Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 264 An Yan’s gift, entering the mountains

Chapter 264 An Yan’s gift, entering the mountains
Uncle Jiu had no expression on his face and slowly turned his head to look at Ah Wei.

Ah Wei was so frightened that he saw the old lady waving to him, and he didn't dare to look at the master's face now.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were already laughing in their hearts. Apparently they didn't expect Ah Wei to be so bold and dare to tease the master on such an occasion.

An Yan slapped his forehead, he was indeed a pig teammate.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Jiu laughed out loud, and that laughter sent chills down the spine.

Qiu Sheng secretly said to An Yan and Wen Cai, "Wow, I haven't seen Master smile like this for a long time."

"Yeah yeah!"

An Yan saw the exaggerated looks of the two people and said angrily: "Although Master rarely smiles, you can't slander Master like this, right?"

"An Yan, you're not here, so you don't know." Wencai whispered, "Last year, an old ghost offended the master. The master laughed like this, and the next day he killed the old ghost and all the demons and ghosts nearby. After cleaning it up, the local ghosts are now afraid to set foot within ten miles of Renjia Town."

When An Yan heard this, he took a deep breath.

"Master, this is my gift to you."


Ah Wei almost cried and said thank you. Don't think about it, he will definitely be played to death by his master.

Mao Shanming, who was enjoying the banquet downstairs, twitched his nose, and then greedily inhaled it. This was the medicinal scent of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Just one sniff, and he felt that the bottleneck in the late stage of refining gas was loosened. .

"Hmph! Keep your gifts. When I get home, I will have some fun with you." Uncle Jiu said with a smile.

At this time, An Yan's words attracted everyone's attention.

In this way, this smile has a hidden knife in it!
Seeing the weird expressions on other people's faces at the banquet, An Yan knew that if he didn't do something, the master would be completely embarrassed tonight.

A holy fruit like dragon fruit appeared in his hand. As soon as the holy fruit appeared, a strange fragrance hit their nostrils. As soon as everyone smelled it, they felt that their bodies were in a state of ecstasy, as if they were about to fly away in the next moment.

Seeing his third senior brother An Yan helping him out, Ah Wei looked grateful, and then quickly apologized to his master, "Master, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

It was the same scene on the second floor, even Uncle Nine was no exception.

Uncle Jiu said: "Say thank you!"

"Mortals who eat it will be immune to all diseases and can live hundreds of years. Monks who eat it will double their power and prolong their lives."

The gifts given by the previous disciples of Uncle Nine were worse than the last. I wonder what kind of gifts this third disciple, who is now known as the reincarnation of a god, will give?

Others also pricked up their ears.

An Yan smiled slightly, and with a movement of consciousness, he took out the holy fruit from the storage ring.

If you can take a bite of this, why don't you break through immediately?
Others on the first floor were also immersed in this strange fragrance, and suddenly felt that the big fish, meat, abalone and seafood on the dinner table had lost their flavor.

How often does the world rarely hear of such a rare thing?
Uncle Jiu asked with a trembling voice: "An Yan, what is this fruit?"

An Yan used the most understated tone and said the most pretentious words: "It's not a precious thing. This is the sacred fruit of the sacred tree in the sky. It takes five hundred years to bloom and five hundred years to bear fruit."


"Thank you, master!"

He immediately stood up and scolded Awei before the master got angry: "Awei, what are you doing? Why don't you apologize to the master quickly?"

Everyone gasped when they heard that it would take a thousand years for the fruit in front of them to mature and become effective.

I don’t know who said it, but it resonated with everyone.

"Isn't this the Queen Mother's fairy peach?"

"That's right! That's right!"

It suddenly dawned on Uncle Jiu that this brat’s realm was not limited to practicing the practice of practicing the art of practicing the Tao, and he might have become an immortal.

Otherwise, how could a mortal monk get this holy fruit from heaven?
But he remembered that his deceased master had said that the road to heaven was cut off, so how did An Yan become an immortal and ascend to heaven?
"Master, this is your birthday gift from my disciple."

"This is too valuable, Master can't take it. You can just keep it for yourself." Uncle Jiu refused. He knew that with his qualifications, it was a fluke that he could break through to the realm of refining gods and returning voids.

Even if you eat this holy fruit now, you will be able to reach the top of the sky and become a god, and you will be far away from becoming an immortal.

But An Yan is different. He has achieved such achievements at a young age. He believes that with the help of the Holy Fruit, he can advance to the next level.

What's more, when I think about my third disciple, who has been away for two years without any news, he must have suffered unimaginable hardships to reach where he is today.

No one can succeed easily!

Therefore, Uncle Jiu cannot accept this holy fruit.

An Yan understood the meaning of his master's words, and the loving eyes moved him even more.

At the same time, he was a little funny. He grabbed the master's hand, put the holy fruit into his hand, and said: "Master, just accept it. Your disciple and I have already eaten it."

"The taste of this holy fruit is truly supremely delicious!"

Seeing such a precious thing, An Yan only praised the delicious taste. Uncle Jiu couldn't help laughing and scolded: "You are really a pig eating ginseng fruit and ruining such a good thing."


"Stop it, if you don't accept it, I will feed it to the pigs tomorrow." An Yan said.

"How dare you! Isn't this a gift from heaven? It's going to be struck by lightning!" Uncle Jiu was so frightened that he hid the holy fruit in his arms, fearing that An Yan would really feed the holy fruit to pigs.

An Yan said nonchalantly: "If you want to chop, just chop. If you haven't been hacked before," Uncle Jiu remembered that if An Yan really became an immortal, he must have survived the thunder tribulation, and ordinary thunder would not be able to do anything to him. .

When others saw the two pushing the holy fruit back and forth, they wanted to grab it and say: "Your master doesn't want it, I want it!"
In an instant, everyone forgot about Awei's clown's farce and thought about how to get close to him and get a bite of the holy fruit from Uncle Jiu.

But how could Uncle Jiu be willing to give such a rare treasure to outsiders?

Mao Shanming, who was on the first floor, ran out of Renjia Town with all his treasures after finishing his big meal.

Because one can imagine the strength of a person who possesses such a treasure. In addition, Uncle Jiu is now notorious for being evil. If he sees that he is raising a kid, he will definitely not let him go.

His running away was a disaster rather than a blessing.

Ghosts are ominous things that combine eighteen disasters into one body: poverty, sorrow, decline, disaster, shame, misery, mold, pain, illness, and death.

Being in the company of ghosts may bring temporary benefits, but it will cause endless troubles in the future.

After the birthday party.

Uncle Jiu took An Yan and the four of them back to Awei's house.

The holy fruit was placed on the table. Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and A Wei stared at it, their saliva almost flowing out.

An Yan waved his hand in front of them, "Don't look at it. It's none of your business. This is to honor the master."

When the three of them heard this, they all looked bitter, but they still gritted their teeth and said, "Master, please eat it quickly. This thing is really eye-catching."

An Yan nodded and said, "That's about right, you three."

Uncle Jiu looked at the holy fruit on the table and was very moved. He pondered for a while and said: "An Yan, you also know that your three brothers are dull and far inferior to you. Without external help, they may stop at nothing in their lives. It’s refined and transformed.”

After hearing the master's words, Qiu Sheng and the other three showed a look of hope on their faces.

Upon hearing this, An Yan also understood what Master Jiu Shu was thinking.

He lamented that there were not many masters who cared about their disciples like Uncle Jiu, not to mention such a rare thing as the Holy Fruit. Others would have taken it all for themselves.

It's no wonder that Uncle Jiu is hailed as the Saint Master of All Realms. It would be a fool not to accept such a master as his master.

"Master, since this fruit is my birthday gift to you, it belongs to you. You can do with it what you want."

Uncle Jiu showed a relieved smile, and when he saw Qiu Sheng and the others still smiling stupidly, he said angrily: "Why don't you thank An Yan?"

"We are all brothers, so we don't speak the same language as one family." An Yan waved his hands and smiled, then suggested, "However, going too far is not enough. The three of them are too weak, so I will give them one-third." Three points."

"Master, what do you think?"

When Uncle Jiu heard this, he thought it made sense and nodded.

The three of them didn't think there was anything wrong with this. It was a surprise to have a bite. What else do you want from a bicycle?
So Uncle Jiu took a knife and divided the holy fruit into four portions. His portion was naturally the largest, and the portions for Qiu Sheng and the others were probably just one bite.

An Yan said: "Master, you can eat, I will help you protect the law."

"And Qiusheng and you three too."

Uncle Jiu and Qiu Sheng had no objection and ate it immediately.

The four people ignored the dust on the floor and sat down cross-legged to refine the potion.

During this period, the leader of the horse bandits wanted to rob the prison, but An Yan slapped him to death, leaving him with no bones left.

Still thinking about turning into a ghost and coming back for revenge? impossible!
In a mountain that was dug into pits, it was rare to see a big jeep.

It was Xia Dongqing and Zhao Li who had driven all the way. It was already afternoon.

After parking the car, Officer Zhao looked at Xia Dongqing and asked, "Have you sent your location to An Yan?"

Xia Dongqing, who had slept all the way in the end, was now completely energetic. She glanced at the message from An Yan on her phone and said, "Sent, he said he'll be here soon."

As soon as the two got out of the car, a cloud quickly fell from the sky. It was An Yan who had rushed back from Uncle Jiu's world and had been shopping with Jade for a while before rushing over.

In the world of Uncle Jiu, Master Jiu Shu successfully broke through to the realm of refining the void and combining the Tao, and Qiu Sheng and the other three broke through to the realm of refining qi and transforming into gods in one breath.

After staying for two days, he left again.

Although Uncle Jiu was very reluctant to let go, he also fully understood that keeping An Yan by his side would only limit his development.

So I just told him to come back and see more.

Seeing An Yan finally arriving, Zhao Li rolled his eyes at him.

This made An Yan confused, "What are you doing? Officer Zhao, is there something wrong with your eyes?"

"There's something wrong with your eyes. You left Dongqing alone to me and went to play by yourself." Zhao Li said like a resentful woman.

"Hey, Officer Zhao, what are you talking about?" Xia Dongqing was a little dissatisfied. What do you mean by leaving yourself to him? He is not a thing.

"Can you please don't call me by my name with my face? It's very uncomfortable." Zhao Li interrupted Dongqing's spell casting.

"You two should just say less. We are all here. Wouldn't it be nice to find the mountain god and ask her to exchange it for you?" An Yan saw the two of them flirting again and said hurriedly. He didn't want to waste it. Time is spent on such nonsense.

Xia Dongqing said: "I listen to An Yan and don't care about you."

Li Zhao shrugged.

So, a group of three people walked towards the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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