Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 318: Hidden Dragon, Ten Thousand Armies

Chapter 318: Hidden Dragon, Troops

Ning Caichen regretted it the moment he stepped in.

There were a lot of people in the store, but none of them looked like good people. They all had hawk beaks and hawk eyes, and the look in their eyes was as creepy as a poisonous snake.

Speaking of which, Ning Caichen is also quite famous locally. After all, a debt collector will leave a deep impression wherever he goes.

These local gangsters recognized him at a glance and seemed very surprised by his arrival, and were whispering about him.

"Isn't he the poor scholar that Jibaozhai sent to collect debts? He's actually back!"

"Jibaozhai has been wiped out for a long time, but he still looks like a fool who doesn't know anything. Do you think he has any debts that have been reclaimed?"

As soon as these words were spoken, these gangsters suddenly looked at each other with terrifying green eyes, like hungry wolves in the dark night. Their greedy eyes wandered over Ning Caichen and his bookcase, as if they were guessing where he would put the money.

Ning Caichen's face turned pale instantly, like a little lamb entering a wolf's den. How come the county had changed so much after he came back from collecting debts? It was almost as big as Guobei County.

Compared with the gangsters in Guobei County, these people gave him the feeling that they were even worse.

Empiricism is deadly. Ning Caichen, who was secretly groaning in his heart, stiffened his body and moved step by step to an empty table next to him. He could only bet that the other party would restrain themselves in broad daylight.

The shop owner, who was cooking in the open kitchen, saw another customer coming in, smiled intriguingly, and greeted him warmly: "Brother, what do you want to eat? The most delicious thing here is pig's trotter noodles."

Ning Caichen was completely focused on the big man at the next table. He didn't notice the boss's unusual behavior and casually said, "Then give me one serving."


The shop assistant was out shopping, and the shop owner was the only one who was doing multiple jobs. He hurriedly served a bowl of fragrant pork trotter noodles and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please eat slowly, sir."

"Okay, thank you, boss."

Ning Caichen, who was already starving, was attracted by the big bowl of noodles in front of him. He no longer paid attention to the big men, picked up a pair of chopsticks and prepared to eat.

Ning Caichen, who was frightened by the big man, did not realize that the store was so big. On other people's tables were some peanuts, braised edamame and other snacks, and no one ordered meat.

When the big men saw Ning Caichen pick up a piece of meat, their faces were filled with playful expressions as if they were looking forward to him eating the meat.

Ning Caichen picked up the meat and took a look at it. He didn't find anything wrong with it, so he put it directly into his mouth and took a bite. He could only say that it was not bad.

Just then, the short, stocky, broad-armed waiter came back from shopping, with a basket on his back filled with a fresh thigh and two boning knives.

Those big men seemed to be very familiar with the waiter, and when they saw the waiter coming back, they greeted him in a familiar manner.

"Why did you come back so soon today?"

"Lucky, I found a fresh one not long after I went out."

The waiter let out a rough laugh, then dropped the heavy basket behind him onto an empty table with a loud bang.

The sound of the knives colliding startled Ning Caichen, and he subconsciously turned his head to look towards the source of the sound, wanting to see what was going on.

When he saw clearly the ingredients in the basket on the table, Ning Caichen's eyes, which had been squinted due to fatigue, suddenly widened. He took another look at the pig's trotter noodles in front of him, and finally looked sharply at the shop owner who was fiddling with the soup base.

The shop owner used a large spoon to scoop out a spoonful of meat from the boiling iron pot. The shape of the bones did not look like pig's feet at all, but rather very similar.
Ning Caichen felt his stomach churning, and when he looked down he saw a white dog biting a dead man's pale hand. He could no longer bear it, and the food he had just eaten came out in a tidal wave.

He could only vomit out some bitter water and desperately scratched his throat with his hands. He felt that he would be traumatized by pig's trotter noodles for the rest of his life.

Seeing that the truth was revealed, the shop owner picked up a butcher knife. His originally kind smile became extremely terrifying, and he moved towards Ning Caichen.

The other big men in the store also picked up knives, guns, sticks and clubs, and surrounded him with grim smiles, ready to rob and kill Ning Caichen together with the store owner.

"Scholar, I'm back from collecting the debts. How much did you collect? Take it out!"

Ning Caichen hugged the book box tightly, shaking with fear. He was a weak scholar and was afraid that he would die today.

But it seemed that God was reluctant to let Ning Caichen die, and a burst of chaotic shouting came from outside the store.

"Go! Catch the fugitive for me!"

"Oh no! It's the yamen runners! The wind is blowing!"

The shop owner and others turned around and saw that they were government officials. Not only did they look ferocious, but they also came in large numbers. Seeing that the situation was not good, they immediately abandoned Ning Caichen, the big fat sheep, and ran out the back door.

This run immediately attracted the attention of the yamen runners.


When Ning Caichen saw that it was a government official, he wanted to run away immediately.

There is not much difference between falling into the hands of the government and falling into the hands of those bad guys just now, it's just a matter of dying sooner or later.

However, before Ning Caichen could run, he was grabbed by the yamen runner and forced to sit back down.

The leading yamen runner saw that the shop owner and others had already run away, and that those people were desperate criminals. If he forced them too hard, it would cause unnecessary casualties.

So, he turned his gaze to the big fat sheep, bah, Ning Caichen, and grabbed Ning Caichen's face and compared it with the criminal on the wanted list.

"Tell me, are you Zhou Yabing?"

Ning Caichen, whose cheeks were pinched hard, caught a glimpse of the wanted criminal on the wanted poster and quickly explained, "It's obvious that I'm not that person. He has a beard and I don't. I'm a good person."

Unfortunately, the leading yamen runner was determined to close the case and collect the reward today, and he said without distinguishing right from wrong: "No beard? If you shave it, it will be gone. It's you, Zhou Yabing, do you think I can't recognize you if you shave your beard?"

"Come here, take him back to collect the reward." There were two mouths under the word "official". Ning Caichen had no way to defend himself and was directly convicted and thrown into prison.

Ning Caichen, who had eaten a dead rat for no reason, was escorted to prison. He looked at the jailer walking away and shouted desperately: "You are wronging me, I have not broken any law!"

"Let me out! I'm innocent!"

At this moment, he didn't know that the opportunity to change his miserable life had appeared.

"What are you arguing about? How many of those who were imprisoned here were not wrongly accused?"

Ning Caichen was startled by the sudden voice behind him. He turned around and found that he was not the only one here. There was also a cellmate with disheveled hair and dressed as a beggar.

At this moment, the other person was facing away from him, writing furiously on the wall with a stone, looking completely absorbed in his work.

I'm afraid he's crazy?
You're already in prison, and you still have the mood to write something? A suicide note?
Ning Caichen approached cautiously, "Old man, I want to ask..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the old man, "You don't need to ask. Few people who come in here can leave alive, unless your family pays you to redeem you."

"No way, why does it sound more like a bandit prison?"

"Hey, you're right about that."

"In today's world, the government is the biggest bandit."

After sighing, the old man dropped the stone in his hand and turned to look at Ning Caichen. When he saw Ning Caichen's appearance clearly, he was shocked. This kid actually has the appearance of a potential dragon.

Be nice!

This is a token of God’s will to keep me, Zhuge Liang, from being destroyed!
Although he had plenty of ways to get out, but in this world, it was better to stay inside than to get out. At least he wouldn't have to worry about tomorrow.

However, he did not make it public. At that moment, Ning Caichen was only a potential dragon, not a real dragon.

He also needs to test this person's character and talents to see if he is worthy of his help.

In this way, Ning Caichen lived a life without having to worry about three meals a day.

at the same time.


As the capital of a country, it should be a place with rising dragon energy and an atmosphere of a golden dragon shining brightly.

But if An Yan was here, he would definitely be able to tell at a glance that this is not the capital of a country, but a demon's lair!

The demonic energy rose to the sky and condensed into demonic clouds, blocking the sunlight, causing the yang energy to be unable to shine through. The entire capital area was dim all day long.

In the court, the morning court session is in progress.

The emperor sat upright on the dragon throne, looking dull and lifeless.

Almost half of the civil and military officials below looked like this. The only normal ones left also looked at the imperial teacher standing next to the emperor in a flattering manner.

The national teacher dressed like a Buddhist monk, claimed to be Buddha Tathagata, and always had a smile on his face.

No one would have thought that there would be a hideous centipede under this skin.

"Do you have any important matters to report during the morning court today? If not, I will adjourn the court!"

The emperor, whose body had been hollowed out, said as usual.

"Your Majesty, I have an important matter to report."

The national teacher rarely stood up.

Some officials who had not yet been emptied became frightened, fearing that they had offended the imperial teacher in some way.

These were the people who had been flattering the Imperial Master from the very beginning, wanting to use him to deal with their political enemies, but later they gradually began to discover something was wrong.

But it was too late, and the court became a one-man show of the imperial teacher.

Anyone who dares to go against the imperial teacher will often become a different person the next day.

They were so scared when they saw the National Master standing up.

The emperor still looked dumb, "What do you want to report, Imperial Master?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, recently my disciples discovered that there is a demon in the southeastern border who is practicing magic and causing chaos. He has even opened his sect to recruit disciples."

"I observed the stars at night. If we don't send a large army to suppress it soon, I'm afraid it will shake the foundation of the dynasty."

"Is this true? Then follow the instructions of the Imperial Master and send out a large army to suppress it."

The emperor was like a puppet, cooperating with the imperial teacher in acting, and whatever the imperial teacher said was the truth.

The imperial teacher, who had obtained the power to mobilize troops, immediately mobilized an army of 100,000.

The state teacher looked towards the southeast with a pair of strange eyes, "Haha, I want to see if you dare to commit such an endless sin of killing."

The imperial teacher felt that this was still unsafe, so he immediately set out for Shu to find a helper.

(End of this chapter)

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