Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 232: Chang Qing, I can only wrong you.

Chapter 232: Chang Qing, I can only wrong you.

In the room, An Yan was practicing the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Method.

The stone obtained from the Xishan Demon Cave was called the Thunder Stone because it contained the power of terrifying thunder.

At this moment, the Thunder Stone was floating in front of him. The originally pitch-black stone was flashing with lightning, and the lightning was drawn into his body by the magical power.

[Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Zhengfa Proficiency +800]

After one lap, the proficiency level is 300 points more than before.

According to this progress, it is very likely that he will be able to break through before entering the God Realm.

Moreover, the effect of the thunder stone, combined with the thunder spirit bead, actually has the effect of tempering the body and forging the soul.

He could clearly feel that his body was getting more and more abnormal, and it was no worse than the body of ordinary monsters, but this was not his limit.

Under the tempering of thunder, the physical treasures are still being further developed.

As long as he wants to, he can cause thunder and disaster at any time and become an immortal instantly.

Holding back her excitement, An Yan resisted the temptation.

"Almost! It's almost!"

"I'm not her old lover."

"Does it matter who I am?" An Yan looked directly at the two of them and smiled, "What's important is that if you don't look for Xu Changqing, why are you looking for me?"

However, neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp. How could they be disturbed by An Yan's mere words?

If nothing else, let’s take the soul’s journey across the world as an example.

The same is true for his soul, which is his Yang Shen, and his essence, energy, and spirit have become unified.

Becoming an immortal is not the end, but a new starting point.

"The five elders of Shushan are not vegetarians."

There is absolutely no need for An Yan to fight against Shang Qingwei and the others for Zixuan. The gain outweighs the loss.

The Mysterious Lady of the Nine Heavens, the Green Snake and the White Snake, the Dragon Lord and the Queen Mother of the West of Kunlun who did not appear in the original work.
These are all familiar masters!

"But I didn't say I wanted to help you stay together."

The saint's ethereal voice sounded, "Who is your Excellency? With such a level of cultivation, it seems that another evildoer has appeared in the Six Realms."

The originally dark room was lit by candlelight, and the still-charming Saint Aunt and the beautiful descendant of Nuwa stood in front of An Yan's bed.

The wind blew outside the window, and An Yan felt blessed and opened his eyes.

"You!" Zixuan could hear the teasing tone in the other person's words and was a little annoyed.

"I did say that."

At the same time, she remembered the conversation with Xu Changqing in the afternoon, and she said uneasily: "You said you would not stop me from being with him!"

"A descendant of Nuwa and a holy aunt, she is good at staying in a grown man's room late at night. It won't sound good if this spreads."

He is still young, and he still has a long way to go, as he knew after witnessing his grandmaster's ability to travel through all realms by relying on his own power alone.


The protracted tone made Saint Aunt frown. She could see that the man in front of her had more than a simple purpose, but the impatient Zixuan had already started asking questions.

"Unless what?"

"As expected of a descendant of Nuwa, I like people like you who talk quickly." An Yan laughed, raised two fingers and shook his head: "Unless you promise me two things!"

The other party had already deployed tactics around the room. Any movement inside could not be heard from the outside. From the outside, An Yan's room looked dark.

Therefore, he is not afraid of being heard by Sedum and the others.

"Zixuan, is he worth your efforts? Are you sure he is your Lin Yeping? Wake up!"

"He is Xu Changqing! Xu Changqing, the great disciple of Shushan!"

Because of An Yan's appearance, Shenggu's plan was completely disrupted. Originally, she wanted to use the incident between Solanum Solanum and Wan Yuzhi to make Zixuan give up.

She could see that the purpose of the man in front of her was definitely not simple. Perhaps, it was a trap set up by the other party to target the descendants of Nuwa.

Seeing Aunt Saint's wary eyes, An Yan waved his hand calmly, "Don't look at me like you're looking at a bad person. I'm a good person."

"Good people don't take advantage of others' danger." Zixuan said sarcastically.

"That depends on you. One of my goals is the Water Spirit Pearl. Anyway, even if I don't mention it, you still have to take it out in the end."

"Because this is the responsibility of Nuwa's descendants, isn't it?"

How can I travel around the world without a thick skin?
Therefore, Zixuan's words were nothing to An Yan.

After all, he's not here to do charity.

Water Lingzhu!
After hearing the words Shui Lingzhu, Zixuan fell silent. She naturally knew the purpose of An Yan and his party, which was to save the world.

And the responsibility of their descendants, Nuwa, is also to protect the human world.

When Zixuan heard this, she asked about his other purpose, "What is the other purpose?"

"I heard that your Nuwa clan has an enchantment that can travel through time and space, called the Immortal Dream of Soul Resurrection."

"I wonder if you can lend me a look?"

"I don't have many hobbies, and one of them happens to be collecting various magical techniques."

Ever since An Yan met Li Xiaoyao, he has been very interested in this magical technique. Although this magical technique can only be used by driving the blood of the Nuwa family, if it is used by outsiders, it can only be used like a holy aunt. People see some images of past lives.

But with the proficiency panel, he was still very unwilling not to try to practice.

"You even know about the dream of returning to the soul? Who are you?" The holy aunt couldn't sit still and stared at An Yan, who looked like Yun Danfengqing, with solemn eyes.

You must know that they have never exposed this magical technique, and even if it is used, they will not reveal that its magical technique is the soul-restoring fairy dream.

Of course I know, and I have even seen your descendants of Nuwa perform it.

An Yan thought to himself, but he said in a very weak tone: "Guess."

Shenggu and Zixuan have black hair, I guess you are a big-headed ghost!

If I could guess it, there would be no need to come to you.

But in the afternoon's conversation, Zixuan was mentally prepared for An Yan. If he could say such treacherous words as freedom of love, his character would definitely not be much better.

She took a deep breath, her chest rose and fell, and then said calmly: "Everyone in the world knows that the Nuwa ethnic group has strong spiritual power. But what they don't know is that the blood of the Nuwa ethnic group has a special power. This kind of A special power can activate a magic spell.

"That kind of magic is called 'Resurrection of Soul Immortal Dream'."

"The Dream of Soul Resurrection is a forbidden magic that allows people to go back to the past and change their destiny. However, this magic can only be performed by the Nuwa tribe."

"Even if you get it, you can't use it."

"Don't worry about it. I can't use it, so why can't I just keep it for fun?" An Yan said with a smile, supporting his chin with his hand.

"Since you said that only the Nuwa clan can perform it, then it shouldn't have any impact on you if you give me this magical skill."

"Don't worry, I will never leak it!"

"Also, don't you want your family to be reunited?"

An Yan brought out the last trump card.

Sure enough, Zixuan was shaken when she heard the words family reunion.

In the original work, in order to stay with Xu Changqing forever, she even ventured into the devil world alone. Now that I heard An Yan's words, I agreed without hesitation.

"If you can do it, I am willing to give you the Water Spirit Pearl and the Soul-Returning Immortal Dream with both hands!"

"A word is settled!"

An Yan sold Xu Changqing directly without hesitation.

Chang Qing, I can only aggrieve you.

(End of this chapter)

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