Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 209 Death without evidence

Chapter 209 Death without evidence
Outside the room, everyone was kneeling down, except for An Yan, Jingtian and Tang Xuejian, who were standing.

The originally cool evening breeze seemed particularly biting at this moment, and Tang Tai and others felt a huge invisible pressure pressing on them like a mountain.

They all had a frightening thought, as if the An Yan in front of them could crush them into mud with just one thought.

"Everyone, I always like to reason with people. Do you want to listen?"

Tang Tai looked up at the smiling An Yan with difficulty, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying: "Listen! Listen! We like to listen to reason the most!"

But I was already scolding my mother in my heart. Who can push someone to the ground to reason?

But the opponent has big fists, so they have to listen even if they don't want to.

"It's best if you listen." An Yan clapped his hands with a warm smile on his face: "We are all civilized people, and it's best if we can reason."

"Then are you wrong?"

How can you be so reasonable and ask others if they are wrong as soon as you come up? Tang Tai and others had a flash of anger in their eyes, but they nodded.

It was clear that both Daxia An and the stinky gangster helped Tangjiabao, but they were beaten up.

But who can blame it?

Looking at Tang Xuejian and Jingtian standing behind An Yan, Tang Tai forced out a smile: "Xuejian, and little brother Jingtian, we were reckless just now, I'm sorry."

"It's okay to know that you were wrong, but it's not me who is apologizing, but them." An Yan would not let them go easily, and moved away, revealing Jingtian and Tang Xuejian behind them.

"Wrong, we were wrong, we shouldn't have done anything."

After seeing this scene, Tang Xuejian began to plead for them: "Master An, you see that they have admitted their mistake, so you won't argue with them, right?"

"Have you calmed down a little? If you haven't released enough energy yet, you can tell me that our Maoshan sect has no merit, except that we are very protective of our shortcomings."

Jingtian looked touched. He was extremely grateful at this moment that he had accepted Daxia An as his teacher. However, although he usually looks like a gangster, he is still very kind at heart.

In fact, Tang Xuejian was grateful and a little embarrassed at the moment. After all, she was from Tangjiabao, but the scene just now really made her very angry.

Hearing this, everyone felt regretful in their hearts. They would have known better than to provoke each other with Tang Tai.

Tang Xuejian's voice was full of apologies. After all, the other party had done nothing bad, yet he was blamed for it.

Everyone else bowed their heads when they saw Tang Tai, the deputy, and could only admit their mistake.

I gave you face in the past, but you didn’t want it. Now it’s too late to want it.

"Hmph! You're lucky." Since Jingtian himself didn't care anymore, An Yan lost all his aura.

If you speak openly and honestly about protecting your shortcomings, you will know that the other party does not take you and others seriously at all.

An Yan understands better than anyone the principle of a good horse never turning back.

So now she chose to remain silent, and she didn't know what to say.

An Yan did not comment, but asked: "Jingtian, what do you think?"

Seeing the people kneeling on the ground, he couldn't bear it, so he said: "Master, they have already apologized, so forget it, I haven't been hurt anyway."

It has to be said that Tang Tai can be regarded as a character, capable of bending and stretching, and can pull an old face to admit his mistakes to two juniors.

"The most important thing now is to find the five poisonous beasts and help Head Tang detoxify them."

Tang Tai, who felt light on his body, quickly thanked and stood up, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead with his sleeves. When he heard Tang Xuejian's words, he thought with hatred in his heart: You will never find the Five Poison Beasts in this life!
Without the five poisonous beasts, Tang Kun would die!

Without Tang Kun to back him up, Tang Xuejian would be like an outsider.

Tang Tai, who was obviously afraid of An Yan's power, only dared to vent his resentment on Tang Xuejian.

However, the drama still needs to be carried out now. So Tang Tai pretended to be nervous and said: "Yes, the key now is to find the five poisonous beasts. Xuejian, think carefully about where you put the five poisonous beasts?"

For a moment, everyone turned their attention to Tang Xuejian.

An Yan felt that things were not that simple, but since there was no evidence, it was hard for him to say anything.

Tang Xuejian thought hard and said angrily: "I remember it was placed in a flower pot, why is it missing now?"

"Could it be that your maid took it with you when you left?" Jingtian reminded.

"You mean Xiaoyi?" Tang Xuejian thought about it and realized that it was possible, so she said, "I will go to Yong'an immediately to find Xiaoyi and ask for details."

"Second uncle, I would like you to check on the escape of the poisonous mother's body."

Tang Tai said hypocritically: "Xue Jian, don't worry, the investigation of the poisonous person will be taken care of by me."

"I happen to have nothing to do, so I'll go take a look." An Yan said in a loud voice at this time.

Tang Tai felt a bulge in his heart, but when he thought that he had finished everything very cleanly, he felt relieved and said, "That's really what I want! Mr. An, please come this way!"

"Master, what about me?" Jingtian asked hurriedly.

An Yan said casually: "You? Just accompany Xuejian to avoid any more accidents."


The master and apprentice acted separately.

An Yan came to the Great Sanyuan again, but at this time the Great Sanyuan was in chaos, and the Tangjiabao disciples guarding it all died tragically on the spot.

Because there was only one poisonous mother body left, the defense was relaxed, and the number of people left behind was only one-tenth of the original number.

Judging from the situation at the scene, the person who took action was not weak and knew the situation in Tangjiabao very well, so he could easily kill all the defending forces without raising an alarm.

An Yan touched his chin and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Why does this look so like a crime committed by an acquaintance?"

"An acquaintance committed the crime? Mr. An is saying that there is a traitor in our Tangjiabao!"

"Who is it? Who is it?"

"If I know who it is, I will cut him into pieces!"

Tang Tai on the side was very angry when he heard this.

"Don't get excited yet, I'm just guessing." An Yan said calmly. If there is a traitor, it must be a high-ranking person in Tangjiabao, and Tang Tai next to him is also suspected.

And as he said, everything is his guess, and he still needs to find evidence to determine whether it is true or not.

"No! I think what you said makes sense, Mr. An!" Tang Tai seemed to be addicted to acting, and even helped An Yan analyze it, "Look, the murderer didn't leave anyone alive, obviously he was afraid of being recognized by these Tang family disciples. Because of his identity, he came to kill someone and silence him, and he died without any evidence."

"Death without evidence?"

An Yan's eyes lit up. Death does not necessarily mean that the evidence will be silenced forever.

"Deputy Head Tang, you really woke up the dreamer with just one word."

"What do you mean?" Looking at the incomprehensible smile on An Yan's face, Tang Tai was startled. He thought he had accidentally let slip something, so he pretended to be curious and asked.

"You move all these corpses back to Tangjiabao, and I will find a way to find the murderer."

An Yan's confident words were like a sharp knife piercing Tang Tai's heart, making him panic.

(End of this chapter)

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