Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 30 Sleepless Night

Chapter 30 Sleepless Night
  The dark clouds were very heavy tonight, not a trace of moonlight fell, and the earth was pitch black.

The chicken coop was filled with the panicked flapping and cries of hens. One by one, the hens were grabbed by two zombies and sucked their blood. As the chicken blood drained into their stomachs, the zombies' movements became violent and powerful.

After the chickens in the chicken pen have finished sucking blood, it's the turn of the people inside.

"Zombies! There are really zombies!" Old Man An was so frightened that he almost flew out of his wits. Unexpectedly, there were really zombies. He hurriedly dialed the police phone with trembling hands.

"Hello, this is Anjia Town Police Station. How can I help you?"

"Comrade police! There are zombies! Come and save me!"

"He's sucking the blood from the chicken coop!"

The person on the other end of the phone was silent, and then he suppressed his anger and said, "You must be quite old to hear your voice. Old man, do you know that it is also illegal to file a false police report?"

Hearing that he reported a false police report, Old Man An wanted to die. He wanted to pull the operator out of the phone and point at the two zombies outside and ask, "Are you talking to me about science?"

The signal in the village was not good to begin with. Affected by the Yin Qi, the phone disconnected with a buzzing sound.

Old Man An suddenly became desperate.

  The zombies who had finished sucking the blood were no longer afraid of rhubarb. They jumped over after smelling the heat. One hit the door and the other broke the window glass, but was stopped by the anti-theft net.

At this time, Old Man An could clearly see the appearance of the zombie outside the window through the light, and shouted in fear: "Goudan! How could it be Goudan?"

Speaking of which, he and Goudan are somewhat related by blood.

"Everything was fine when I saw it yesterday. Why did it turn into a zombie in just one day?"

Goudan who turned into a zombie doesn't care whether Old Man An is related by blood or not. Blood is better and more fragrant. Now he just wants to suck blood.

Seeing that the security door was deformed and the zombie was about to jump in, when Old Man An thought he was going to die in the zombie's mouth, a loud and righteous shout rang out.

"You evil beast! Don't hurt anyone!"

An Yan, who was coming, saw that the big iron door was broken open and there was no secret passage, so he shouted and rushed in.

A zombie is breaking down the door, and a zombie has already leaned half of its body into the window.

Without saying a word, An Yan stepped forward and kicked the zombie out of the door. Then he turned around, grabbed the zombie on the window, pulled it hard, and threw the zombie out.

"Old man, are you okay?" When the neighbor heard Old Man An's voice calling for help, he thought there was a thief, so he grabbed a pole and rushed in.

  The two zombies jumped up, and when they saw the person rushing in from the door, they would pounce on them.

"What is this? Zombie!"

The neighbor was frightened.

Fortunately, An Yan is here, otherwise Anjia Village would be in disaster tonight.

"Corpse Suppressing Talisman!"

An Yan was wearing a strong yellow robe, with seven stars on his feet. He was as fast as lightning. He only saw a flash of yellow shadow, and the two zombies were immobilized with corpse-suppressing charms.

The neighbor was so frightened by the ferocious zombie in front of him that he sat down on the ground. It was not until he saw the Taoist priest in yellow robe restraining the zombie that he shivered and stood up holding the pole.

Old Man An in the house saw that the zombie was immobilized, so he dared to open the door and come out.

As soon as the neighbor saw Old Man An, he thought about how he almost died from a zombie, and immediately yelled: "Old Man An, you are so unreasonable, you didn't even call out when there was a zombie."

Old man An could only keep his smile.

"Taoist Master, has this zombie been solved?"

An Yan turned to look at the two people and shook his head, "These two people were bitten by zombies and transformed into corpses. There must be a more powerful zombie hidden behind them." Old man An and his neighbor were surprised when they saw An Yan's young appearance. , I didn’t expect that the Taoist priest dressed like Lin Zhengying would be so young.

When they heard that there was a more powerful zombie, the two of them became even more frightened. They said with fear on their faces: "Taoist Priest, you must catch that zombie!"

"As a disciple of Maoshan, I naturally will not sit idly by and do nothing." An Yan said righteously. He dare not forget the principles of life and work taught by Uncle Jiu, not to mention that this is also his hometown, and it is impossible to sit idly by and do nothing.

"The top priority is to see if there are any other villagers injured by that zombie to prevent more zombies from appearing."

Judging from the appearance of the two zombies, the one that bites will at least freeze. If left alone, there is no telling how much more carnage it will cause.

Hearing this, Old Man An hurriedly dialed the village chief's phone number.

The village chief naturally didn't believe it, but Old Man An and his neighbors all swore and said that a Taoist priest had restrained the zombies, which made him even more suspicious.

He wondered if the two of them had been deceived. Thinking of this, he had no choice but to take a trip.

The sound of motorcycles rang, and the village chief arrived soon.

When he entered the door, he saw the two immobilized zombies. Although there were yellow talismans on their foreheads, he still recognized them as Goudan and An Qiang.

There was a yellow-robed Taoist priest beside Old Man An and his neighbor, but he was a little too young.

"What's going on? Goudan and An Qiang? What's going on?"

When the village chief saw the ferocious teeth holes in Goudan and Anqiang's necks, he realized the seriousness of the matter. They were simply two dead bodies.

His expression changed drastically and his tone became serious.

An Yan said seriously: "Village Chief, as you can see, these two people were bitten to death by zombies, and now they have turned into zombies."

"Zombie? How could it be a zombie?"

The village chief's first reaction was disbelief. He had lived for most of his life and had only seen zombies in movies. How could such a thing exist in reality?

"Village Chief, it's true." Old Man An held up the chicken that had been bitten to death and pointed at the deformed doors and windows: "This chicken was bitten to death. Take a look at the doors and windows."

Goudan and Anqiang's protruding fangs still had blood stains on them, and the dead chicken also had two blood holes on its body.

"If the village chief doesn't believe it, he can tear off the corpse suppressing talisman on the zombie's forehead. Then he will know whether there is really a zombie." An Yan pointed to the yellow talisman on the zombie's forehead.

The village chief swallowed when he saw Goudan and An Qiang's terrifying expressions, and then he had no choice but to believe it, and then looked at An Yan: "Are you really a Taoist priest too?"

"Isn't my body obvious enough? A serious Taoist priest." An Yan said angrily.

The village chief smiled awkwardly, looking like he was acting in a big show.

They didn't think much about it, as long as they were Taoist priests, and people could say whatever they wanted.

"Taoist Master, you have to help us!"

"Then please, village chief, gather all the people in the village and check if anyone has been injured by the zombies."

"If you are injured by a zombie and don't deal with it immediately, you may be attacked by corpse poison and turn into a zombie."

An Yan was naturally worried when he called the village chief. What if he burned two zombies without permission and his family would cause trouble?
  The best way is to make everyone realize that the two of them were really killed by zombies and turned into zombies.

Moreover, An Yan was also afraid that the zombie that killed two people was hiding in the dark.

The top priority is to confirm the situation of the villagers, and then find the zombie and eliminate it.

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  (End of this chapter)

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