Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 319: Youquan Patriarch, I have something good to ask you

Chapter 319: Youquan Patriarch, I have something good to ask you
Alas, how dangerous and high it is! The road to Shu is as difficult as climbing to the sky!
Because of its dangerous terrain, it has always been difficult to enter or leave Shu.

Li Bai once wrote poems inspired by the dangers of the Shu Road.

It is also for this reason that the cultivation forces in Shu have become a separate faction, among which the sword immortal of Shushan is particularly fascinating.

But in fact, Shushan is just a fictional concept, and more often refers to Mount Emei.

In Shu, the most famous sects are the Emei Sect and the Kunlun Sect.

Unfortunately, two hundred years ago, the Kunlun Sect was destroyed by the Youquan Blood Demon. Master Gu Yue died and his disciple Xuantian Zong disappeared.

Now, two hundred years have passed, and the Nether Spring Blood Demon is ready to make a move again.

Emei sect.

Just like the legendary Shushan Sword Sect, floating mountains are suspended in the sky, and disciples all fly on swords, looking handsome and cool.

But the eldest senior brother Dan Chenzi is a rare talent in Emei Sect. His weapon is a pair of sword wings, Tianlongzhan, which can be used for both offense and defense.

Of course, the most important thing is to be handsome.

Compared with the Tianlei Twin Swords and the Nanming Lihuo Sword, apart from their strength, they are just as handsome.

The black iron sword wings flew across the sky. Upon receiving the hurried call from the sect leader, Zhenren Baimei, Dan Chenzi retracted the sword wings and landed on the ground, then walked into the hall.

That handsome face that is very similar to Louis Koo, plus his cool look, I wonder how many female disciples in the sect think he is the dream man.

"Master, I wonder why you called me here so late at night?"

True Man Baimei lives up to his name, with a pair of very conspicuous white eyebrows that fall down to his cheeks. He sits cross-legged in the air, looking very celestial.

"Dan Chenzi, do you still remember the old monster Youquan who destroyed Huashan five hundred years ago and Kunlun two hundred years ago?"

"Now they can no longer hold back and are ready to come to our Emei Mountain."

"Good and evil cannot coexist. The old monster Youquan is ambitious and has always wanted to unify Shu, so his attack is inevitable."

"Master, what do you need from your disciples?"

Dan Chenzi saw things very clearly and was not surprised by the attack of the old monster Youquan.

"As the eldest disciple of the Emei Sect and the most powerful one, I will give you the task of going out to find out the news about the Blood Demon. By the way, evacuate the mortals near Mount Emei to avoid affecting them."

"Disciple has received the order, handle it as quickly as possible."

Dan Chenzi, who came and left in a hurry, immediately left the Emei Sect.

However, the attack of the old monster Youquan was much slower than they expected.

In the night sky, strong winds were howling.

A sea of ​​huge rocks and sand was moving forward rapidly in the night, forming skulls of varying sizes, with jumping ghost fires in the empty eye sockets, which was extremely scary.

This is exactly the giant stone sand sea formation of the old monster Youquan, which is very strange and powerful.


The old monster Youquan, who was rushing to the Emei Sect, noticed that there was a monk sitting on a lotus throne in front of him, waiting for his arrival.

Could it be the bald donkey on Mount Wutai?

The old monster Youquan, who was hiding in the sea of ​​​​rocks and sand, snorted coldly, and his magic power surged.

"Bald donkey, a good dog doesn't block the road. It's not your turn at Mount Wutai yet. Are you in such a hurry to die?"

The huge skull suddenly caught fire and turned into flaming skulls that smashed towards the sky like a shower of meteors across the night sky.

The monk sitting on the lotus throne seemed to have no time to react and allowed the flaming skull to hit him. In an instant, the surroundings turned into a sea of ​​fire that illuminated the night sky.

"Haha~ huh?"

Before the old monster Youquan could finish laughing, a strong Buddha's light shone out, and a giant Buddha rose in the flames, which was a hundred feet in size.

The brilliant Buddha light actually made the old monster Youquan feel creepy.

There was no sign of the Buddha's lips opening or closing, but waves of sound rolled in.

"Namo Paradise, the Tathagata Buddha from the West is here, why don't you bow to me when you see me?"

It took a while for Youquan Old Monster to come back to his senses. He quickly recognized the identity of this person and said in a sarcastic voice, "Who am I? It turns out to be you, this stinky centipede. You are the only one in the world who is so shameless as to pretend to be Tathagata Buddha all day long."

"Aren't you afraid that one day the Buddha will open his eyes and crush you to death with just one finger?"

Seeing that he failed to scare the old monster Youquan, Cihang Pudu felt very regretful. He dispersed his fake Dharma body and turned back into his human appearance.

Facing the ridicule, he said with a fake smile: "It's been a long time since we last met, and your mouth is still so smelly."

"Humph! Same here!" Knowing that the opponent was no weaker than himself, Youquan Old Monster resisted the urge to beat him to death and said in a bad tone: "Why don't you stay in your palace and transform into a dragon? Why come to my Shu land? What piece of shit attracted you here?"

"Haha, I came here specifically to look for you."

Cihang Pudu stared at the pile of shit in front of him with a smile on his face.

The old monster Youquan stopped talking.

I really want to have sex with him, what should I do?
"Cihang Pudu, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Others may be afraid of you, but I'm not."

A dangerous aura rose from the old monster Youquan.

Seeing the old monster Youquan’s defense broken, Cihang Pudu, who had the advantage in verbal argument, decided to stop while he could. After all, he didn’t come here to fight.

"Ancestor Youquan, I have something good to ask you."

In his heart, he kept calling the Youquan Old Monster, and in his mouth, he kept calling the Youquan Ancestor. The surface work of Cihang Pudu was done very well. The Youquan Old Monster, whose defense was completely broken, didn't care about that and directly scolded, "Smelly centipede, is it really possible that I will get a chance? Are you playing some conspiracy again?"

"Forget it. I'm in a hurry to cause trouble for the Emei Sect."

Knowing that both sides would suffer losses if they fought now, the old monster Youquan wanted to leave, preparing to settle the score with Cihang Pudu after obtaining the power of Chiyou Blood Cave.

"Really? That's a pity. The other party might have a way to break through to the Golden Immortal level."

"In this case, I have no choice but to find other helpers."

Cihang Pudu did not chase after him. Instead, he sighed to himself twice and prepared to leave.

"and many more!"

"What did you say? A way to break through to the Golden Immortal? Are you sure?"

The old monster Youquan, who was originally preparing to leave, was fooled. He immediately stopped Cihang Pudu, but there was some doubt in his tone.

This was Cihang Pudu’s conspiracy. He knew how tempting the method of breaking through to the Golden Immortal realm was to people like them. Even if they knew it was a trap, they would still step into it with a glimmer of hope.

"I don't know whether it's true or not, I just heard it from others, but even the Black Mountain Old Demon with the cultivation level of a celestial being died at the hands of the other party, and he had no chance to escape."

"I think this news is very likely to be true."

Cihang Pudu continued to speak with a mixture of half truth and half falsehood.

"You should know better than me that if a celestial being wants to escape, I think it would be difficult for anyone to stop him."

"I don't think I'm much stronger than the Black Mountain Old Demon, so I came to you for cooperation. Everyone knows that your Ancestor Youquan is a famous strong man in the Three Realms."

In order to invite the old monster Youquan to take action, Cihang Pudu suppressed his inner nausea and started to flatter him.

Although Old Monster Youquan knew how much truth there was in Cihang Pudu’s words, he liked to hear them, and his defensive mood calmed down a little.

"It seems that you are not blind and you still have some vision. It's not impossible to join forces, but how do we divide it afterwards?"

Cihang Pudu was looking at the old monster Youquan who was getting more and more aggressive, and he was furious inside, but when he thought of the boy's strength, he suppressed his anger.

"Of course we should share this secret together. You don't want to keep it all to yourself, do you?"

"Am I that kind of person?" Youquan said against his will, and then agreed: "Okay, let's do as you say, and we will share this secret."

"Who is that person that could make you, a celestial fairy demon who is about to transform into a dragon, be so cautious."

"The other party's origin is mysterious, as if he appeared out of thin air. Let's talk while we walk."

"Besides, I have specially prepared a big dish for him. Let us watch a good show first."

When Cihang Pudu thought of the 100,000-strong army, a bloodthirsty look appeared on his face.

Upon hearing this, the old monster Youquan became curious and immediately changed direction and flew out of Shu.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed.

In just three months, An Yan's Maoshan Sect was established, and he recruited a number of disciples, who were then taught by Yan Chixia.

But unfortunately, after the news that the imperial court's 100,000-strong army was approaching, a large part of the reserve troops were scared away.

Of course, An Yan would not feel sorry for those people whose faith in Taoism was not firm.

As for those who choose to live and die with the Maoshan Sect, An Yan no longer tests them and directly accepts them as official disciples of the Maoshan Sect.

"Oh, my little ancestor, you are still in the mood to drink tea."

"The 100,000-man army is less than ten miles away from us. Let's think about where to run."

Yan Chixia rushed into the hall in a hurry, but he didn't expect to see the head of the sect, An Yan, leisurely sipping tea. He was almost anxious to death.

If he really wanted to kill a hundred thousand people, it wouldn't be a big deal, but he would also commit boundless sins of killing, which would be tantamount to cutting off his own path to immortality.

Of course, some ruthless people just want to prove their truth through killing, but the end result is often death in an enhanced version of thunder tribulation.

Bai Qi, the butcher in ancient times, is a good example.

What's more, Yan Chixia is not a ruthless person, how could he possibly do that?

"Don't be in a hurry. Come on, I just made some tea."

An Yan didn't look nervous at all. Instead, he smiled and poured Yan Chixia a cup of freshly brewed hot tea.

The irritated Yan Chixia sat down beside him without even looking at the tea.

"No, no, no, Master, if you have any ideas, please tell me now so that I can feel at ease. I am almost dying of anxiety."

"It's just a hundred thousand troops. Look how scared you are."

An Yan, who originally wanted to wait and see what other tricks Cihang Pudu had, decided to take action first to deal with the 100,000-strong army after seeing Yan Chixia's look.

He poured himself another cup of boiling hot tea, then stood up, took a step forward and disappeared, leaving only a few arrogant words floating in the wind.

"I'll be back soon. Let's have tea together when I come back."

The tone of voice sounded as if the people coming were not an army of one hundred thousand, but a group of chickens and dogs.

Yan Chixia was dumbfounded.

No, my good master! You don't really want to slap them to death, do you?
Yan Chixia was frightened and chased after him quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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