Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 233 Another multiple choice question

Chapter 233 Another multiple choice question

Xu Changqing stood outside, touched his right cheek again, looked at the closed door, and hesitated whether to knock.

What happened today was too shocking for him.

A lover from his past life came to visit him. He originally thought that his Taoist heart was firm enough.

But the moment he saw Zixuan, he understood what mortals call love at first sight.

The thought of protecting her at all costs emerged from the bottom of his heart, which made Xu Changqing, who grew up in Shushan, panic.

Especially after he cruelly rejected her in the afternoon and saw the tears flowing from the corners of her eyes after kissing her goodbye, he actually felt like his heart was so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

At a loss, he immediately thought of Senior An.

He could tell from Senior An's words in the afternoon that Senior An must be very familiar with his and Zixuan's past lives.

Just as he was hesitating, the door to the room opened.

An Yan couldn't help but touch his nose when he saw Nightshade. He had forgotten that Nightshade was still next door.

How come this person dares to say anything?
Just then, the door to the next room opened and it was Nightshade.

"Ahem, that's a long way off. It's a matter between Chang Qing and Miss Zixuan now." An Yan changed the subject with a calm expression. As long as he was shy, I wouldn't be the one who was embarrassed.

"It seems that you guys are really on the same page, and you actually came to our door at the same time."

An Yan leaned against the door and looked at Xu Changqing with a half-smile.

Uncle Jiu, who was far away in the zombie world, sneezed. Because of An Yan's intervention, he had not finished being an old virgin yet.

While feeling shy, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It turned out that Mr. An had already
Looking back thousands of years ago, if she had been braver, would the ending have been different?

It turns out that An Yan's action of opening the door just now also broke the spell cast by Zixuan. When she heard the noise, Solanum Solanum wanted to come out and see what was going on.

Her face turned a little rosy, and she obviously heard what Mr. An said just now.

An Yan's voice reached his ears.

Thinking back to the beginning, his Taoist heart was firm, but unfortunately Jade broke his guard.

Not to mention that Xu Changqing was embarrassed by An Yan's arrogant words, even the saint aunt and Zixuan who had lived for who knows how many years in the room couldn't help but blush and sighed.

"Okay, why are you so embarrassed? We men have to take advantage of those women in the end." An Yan patted Xu Changqing's shoulder with emotion.

"It's from mother-in-law and mother-in-law. I'm impatient to wait."

He almost became an old virgin like Uncle Jiu.

"Senior An"

Xu Changqing was stunned, because there was light in An Yan's room, and there were two other people, Shenggu and Zixuan.

Xu Changqing's face showed a bit of embarrassment.

Seeing this, Solanum Solanum pretended not to care, and showed a rare naughty smile and said: "Mr. An, don't worry about Solanum Kui, Solanum Solanum also wants to hear Mr. An's opinion."

Looking back now, I just regret that I believed Uncle Jiu's words too much.

Uncle Jiu: Personal attack?

An Yan originally wanted to solve it secretly, but now that Nightshade knew about it, he decided to call Jingtian and the others. After all, they were now a team.

"Miss Zixuan, would you mind a few more bystanders?"

"My affairs with him are aboveboard, why do you mind?" Zixuan shook her head.

An Yan nodded. This was also in line with Zixuan's character. She dared to love and hate. No wonder she would be fascinated by Mo Zunzunlou.

"Lan Kui, help me wake up Jingtian and the others." "Yes."

As a result, the small room was crowded with people.

Jingtian and Tang Xuejian, who were originally reluctant to have their dreams disturbed, suddenly became energetic after hearing about the white tofu (Xu Daxia) eating melon.

On the round table, Xu Changqing and Zixuan sat face to face, with the holy aunt sitting on top.

Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional Chinese virtue. An Yan, who is still young, will naturally not take the main seat. He is not the protagonist tonight.

"Now that the protagonists are all here, let's talk openly." An Yan said and looked at Zixuan.

Zixuan nodded, and then slowly told her three-life love affair with Xu Changqing.

In the first life, with Gu Liufang, but Gu Liufang was a Taoist priest, and in the end they both chose to jump off the cliff.

But because Zixuan had not left any heirs, the Holy Aunt used great magic to save her.

But Zixuan was unwilling to be rescued. She chose to wait for Gu Liufang's reincarnation and prepare to renew their relationship.

The second life was with Lin Yeping. This time, she finally got her wish, but because of a misunderstanding, the two ended in tragedy. In order to save Zixuan, who was willing to die, Lin Yeping chose to commit suicide and died in the end, but left behind Qing'er, the crystallization of their love.

If it were An Yan, he would definitely not be able to accept his decision to become a father. After all, past lives are past lives, and this life is this life.

The third life is the current Xu Changqing.

But Xu Changqing's thoughts were obviously different, and he showed a complicated expression, "What about Qing'er?"

"In order to see you again, I chose to seal Qing'er with water spirit beads." Zixuan murmured in a low voice, her face showing the guilt of being a mother.

It was the first time that Jingtian and others heard about this kind of thing. They were all shocked by Zixuan's persistence. As women, Tang Xuejian and Long Kui were so moved by Zixuan's love for Lin Yeping that they almost cried.

"But, why seal Qing'er?" Maomao couldn't bear to change his mind. He felt that this was too cruel for a newborn baby.

An Yan explained: "Because once the descendants of Nuwa give birth to offspring, their power is gradually stripped away and inherited by the children as they grow up, thus losing the ability to live forever."

"If Qing'er is not sealed, I'm afraid Zixuan won't be able to wait for the reincarnation of her beloved."

"But now the problem is coming. The Demon Locking Tower on Shu Mountain has been broken, and the Water Spirit Pearl is needed."

"Once the Shui Lingzhu is taken away, Qing'er's life will be at risk."

An Yan looked at Xu Changqing, "So, Changqing, what's your decision?"

"Then you still need to ask? Of course I want to be with Miss Zixuan. Sister Zixuan has been waiting for more than a hundred years. Can you, Master Xu, just bear it?"

Tang Xuejian said excitedly.

Nightshade, who is well aware of the feeling of losing a loved one, also nodded and said, "How it feels to lose a loved one. Solanum knows that Sister Zixuan must have had a hard time over the past hundred years."

Although Jingtian expressed his understanding, he did not forget the purpose of his trip. "That being said, what will happen once the Monster Locking Tower is broken and all the monsters trapped inside escape?"


Tang Xue was stunned and hesitated.

Xu Changqing showed pain, why is it another multiple-choice question?
Is it to save one person's life, or to save the world?
“Isn’t there a way to have the best of both worlds?”

Now he doesn't have as many unforgettable experiences as before, so if he had to choose, he would most likely choose the world.

So Xu Changqing said in pain.

An Yan smiled, he was waiting for this sentence.

"It's not that there is no way. I have a way now. But I don't know if you dare to do it, Chang Qing!"

(End of this chapter)

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