Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 20 People and ghosts have different paths

Chapter 20 People and ghosts have different paths

"An Yan, have you made a breakthrough again?"

Uncle Jiu didn't expect that he would go out for a day and An Yan would have a breakthrough when he came back.

He even doubted that he had been out for ten days and a half, right?
  "Hehe, I was lucky enough to make a breakthrough." An Yan touched his nose, and then said with some regret: "It's a pity that I didn't get into the Shangqing Big Cave Scripture."

Listen, is this what people say?

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng already had expressions of envy on their faces, thinking that after more than ten years of practice, they could not compare to An Yan's more than a month of practice.

Uncle Jiu also wiped his sweat secretly, thinking that even at his age, he was still in the introductory stage of Qing Da Dong Sutra. If An Yan got started in one day, then he would be considered a pig in his life.

"Well, it's indeed pretty good, but don't rush for results, lest you go overboard."

Although Uncle Jiu lamented that people are really different, he still warned him.

Since ancient times, there has been no shortage of geniuses, but there are very few who can actually make it to the end.

An Yan smiled and said, "Maybe it's because of the breathing method, so I feel it's very easy to practice."

Wencai scratched his head and said to himself: "Am I practicing a fake breathing method?"

"Uncle Jiu, Brother An, let's eat first. The food is cold."

At this time, Ren Tingting spoke up.

"Eat first, eat first."

Wencai and Qiu Sheng, who had been running around for a day, sat down in a hurry. They were very hungry today.

After dinner, Ren Tingting packed up the dishes and washed them, while Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai rushed to help.

This made Uncle Jiu couldn't help but shake his head. These two brats had never been so active on weekdays.

An Yan asked: "Master, have you found Mr. Ren?"

"Today I asked Awei to lead the security team to help find him. Unfortunately, the evil cultivator was hiding very tightly." Uncle Jiu seemed a little worried, "We must find Old Mrs. Ren and the evil cultivator as soon as possible, otherwise we will wait for the evil cultivator to refine Old Mrs. Ren. It would be bad if he turned into an armored corpse."

"Master, can't I even deal with you?"

Seeing Uncle Jiu's expression of concentration, An Yan asked, in his opinion, although the armored corpse was powerful, Uncle Jiu should still be able to deal with it.

"This armored corpse is different from the ordinary Mao Zong, because the armored corpse is artificially refined." Uncle Jiu explained when he saw An Yan's confusion.

"General zombies, unless they become flying zombies, mainly jump around."

"But the armored corpse is different. He was refined using the corpse refining method. His stiff limbs have been softened after re-refining. He can walk like ordinary people, and he is not afraid of flames like Mao Zhong."

"An ordinary mahogany sword can't break through its iron skin and bones, and it's even more powerful."

After hearing this, An Yan finally understood why Uncle Jiu was so solemn.

"But don't worry too much. Things like black dog blood, glutinous rice, and children's urine will still have an effect on it."

Recalling what An Yan did last night, Uncle Jiu affirmed.

"It's a pity that the black dog blood and boy's urine haven't been released for a long time, but we can prepare more glutinous rice."

"Uncle Jiu, there isn't much glutinous rice left." After washing the dishes, Ren Tingting realized that there wasn't much glutinous rice left. Thinking of the importance of glutinous rice, she found Uncle Jiu.

"No more glutinous rice?"

"An Yan, you and Qiu Sheng should go buy some glutinous rice and come back."

Uncle Jiu, who didn't know when the zombies would come, immediately said that it would be nice to let the two of them go together so they could take care of them.

An Yan next to him was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

Ren Tingting couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she saw An Yan's cold attitude towards her.

She has a more favorable impression of the mature and steady An Yan than the inconspicuous Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng.

It's a pity that falling flowers are intentional and flowing water is ruthless.

Uncle Jiu saw Ren Tingting who was secretly sad. He couldn't say anything about the young man's affairs. He could also see that An Yan seemed to be deliberately keeping a distance from Ren Tingting.

If you don't love, don't hurt.

This is a sentence that An Yan believes in.

An Yan put on his shoulder bag and said to Qiu Sheng, "Qiu Sheng, let's go buy glutinous rice."

Unexpectedly, the glutinous rice in Renjia Town had been purchased by people long ago. They had no choice but to run to the next town.

Fortunately, the Ren family had bicycles, and An Yan borrowed one to go with Qiu Sheng.

Rice shop in the next town. Business has been very good these days, money is pouring in, and the boss is so happy that he can't smile from ear to ear.

"Honey, why are the glutinous rice so popular recently? People from Renjia Town are coming here to buy it."

"There's a zombie apocalypse over there. Some people say that glutinous rice can cure zombies, and Renjia Town has sold out all of it," said the proprietress.

“I’ve heard about using glutinous rice to treat woodlice a lot, but this is the first time I’ve heard about using glutinous rice to treat zombies.”

"Why do you care so much about him? It's better if you can make money."

"Boss, weigh fifty pounds of glutinous rice."

While the couple was talking, another business came to their door.

Qiu Sheng and An Yan walked in, Qiu Sheng shouted.

"Okay! Fifty pounds of glutinous rice!"

An Yan knew that the boss wanted to mix sticky rice with rice, so he stood by and prevented the boss from succeeding.

After selling the glutinous rice, the two of them rushed back to Yizhuang.

The watchman was working the clock when he suddenly felt a chill on his back. He turned around and saw a woman in white suddenly appearing behind him. He was so frightened that the cigarette in his mouth fell out.

After seeing clearly that it was a beautiful woman, the watchman breathed a sigh of relief and complained: "Girl, any normal person would be scared to death by you at night."

"There's been a zombie apocalypse lately, so go home early if you have nothing to do."

Xiaoyu, who learned that Qiu Sheng was about to arrive, said to the watchman: "Uncle, can you do me a favor?"

"What can I help you with? I have to do the watch." The watchman naturally knew some taboos about the watch and did not dare to agree to the beautiful woman in front of him.

"It's very simple, just tease me!"

"What? You want me to tease you?"

The watchman was shocked. Will it be my turn for this good thing?
  Knowing that society was dangerous, he was afraid that a group of big men would be ambushing nearby, so he immediately cursed: "You slut, you want to defraud me of my little money, and you want me to lose my security at the end of my life. You are really not a human being!"


After the watchman finished scolding him, he wanted to leave.

Dong Xiaoyu smiled coldly and waved his hand.



Qiu Sheng and An Yan rode to a remote place and heard someone yelling for help. Sure enough, there was a man in front of him who was plotting against a woman.

Qiu Sheng was furious. Under all circumstances, someone dared to molest him. He immediately parked his car and rushed out.


He shouted, stepped forward and pulled the watchman away, punched him, and then kicked him out.


Dong Xiaoyu pretended to be dizzy and fell into Qiu Sheng's arms. When Qiu Sheng lowered his head and saw Dong Xiaoyu's young and beautiful appearance, he suddenly felt lustful.

"Tough luck! Tough luck!"

The watchman who was kicked down looked at Dong Xiaoyu in fear. He hated Qiu Sheng for beating him when he came up, so he picked up the guy who was eating and ran away.

An Yan still stood there without taking any action, but took out two grapefruit leaves from his bag and wiped it on his eyes. If he had yin and yang eyes, he wouldn't have to go to such trouble.

Looking at it again, he couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach. How could there be any beautiful woman? She is clearly a rotten female ghost!
  Immediately he shouted: "Qiu Sheng, get out of the way!"

Qiu Sheng was stunned when he saw An Yan rushing forward with a yellow talisman in his hand and hitting the woman in his arms.


Dong Xiaoyu screamed and flew backwards, revealing his true form.

"People have their own ways, ghosts have their own ways, and people and ghosts have different paths. Don't you know?"

An Yan drank coldly.

Qiu Sheng was horrified, he couldn't imagine that he was holding such an ugly female ghost just now.

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(End of this chapter)

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