Dacheng Saint Body.

"Come down." The Great Holy Body spoke.

"Yes!" Ji Hongjing leaped into the abyss and landed on the ground after a long time. The first thing he saw was the majestic Great Saint Body, covered with golden hair. It looked extremely terrifying and was wrapped in thick mist, which was shocking.

Beside him, Ji Hongjing finally got to see the empress, who was sitting cross-legged in front of him. She was so beautiful that it seemed unreal, otherworldly and indifferent. She was right in front of him, yet it seemed as if he was in the fairyland.

This is the ruthless emperor!
A truly peerless beauty, she looked so beautiful, with a stunning figure, but once she became fierce, the world would be destroyed, and no one in history could stop her. A legendary woman who was the most talented woman in history, who was unknown whether she was still alive, just sat there alive.

"Greetings to the Great Emperor! Greetings to the Great Saint Body!"

The three gods appeared and bowed together with Ji Hongjing. They were just the evil thoughts of the emperor, not the real emperors, and they needed to respect the ruthless emperor and the great holy body.

"Get up."

The Great Holy Body spoke, but the empress did not make any movement. They stood up and took a look, and their hearts suddenly began beating violently again. The empress was shrouded in mist and their features could not be seen clearly. There were four or five divine chains, one with red clouds dancing, one with purple vapor steaming, and one with green light shining... They were wrapped around her limbs respectively, and no one knew how many tens of thousands of years she had been imprisoned here.

But her body never ages and she doesn't feel the passage of time. This can be called a miracle!
Behind her, there is a bronze fairy palace. Ji Hongjing has learned that after he set foot on the ancient road, the fairy palace was born in the Yaoguang Holy Land, and Yaoguang was destroyed as a result. The Great Sage of the Ancient Clan fought for the fairy palace, which resulted in the appearance of the Ruthless Emperor, who slapped the ancient emperor's soldiers away with his bare hands and almost scared the Great Sage of the Ancient Clan to death. The active Taigu Clan also became completely silent.

"Emperor Void doesn't even know that Beidou's path to becoming an immortal is blocked. How did you know that?" A pair of golden eyes stared at Ji Hongjing. The Great Saint Body knew Emperor Void. It was impossible for Ji Hongjing to use the void to cover up his lie.

In front of such an existence, he had no ability to lie and simply kept silent. Shennong, Huangdi and others had all asked this question, and he always responded in the same way.

"Forget it. Everyone has secrets. I won't force you. Just tell me what preparations you have made to deal with the dark turmoil."

Ji Hongjing was not wrong in his guess. Just because he was wholeheartedly devoted to resolving the dark turmoil, the Great Saint Body would not force him. The Ruthless Emperor might force him, but judging from the fact that she had remained silent, she was probably still in some special state and might not be awake.

He talked about the preparations he had made over the years. Generally speaking, there was very little he could do. All the plans were made by Shennong, Laozi, Sakyamuni, and Chiyou. Huangdi had joined them not long ago. He was mainly responsible for improving their cultivation, which was in disguise to improve the cultivation of the three gods, so that they could summon the fruits of their previous lives for a longer period of time.

"Laozi and Sakyamuni are the spirits of the emperor's corpses of Daode Tianzun and Amitabha Buddha. They are determined to become immortals in this life, so they can only help secretly. Chiyou is the spirit of the emperor's corpse of Jiuli Emperor, but he was polluted by a mysterious substance and has not yet fully recovered. The pollution should be completely removed before the road to immortality is opened."

"Nine thousand years ago, there was a senior named Gai Jiuyou who had the potential to attain enlightenment. I used the White Tiger Divine Medicine to help him prolong his life. If he hadn't yet had the Heavenly Heart Seal, he would have been able to attain enlightenment. However, he was confident that he could achieve enlightenment in another way before the turmoil and could deal with a Supreme Being. But I have no idea how to ensure that he doesn't die."

"The ancient holy body Ye Fan, you should have seen it before. He can fuse the holy body of Shengya and the physical body of his father, the Great Emperor Wu Shi, and then ask the holy body deity to summon the Dao fruit of his previous life into his physical body. It is almost equivalent to a complete holy body. Moreover, Ye Fan has the fragments of the Chengxian Ding to protect him from death."

When talking about Ye Fan, Ji Hongjing seemed to see the eyelids of the ruthless emperor move slightly, but she never opened her eyes. Ji Hongjing couldn't figure out what she was thinking and didn't have much hope for her.

He continued, "And senior, my idea is to find the Kunlun Immortal Bell or the broken Immortal Cauldron to protect you."

"You have thought it through very carefully. You have even taken me into account." The Great Saint Body smiled.

Ji Hongjing touched the back of his head and chuckled, saying, "Not only you, I have also convinced the Ancient Qilin Emperor that he will not come out when Beidou's path to immortality is opened, but he can't give us much help. I will try to get him to stand on our side in the future, but the hope is not great."

"I also know that the Green Emperor is not dead and the Desolate Tower is in his hands. I will find an opportunity to communicate with him, but I am not sure whether it will be successful. I will also try to win over other ancient emperors who have not caused unrest!"

The Great Saint Body shook his head and said, "Without sufficient benefits, it is impossible to win over these people."

Ji Hongjing nodded. Unless he became an immortal, he really couldn't think of any other way to win over these supreme beings.

"I wonder if the emperor can make a move?" Finally, Ji Hongjing looked at the ruthless emperor. Even though the hope was slim, he still wanted to give it a try!
(End of this chapter)

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