Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 270 The mountain temple was established and Kong Xiaolong came to the door.

Chapter 270 The mountain temple was established and Kong Xiaolong came to the door.
About half an hour later, Lazi Xishi walked out of the house.

"Come in, he has something to say to you."

An Yan and the three of them looked at each other and walked in together.

Inside the house, Wang Jianshan stood next to the freezer.

When An Yan saw his expression, she knew he had made a choice, "I'm not leaving."

"I'm not leaving." Wang Jianshan, who already knew the cause of the matter, nodded and said, "She has paid so much for her children. As a husband and father who has not fulfilled my responsibilities, there is only this much I can do for my mother and daughter."

"Sorry to trouble you."

"It's not troublesome." An Yan shook his head. For a father who could give everything for his children, he was still happy to lend a helping hand.

"If you want to say thank you, just thank your son. It was his sincerity that moved the mountain god. It can be regarded as the incense of your Wang family for generations."

"Mountain God!" Wang Jianshan thought of the stone statue in the mountain.

Lazi Xishi is not stupid, but her mind is spinning very quickly. The mountain temple is about to be rebuilt. That means it hasn't been built yet, so someone will definitely need to contribute money and effort.

She immediately said: "Mr. An, leave the reconstruction of the mountain temple to me. You have helped our family so much, and I really can't think of how to repay you."

"Being a subordinate of the mountain god will give you a little bit of incense. I think it will help you isolate yourself from the cold air."

Besides, I’m already a piece of shit, do I still think I’m eighteen or twenty?

Surprise appeared on Wang Jianshan's frosty face. Although he was just an ordinary person during his lifetime, he had read many TV series and novels about gods, ghosts, and strange things.

"I thought of a good way to at least protect the soul from the freezing air."

Lazi Xishi was a little uncomfortable with the fiery look in her eyes. She was very familiar with this kind of look. It was the way the oligarchs in the village looked at her.

"Literally speaking, you can say that." An Yan said, touching his chin.

Doesn't this allow people to live?

To encounter such a good thing, the ancestral tomb of his old Wang family must be smoking.

An Yan is more of a recommendation, but I think he is a sure shot.

An Yan raised his hand to summon a cloud of air, and took Xia Dongqing, Zhao Li, and Wang Jianshan straight to the mountain to discuss building a temple with the mountain god.

Moreover, Lazi Xishi has the leverage of a group of leaders. Wouldn't it be a waste if these people are not put to good use?
Thinking about it this way, wonderful!

It seems that there is a reason why those leaders are still honest and honest even today.

"Of course, this is just a suggestion from me. Whether you accept it or not depends on the mountain god's wishes."

As soon as she heard that it was someone's kindness, Lazi Xishi was immediately ashamed. How could she miss her benefactor so much?

A person who has never made any mistakes in his life, is still a believer in the mountain god, and cannot be reincarnated due to special reasons is simply not very suitable.

If nothing else, he might be able to protect the two of them in the future.

Later, when Wang Xiaoshan came back, he found his mother smiling happily, boiling water and killing chickens and ducks to greet An Yan and the others.

"Yes, I do!"

Thinking of those leaders back then, all of them are now either in high positions or making a lot of money. It would be too easy for them not to make good use of them.

An Yan did not hide it, and said directly: "I intend to rebuild the mountain temple for the mountain god. Now the mountain temple is about to be rebuilt, but the mountain god still lacks an errand boy. I wonder if you are interested in taking the role?"

An Yan glanced at Lazi Xishi. This woman was surprisingly smart. No wonder the leaders wanted to keep her as an aunt.

So, he agreed without thinking.

Since someone took the initiative to contribute money and effort, it saved him a lot of trouble. He smiled and said: "Well, then I won't shirk it."

Zhao Li also felt that An Yan's behavior was too much, so he leaned into his ear and said, "Hey, An Yan, aren't you hungry?"

Zhao Li suddenly realized that An Yan was not targeting his wife, but was targeting Wang Jianshan.

"Tell me the truth, did you remember the big password? Which great god was reincarnated?" When Zhao Li heard An Yan admit it in person, his face was filled with envy and jealousy.

Being able to work under the mountain god is at least considered to be within the establishment. Even if he is not in the mainstream, he still has some relationship with the god.

No, isn't Wang Jianshan ready-made?
One is the incense believer of the mountain god, the other is the body of a ghost, and the third is that he cannot be reincarnated due to worldly affairs, isn't he the most suitable candidate?

Wang Jianshan didn't think so much. If his mother-in-law were ten years younger, he might still be worried, so after hearing that there was a way to protect him from the cold, he quickly asked: "Mr. An, what is the way? "

Xia Dongqing was stunned when she saw this immortal method. She grabbed An Yan's hand and said excitedly: "An Yan, have you become an immortal?"

At night.

Zhao Li: (˙-˙)
He didn't believe it if there was no cheating.

The sound was not loud and could be easily heard by everyone in the room, making it difficult for anyone to suspect that it was not intentional.

For a moment, she tightened her clothes.

An Yan suddenly remembered that he wanted to build a mountain temple. How could a majestic mountain god not have a subordinate to help him run errands?

He helped Wang Jianshan get rid of the cold intrusion as the cause, and Lazi Xishi's actions were the effect. They don't owe each other, which is good.

"Go away! Do you think I'm you?" An Yan's face turned dark. Although Spicy Xi Shi is a bit charming, Wei Bah, he is a gentleman.

Who on earth forgot the large password? An Yan couldn't help but roll his eyes and said angrily: "Don't slander me! I'm where I am today, all thanks to my own efforts!"

An Yan's eyes lit up and he looked at the sad-looking Lazi Xishi and the silent Wang Jianshan.

Thinking of An Yan's rapid progress after meeting Pluto Acha, he also thought of Pluto's cold attitude towards him recently.

In an instant, he realized.

Looking at An Yan's face that looked like a public enemy of men, he looked up to the sky at a 45-degree angle and sighed: "How can I be bright when I'm born in love! Aren't you here to ruin my job?"

An Yan: ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~
This guy must be crazy!

What nonsense have you been talking about all day? It makes no sense at all.

Why did you ruin his job? When did you ruin his job?

Soon, the group came to the stone statue of the mountain god.

Seeing that her savior and old friend were bringing Wang Jianshan, she showed up.

"Mountain God, I found the person you want for you." Zhao Li said.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao."

"Thank you to the mountain god for your helping hand!"

Wang Jianshan paid his respects.

"Get up, your Wang family has been worshiping me for generations, and I should do something both emotionally and rationally." The mountain god said.

"Mountain God, what do you think about letting him be your warrior?" An Yan said directly.

Hearing this, the mountain god looked at Wang Jianshan again, nodded and said, "Sir, if he is willing, it would be perfect."

She knew Wang Jianshan well, and since she had the savior's recommendation, she naturally would not refuse. Wang Jianshan was not stupid enough and worshiped again: "Mountain God, my Wang family has been worshiping you for generations. Naturally, I couldn't be more happy."

The mountain god nodded and recognized Wang Jianshan.

Then, An Yan talked to the mountain god about the reconstruction of the mountain temple.

After the details were settled, An Yan and others left the mountain.

One day.

Zhao Li and Xia Dongqing left because rebuilding the mountain temple would not happen overnight, and the two of them had to go back and do their own business.

An Yan gave Jade a call and told her that he might have to stay outside for a while and would not return to Youdu for a short time, so she shouldn't worry.

With the help of Lazi Xishi and the miracle of the mountain god's appearance, the mountain temple quickly started construction. At the same time, stories about the mountain god once again spread around the mountain.

A lost traveler is guided by a mountain god, a medicinal collector becomes rich overnight under the guidance of a mountain god, and so on.

On the day when the mountain temple was built, with the help of the leaders, reporters also reported on it, which spread the reputation of the mountain temple for a while.

After everything was on track, a month had passed.

Jade Home.

An Yan was holding Jade in her arms while watching a blood-soaked action blockbuster, the kind of crackling action. It has to be said that it is still a classic of Hong Kong movies. Even if you have seen it, you still have the desire to watch it.

Star Master's funny and nonsensical movie made Jade laugh without any image. Of course, he also didn't forget to feed An Yan a piece of potato chips. The room was filled with the sour smell of love.

An Yan still enjoys this kind of free time. Why are you working so hard outside? It’s not just about going home and enjoying it.

However, God obviously couldn't stand An Yan's leisurely attitude, so a call came in.

Jade poked An Yan's strong chest with her smooth elbow, looked at the TV and said, "Your phone number."

"Who is it?" An Yan reluctantly took the phone aside. No one wanted to be disturbed by a third party while enjoying the world between two people.

When he took it and looked at it, he raised his eyebrows. It was actually a call from Kong Xiaolong.

It seems that something is difficult.

"Hey, Xiaolong, what happened to you again?"

"Hey, he who knows my heart is safe."

"Okay, okay, I don't know you yet. You won't call me unless you have to." An Yan leaned back on the sofa and smiled, "Tell me, what happened again this time?"

"Well, have you heard about the recent doll serial murder case?"

"Is that the perverted serial murder case that kills first and then fucks, and also likes to dress the victims in doll costumes?" An Yan said, remembering the headlines he saw on his phone when he got up in the morning.

Jade, who was still paying attention to the TV, was also attracted by An Yan's words and listened carefully.

No one is not afraid of such a perverted murderer, and Jade naturally hopes to bring the murderer to justice as soon as possible.

"Yes, another victim was found this morning, already the third person."

"But some unusual things were discovered during the surveillance, so I wanted to ask you to come over and take a look."

"Do you have time now?"

"Where are you now? Send me your address and I'll go find you right away." An Yan didn't talk nonsense. For such a scum, everyone would kill him.

After hanging up the phone, An Yan patted Jade on the head and said, "Okay, your man is going to be busy again."

"Do you want me to come and help?" Jade asked. With An Yan's supplements, her strength was now different from what it was before, and she was no longer the rookie player she was before.

"No, aren't you in charge of the office on weekdays? It's a rare day off, so I'll just go." An Yan stood up and said.

As Jade's strength increases, he also intends to train Jade's practical ability, so Jade handles the affairs of the office most of the time, unless he encounters a difficult situation.

"Then you have to be careful."

"Aren't you still confident about my strength?"

An Yan's calm tone was full of confidence. His confidence naturally came from his terrifyingly strong cultivation. As long as those old monsters didn't show up, he was invincible.

After exiting the door, he turned invisible and flew directly to the police station.

Since he could fly, his thoughts on buying a car have become less and less. He has to wait for traffic lights and traffic jams to drive, which is not as convenient as it is now for him to fly wherever he wants.

Kong Xiaolong had just hung up the phone at the door of the police station. Less than three minutes later, he saw An Yan appearing next to him. He was startled and stuttered: "So fast?"

An Yan shrugged, "Isn't it right away? Don't worry about trivial matters. What's going on?"

Good one right away!
But when he thought that An Yan could deal with ghosts, Kong Xiaolong was relieved. An expert is an expert, and it was indeed extraordinary.

"An Yan, let's go, I'll take you to see a piece of surveillance."

Kong Xiaolong brought An Yan to the police station. Now he also has his own independent office, and he took over this case.

Turning on the computer, he played a surveillance video.

I saw a woman who looked like she had just gotten off the night shift walking on the street late at night. Nothing seemed strange about her.

But soon, a dark figure flashed past the camera, and the next moment, the woman was thrown to the ground by the shadow.

Without much hesitation, the shadow directly strangled the woman's neck, then took off the deceased's clothes in the street, put on a doll suit, and carried out the atrocities on camera.

An Yan narrowed his eyes, and there was a cold light flickering, and the smell around him instantly dropped a few degrees.

For such a pervert, calling him a beast is an insult to the word beast. He is simply worse than a beast.

After the other party finished everything, he clung to the wall like a gecko and quickly fled the scene by climbing up the wall.

After reading them all, I feel that the murderer is no ordinary person. No wonder Kong Xiaolong found him.

Kong Xiaolong said in a heavy voice: "The first two times the murderer committed crimes, we did not see the murderer's footsteps at the scene. It was not until the third crime was caught by surveillance that we discovered that the murderer was probably not a human being."

"Returning to the scene of the previous two crimes, I found suspicious footprints on the nearby wall."

"An Yan, you are well-informed, can you tell what kind of monster this is?"

"It looks like a mandrill, but mandrills are usually active in the mountains. How could they appear in the city for no reason?"

An Yan expressed his guess, but quickly denied it.

Moreover, the shape of the black shadow in the surveillance camera does not match the size of the mandrill.

"Xiaolong, take me to see the body first."

If the other party is really a monster, there will definitely be clues left behind. I am afraid that the other party may be an evil cultivator practicing some evil techniques.

Therefore, he needs to see the victim's body to determine what the other person is.

"The bodies are in the morgue now. I'll take you there."

Kong Xiaolong didn't talk nonsense and took An Yan directly to the morgue.

(End of this chapter)

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