Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 288 Cold Water Soul Stone

Chapter 288 Cold Water Soul Stone
In the car.

Zhang Han was driving his girlfriend Mengmeng away. Recalling everything that happened tonight, he felt a little dreamy but also a little strange.

"Tell me, could she be the real Juliet?"


Mengmeng looked at her boyfriend in confusion.

"What do you mean? Could she be the real Juliet?"

"Look, her temperament, how should I put it, doesn't feel like a living person." Zhang Han didn't know how to describe his feelings for Xu Lili, so he thought for a long time before he could barely describe it.

"You are just biased against others. You say it as if you have seen dead people." Mengmeng retorted angrily after hearing this. It was not easy for her to find such a satisfactory Juliet. This guy must be deliberately irritating her.

"Okay, okay, I can't help you. But, she doesn't even have a place to live, so can you really trust her to live in the dressing room?"

"Please, Zhang Han, can you stop being suspicious all day long?"

"It's not that I'm paranoid. Think about it, what age are we in now, and she doesn't even have a mobile phone?"

"It's indeed a bit strange to say this."

Mengmeng thought about it carefully and found that there were indeed many doubts about Xu Lili.

"Yeah, let me tell you, she doesn't look like a human being. She doesn't have any breath of life in her body. It's very scary."

After hearing his girlfriend's approval, Zhang Han insisted on his own thoughts and expressed his feelings.

"Okay, okay, after this drama is over, let her go, okay?"

"At this moment, I really can't find anyone better than her."

"Zhang Han, just make do with it. After this thing is over, I will reward you well."

Mengmeng understands that when dealing with boys, acting coquettishly and being cute is sometimes more effective than being reckless.

After all, most of the time, boys are more tolerant of girls who act coquettishly.

No, Zhang Han's eyes lit up when he heard the word reward, "What reward? Can you announce the answer in advance?"

"This is a secret." Mengmeng said with a sly smile. Then she remembered something and reminded her: "By the way, when you get to my house later, don't tell my parents about this."

"Why? Isn't this specially prepared for uncle and aunt?"

Zhang Han was confused about this.

Mengmeng hummed and said, "You don't understand this, I want to give them a surprise."

Zhang Han suddenly realized.

at the same time.


Clothing room.

Xu Lili looked at her arms, slowly closed her eyes, and recalled the remaining warmth of the sun on her body during the day, which felt really warm.

Ok? !

The next moment, Xu Lili, who felt the breath of the soul ferryman, suddenly opened her eyes, with a trace of panic flashing in her eyes.

He understood that now he had no chance of winning against the Soul Ferryman.

But now it's too late to escape.

During the period of being punished in hell, he understood very well how powerful the underworld was. He had been lucky enough to escape once, but it was impossible for him to escape a second time.

The panic in his eyes gradually disappeared and turned into calmness. When he escaped, he prepared for the worst and prepared for it.

So, he walked out of the costume room, came to the stage and sat down in the auditorium, quietly waiting for the arrival of the soul ferryman.

Zhao Li's big jeep was parked in the parking space outside the theater. The door opened, and a pair of long and coquettish legs stretched out first. He was wearing black jeans and a black tight vest, and a double-barreled short gun slung between his thighs. He looked very handsome. .

Looking towards the theater, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Hey, you know I'm coming and you still don't run away. Is it because you're confident or you have other plans?"

Regarding Li Gui's abnormal situation, Zhao Li was not afraid, only slightly curious.

He didn't think too much. Anyway, he would know what was going on when he entered.

As for the fact that he would be counterattacked, he had never thought about it at all, because his strength was not what it used to be with the holy fruit given to him by An Yan earlier.

Seeing the locked door at the door, he silently recited the wall penetration technique, and his body went straight through it as if passing through a water curtain.

In the dark corridor, Zhao Li's footsteps sounded, walking towards the stage step by step.

In the first row of the auditorium, a figure sat quietly, as if waiting for him.

"You came."

"I am coming."

Zhao Li sat carelessly next to Li Gui. He reached for the holster on his leg and pulled out the double-barreled short gun. After turning a gun in his hand like a cool man, he pointed the black muzzle of the gun exuding murderous aura at Li Gui.

"You knew I was coming and you didn't run away. Do you think I don't dare to kill you?"

Li Gui looked very calm, turning his head to look at the dark muzzle of the gun in front of him, with no fear in his eyes.

"My torture is not over yet. If you kill me, you won't be able to explain to your superiors."

Hearing Li Gui's words, Zhao Li laughed sarcastically: "What kind of fresh carrot skin do you think you are? You are just an escaped prisoner. According to the regulations, I have the right to end your second life with one shot and leave you stunned."

Li Gui was silent.

"I know you, you committed suicide, so you have to suffer in the fifteenth level of cold water hell for three hundred years before you can be released after serving your sentence and get the chance to be reincarnated."

"Now that you have escaped from hell, you have stolen someone else's body and escaped back to the world, your sins and punishment will be doubled."

"Maybe if I shoot you to death, it will be a relief for you."

Facing the selfless official Zhao, Li Gui no longer remained silent, "You should know why I committed suicide. I have an unfulfilled wish. I want to see him again."

If Zhao Li hadn't known that the soul of a grown man was hidden under this beautiful body, he would probably have been moved by his infatuation.

"There is no result in adding a man to a man, and your relationship is destined not to be blessed, but will instead attract worldly discrimination."

"Why bother?"

Li Gui was hit at a painful point and showed an ugly expression.

"Besides, it's summer now. The temperature is thirty degrees during the day and not too low at night. Even if you use Yin Qi to protect this body, in a few days, your body will have corpse spots and your hair will dry up and fall off. "

"Aren't you afraid of scaring him?"

Officer Zhao put away his gun. He had determined that the ghost in front of him was harmless and did not intend to use coercion.

If it were him in the past, this would be absolutely unbelievable.

But perhaps due to the influence of Holly, he has also become a lot more humane.

"I know it's cold there, but you need to pay for the sins caused by suicide."

Li Gui stared at Official Zhao for a while, then handed over an object he was holding in his hand, "Can you give me one more day, and I will go with you tomorrow night."

"The human world is really warm. I want to see it one more time."

When he saw the object in Li Gui's hand, Zhao Li showed a hint of surprise, "Cold Water Soul Stone?"

"You actually have this thing!"

According to Zhao Li's knowledge, the Cold Water Soul Stone is a specialty of the Cold Water Hell. It is condensed from the soul power dropped from tortured ghosts. It takes thousands of years to take shape and is of great benefit to the soul.

Especially for ghost cultivators who only have soul bodies, this is simply a treasure.

Generally speaking, as soon as such things appear, they will be recovered by the ghosts who manage Cold Water Hell, and they rarely fall into the hands of ghosts.

It's no wonder that this fierce ghost actually had the strength to escape from the cold water hell. I think this cold water soul stone played a lot of role. Li Gui said: "Give me one day, no matter whether I can see him tomorrow or not, I will go back with you to be tortured."

"If you are afraid that I will run away, you can put restraints on me."

"Run? Where can you run?"

Zhao Li waved his hand and put away the Cold Water Soul Stone without leaving any trace.

"Give you one day, this is my limit, I will come to you again tomorrow night."

"Cherish your last day on earth and feel the warmth of the sun."

Zhao Li, who thought he was in control of the situation, did not take An Yan's words to heart. After accepting Li Gui's bribe, he stood up and left.

Anyway, the time given to him by the superiors was four days, and now only one day has passed, and there is still plenty of time.

Besides, this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. He is familiar with the road. Anyway, he will just hand over the person on time.

Although the above situation has been emphasized verbally many times, since nothing serious has ever happened, we have only opened our eyes and closed our eyes to this situation, so that everyone is comfortable.

His eyes returned to Mengmeng’s home.

After a busy day, Mengmeng, who was exhausted physically and mentally, opened the door and shouted into the house: "I'm back."

The mother in the house heard that her daughter was back, and walked out of the kitchen. She saw her daughter's boyfriend also came with her, and said with a smile: "Zhang Han is here too. You can get whatever you want to drink. Just treat it as your own home."

She is very satisfied with her daughter's boyfriend. He is a good-looking man, his family background is not bad, and he is completely obedient to Mengmeng.

"Hey, great, thank you, auntie."

Mengmeng, who had already sat on the sofa, said to Zhang Han, "I want to drink Coke."

"I'll get it for you."

Knowing that Mengmeng had been working very hard on rehearsing the drama recently, Zhang Han, who felt sorry for his girlfriend, nodded in agreement and walked to the refrigerator.

"You just walked in, and your boyfriend is treating you like a boyfriend."

Although Mengmeng is her daughter, her mother still couldn't help but say something when she saw her daughter acting like a nanny.

What if Zhang Han, such a good boy, is scared away?
"Mom, I am your daughter."

Mengmeng rolled her eyes, and then she didn't see her father's figure, so she couldn't help but ask: "Hey, Mom, where is my dad?"

"He's on a business trip. You don't know him yet. He can't be home for more than a few days this year."

"You know how to care about your dad. You don't care about me even if you don't come home for a month. I raised you in vain."

My mother was a little jealous when she saw this.

Zhang Han, who had just come out with a drink, smiled and put the drink in front of Mengmeng.

Mengmeng picked up the drink and said, "Aren't you here?"

"People say that daughters are mothers' little cotton-padded jackets. Why did you have a leak?" the mother said depressedly.

"People also say that my daughter was my father's little lover in her last life." Mengmeng retorted unceremoniously.

"Damn girl, you know how to talk back, can't you just let me say something I like to hear?"

My mother was so angry that her chest hurt. This daughter was raised in vain.

After dinner, in order to avoid being nagging by her mother, Mengmeng took Zhang Han and ran back to the room.

"Here, let me show you a photo of my parents when they were young."

"They are so handsome and beautiful, golden boys and girls."

Mengmeng took out a black and white photo without color from the album and handed it to her boyfriend to show off.

"It's really good, and he's wearing royal attire."

After taking the photo and seeing the two people on it, Zhang Han couldn't help but agree, but the more he looked at it, the more familiar these clothes became.

"Hey, is your mother playing Juliet?"

"Well, that's why I want to stage this play." Mengmeng introduced enthusiastically, "When they were young and in college, they were the pillars of the drama club. This is a photo of them acting."

"My dad played Romeo and my mom played Juliet."

"After the play, they got married."

"That's why I wanted to give them a surprise on their wedding anniversary."

"They will be very happy!"

Mengmeng couldn't help but smile happily when she thought about her wedding anniversary in three days.

"Oh I got it."

Zhang Han nodded, lowered his head and continued to look at the photo, but this time he discovered something was wrong.

"Hey, Mengmeng, look, is there another person next to your mother? Why does it seem to have been cut out?"

"Is there any? Let me see."

Hearing this, Mengmeng poked her head over and looked at the place pointed by Zhang Han, and found that it was true. You couldn't tell it without looking carefully.

"It seems so. Hey, why didn't I notice it before?"

"Just, why cut it off?"

The two looked puzzled.

"I'm going to ask my mother." Mengmeng took the photo, jumped out of bed, and ran out to find out what was going on with her mother.

Unfortunately, my mother was already asleep, so she had no choice but to give up.

The next day.

Three poles in the sun.

Jade was woken up by the ringing of the phone. When she saw it was An Yan's cell phone, and when she saw An Yan who was still sleeping like a dead pig, she couldn't help but reach out and push it.

"Still sleeping, please call me."

"Who is it? If you don't know me, just hang up."

An Yan, who was pushed awake, turned over and hugged Jade beside him, buried his head in his arms, and said in a Weng voice.

Seeing An Yan who was still like a child, Jade sighed. It was true that she was too spoiled to him.

Although she complained slightly in her heart, she was very honest. She reached for the mobile phone on the bedside, looked at the notes, pushed her head in her arms and said, "It's Li Zhao, the soul ferryman."

"I don't know you, just hang up."

"Maybe someone has something to ask you about."

"Sometimes, I really want to blacklist him."

An Yan reluctantly left Wenrun's embrace, took the phone and answered it, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"A good thing? A treasure that enhances the power of the soul?"

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon."

As soon as he heard that Li Zhao had a treasure that enhanced the soul's power, An Yan woke up and immediately smiled.

This made Jade on the side roll her eyes, and couldn't help but remind her of the time when the two first met. This temperament has not changed.

An Yan hung up the phone, kissed Jade's fragrant cheek, and quickly got up and got dressed, "I have to leave first. I'll come back in the evening when I have time."

"Go ahead and be safe."

(End of this chapter)

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