Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 265 The child worshiping the mountain god

Chapter 265 The child worshiping the mountain god

Deep in the mountains, even if the vegetation is lush and green, you can still see the traces left by humans, which are traces blasted with gunpowder and excavated by machines.

In the forest ahead, a little boy carrying a small cloth bag hid in the dense bushes, watching the three men who got out of the car, turned back to the car, and drove away.

After seeing the car driving out of the mountain and disappearing from sight, the little boy walked out of the bushes with a wooden slingshot in his hand.

"It's strange, this mountain has been hollowed out, what are these people doing here?"

The young boy didn't understand, but he knew that these were not good people, because his father disappeared because he worked for these outsiders.

Now that Dad is gone, Dashan will be protected by him, because he is a citizen of Dashan.

The little boy raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was almost dark. Without further delay, he put the slingshot into his backpack and ran towards the mountains.

At the foot of the mountain, a place invisible to the naked eye.

An Yan and the other two were standing quietly. They never left. What was just now was just a deception trick used by An Yan. It shouldn't be too simple to fool a child.

It turned out that just now, when they were preparing to go up the mountain, An Yan said that someone was secretly spying on them, so he used some small magic, and the scene just now occurred.

"And mountain gods are usually gods of incense and fire."

Xia Dongqing saw a child running out of the bushes and couldn't help but look at An Yan: "An Yan, how did you know that someone was hiding in secret to observe us?"

In fact, An Yan doesn't need to be so troublesome.

"Well, just like if you usually burn incense and worship Buddha, it will generate the power of incense and wish, and the power of incense and wish is the necessary power to walk the path of incense."

Xia Dongqing suddenly realized.

Therefore, if you see a beautiful woman on the street, don’t stare at her for a long time, as others will feel it too.

Seeing the two of them, he chased after them. Xia Dongqing quickly followed. He asked in a low voice: "An Yan, why can you find the mountain god by following the little boy?"

"It's just some use of the monk's spiritual consciousness." An Yan said, even a normal person would feel it if someone was staring at him from behind.

I guess the same is true for Zhao Li. Otherwise, according to Zhao Li's character, how could he follow a little kid obediently.

"Let's go, follow this little boy, I believe you can find the mountain god." Zhao Li looked at the little boy's back and narrowed his eyes slightly.

As you go deeper, you can also see man-made corn fields beside the stream.

Under this situation, An Yan was also a clever woman who couldn't make a living without rice, so she could only follow the little boy honestly.

Xia Dongqing obviously didn't understand these religious terms, "Incense and vows?"

According to the plot, he knows that the mountain god exists again.

The little boy is obviously very familiar with this place. He comes here often, jumping up and down, and walking very fast.

But his consciousness scanned the entire mountain and found no trace of the mountain god, as if the mountain god in this mountain did not exist.

An Yan nodded.

"The breath of the little boy, although weak, is unmistakable. It is the breath of incense and wish power." An Yan was naturally very familiar with the power of incense and wish, so he explained.

"So, the little boy should have been to the mountain temple located in the mountains."

Therefore, the only explanation that can be made is that the mountain god is really extremely weak, and usually has to fall into a deep sleep to avoid excessive consumption of his own strength.

An Yan and the other three remained silent and hung behind. Fortunately, Dongqing had the habit of running, otherwise she would have fallen down from exhaustion.

However, as he walked, the little boy suddenly turned around and looked suspiciously at the open space behind him. He always felt that something was following him.

The sudden move frightened Xia Dongqing so much that he didn't dare to move. He completely forgot that An Yan had cast an invisibility spell on him and ordinary people couldn't see him at all.

The little boy walked back a short distance and passed under Xia Dongqing's eyes, but he didn't notice it at all.

"That's weird." The little boy scratched his head, and in the end he just felt that he was made a little suspicious by the three outsiders just now.

So, he stopped worrying and turned around and walked all the way to the mountains.

In fact, there are many wild boars and poisonous snakes on the mountain, but these animals will subconsciously avoid the little boy because they know that the little boy is the person protected by the mountain god.

"Hey, An Yan, do we have invisibility so they can't see us?" Xia Dongqing, who felt the magic of invisibility for the first time, said excitedly like a big child who got a new toy.

Before An Yan could answer, Zhao Li punched Dongqing's chest, "Are you stupid? With such a loud voice, even if you are invisible, everyone in the world will hear it."

"Zhao Li, Dongqing is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't know that, can't you be more patient with him?" An Yan said amusedly. He obviously cared about Dongqing very much, but he showed an impatient look.

"He's almost stupid." Zhao Li said harshly.

"It's better An Yan. An Yan is very patient and won't scold others casually." Xia Dongqing also counterattacked after hearing this.

Zhao Li rolled his eyes, "Why do you sound like tea?"

"I'm just telling the truth!" The three of them followed him until it was almost dark, and followed the little boy to the foot of a mountain wall.

If you look carefully, you can find a grotto on the mountain wall, with a stone man wearing a wreath of dried flowers placed on it. The stone man is shaped into a female form and has female characteristics.

The little boy took out the tribute he brought from his satchel and placed it respectfully in front of the mountain god. Three apples, some sesame seed cakes and a bottle of milk were all the things he could buy with his pocket money.

After laying out the tributes, the little boy knelt down before the mountain god and said, "Mountain God, I'm here to see you again."

"Is this the mountain god? So weak!"

An Yan, who was hiding behind, concentrated his immortal power in his eyes, and directly penetrated the surface of the stone statue to see the essence. It was a ball of fluorescent green flame, but at this moment the flame was like a candle in the wind, as if it would be extinguished in the next moment.

As the little boy knelt down, the weak power of the incense floated out of the little boy and fell into the flames. For a moment, the dim flame seemed to become much brighter.

"Can you see the condition of the mountain god?" Zhao Li was a little surprised when he heard An Yan's words. He found that he could not see through An Yan more and more.

He could see through An Yan's realm before, but now when he looked at An Yan, it was like looking into an unfathomable ocean, unable to fathom the depth.

This situation made Zhao Li secretly frightened.

Damn it, this kid is probably an ancient beast in human skin. Why does he feel the same every day?

Now, he seriously doubted that he was no longer An Yan's opponent.

This. How does this make him feel so embarrassed?
"Look, it's fireflies!" Xia Dongqing looked up and found that large fireflies had flown out of the surrounding mountains and forests, shining in the sky.

Little by little, they are like twinkling stars, very beautiful and dazzling.

"I haven't seen fireflies in a long time!"

An Yan took a look and knew that this was the mountain god aware of their arrival, a sign of recovery.

Regarding Zhao Li's question, An Yan just smiled lightly and said, "Maybe it has something to do with the skills I practice, so I can observe it."

When the little boy saw this, he was very happy, thinking that the mountain god had responded to him.

So, he confided everything in his heart to the mountain god.

"Mountain God, three outsiders came to the mountain today, but they left again. Originally, I thought that if they dared to do anything bad to the mountain, I would definitely teach them a lesson with a slingshot."

"I said, I will protect the mountain and you."

When he was a child, his father often took him to worship the mountain gods. He said that it was because of the protection of the mountain gods that the mountains were so rich in resources, allowing their small mountain village to continue to develop to this day.

Therefore, after his father disappeared, the little boy took over his father's responsibilities and continued to worship the mountain god and pray for his blessing.

As he spoke, the little boy's expression became a little depressed, "But, I have to leave tomorrow, and my mother wants to send me to the town to go to school."

This is also the situation in most rural areas. Anyone whose family has some money sends their children to study in towns or even cities, in order to provide their children with a good study environment and qualified teachers.

What's more, in some rural areas, because there are not many children, they don't even have fifth or sixth grade. After finishing fourth grade or even third grade, they have to go to towns to continue their education.

The little boy was a little sad and reluctant, but he knew that his mother was doing this for his own good, so he couldn't refuse.

"Mountain God, I may not be able to visit you for a long time. But I will definitely come back one day."

"Please bless my father, let him come back soon, and let our family reunite as soon as possible."

"In the future, I will definitely build a mountain temple for you."

The child's sincere words moved the mountain god. The mountain god fluoresced slightly, and a firefly flew down from the sky and landed in front of the little boy.

The magical scene surprised and delighted the little boy. He stretched out his hands to hold the fireflies, "Mountain God, are you here?"

Fireflies were flying, and the little boy's eyelids felt heavy, and he slowly lay down on the big stone nearby and fell asleep.

"Is this an old friend here? Come out!"

After using magic to put the little boy to sleep, the ethereal and kind voice of the mountain god sounded.

Zhao Li stood up first. He and the mountain god were old acquaintances.

An Yan and Xia Dongqing followed behind.

"Mountain God, why have you become like this? What happened to your body? Where is your temple?"

Zhao Li remembered that more than a hundred years ago, mountain gods were enshrined in mountain temples. Although they were not as good as temples in famous mountains and rivers, they were still popular.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for so many years, the mountain god who once protected us would turn into a simple beggar's attire now.

This really didn't fit with the mountain god in his memory.

(End of this chapter)

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