Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 210 What a coincidence, I can summon souls

Chapter 210 What a coincidence, I can summon souls

"Deputy Head Tang, why do you look a little nervous?"

With An Yan's current state, Tang Tai's changes in expression naturally cannot escape his eyes.

Just when he said there was a way to find the murderer, Tang Tai's expression clearly showed a trace of undetectable anxiety.

If it's not related to this matter, then what is he worried about?
Suddenly, An Yan felt that things became interesting and clear. After searching for a long time, it turned out that the murderer was beside him.

Tang Tai is worthy of being an old fox. Even though he knew that he might have been exposed, he still responded very calmly: "Mr. An is laughing at me. Tangjiapu has encountered such a disaster, how can I not be nervous?"

"Now, I just hope that Xuejian can find the Five Poison Beasts soon and help the leader and other Tang family disciples detoxify this poisonous person."

"Mr. An, I'm really troubling you tonight."

Faced with Tang Tai's remarks, An Yan had already guessed that the disappearance of the Five Poison Beasts was also related to him.

He wanted to see what other tricks the other party could pull off.

"You rich people look very beautiful, but I didn't expect that there are so many dirty things behind the scenes." Recalling the ugly faces he saw in Tangjiabao just now, Jingtian said with emotion.

How could anyone play like this? They don’t all play according to the routine!
Tang Tai, who felt that he was being targeted by a psychopath, was filled with horror and did not dare to hesitate any longer. He immediately urged his men to move the body away.

But at this moment, An Yan, who had already walked outside the door, suddenly turned around, took a panoramic view of Tang Tai's ugly face, and joked: "Your performance is good, but you lack some expression management, you still need to work harder!"

He really wanted to know what Tang Tai would do next.

Tang Xuejian wiped her tears, "Do you think I want this? Where I am born is not something I can decide."

Looking at An Yan's leaving figure, the smile on Tang Tai's face suddenly disappeared and turned into a gloomy expression.

"Please rest assured, Mr. An, Tang will definitely comply with the instructions and will not let the real culprit go unpunished." Tang Tai said seriously, and then shouted to the Tang clan disciples who brought him, "Move all the corpses back to the morgue in Tangjiapu The rooms are arranged uniformly, if there is one thing missing, you will have something nice to look at."

I didn't expect Tang Tai to be so impatient!

The words left Jingtian speechless.

"Young Master is making sarcastic remarks here. Miss is a good person!" Xiaoyi defended.

Tang Tai, who was killed by a carbine, was completely stunned. The corners of his mouth twitched. This guy must be mentally ill!

"Since Deputy Head Tang has made arrangements, I won't stay any longer. I'll go see if the Five Poison Beasts have been found."

Returning to Yong'an Dang, An Yan saw the missing three people when he entered. He had already guessed the outcome and asked, "Can't the Five Poison Beasts be found?"

After leaving, An Yan grinned. She hadn't encountered such an interesting thing in a long time.

Thinking about it, he smiled and said: "It's not troublesome, but it gave me a good show."

With that said, An Yan left directly.

Tang Xuejian had already asked Xiaoyi, but she didn't take the Five Poison Beasts at all. She patted her head hard and said regretfully: "I couldn't get the Five Poison Beasts. Grandpa was killed by me."

"It's all written on your faces. If you find the five poisonous beasts, how come you all have bitter faces?" An Yan shook his head and chuckled.

"Miss, this is none of your business, someone must have taken advantage of the chaos and stolen it!" Xiaoyi said to defend the lady.

"Then I will ask Deputy Head Tang to transport these corpses to Tangjiabao. These corpses cannot be lost. They are related to the murderer behind the scenes."

Jingtian saw the master's determined expression and asked doubtfully: "Master, how do you know?"

An Yan said: "Crying won't solve the problem. The most important thing now is to find the murderer and take back the Five Poison Beasts."

"Master, in this huge sea of ​​people, it's not easy to find the murderer?"

Didn't Jingtian know that finding the murderer would solve the problem, but the problem is where to find it? "Looking? Why are you looking?" An Yan smiled mysteriously and looked in the direction of Tangjiabao, "Wouldn't it be better to wait for the other party to jump out?"


Jingtian and the others didn't understand what An Yan meant and looked at each other. Is it possible that some people would really be stupid enough to throw themselves into a trap?
"Put out the fire! Put out the fire quickly!"

A raging fire broke out in the morgue, and Tang Tai shouted anxiously.

The corpses brought back from the Great Sanyuan were all stored inside. I didn't expect that a fire would suddenly break out. The morgue was burned vigorously by someone who deliberately poured kerosene on it. In addition, the well was far away, so pouring buckets of water into it would not help at all.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

There was a burst of applause, and An Yan led Jingtian, Tang Xuejian, and Xiaoyi out.

When Tang Tai saw An Yan arriving, he looked ashamed, "Mr. An, it was my fault for not doing the job well. I didn't expect the murderer to burn all the bodies."

Under the light of the fire, Tang Tai seemed to be smiling at the moment. He was laughing now that the corpses were burned. Even if you doubt me, there is no evidence.

An Yan put his hands on his hands and smiled: "I was just suspicious at first, but I didn't expect Deputy Head Tang to be so temperamental that he jumped out on his own."

Hearing what An Daxia said, Tang Xuejian looked at her second uncle in disbelief. She didn't expect that the murderer would be him. She didn't understand and said: "Why? Second uncle!"

Tang Taipi smiled and said: "Xue Jian, I am your second uncle. Would you rather trust an outsider than trust me?"

After saying that, he looked at An Yan again, with a hint of fear in his expression, but he still said bravely: "Mr. An, you are also a reasonable person. How can you accuse someone of innocence without any evidence?"

"You're so naive!" An Yan flicked his sleeves, "Do you think a fire can destroy the evidence?"

With just a slight flick, a strong wind suddenly arose, turning the fire into a fire dragon that soared into the sky and lit up the night.

This hand immediately calmed everyone, and they were even more in awe.

The morgue was burnt black, and the unpleasant smell of burnt human flesh gushed out.

Tang Tai breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. After being burned like this, the wounds were unrecognizable.

An Yan, who had taken in Tang Tai's expression, smiled and said, "Deputy Head Tang, do you believe in ghosts?"

"And what a coincidence, I happen to know the art of summoning souls!"

After that, regardless of Tang Tai's ugly face, An Yan took out the seal and chanted: "The soul is back!!!"

The sound was raised high and spread, as if it reached the Nine Netherworld, and the originally calm night sky suddenly blew up with gusts of dark wind, making a whirring sound.

Four words seemed to echo in the wind, "The soul is back!" ! !
Both Tang Tai and Tang Xuejian felt waves of cool air approaching.

Jingtian, who had never seen a ghost before, swallowed.

An Yan smiled slightly and said, "Appear!"

As the voice fell, the ghosts of the deceased Tang family members appeared in front of everyone, their deaths were miserable.

"Everyone, go find whoever killed you. Every wrongdoer has his own debtor!"

Without An Yan's restriction, the resentful souls immediately pounced on Tang Tai.

"Get away! Get away!"

Tang Tai was frightened, his face was full of panic, and he was rolling around.

This is the consequence of cutting the grass without eradicating the roots!
An Yan sighed, fortunately, what he likes most is one-stop service.

(End of this chapter)

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