Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 317 The Origin of the Stone

Chapter 317 The Origin of the Stone
After the two women left, only An Yan and Yan Chixia were left in the unfinished hall.

"I thought you would keep them both here." Yan Chixia shook his head as he looked at the gradually closing passage to the underworld.

An Yan was quite open-minded when he heard this. He shrugged and said, "Their hearts are not here. What's the harm in forcing them to stay?"

"If you have time to care about my business, you might as well learn the Maoshan magic I taught you. How about practicing with me? What have you seen so far?"

Hearing that he had to practice on his own, Yan Chixia shook his head decisively, "No, I'm not stupid. Even the Black Mountain Old Demon is no match for you. Wouldn't it be boring for me to practice with you?"

"Don't be afraid. I will only test your Maoshan magic skills. I will suppress my cultivation to the same level as yours."

"What? You don't even dare to do this?"

An Yan used the method of provoking the opponent, with a hint of ill intention hidden in his smile.

Life in ancient times was indeed boring, and he had to find some fun for himself occasionally.

"The same realm? Really?" Yan Chixia suddenly became eager, and subconsciously thought that if they were the same realm, he might as well give it a try.

An Yan raised his eyebrows. Seeing that Yan Chixia was about to be fooled, he said in a masterly manner, "How can I, a celestial being, deceive you?"

"Okay! Then, Sect Leader, I, Yan Chixia, am offended!"

Yan Chixia immediately flew out and came to an open area outside so that he could practice his fists and feet.

An Yan grinned. Today he was going to tell Yan Chixia a truth: even if one’s strength was suppressed at the celestial immortal realm, one was still a celestial immortal.

Soon, Yan Chixia's frustrated cry with tears in his eyes was heard outside.

"I'm so stupid that I actually believed what you said!"

A celestial being and a mortal being, even if they are at the same level of strength, their vision and proficiency in mastering the skills are incomparable to that of the mortal being.

Leaving Yan Chixia with a bruised face and nose, An Yan returned to the brothel in the back mountain with a relaxed feeling.

Although Xiaoqing and Xiaoqian are gone, the sect has not been modified yet, so he still lives here for the time being.

After returning to his room, An Yan, who had been used to enjoying the care of two people during this period of time, couldn't help smacking his lips when he suddenly returned to the life of a single widower.

The ancients were not deceiving me. It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.

The sky was already turning pale and it was almost dawn. He no longer had any thoughts of practicing, but instead took out the stone that the Black Mountain Monster had exploded.

When he was in the City of the Dead, the Ten Kings of Hell suddenly arrived, leaving him no time to check.

There was curiosity in his eyes. What on earth was this thing? Was it simply a precious refining material, or was there some other mystery behind it?

The stone is the size of a disc and oval in shape. It feels very smooth and cool to the touch. The most eye-catching thing is the mysterious and ancient patterns on it that look like words.

An Yan carefully extended a trace of his divine sense to touch the patterns on the surface of the stone, ready to immediately block the divine sense if anything went wrong.

As soon as the divine consciousness touched the lines, no danger occurred, but a mysterious feeling surged into his heart.

The sea of ​​suffering is boundless and the end is not visible. The only way to reach the other shore is to blend the essence, energy and spirit into one.

However, to gather the three flowers together requires one with great perseverance, great luck and great intelligence.

So I found another shortcut. I have heard that one qi can transform into three pure things. Why not transform the three flowers?
When An Yan came back to his senses from the crazy thoughts of this senior, his eyes were full of amazement and admiration.

This stone is not only a rare material for refining weapons, but also a legacy left by a powerful person who is suspected to be a Golden Immortal.

As we all know, in order to break through to the Golden Immortal realm from the Heavenly Immortal realm, one must gather the Three Flowers at the Top of the Head and the Five Qis to the Origin, among which the most difficult is the Gathering of the Three Flowers at the Top of the Head.

Only by cultivating the three flowers of essence, energy and spirit to perfection at the same time can one get a chance for a breakthrough.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless cultivators of immortality, but only one in ten thousand can break through to the Golden Immortal realm.

This senior was one of the many immortals who were stuck before the stage of condensing the three flowers. Feeling that the right way was not feasible, he decided to find his own way to become a golden immortal. That was to imitate the Taoist Taiqing Saint's method of transforming one qi into three pure things, split himself into three, and each of them focused on one of the three flowers.

Wait until the three flowers of each of them are condensed and then merged into one. When the three flowers are complete, it is time to break through to the Golden Immortal.

Such an idea really amazed An Yan, but unfortunately only the preface was recorded on the stone, and he did not find the part about the cultivation method.

He deduced that there must be more than one stone like this, and there should be a lower half.

It’s a pity that the Black Mountain Old Demon is now dead, otherwise he really wants to summon his soul and torture him thoroughly.

Combined with the words of the Black Mountain Demon before his death, it is very likely that the remaining part is in the hands of the person behind the scenes.

An Yan even had a bolder guess, that is, the Black Mountain Old Demon was actually a clone created by the person behind the scenes.

This also explains why the Black Mountain Demon only has a part of the stone.

So the question is, if the Black Mountain Old Demon is really a clone, he represents one of the flowers.

The Black Mountain Demon is dead, what will happen to the person behind the scenes?
However, there were too few clues, and An Yan couldn't deduce many useful clues.

However, according to his current situation, there is no need to take the risk to practice this martial art that looks very unsafe.

Of course, if he had gathered all the stones and obtained the complete technique and confirmed that there were no future troubles, he would not mind practicing it.

But if it is the kind of skill that cannot be put back together after being separated.

He thought this was a good way to ambush people.

If someone offends him in the future and he cannot take direct action, he will secretly give this technique to the other person.

Thinking of this, An Yan smiled unscrupulously.

After learning about the information about the stone, An Yan fell asleep and even took a short nap.

The words are divided into two parts.

Compared to Ning Caichen, who had experienced life and death in Guobei County, with the help of Anyan and Yan Chixia, he successfully retrieved the debt he owed when he returned to the county the next day, and then happily set out on the journey home.

But sometimes, being born at the wrong time is worse than being a ghost.

It is obvious that Ning Caichen is the unlucky guy.

When he returned to his hometown, his old employer Jibaozhai had gone bankrupt, and there were corpses everywhere, a horrific sight.

How could Ning Caichen, a scholar, have ever seen such a tragic scene? He was so scared that he turned around and ran away.

After some inquiries, I learned that Jibaozhai was robbed by a bandit at night, leaving nothing behind.

The wanted posters he saw all over the bulletin boards when he entered the city gate were the murderer.

"Well, then wouldn't my debt be in vain?"

Ning Caichen, who was hungry and tired, decided to eat something before making any plans.

After looking around, he finally found a popular store.

After working outside for a long time, he is no longer a clueless young man.

I know that those deserted and unattended shops are usually black shops.

Generally speaking, even if there is a problem with a popular store, they won’t dare to harm you in broad daylight.

So, Ning Caichen, feeling that his inference was correct, strode into this popular inn.

(End of this chapter)

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