Chapter 31 Killing
  Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night in Anjia Village.

First I was woken up by the village chief and wanted to scold my mother, and then I was told that there were zombies.

Do not believe?

There is a zombie with yellow talismans affixed on both ends in front of you. If you don't believe it, you can try to take off the yellow talismans.

Not to mention, there was actually a stupid and bold Leng Touqing who came up.

"What bullshit zombies and Maoshan Taoist priests? You can deceive the village chief but you can't deceive me. The nine-year compulsory education is for me to expose you liars."

"An Yan, I didn't expect that a great college student like you would imitate others in committing fraud."

The villagers instantly became suspicious. Goudan and Anqiang knew that they were both orphans without a father and a mother, and were famous bad guys in the village.

Hearing what Anshun said, they also suspected whether they were working together to defraud money.

"An Yan would never do such a thing. I will look after this child since he was little." The neighbor's aunt stood up to speak for An Yan. She did not believe that the filial An Yan was such a person.

An Yan glanced at her aunt gratefully.

The stupid young Anshun has been envious and jealous of An Yan since he was a child. He is handsome, has good grades, and is popular with girls. He is a good student in the eyes of the teacher, and he has been admitted to a good university.

He was happiest when he saw An Yan being suspected.

I didn't expect that An Yan would turn into some kind of Maoshan Taoist priest after not seeing each other for a few years. It was really hilarious.

This immediately gave him the idea of ​​​​slapping An Yan in the face. These two people must be pretending.

Who did An Yan think he was? He didn't expect it to be An Shun, the clown. He had not changed since he was a child and was still annoying.

"Don't make any noise, everyone. If you don't believe me, don't you still believe the village chief?"

When the villagers heard this, they were stunned.

"Also, Anshun, you said that I am not a real Taoist priest and they are just pretending. Do you dare to take off the yellow talisman?" An Yan was not a kind person. He provoked, people like Anshun just lacked lesson.

The villagers set their sights on Anshun again. As long as they can prove whether Goudan and Anqiang are zombies, the truth will naturally be revealed.

"What am I afraid of?"

"Look who you're looking for. Bastards like Goudan and An Qiang. Goudan, stop pretending."

Anshun, who really enjoyed the attention, stepped into the pit without hesitation, ripped off Goudan's yellow charm, and looked at Goudan with a smile.

  Goudan, who lost the suppression of Huang Fu, his eyes instantly became ferocious. With a roar, he opened his big mouth and bit the smiling man in front of him.


The careless Anshun was knocked down instantly, the fishy smell hit his face, and the hideous and terrifying face instantly frightened him to death.

When my crotch got wet, I was so frightened that I lost control.

The sudden scene scared the villagers back one after another, and their expressions changed drastically. They saw Goudan roaring like an inhuman beast, with long black nails and thick protruding fangs, making him look like a zombie.

"Quick! Come and save me!"

"I believe it! I believe it! An Yan!"

The man pushed Goudan's head away with both hands, and the smelly saliva dripped down his face. The cold and fierce feeling was definitely not something that humans could possess.

"There are really zombies!"

"too frightening!"

The villagers turned pale.

Seeing that the effect he wanted had been achieved, An Yan took action. He reached out with a big hand, grabbed Goudan's clothes and pulled them up, and then affixed another yellow talisman.

Goudan, who was splaying his teeth and claws, was instantly frozen again.

"Anshun, there is another zombie here. Do you want to try it out?" An Yan said in a sinister way.

Anshun, who was lying on the ground, looked at An Yan. He no longer had any arrogance and shook his head like a rattle.

"Does everyone believe it now?" An Yan looked around, and the villagers lowered their heads in shame.

"Hey! You said that An Yan is kind and helpful to us, but you short-sighted people are still doubting her."

"Is it possible that I, the village chief, will still lie to you?"

After the incident was over, the village chief stood up and angrily scolded the villagers, who all showed embarrassed expressions.

"Village Chief, you can't blame us. If anyone tells you there are zombies in the middle of the night, isn't that scary?"

"Okay, okay, now listen to An Yan and let's see how to solve this zombie problem."

"An Yan, you don't care about the villains, don't be on the same level with them. What to do next, as long as you can catch the zombies." If Wen Cai was here, he would definitely be the first one to say prepare money.

And An Yan stopped talking nonsense: "If you take the initiative and follow the corpse energy, you should be able to find the place where the two of them got into trouble."

"Village chief, please let the villagers go home first, sprinkle glutinous rice at the door to prevent zombies, and close the doors and windows."

"These two zombies will naturally be killed when the sun comes up tomorrow."

The village chief also wanted to call a few people to help, but An Yan quickly refused. He didn't want to deal with zombies and have to protect the villagers.

Just like that, An Yan entered the back mountain alone.

Following the corpse aura, we came all the way to Laohu Bay, where the river twists and turns.

"What a heavy Yin energy!" With the help of the flashlight, An Yan saw the river water under the bridge. The rich Yin energy was a bit shocking.

Under the lights, the river was intertwined with water plants, and black mist floated hazily on the water. A shadow flashed under the water, revealing a strange smile towards An Yan.

"No wonder so many people drown here."

An Yan took a deep look at the bloody water ghost, then turned around and walked away towards the mountains.

Night is the world of water ghosts, which is not conducive to fighting, and compared to water ghosts like earthbound spirits who can only stay in the river, zombies that can wander around are a greater threat.

Wait until tomorrow to deal with this water ghost.

Along the corpse qi, there is a man-made road in the barren mountain that no one has been to for a long time. It is probably the route that the two of them took when they entered the mountain.

As we were about to approach the robbery cave, there was a fight and the roar of zombies in front of us.

"Someone encountered a zombie!"

An Yan was startled and quickly speeded up.

"Damn it, didn't I just come to collect two souls? How could I encounter zombies?"

"Still jumping up and down!"

During the day, Lin Tian appeared in the mountain forest, holding a soul whip and fighting zombies walking out of the ancient tomb.

The soul-beating whip in his hand is very useful for dealing with ghosts. The whip penetrates the soul. But zombies are different. They are born from the resentment and filth of heaven and earth.

He has no soul, does not age, die, or die. He is abandoned by the three realms of heaven, earth, and human beings and is left outside the six realms of living beings. He is homeless and homeless. He uses resentment as his strength, feeds on blood, and vents his endless loneliness with the blood of all living beings.

This soul-beating whip is not as effective as an iron rod. In addition, he is a newly promoted soul ferryman. He has the ability to catch new ghosts, but it is a bit difficult for him to deal with a jumping zombie.

For a time, he was in danger.

As for the two fleeing white zombies, he had no time to care.

  Jumping stiffly and roaring, the soul-beating whip fell on him without any pain or itch. A pair of iron arms swept across, and his legs jumped up and kicked Lin Tian on the chest.

  Lin Tian spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and his whole body hit the big tree and fell, unable to resist anymore.

"It's over. If I had known, I would have had fun with Xiaohong during the day." Lin Tian, ​​who was seriously injured when he saw the zombies approaching, smiled miserably.

"Humph! Courting death!"

At this moment, a ray of incandescent light broke through the darkness, and accompanied by a righteous voice, a yellow-robed Taoist holding a peach wood sword appeared.

Seeing that Lin Tian was about to be killed by a zombie, An Yan's Taomu Sword was instilled with magic power and became glittering.

A sword struck the zombie's arm, and a sizzling sound was heard. The invulnerable arm instantly festered, and a stream of zombie aura emerged.

The zombie roared in pain and let go of Lin Tian, ​​then turned to look at An Yan.

In the past, he dared to fight Jumping Zombie with the magic weapon in his hand before he could break through the middle stage of refining Qi and transforming into a god. Now that An Yan is only one step away from refining Qi and transforming into a god, how can he be afraid of a little Jumping Zombie?
  "You will be unlucky if you meet me." An Yan stabbed out the mahogany sword with one hand, and the flashlight in his left hand firmly locked onto the zombie's position.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."

Even though the mahogany sword is short, it is powerful and powerful.

I saw the mahogany sword flying, sparks rising from the zombie's body after hitting it, and bursts of zombie energy dissipated. An Yan found the right opportunity to get up and kick a series of kicks, causing the zombie to retreat continuously until it hit a tree and was unable to retreat.


The entire mahogany sword was inserted into the zombie's heart and pulled out suddenly. The zombie let out an unwilling roar and then lost its voice. The corpse energy quickly dissipated from the heart wound.

Without the support of corpse energy, the zombie quickly turned into a pile of bones and fell to the ground.

Lin Tian was stunned by this smooth operation. With the flying yellow robe and a peach wood sword, he almost shouted Uncle Jiu.

 Sorry for the late update
  (End of this chapter)

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