Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 234 Traveling Together

Chapter 234 Traveling Together
"any solution?"

Xu Changqing asked.

"But before that, I have to ask you a question." Although An Yan agreed to help Zixuan, he didn't want to force Xu Changqing. He had to ask Xu Changqing's opinion first.

Otherwise, when Xu Changqing regrets it later, he will be disgraced.

"Are you willing to give up your position as the leader of Shushan? Even give up your identity as a disciple of Shushan!"

There is a perfect Dharma in the world, and it will not fail the Tathagata or your Majesty.

The Shushan sect has strict rules, and naturally it will not allow anyone to break the rules, even if this person is the top disciple of Shushan.

Therefore, if Xu Changqing really chooses Zixuan, it means giving up his identity as a Shushan disciple.

"Give up your identity as a Shushan disciple?"

Xu Changqing was stunned. He had never thought that one day he would leave Shushan and his brothers.

Xu Changqing glanced at Zixuan and was moved by her profound righteousness. He coughed and said, "Ahem, I remember Senior An said that there is strength in numbers."

What is this development?
An Yan was stunned. If Zixuan joined in, wouldn't he want to eat dog food until he was full?

Moreover, now she knows that Xu Changqing has feelings for her.

"Aren't you going to collect the Five Spirit Orbs and go to the God Realm?"

"Well, I just don't know. What do you think?"

"Sister Zixuan, do you want to form a team with us?" Tang Xuejian asked.

Zixuan saw Xu Changqing's hesitation, and she also understood that to Xu Changqing, she was just a stranger who had a crush on her, even if the other party knew her relationship with him.

"Mr. An, may I ask?"

Seeing that the holy aunt was silent, Zixuan showed a victorious smile and looked at An Yan.


"Just in time, I know the whereabouts of the fifth spirit bead, the Wind Spirit Bead!"

There was a hint of cunning in Zixuan's eyes. After regaining her confidence, her brain finally opened up and she was speechless. She was speechless.

Therefore, she played hard to get and said: "Chang Qing, you don't have to be embarrassed. I don't expect you to give me the answer now. I can wait for you."

But on the other hand, he was the master who raised him up, preached and taught him, and was as close as his biological father.

As long as she is given a little more time, she is confident of regaining Xu Changqing's heart.

Obviously, Xu Changqing was a little greedy and wanted them all.

"Then tell me, is what Senior An and the others are doing now to save the common people?"

She is a smart woman and knows that if she continues like this, she will only make things worse.

"Holy Aunt, isn't the mission of Nuwa's descendants to save the world?"

"No!" The holy aunt here took the lead in objecting and said anxiously: "You are a descendant of Nuwa, how can you be with them?"

"Changqing, what do you think?" An Yan had no choice but to kick the ball to Xu Changqing, as if to say, you decide your lover.

"With Miss Zixuan's strength, I think joining us will be a big help."

"In that case, let's join." Upon seeing this, An Yan nodded and agreed.

"As for the way to save Qing'er, it's very simple. After taking out the Water Spirit Pearl, ask several elders on Shu Mountain for a Heart-Protect Lotus to temporarily protect Qing'er, and then go find the Holy Spirit Pearl to save Qing'er's life. ”

"Holy Spirit Bead?"

Jingtian and the others were stunned and asked in confusion: "Master, aren't there only five spirit beads? What are the holy spirit beads?"

"You'll know then. Why are you asking so many questions now?" An Yan said no more, because he had to find a way to deal with the next thing.

The most important thing is that even if you know it now, you can't get it.

Xifeng is now Mo Zhenglou's subordinate. He brought Jingtian to the door, which is not a sheep in a tiger's mouth.

So he planned to go to the God Realm first and talk about it later.

"That's it!" After hearing An Yan's method, Zixuan suddenly realized and became happy. She didn't expect that An Yan actually knew about the Holy Spirit Bead. When she heard that she needed to use the Heart-protecting Lotus from the Five Elders of Shushan, she couldn't help but worry.

"It's just this heart-protecting lotus. Will Changqing's masters give it to me?"

"Yes, because they need the Water Spirit Bead." An Yan knew that his words were threatening, but he knew that with his delicate character, he would not sit idly by.

Zixuan and Xu Changqing breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved after hearing this.

"Okay, now that the matter is settled, let's go back to each room and sleep. We have to go to Fengdu City tomorrow."

After settling the matter initially, An Yan started chasing people away. He had to rush to the next game.


"Master, let's go back to sleep."

Jingtian also yawned, and walked out arm-in-arm with Maomao.

Xu Changqing, Tang Xuejian, and Long Kui also left, leaving only Shenggu and Zixuan.

An Yan stretched out his hand to Zixuan, "You should be satisfied with the result, right?"

"Thank you Mr. An for making it happen!"

Zixuan knew that this was the best result. If she wanted to become a fat man in one bite, the end result would be to strangle herself to death.

So, she handed over the secret book with both hands, and did not forget to remind: "Without the blood power of the Nuwa ethnic group, this fairy art is just an ordinary fairy art. But you can't check that person's past life, but you can't travel through the past."

"It's okay, I'll just take a look." An Yan replied perfunctorily, focusing entirely on the dream of returning to the soul.

Zixuan shook her head. She knew that Mr. An would not look back until he hit the wall.

So, she left with the holy aunt.

However, before that, An Yan used Shushan's unique communicator to tell Qingwei what happened tonight, so that they could be mentally prepared.

Shushan at night.

The five elders of Shushan were confused by the message from An Yan.

The grumpy Canggu was very dissatisfied and said: "Senior An is not young at all, why are you still messing around with them?"

"Changqing, he is the eldest disciple of Shushan, and he is the future head of Shushan. He has the appearance of becoming an immortal. How can he be delayed by the love between his children?"

"No, I'm going to find them right now!"

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated Cang Gu became. He actually wanted to go there himself.

"Junior brother, please calm down." Qingwei spoke up, recalling what An Yan said, and sighed: "Senior An makes sense."

"This is the calamity that belongs to Chang Qing!"

"The world of mortals refines the heart, we are not Chang Qing, so how do we know that becoming an immortal and attaining Taoism must be what he wants?"

"Maybe this is Chang Qing's opportunity."

"If you can get through it, the sea and sky will be brighter."

"If we can't survive, we can only say that this is what fate is."

In the finale, Xu Changqing and Zixuan chose not to drink the love-forgetting water, but chose to retain this unforgettable love.

If you can't get out, how can you pursue the avenue?

After receiving some advice from An Yan, Qingwei finally cleared away the clouds and took a longer view.

"Perhaps we are too persistent."

"Senior brother, you!"

When Cang Gu heard this, the expression on his face changed, and he walked away in anger.

"I don't care, let him do whatever he likes."

(End of this chapter)

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