Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 235: Your Majesty, the Patriarch, please accept your discipleship

Chapter 235: Your Majesty, the Patriarch, please accept my disciple’s bow

Clearwater Village.

It is named after the Qingshui River flows through it. Because it is far away from Fengdu and not within the protection range of Fengdu, it is targeted by evil spirits.

For three consecutive days, every night, people had their blood sucked out and turned into mummies and died.

The horrific way of death made the villagers panic and uneasy, so early on the fourth day, they sent people to Fengdu to ask for help from the Maoshan sect.

However, no one came back until it got dark.

The doors of every household were closed, and the whole village was quiet, without a trace of candlelight, for fear of attracting the attention of the evil ghost.

The wind was blowing gusts, and the dogs raised by the villagers seemed to sense the danger, and they began to bark uneasily.

For a moment, the sound of dogs barking one after another broke the tranquility of existence.

A black mist rose from the Qingshui River, and a wet ghost crawled out of the river. It was a water ghost.

The water ghost's face was full of pride, and he had left long ago before Fengdu could react.

Without waiting for the two adults to comfort him, the locked wooden door was broken open.

When those people died before, someone heard the sound of dripping water, which meant that they were being targeted by water ghosts.

"We don't dare to be naughty anymore!"

"Dad, Mom, are the water ghosts coming and taking us away?"

The four children hid in the arms of two adults, crying out of fear.

A water ghost dressed in a beggar's outfit, covered with water plants, barefoot and with a rotten face appeared in front of them.

This is the sorrow of ordinary people in the world of gods and ghosts.

Looking at the living person looking at him with horrified eyes, the water ghost's mouth, whose lips had been eaten away by the fish, revealing dark gums, grinned, "Don't be afraid, I'll be quick and I'll make sure you leave happily."

"But I ate everything I wanted!"

Normally, the water ghost would have eaten this dog in one bite, but now that his taste has become picky, how can anyone like this dog?
In the house, a family of six was hugging each other and shivering. They heard the sound of dripping water and were getting closer.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"Master Water Ghost, please let my child go. If you want to eat, just eat us." The child's father and mother cried.

Being able to leave the water and move ashore temporarily shows that this water ghost is extremely ferocious, a serious ghost.

Once you are targeted by a demon, you are basically at the mercy of it.

As long as a mortal comes into contact with this black water, his essence and blood will be sucked out and he will die within a quarter of an hour.

"Let's hit the road together!"

After entering a courtyard, I heard the disturbing barking of a dog, and the water ghost's yin energy leaked out. The dog was immediately frightened and hid in a corner with its tail between legs, not daring to make any more noise.

The water ghost laughed ferociously, and the ghost energy turned into black water and grabbed the six people in the room.

"If I eat a few more people, I will be able to break through and no longer have to be trapped in this Qingshui River."

"If you make any more noise, I'll eat you!"

"Bold monster! Don't be so presumptuous!"

"Thunder, kill evil!"

There was a sound of thunder, and blue-white thunder ripped through the darkness and headed straight for the water ghost.

If the water ghost chooses to continue attacking instead of defending, the thunder will fall on it and seriously injure the ghost's body.

What a move to surround Wei and save Zhao!

A fierce light flashed in the water ghost's eyes. He hated others interrupting his eating.

“Dark Waters Long!!!”

The rushing black water in front immediately rolled back, forming a wave rushing back, which could be used for both defense and offense.

Bang! ! !
The black water transformed from ghost energy was struck by thunder and turned into foul-smelling white smoke over a large area with a roar.

"Fierce ghost! Look at the sword!"

Golden light tore through the white smoke, and a middle-aged man stabbed straight in with a mahogany sword consecrated with the essence of his finger. The careless water ghost was immediately stabbed in the chest with a sword. The peach wood sword to ward off evil spirits and the ghost energy seemed to be incompatible with each other, making a sizzling sound.

"Damn Maoshan Taoist priest, go to hell!"

The sword was blocked by the water ghost's ghost energy and failed to pierce it. The middle-aged man immediately faced the water ghost's counterattack, and the ghost claws filled with ghost energy clawed at his heart.

The middle-aged man was shocked and wanted to draw his sword and retreat, but he didn't expect the water ghost to be so cruel. Even if his hand was burned, he still held on to the mahogany sword, not giving him a chance to pull away.

As a last resort, the middle-aged man could only abandon the mahogany sword and retreat in embarrassment to avoid the fatal blow from the water ghost.

"Stinky Taoist priest, you brought yourself here to seek death, so don't blame me!"

When the attack failed, the water ghost smiled coldly, and burst out with a rich, dark ghost energy, crushing the peach wood sword.

"So fierce?"

The middle-aged man's expression changed. He had just reached the level of refining qi and becoming a god. Judging from the power of the water ghost, he was afraid that he was not far away from the ghost general.

He is far from an opponent!
"Let me have a taste of what your Taoist priest's blood tastes like!"

"No more, we have to use our trump card!"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and immediately stamped his feet, as if inviting a god to come over him.

"I beg the Patriarch to give me strength!"

If there is a master who practices incense at this time, he will definitely find that a strong incense force falls on the middle-aged man from the void.

In an instant, the middle-aged man's aura surged, and his strength was close to the late stage of Qi Refining and Divine Transformation.

"God's thunder method, lightning turns into a sword!"

Suddenly, the middle-aged man's hands glowed with thunder, and a lightning sword made of thunder and lightning that was very similar to the previous peach wood sword appeared.

Carrying the thunder sword, the middle-aged man fought with the water ghost. The thunder and ghost energy collided fiercely under the night sky.

The villagers in the house took advantage of this opportunity and ran out so that the middle-aged man could let go and have a big fight.

The middle-aged man let go of his hands and feet, and his moves became fierce for a while, beating the water ghost back steadily.

But fierce ghosts are fierce ghosts, and water ghosts will not talk about morality, benevolence, and righteousness with Taoist priests.

Seeing that he was about to lose, the water ghost roared angrily, "Stinky Taoist, I want to see if you are really so noble!"

"go to hell!"

The water ghost feinted, and actually a ghost slapped the fleeing villagers in the distance with his big palm.

The middle-aged man was about to deliver the final blow, but he didn't expect that the evil spirit in front of him was so mean. Without hesitation, he immediately threw the thunder sword in his hand.

With a crash, thunder pierced the dark night, tearing apart the ghostly hand.

"Haha, you stinky Taoist priests are really stupid, you don't even want to save people's lives!"

"Stinky Taoist, you're dead this time!"

The water ghost saw that the middle-aged man had no thunder sword and the middle door was wide open. It immediately turned into a black tornado and came straight to his heart.

My life is over!

The middle-aged man had no time to defend himself and could only watch the water ghost's attack coming.

"Hmph! I hate deceitful ghosts like you the most!"

From the sky, a violent sword energy fell, and the flickering magic sword directly split the water ghost into two.

The water ghost's face still showed the joy of the success of his plan, but he didn't expect that he would be attacked and killed with a sword in the next moment.

Jingtian's figure fell from the sky, followed closely by An Yan and the others.

An Yan landed on the ground and saw that Jingtian had been able to kill a ghost approaching the ghost general with one blow. He nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, Jingtian, your cultivation has made great progress."

At this moment, the middle-aged man who looked like An Yan fell to his knees with a plop and kowtowed, his voice full of excitement.

"Master Patriarch, please accept my disciple's bow!"

(End of this chapter)

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