Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 269 Silent Fatherly Love

Chapter 269 Silent Fatherly Love

After a while, when she saw her son gritting his teeth and keeping silent after being beaten, Lazi Xishi felt heartbroken again. She stroked her son's cheek and said, "You are stupid, you don't even cry out when it hurts, and I don't hit you even when you call me mom." ”

Although Wang Xiaoshan was just a child, he knew how hard his mother was working. He shook his head and said, "Mom, it doesn't hurt. Don't be angry. I won't dare to do it anymore."

Upon seeing this, Lazi Xishi touched her son's hair, and then looked at An Yan and the other three. Seeing that the three of them were obviously from big cities in their clothes, she hugged Xiao Shan tightly and said warily: "Who are you? How come Xiao Shan can be with you?" Are you together?"

Before An Yan could speak, Wang Xiaoshan said in her ear: "Mom, they said they were here to investigate the case of my father's disappearance. I fainted in the mountains last night, and they were the ones who took me out of the mountains."

When she heard that they were here to investigate her husband, Lazi Xishi felt nervous and confused at the same time. Aren't the leaders afraid that something would happen? How could someone still be sent to investigate?
She was not a stupid woman, on the contrary, she was very smart, and she quickly understood that these three people must have another purpose.

After she reacted, she put on a nonchalant attitude and said, "My husband has been missing for ten years? You didn't investigate back then, but now you only come to investigate after ten years. Isn't this ridiculous?"

"Let's go, you all, let me go."

With that said, Lazi Xishi was about to drive An Yan and the others away.

"Hey! You woman, your good intentions are really unrequited. We helped investigate your husband's disappearance, and you are driving us away?" Zhao Li was the first to look at it, wondering where he, the dignified soul ferryman, was going. Not being domineering. Bah, being respected by others.

The news report above is clearly a report of the mining accident that year.

Wang Jianshan’s matter is really related to his wife!

"Soul ferryman, ghost messenger, underworld messenger, soul seducer. These are the names you call us." An Yan spread his hands and said.

Lazi Xishi fell into entanglement. After all, what the other party said was too far-fetched, talking about the underworld, ghosts and so on.

"Yeah!" Wang Xiaoshan nodded obediently and turned around to go out.

"My husband?" Lazi Xishi couldn't help but look moved, and then said sarcastically: "Are you trying to say that it's my husband's ghost that's back?"

Zhao Li and Xia Dongqing did not speak, silently observing Lazi Xishi's expression. When they saw the struggle flashing across her face, they understood.

After Wang Xiaoshan went out, Lazi Xishi closed the door and her face instantly turned gloomy, "Who are you? Who asked you to come?"

How could there be such a terrible person?
Seeing that La Zi Xi Shi was being restrained by him, An Yan glanced at Wang Xiaoshan and said, "Don't you invite us in to have a chat?"


Seeing An Yan's transparent mobile phone, Lazi Xishi doubted that she had not kept up with the times? But soon her attention was caught by a news report on her phone.

When passing the big black dog on a leash, she cursed angrily: "Why did I raise you for food? The weasel didn't even bark when it came, so it ate you for nothing."

"OK, actually it doesn't matter if you don't tell me, because I have basically guessed what's going on inside." An Yan said.

Seeing An Yan's confident look, Lazi Xishi knew that the other party must have known something. She bit her lip and finally gave in: "Come with me."

But, why is this?

Facing An Yan's pair of deep eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, Xishi's heart skipped a beat for no reason. She felt like she couldn't hide any secrets in her body in front of him.

"Li Zhao, leave the rest to me." An Yan grabbed Li Zhao who failed to negotiate. Looking at Xi Shi who was walking away, he said loudly: "Are you going to hide your husband for the rest of your life?"

An Yan's words made not only Lazi Xishi paused, but also Xia Dongqing and Zhao Li couldn't help but look at him. What did this mean?
Is the disappearance of Wang Xiaoshan’s father related to his mother?
This is really exciting!

There was a trace of panic on Lazi Xishi's expression, and she immediately turned around and put her hands on her hips and cursed: "What do you mean by this? Do you want to say that it was me who caused my husband to disappear?"

"Haha, isn't it? You should know it better than anyone else."

"Don't worry about these trivial matters." An Yan said nonchalantly, "The most important thing now is to solve Wang Jianshan's matter."

Soon, following Lazi Xishi, the three of them came to her house.

Seeing that the originally aggressive mother-in-law actually relented, Officer Zhao had no choice but to give An Yan a thumbs up, "An Yan, it has to be you! I think you will be called a woman killer from now on."

"We need to investigate. You should investigate thoroughly and don't disturb my life." Lazi Xishi ignored Zhao Li and pulled Wang Xiaoshan towards home. "Xiaoshan, let's go."

"Who are you?" Lazi Xishi was about to collapse now and asked again.

"Hey, don't blame Sang and Huai!" Zhao Li said. As he said that, he wanted to go up and have a good argument with Lazi Xishi.

"Screw you!"

Xia Dongqing couldn't help but said: "Do you hate your husband very much? Since he has not issued a death certificate in the human world, the underworld has been unable to take him back to be reincarnated. Now he can only stay in the human world and wander around."

Officer Zhao rolled his eyes, you're wearing it, you're just taller, more handsome, and have two more muscles than me.

Lazi Xishi said to her son: "Xiaoshan, you go outside to play for a while, and I'll talk to them."

"If you were as handsome as me, you could do it too." An Yan joked.

Seeing this, An Yan decided that he had to play the role of a famous detective.

Seeing Xia Dongqing's suppressed smile, Zhao Li slapped Xia Dongqing's hand away, "Fuck you, I don't need you to comfort me."

Unexpectedly, he actually died in a small mountain village.

"Damn it, An Yan, why are you trying to steal my lines?" Veins appeared on Zhao Li's forehead. It was obvious that he was a serious soul ferryman.

Lazi Xishi looked at An Yan and remained silent.

"Congratulations on your correct answer, but it's a pity that there is no reward." An Yan replied with a smile, and continued: "Your husband said he was very cold, he couldn't stand it anymore, and he wanted to be reincarnated."

"Look at this news, the information is exposed in it." As he said, An Yan took out his Ai Crazy 8, slid his finger, and pulled up a news report about a mining accident ten years ago.

Ignoring the autistic Zhao Li, he looked at Lazi Xishi, "What? Still don't want to talk?"

"What if your husband asked us to come?" An Yan seemed to have returned to his own home, looking at the decorations in the house, and replied casually.

Xia Dongqing patted Li Zhao on the shoulder and sighed: "Aren't you asking for trouble?"

She already believed the other party's words, so she could only forcefully say: "What does this mean? Isn't it just a report?"

"Alas, it seems that you won't give up until you reach the Yellow River. Mother's love is really great. You can actually do this for your son." An Yan sighed and continued: "The report above said that nine people died in the mining accident. It was a major accident, and it caused a lot of criticism, didn’t it?”

Lazi Xishi's body trembled, and she stared at An Yan as if she had seen a ghost, "You, are you a human or a ghost?"

"It doesn't matter whether I'm a human or a ghost."

An Yan said calmly, and he continued.

"And your husband is the tenth person killed in a mining accident. According to accident regulations, once more than ten people are killed, it is a major accident."

"So, if the truth is reported, a large group of people will be held accountable and the mine will be closed."

"Such a result is obviously not what some people want to see."


"Someone found you and asked you to help conceal the truth about Wang Jianshan's death and pretend to be a missing person." "I heard from the villagers that many luxury cars and leaders often come to your place. I think that is why they You are in charge of this matter, so they are afraid of you, so they come to see you often. "

After listening to An Yan's analysis, Zhao Li felt his scalp numb, "Show, so beautiful!"
He didn't think too much about it, he just thought this woman was coquettish and seductive to men.

Unexpectedly, there are so many things that can be seen in it.

Xia Dongqing then remembered that no wonder when she got up, she saw An Yan checking something. It turned out to be the accident in the mine.

An Yan continued.

"When I was chatting with Xiaoshan in the car just now, I heard that he was leaving the village to study in the county. I think the leaders here have contributed a lot, right?"

"Otherwise, how can you, a single mother, be able to send Xiao Shan to school in the county town just by selling some chili peppers?"

An Yan's words completely broke down Lazi Xishi's inner defense. Tears suddenly flowed from her eyes and she covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying.

She didn't expect that the secret she had hidden for ten years would be seen through so easily.

After a long time, Lazi Xishi wiped away her tears with her sleeves and said with red eyes: "Yes, just because Jianshan is the tenth corpse found."

"The leaders wanted to avoid being punished and the mines were not blocked, so they found me."

"They discussed with me whether we could not hold a funeral, bury anyone, or issue a death certificate, just pretend there was no such person."

At this point, she was silent for a moment, looked at An Yan and the others and said, "Follow me."

Lazi Xishi brought the three of them into her room. As soon as they entered, Zhao Li and Xia Dongqing were attracted by a large freezer on the kang.

Who would put a big freezer in their sleeping room? It was as if a coffin had been set up.


Zhao Li and Xia Dongqing looked at each other and saw the look of realization in each other's eyes. They finally understood where La Zi Xi Shi hid Wang Jianshan's body.

This woman is so brave!

An Yan also looked at the large freezer locked by a thick iron chain, and said firmly: "He must be in here!"

Lazi Xishi nodded, unlocked the lock with the key, and opened the freezer.

What came into view was the body of Wang Jianshan, curled up in a ball and frozen to the bone.

"You freeze him like this, no wonder his soul can't rest in peace and is covered in cold."

"How long do you plan to freeze?"

Official Zhao also understood why Wang Jianshan felt so cold in his body last night.

Lazi Xishi leaned against the freezer and replied, "They brought this freezer over and asked me to hide my people in it."

Xia Dongqing remembered what An Yan said just now and asked, "Is it all for Xiaoshan?"

Lazi Xishi nodded, "You must think I am a cruel woman, but I do it all for my son."

"After a funeral or burial, a pension will be given, but how much is the pension? It will be spent soon."

An Yan and the others listened silently.

"The child is still young, how can I raise him? Our old Wang family ancestors were all hunters, and the mountains were destroyed by them. Wang Jianshan died in a mining accident."

"Even if I go out to work, I can only make the mountain grow bigger. I can't give him the best education. I don't want my son to follow his father into the mines when he grows up."

"So, I agreed to their request."

Having said this, Lazi Xishi wiped away her tears again and took a deep breath.

"I told the public that Wang Jianshan ran away with another woman, and the leaders were not punished. Each one became more important than the other."

"But they are all afraid of me because I have something in my hands. When I get angry, I call them, and they have to drive a car to see me and give me money."

"Last month, mine manager Chen and township manager Li came. I asked them to send my son out of the mountains, and they had to do it. People in the village didn't know what was going on, so they thought I was having an affair with them."

"It doesn't matter. As long as I can get out of the mountains and not be a miner in the future, I don't care what you say."

"What should we do now? An Yan, don't you have many ideas? Tell me!" Zhao Li had a headache.

An Yan shook his head, "What else can we do? Let Wang Jianshan decide for himself."

Hearing this, Lazi Xishi said excitedly: "Can you really see Jianshan? Can you please let me see him!"

"I'm sorry for him!"

"Okay." An Yan knew that the person who tied the bell had to be tied to untie the bell, so he immediately replied and looked at Official Zhao, "Official Zhao, please summon Wang Jianshan's ghost."


Zhao Li did not hesitate and used their unique spiritualism.

An Yan waved his hand, and the immortal power surged out of his body, forming a barrier that blocked out the sunlight and darkened the room.

Lazi Xishi quickly went to turn on the light.

The dim lights turned on, the surrounding temperature dropped, and Wang Jianshan's figure appeared.

When she saw Wang Jianshan's current appearance, Lazi Xishi burst into tears and wanted to throw herself into his arms and cry aloud to vent her longing for the past ten years.

Wang Jianshan was also very excited, but he did not forget his current state and quickly stopped him: "Honey, don't come over, I will hurt you!"

Only then did Lazi Xishi realize that the temperature around her suddenly felt like winter. She was a little at a loss, "How could this happen?"

An Yan said: "A dead person has a soul. If you keep him in the refrigerator, his soul will be full of coldness."

"Forget it, I'm a good person and I'll do it to the end."

An Yan's hand touched Wang Jianshan's body again, giving him a trace of yang energy. Suddenly, the cold air on Wang Jianshan's body disappeared.

"This ray of Yang Qi can last for an hour. You should talk about it among yourselves."

An Yan walked out with Zhao Li and Xia Dongqing, leaving a private space for them.

When I went outside, I found that Wang Xiaoshan had gone somewhere.

Xia Dongqing asked: "An Yan, what do you think he will choose?"

An Yan sighed: "Maybe I won't leave. I would rather stay in the freezer for the rest of my life."

(End of this chapter)

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