Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 19 Official Introduction

Chapter 19 Official Introduction
  The next day.

Yizhuang, Litang.

In front of the altar, there is a mist of green smoke, and a statue of a god stands high.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai also changed their usual playful smiles and stood aside with their chests straightened, while An Yan knelt in front of the altar.

After coming back last night, Uncle Jiu was finally willing to accept him as an official disciple of Maoshan. Today, he burned incense and reported to the founder of Maoshan.

First Uncle Jiu put on three sticks of fragrance, and then Qiu Sheng said loudly.

"The apprenticeship ceremony officially begins!"

Uncle Jiu stood in front of the altar and sang solemnly: "One worship to the Taoists and three virtues!"

An Yan bowed immediately.

"Second worship to the Supreme Lord!"

An Yan bowed again.

"Three times pay homage to the founder of Maoshan, True Lord Sanmao!"

An Yan finished his three bows.

As for why we should deliberately worship Taishang Laojun, it may be that the ancestors and the others are officials in the heaven, and Taishang Laojun is the clone of the Taoist ancestor. This must be a good relationship.

Such thoughts flashed past.

Then Uncle Jiu picked up the yellow talisman and lit it, raising it high and lowering it, meaning that it would reach heaven to listen and send it down to the deep springs of the underworld, so that the ancestors of Maoshan would know that An Yan was one of their own and they should take more care of him in the future.

Before it was over, Uncle Jiu picked up the mugwort beside the altar, dipped it in the altar's purified water, and swept it towards An Yan.

The water droplets mixed with the fragrance of mugwort fell on An Yan's head, face, and body, washing away the mundane world and entering my Xuanmen.

"An Yan, from today on you are a disciple of Maoshan. Remember to keep good company as your companions and do not do evil things that will disgrace the master."

"Disciple, please keep this in mind!"

After everything was done, Uncle Jiu passed the Maoshan Scripture to An Yan.

"This Taoist breathing method is derived from the Shangqing Great Cave Scripture. Since the breathing method has been practiced to the point of perfection, it is not difficult to practice this Shangqing Scripture."

Looking at the Shangqing Dadong Scripture in his hand, An Yan's eyes were filled with heat, and then he remembered another famous method in Maoshan, and couldn't help but ask: "Master, do we have thunder methods in Maoshan?"

"Of course there is. Now my senior brother and your senior uncle in Maoshan have the lightning technique and thunder fist to keep all evil spirits away."

Uncle Jiu glanced sideways at An Yan, who had a longing face on his face, "If you want to practice this Lightning Running Fist, you must at least be a master of the Body Training Fist, or have an adventure like Master Qi."

“When practicing a spiritual discipline, don’t aim too high.”

An Yan, who saw through Uncle Jiu's little thoughts, smiled awkwardly and responded repeatedly: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely keep my feet on the ground and strive to achieve a breakthrough in body-building boxing as soon as possible."

Uncle Jiu's face darkened. What do you call down-to-earth?
  Even if someone is as talented as Senior Brother Shi Jian, after practicing for a lifetime, he can only achieve a small degree in body-building boxing.

Forget it, let him go, you will regret it when you hit the wall.

Uncle Jiu thought about waving An Yan to leave.

"I will take Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to find Mr. Ren and Xie Xiu. I will leave Miss Ren and Yizhuang under your care."

Knowing that Uncle Jiu wanted him to stay in Yizhuang to recuperate, An Yan, who happened to want to practice the Shangqing Great Cave Scripture, naturally would not show off.

"Master, go ahead with peace of mind."

There were two people from the security team guarding the gate of Yizhuang. In fact, it was Ah Wei who was specifically asked to protect Ren Tingting because she was afraid that someone would get ahead of her.

This is good, as it saves An Yan the trouble of visiting Yizhuang.

An Yan ignored Ren Tingting and ran directly back to his room to practice the Shangqing Great Cave Scripture. It is worthy of being said by Uncle Jiu as a magical method that can lead directly to the fairyland. If the masterful breathing method can only leverage one or two tenths of the essence in the body, then the Shangqing Dadong Scripture can reach this level even if you have no experience in it.

Moreover, as Uncle Jiu said, the Tona method is the Sutra of the Great Cave of Rebirth and Shangqing, and he practiced it very smoothly.

He was glad that he did not choose to run away when faced with the crisis last night, but resisted desperately. Otherwise, Uncle Jiu would have expelled him from the school on the spot. How could he have access to such magical skills?

During the reflection, a flash of enlightenment flashed through his mind. If he does not advance in practice, he will retreat. It is impossible for everything to go as planned. However, there are blessings hidden in crises.

Blindly escaping is destined to achieve nothing.

[Shangqing Big Cave Scripture Proficiency +100]

[Shangqing Big Cave Scripture Proficiency +100]

[Shangqing Big Cave Scripture Proficiency +100]

Soon, he was frightened by the proficiency that came to his mind. Wasn't this proficiency increasing too fast?
  Along with this, the blood in his body boiled, and he had reached the level of perfection in body-building boxing. It could be said that he was at the same level as Uncle Jiu's body-building boxing.

Now An Yan's physique is far more than twice that of an ordinary person. When his blood energy is stimulated, he has the faint sight of a wolf smoke, and wisps of hot air are floating above his head.

The blood was flowing rapidly, the skin was red like a cooked prawn, and the body temperature was frighteningly high. Listening quietly, there seems to be the sound of rivers flowing.

The hot blood essence was quickly refined into wisps of mana, and the wisps of mana condensed into threads. The dantian roared, and the smoke composed of mana quickly filled the empty dantian.

In an instant, An Yan broke through to the middle stage of refining Qi.

This is not over yet, his boy's essence is too strong, and the mana continues to flow into and out of his dantian, flushing the eight extraordinary meridians of his body.

The bruises on his back quickly dissipated, the injured internal organs were quickly repaired, and his skin suddenly became rosy and shiny.

The mana mist in the Dantian became thicker and thicker. Finally, the first drop of milky white liquid condensed and dripped from mid-air. Its sound was like morning bells and evening drums, and like jade beads falling on a plate.

An Yan opened his eyes, a light flashed in his eyes, and the empty room was electrified.

"I broke through to the final stage of refining gas in one breath. Condensing gas into liquid?"

Feeling the small drop of water in his Dantian, An Yan took a breath of cold air. Is this Shangqing Big Hole Sutra really so perverted?
  He hurriedly checked his proficiency.

[Shangqing Dadong Sutra, no beginner, proficiency: 713/1000. 】

"Eh? The Taoist Tuna Method is missing!"

There is only one Shangqing Great Cave Scripture on it, and the terrifying 1000 entry level proficiency, while the Taoist breathing rules have disappeared.

Thinking back to the violent look at the beginning of the Shangqing Big Cave Sutra just now, An Yan touched his chin and thought, this is two things combined into one.

No wonder the proficiency level at the beginning was one hundred and one hundred, but then it was jumping bit by bit.

However, what he didn't expect was that the proficient breathing method could not even reach the entry level of the Shangqing Dadong Sutra.

But when he thought about the completely different cultivation speeds between the two, he suddenly understood.

Looking outside again, I found that it was already dark.

An Yan remembered that he practiced in the morning and lamented that it took so long to practice.

When he came out, he found that Uncle Jiu, Qiu Sheng, and Wen Cai had returned.

Uncle Jiu seemed to realize something. He looked up at the door and was dumbfounded.

Ren Tingting's face turned red. Why did she feel that Brother An was so much more handsome?
  Seeing Ren Tingting's appearance, Wencai and Qiu Sheng looked at each other and secretly thought it was bad.

Fortunately, they relaxed again when they thought that An Yan was not interested in Ren Tingting.

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(End of this chapter)

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