Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 324 We are all gentlemen, fighting and killing is not good

Chapter 324 We are all gentlemen, fighting and killing is not good

In the dark night, a royal troop escorting an important criminal was on their way.

The person in charge was Zuo Qianhu. He looked up at the night sky. The sky, which was originally filled with thunder and lightning and was about to rain, was suddenly filled with dark clouds, revealing a bright moon.

The moonlight shone down, and the originally dark forest became brighter. The inn hidden by the trees in the distance was looming.

Zuo Qianhu's martial arts skills are close to the pinnacle of mortal martial arts, and he is even stronger than Du Yuan. He is not afraid of any remote temple and immediately prepares to stay there tonight.

He took out a water bottle and walked towards the prison van behind him. A white-haired old man was chained to the van. The old man had chapped lips due to not having water for a long time and looked weak.

"Master Fu, drink some water. We can rest after walking a little further."

"Captain Zuo, as a military officer of the imperial court and a general, are you going to allow the emperor to be deceived by villains and put the people in dire straits?"

The old man took the kettle, but did not drink it immediately. Instead, he glared at Zuo Qianhu and questioned him.

Captain Zuo turned his face away in shame. Perhaps Lord Fu was really wronged, but so what?
"Master Fu, the grievances in the court are not something that a mere warrior like me can interfere with. Usually, the truth of right and wrong is not clear, so I have no choice but to follow your orders."

"Bullshit! What's the truth? It's because there are too many people like you who can't tell right from wrong in the court that treacherous officials are in power and deceive the emperor."

"Cough cough cough!!!"

Because his mouth was too dry and he spoke too quickly, the old man choked. Seeing Zuo Qianhu still stubbornly, he sighed in disappointment, slowly grabbed the kettle and drank it down.

He couldn't die yet. He had to hold on until he came before the emperor and use his worthless life to wake him up.

"Master Fu, please stop talking. My mission is to get you to the capital safely. I don't care about the rest. It's not my turn as a warrior to take care of it."

"Once we arrive in the capital, how the emperor treats you is no longer my business."

Captain Zuo, who didn't know that the emperor was dead, still chose to be blindly loyal. He only needed to obey orders.

When the old man had almost finished drinking, he took back the kettle.

"Keep on going and rest ahead."

Hearing that they could rest after walking for a while, the escorting officers and soldiers were suddenly energized and immediately quickened their pace.

After walking for a whole day, they were almost exhausted.

Only Captain Zuo, who was riding a horse, looked tireless and full of energy due to his martial arts training.

In the inn.

Zhiqiu Yiye leaned closer to An Yan.

An Yan looked at the face that looked like Jacky Cheung, with a lewd smile on his face. He found it funny and asked, "You are smiling so lewdly, what do you want to do?"

"Really? Did I smile in a lewd way? You must have seen it wrong. People who practice Taoism cannot violate the taboo of lust." Zhiqiu Yiye touched his face and felt embarrassed for a moment. He immediately put away his smile and said in a serious tone.

"Who told you that? Your master?" An Yan rolled his eyes. If what Zhiqiu Yiye said was true, he would definitely suffer.

"Come on, you're not a monk."

"Tell me, are you interested in those sisters? Are you ready for me to give you the chance to be a hero and save the damsel in distress?"

Under An Yan's consciousness, an ugly corpse demon was quietly approaching Fu Yuechi who was hiding at the stairs.

Fu Yuechi seemed to be thinking about something, with a trance-like look, and did not feel the coming crisis at all.

I think Zhiqiu Yiye also discovered this situation, so he came to him specifically hoping that he would not take action.

Zhiqiu Yiye, who was being controlled by An Yan, could no longer hold back and smiled awkwardly.

"Is my intention so obvious?"

"More than that? It's almost as if the words 'I'm easy to seduce' are written on her face." Thinking of a joke about Jacky Cheung in the drama, An Yan joked.

"Ahem, what does Brother An say?"

Now that he was discovered, Zhiqiu Yiye stopped pretending and came clean.

He admitted that he was lustful and had improper thoughts. He just wanted to seduce the young lady.

To be honest, Fu Yuechi's face that resembles Michelle Reis is enough to charm a lot of men.

An Yan shrugged and said, "Well, if you can handle the corpse demon, then go ahead. This will save me from having to do it again."

"Anyway, I don't really like to be in the spotlight."

"Okay, leave it to me. Brother An, just sit down."

Zhiqiu Yiye immediately turned around excitedly and shouted to Fu Yuechi: "Miss, be careful, there is a corpse demon behind you!"

Seeing Zhiqiu Yiye shouting at him anxiously and running towards him quickly, Fu Yuechi woke up and subconsciously turned his head to look back.

A face that looked like it had been kept in a kimchi jar for thirty years came into view. Dark green poisonous mist was exhaled, and the stench was overwhelming.

Fu Yuechi's face suddenly became horrified, and she asked why it suddenly smelled so bad, and she thought someone was farting.


"There's a ghost!!!"

The shrill soprano voice sounded particularly harsh in the silent night.


Captain Zuo immediately waved to the team to stop and looked at the inn not far away in surprise. He could vaguely see the campfire jumping.

In order to find out whether it was an enemy attack, he immediately said to the team behind him: "You stay where you are, I'll go over and take a look."

Fu Qingfeng, who was lying in ambush outside, did not care about being exposed when he heard that his sister was in danger. He quickly jumped out and rushed into the inn.

When the others saw the young lady, they all rushed in. Fearing that something might happen to her, they also jumped out.

In the inn.

Fu Yuechi screamed, her face turned pale with fear, and she ran forward in a hurry.

When Zhiqiu Yiye saw this scene, his eyes suddenly lit up and he opened his broad arms.

"Don't be afraid, miss. I'm here!"

"Taoist Master, help!"

Then, the frightened Fu Yuechi dodged flexibly and threw himself into the arms of An Yan who was watching the show behind him, burying his head deeply in his broad chest.

Zhiqiu Yiye was dumbfounded!

Ning Caichen was dumbfounded!

An Yan was also dumbfounded!
Fu Yuechi's amazing moves shocked the three of them.

Zhiqiu's leaf was petrified on the spot.

I'm the clown myself?
The corpse demon said: The young lady doesn’t want you, I want you!

A stench of dark green corpse gas that was enough to stink a person to death came over, and the corpse demon opened its bear hug, ready to give Zhiqiu Yiye a loving hug.

Zhiqiu Yiye had no time to feel sad, and immediately took out the talisman paper to fight the enemy. He didn't want to give his First Embrace to a corpse demon.

"Exorcism Order! Go!"

The yellow talisman flew out at a rapid speed, stuck to the corpse monster, and exploded suddenly.

The smelly and rotten meat fragments were splattered everywhere. Fortunately, Zhiqiu Yiye dodged quickly, otherwise he would have been splattered all over.

"Brother An, help!"

Even though he already knew that there were monsters in this inn, when they really appeared, their ugly appearance still frightened Ning Caichen so much that he wanted to throw himself into An Yan's arms.

An Yan, who had already hugged someone, turned around decisively, leaving his back to Ning Caichen.

It seems to be saying, don't come over, there's no room left.

A few black lines ran down Ning Caichen's forehead.

Brother An, you have changed. You were not like this before.

The injured corpse demon became more and more violent. After it stood up straight, it grabbed Zhiqiu Yiye fiercely with a pair of fat hands like pickled pepper chicken claws. Zhiqiu Yiye's face changed. He didn't expect that the corpse demon was so fierce, and he retreated repeatedly.

"Help! Brother An!"

"Brother Zhiqiu, come on, you can do it."

"I can't spare any time now."

An Yan's voice came from behind.

Zhiqiu Yiye was immediately furious. He had already imagined the scene in his mind and was unable to free his hands.

Obviously, this benefit should belong to him, it's all the corpse demon's fault!
Zhiqiu Yiye turned his grief and anger into strength, paused, and when he saw the corpse demon rushing towards him, he leaned back on the iron bridge. When he saw the corpse demon flying over his head, he immediately raised his foot and kicked it, and the corpse demon flew out of the inn.

Fu Qingfeng and his men, who had just walked to the door, saw a large object flying towards them, and they subconsciously dodged to the side, and the corpse demon flew straight out.

"What it is?"

"I do not know!"

"Forget it, my sister is more important."

Fu Qingfeng and his men hurried in.

The corpse demon took advantage of Zuo Qianhu who had just arrived.

Captain Zuo saw something flying towards him and his face changed slightly. What was that?
Without hesitation, he exerted his strength to shake the rope, and the sharp long knives on his back immediately flew out and stabbed at the corpse monster.

The poor corpse demon was kicked out, stabbed several times in the face, and fell heavily to the ground.

The corpse demon, who had already gained some intelligence, was very angry. How could he have suffered such humiliation before? He immediately stood up with his fangs and claws bared.

"Humph! You don't even look like a ghost, take off the mask now!"

Unexpectedly, Captain Zuo was even more ruthless. He didn't believe that this was an evil spirit at all. After scolding it angrily, he clenched the long sword in his hand and chopped it hard.


The sword hit the corpse demon's forehead, and the fine iron sword only cut the skin, causing dark green pus to splash out.

Feeling the force of the recoil, Zuo Qianhu was startled and immediately put away his sword and chopped again.

While Zuo Qianhu was fighting hard against the corpse monster, An Yan in the inn looked helplessly at Fu Yuechi who was hanging in his arms like a koala.

"I say, young lady, the corpse demon has escaped, you are safe."

"Master, my name is Fu Yuechi, you can just call me Yuechi."

Fu Yuechi had a happy expression on his face, such a gentle embrace, and such a handsome little brother. Was he asking me my name?

Unexpectedly, Fu Yuechi in reality is even more of a fangirl than in the movie, and only listens to what he wants to hear.

So, An Yan said, it wasn’t him who was reluctant to let go, it was she who was reluctant to let go.

As soon as Fu Qingfeng came in, he saw his sister taking advantage of the Taoist priest crazily, while the Taoist priest looked as if he had lost all hope in life (he was enjoying it).

She thought something had happened, but it turned out to be her own sister who was making trouble. She was so angry that she stepped forward and pulled her sister away.

"Yuechi, wake up, do you remember why we are here?"

"Daddy, are you still going to save me?"

When he saw his sister coming, Fu Yuechi threw himself into her arms with a frightened look.

"Sister, there is a monster!"

The corner of An Yan's mouth twitched. This child's reaction was a little slow.

"Monster? Where are the monsters?" Fu Qingfeng looked inside the inn and didn't see any so-called monsters.

The men who were ambushing on the second floor also ran down, "Miss, there really is a monster. It scared us just now. Fortunately, the Taoist priest beat the monster out."

Only then did some people remember Zhiqiu Yiye.

Zhiqiu Yiye looked at An Yan with tears in his eyes. He did the work, but others took advantage of him.

An Yan pretended not to see Zhi Qiu Yiye's aggrieved expression. He stated in advance that it was the other party who took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, and he did not move at all.


At this moment, Fu Qingfeng's expression changed when he heard the sound of fighting outside.

"Come on, let's go out and take a look."

When the group walked out, they saw Zuo Qianhu fighting with the corpse demon.

To be honest, if it weren't for Zuo Qianhu's superb martial arts skills, he would have died at the hands of the corpse monster long ago.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Seeing the corpse demon that couldn't be killed no matter how hard he chopped it, Zuo Qianhu's expression changed repeatedly. He was sure that the other party was not a human, because no one had ever been able to survive being chopped so many times by him.

At this time, a large group of people walking out of the inn caught his attention. Who were they?

He immediately became alert.

The corpse demon sniffed and immediately left Zuo Qianhu behind and rushed towards the crowded inn.

Seeing the ugly corpse demon rushing towards him, Fu Yuechi was so scared that he hid behind his sister. Fu Qingfeng's face turned pale too. It turned out that there really was a monster.

An Yan was the calmest person among the crowd. He looked at Zhiqiu Yiye and said with a smile, "Are you still going up?"

"No, I'm not going to play anymore. You've taken all the benefits. I don't want to play anymore." Zhiqiu Yiye wanted to know An Yan's strength, and he was really depressed, so he waved his hand to indicate that he didn't want to play anymore.

"Then I'll go ahead."

An Yan didn't care. He originally wanted to give this opportunity to Zhiqiu Yiye to perform. Since the other party didn't want to play anymore, let him do it.

"You evil creature! How dare you hurt me? You simply don't take me seriously!"

"Look at my Lightning Thunder Fist!!!"

An Yan imitated Fahai and struck a cool pose, with lightning flashing and electric light splattering as he opened and closed his fists.

With a punch, a tiger pounced out and directly blew the corpse monster to pieces, leaving no intact body.

The two sisters Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi had surprise in their eyes. They didn't expect that the Taoist priest, who looked gentle and polite, actually had such a violent side.

Fu Yuechi subconsciously covered her mouth and exclaimed: "The Taoist priest is so powerful!"

Zhiqiu Yiye's face was full of question marks. He looked at Anyan in confusion, as if asking: Is this what you mean by not liking to show off?
Almost stealing the spotlight!

Captain Zuo was also shocked by An Yan's strength. Looking at the big hole blasted on the ground, he looked at An Yan with fear.

The escort team heard the noise and were afraid that Zuo Qianhu had encountered an ambush, so they arrived at this time.

"Sir, are you okay?"


Seeing their father tortured beyond recognition in the prison van, Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi became furious.

"Everybody do it!"

"You want to rob the prison van? Forget it!"

The thing that Zuo Qianhu least wanted to see happened. The group of people in front of him really had bad intentions. Although he was afraid of An Yan's strength, his dignity as a warrior made him unwilling to take a step back.

Seeing the two groups about to start fighting because of a disagreement, An Yan, as a gentleman, felt that this was very bad.

His figure suddenly appeared between the two groups like a ghost, and he smiled and said, "Everyone, how about giving me some face?"

"We are all gentlemen. Fighting and killing is not good."

Captain Zuo and the Fu sisters subconsciously stopped and took a look at the pit that was big enough to bury all of them.

To be honest, fighting and killing are indeed bad.

(End of this chapter)

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