Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 325: On the Scheming of White-Eyebrowed Immortal

Chapter 325: On the Scheming of White-Eyebrowed Immortal
In the inn, the three groups were clearly divided.

Fu Qingfeng’s rescue team, Zuo Qianhu’s escort team, and An Yan’s spectator team.

"By the way, why don't you stay with your sister?"

Ning Caichen looked at Fu Yuechi who was trying to squeeze through, and he was very puzzled.

At this time, Ning Caichen had not shaved his beard yet, and his face looked very weathered, but he was actually not ugly, of course, that was when compared with Zuo Qianhu.

Fu Yuechi shook his head, leaving the back of his head to Ning Caichen.

"I want you to take care of it!"

At this time, Zhiqiu Yiye looked disillusioned with the world, as if he was going to become a monk in the next second, and turned a deaf ear to the conversation between the two.

What else could it be? He's so handsome!
When Fu Qingfeng saw his sister's face that said "Come and dump me, I'm a good dumper", the word "speechless" was written on his face.

She really wanted to ask loudly: Fu Yuechi, has your modesty been eaten away?
She was so angry that she almost gritted her teeth and uttered a few words: "Yuechi! Come back!"

Fu Yuechi saw her sister's expression, which was almost as fierce as that of a corpse demon, and confirmed from her eyes that her sister wanted to kill her with a knife.

Fearing that her sister would do something stupid, she went back reluctantly.

After the farce.

Seeing that neither side said anything, An Yan was still thinking about how disappointed he was when he saw the two of them arguing with each other, so he couldn't help but urge them, "If you have something to say, please say it quickly. I've been waiting for so long that the flowers have wilted."

Upon hearing this, Fu Qingfeng's eyes rolled and his gaze fell on An Yan.

Although this Taoist priest looks a little unruly, he is very powerful. Judging from the fact that he just killed a monster, he doesn't seem like a bad guy.

She also saw the fight between Zuo Qianhu and the corpse demon just now. To be honest, no one she brought was his match.

If we fight head-on, we won't be able to save my father.

But if we could ask the Taoist priest to come forward, there might still be a glimmer of hope.

Immediately, she knelt down in front of An Yan and said, "Master, please help save my father!"

Fu Yuechi, who saw what his sister did, was not stupid enough, and immediately knelt down to imitate her.

"Please, Taoist priest, help save my father!"

"Please, Taoist priest, help save Master Fu!"

The men brought by the two sisters also knelt down together.

An Yan didn't expect that the melon would fall on him, so why did he come to him for help?
Captain Zuo's expression changed. If the Taoist in front of him took action, he was afraid that he would not be able to stop him.

Lord Fu is a prisoner wanted by the Emperor. If anything goes wrong, he will lose his official position, which is a small matter, but his life, which is a big matter.

He immediately clasped his fists and interrupted the two sisters, "Master, this is a wanted criminal that the Emperor and the Master have specifically requested to be captured. Don't listen to their slander."


"My father is a loyal minister who has devoted himself to the country and the people. Now that treacherous ministers are in power, why don't you arrest those treacherous ministers but instead arrest our father? What's the logic?"

Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi retorted loudly.

The old man who was locked in the prison van was deeply moved when he saw his two daughters working hard to save him.

He had never seen the Taoist priest's strength, but he knew that Zuo Qianhu was a top-notch master today, and his two daughters were no match for him at all.

Moreover, he had already made up his mind to die for his country, so he shouted: "Qingfeng, Yuechi, leave quickly, don't worry about daddy."

"The current emperor has been deceived by treacherous villains. I have no intention of returning alive when I go to the capital. I want to use my death to wake up the emperor and make my death clear."

When these words were spoken, everyone present was moved. Even Captain Zuo did not expect that Lord Fu would have such an idea.

For a moment, he understood the true colors of the ministers in the court and felt deeply guilty for aiding and abetting the tyrant.

Although An Yan felt that such blind loyalty as that of the old man was not worth it, for someone who lived in such an era and was educated to be loyal to the emperor, this was the most powerful swan song he could utter in the end.

Seeing Lord Fu's uprightness, Ning Caichen thought of his old man who was still in prison, and couldn't help feeling sad.

In this world, it is hard to be a good person, and even harder to be a loyal minister.

Because those who have allowed themselves to degenerate will not allow any clear stream different from themselves to emerge.

Seeing the resolute look on their father's face, who had even thought of his last words, the Fu sisters were at a loss, feeling quite helpless, thinking, "We are fighting bloody battles, why did Your Majesty surrender first?"

My old daddy!

You look like this, making us look stupid!
When the tragic atmosphere was at its peak, An Yan's words completely destroyed the atmosphere.

"Well, Master Fu, I forgot to tell you. If the emperor hadn't had any accidents, he would have been reincarnated by now. I think you died in vain."


"The Emperor is dead?"

"This is impossible!"

Except for An Yan, who knew the inside story, everyone else looked shocked.

Especially Mr. Fu, his first reaction was disbelief.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"When I left the capital, the emperor was in his prime. Although he was addicted to wine and women, it was impossible for him to die for no reason."

"Master, are you saying this on purpose to save me?"

"Mr. Fu, you and I are not related at all, why would I lie to you?"

"Your Imperial Master Cihang Pudu is a monster. He has already killed all the ministers in the court, including the emperor, leaving behind only an empty shell."

"So if you die, Mr. Fu, it will be worthless. And your mission, Zuo Qianhu, is probably doomed to fail."

"If you don't believe it, you can go to Guobei County and ask General Du Yuan."

"This world is going to be in chaos."

An Yan completely ignored the shocking words and spoke calmly.

"How is this possible?"

Not to mention Mr. Fu, even Captain Zuo couldn't accept this fact all at once.

Even Zhiqiu Yiye, a Taoist monk, understood the impact of a king's sudden death. It was basically a signal to a world that was already in chaos.

A signal of “Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers born into a certain class?”

I believe that once this news comes out, unrest will soon arise.

Ning Caichen asked, "Brother An, how did you know that?"

It’s not that he didn’t believe An Yan, it’s just that the news was too shocking.

"Because I was the one who killed the Imperial Master, I still have his Imperial Master token here, huh." An Yan threw the token that he had bitten into two pieces to Ning Caichen.

Ning Caichen took the two pieces of iron in a hurry, closed them, and found that they were really the imperial teacher's tokens.

Mr. Fu shouted anxiously: "Quick! Bring it to me!"

"Oh, Mr. Fu, please look."

Captain Zuo, who was in a state of confusion, ignored Ning Caichen and walked straight towards Lord Fu. To be honest, he also wanted to know the answer.

After taking the token and looking at it, Mr. Fu burst into tears, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

"I advised you at the beginning that Cihang Pudu was too weird and didn't look like a proper monk, but you didn't listen!"

"So, you decide what to do next." An Yan's eyes flashed and he suggested, "I suggest you go to Guobei County first and look for General Du Yuan. I believe he has sent people to the capital to confirm the situation."

"Master Fu, I'm sorry for offending you during this period." Captain Zuo was not stubborn and immediately stepped forward to open the shackles for Master Fu. "Now let's rush to Guobei County to find General Du Yuan before we talk about other things."

"You are also in a position to perform your duties. I don't blame you. I will go to Guobei County first as you said."

Everyone has a happy ending. Captain Zuo and Mr. Fu put aside their past grudges and decide to go to Guobei County together.

Ning Caichen, who had no hope of passing the imperial examination after the emperor's death, was also confused. He decided to go to Guobei County with Lord Fu to find out the truth first.

Zhiqiu Yiye said that he did not want to get involved in the affairs of the court and he wanted to continue to be a free bird without any restrictions.

Fu Yuechi found An Yan at this time and asked shyly, "Brother An, I wonder what your plans are next. Why don't you come with me to Guobei County?"

"Sorry, I just came out of Guobei County and was about to go to Shu." How could An Yan not see what the little girl was thinking, but he really couldn't spare the time.

He won't feel at ease until the old monster Youquan is eliminated.

What if he leaves this world by then, and the old monster Youquan makes a comeback, wouldn’t that harm Yan Chixia and his disciples?
Moreover, he was also very interested in the Emei Sect's Twin Heavenly Thunder Swords. When he went to Shu, he had always thought about taking a look at the Twin Heavenly Thunder Swords.

"Oh fine."

Fu Yuechi left with a look of disappointment.

When it was late at night and everyone was asleep, An Yan left quietly without planning to wait until the next day.

After all, at the beginning he just wanted to figure out the relationship between Black Stone, Black Mountain Old Demon and Cihang Pudu, so he chose to stay for a short time.

Unexpectedly, I met Ning Caichen and his friends by chance. Moreover, Ning Caichen's face is also very interesting. Is it because he is the son of destiny?

He didn't know all these for the time being. The two most important things before him now were to deal with the old monster Youquan and to figure out the relationship between Black Stone, Black Mountain Old Monster and Cihang Pudu.

Emei sect.

In the main hall where Taoist Master Baimei was, Dan Chenzi was reporting on the situation of the Emei Sect in recent months. Standing next to him was Xuan Tianzong of the Kunlun Sect.

"Reporting to the headmaster, we still haven't found any trace of the old monster Youquan."

"That's weird. I clearly calculated that the target of the Youquan old monster should be our Emei Sect. How come there is still no movement after several months?"

There was a hint of confusion on Master Baimei's face, which had a youthful appearance and white hair. He carefully counted with his fingers and found that the evil star hanging over Emei Mountain had not gone away, but had become even more dazzling and weird.

This shows that the old monster Youquan is still determined to do something evil. His target is still Emei. I just don’t know why he hasn’t taken action yet. Is he waiting for an opportunity?

The old monster Youquan, whom Master Baimei had been thinking about all the time, was beaten half to death and escaped back. The first thing he did after returning to Shu was to retreat and recuperate, and he had no time to care about the Emei Sect.

Besides, Master Baimei, who is holding the Haotian Mirror, is no match for him in his current state, and he needs to find a way to obtain the power of the blood cave.

"Damned Maoshan Sect leader, when my magic power is perfected and I conquer Mount Emei, your Maoshan Sect will be next!"

The old monster Youquan, who had never been in such an embarrassing situation before, secretly made a harsh remark, then closed his eyes and devoted all his energy to practicing magic to heal his injuries.

Little did he know that the leader of the Maoshan Sect, whom he had been thinking about, had already arrived in Shu and came to the Emei Sect.

"Is this Emei? It is very similar to the Shushan in the Legend of Sword and Fairy."

A rainbow light streaked across the sky and stopped outside the Emei Sect.

The rainbow light faded, revealing An Yan's figure. He looked at the Emei Sect with curiosity. There were the same floating mountains and the same lingering clouds.

The difference is that the Emei Sect does not have a Demon Locking Tower to suppress all demons.

In terms of strength, I feel that Baimei Zhenren of the Emei Sect should be better.

Just as An Yan was comparing the difference between the two, two long rainbows tore through the sky, one purple and one blue. They were the Emei Sect's treasures, the twin swords of Tianlei, Tianji and Leiyan.

Obviously, seeing the uninvited stranger, and considering that the Emei sect was on martial law during this period to guard against the Youquan old monster, Li Yingqi and Changkong Wuji thought that it was the Youquan old monster who was attacking, and they both used their Tianlei twin swords to meet the enemy.

"Who are you? What brings you to my Emei Sect?"

Li Yingqi's clear voice was heard, and the person could not be seen but the voice was heard. The Tianji sword was emitting cold light and could launch a fatal blow at any time. The same was true for Lei Yan next to him.

"I am An Yan, the head of the Maoshan sect. I am here to discuss the matter of the old monster Youquan. Please report to the White Eyebrow Immortal."

Looking at the twin Tianlei swords that exuded a captivating aura, An Yan felt itchy and really wanted to try out the power of the two swords.

But now that he is the head of a sect, he naturally has to pay attention to his image when he goes out, so as not to damage the reputation of Maoshan Sect, so he spoke very politely.

Just when Li Yingqi and Changkong Wuji were discussing sending someone to report to the head sect master, the eldest senior brother Dan Chenzi flew out.

A pair of iron wings flying across the sky looks very cool.

Dan Chenzi landed in front of An Yan and bowed, saying, "Fellow Daoist, our leader invites you."

Seeing the eldest senior brother take action, the twin thunder swords in the sky suddenly disappeared.

"You must be Dan Chenzi, the eldest disciple of the Emei Sect. Seeing is believing. Please."

An Yan glanced at Dan Chenzi and to be honest, Dan Chenzi was indeed very handsome, almost the same as Zhiqiu Yiye.

Seeing that it was someone he once liked, An Yan was particularly polite.

I remember that he once almost tore up his entire English book in order to make a pair of wings of the same design. Not only did he fail, but he also got beaten up by his parents.

"You are too polite, please go see our leader first."

Dan Chenzi is quite humble, and as the eldest disciple of Emei Sect, he is worthy of the title.

Indeed, An Yan couldn't understand why in the movie, Master Baimei would pass the position of the leader of the Xuantian Sect to an outsider, and send his own eldest disciple to guard the door.

They say that it is to break the prejudice between sects, but that's just for show.

He felt that it was more that Taoist Master Baimei saw the potential of Xuantian Sect and the Kunlun Sect's magical treasure on Xuantian Sect, and wanted to pull him into the Emei Sect to strengthen the Emei Sect's strength.

After all, even the soul of his master Gu Yue was taken away by Taoist Baimei, who turned him into Li Yingqi without telling anyone and made him the master of the Tianji Sword.

Judging from the later plot, the Kunlun Sect’s treasure still recognizes Li Yingqi as its master, and the Moon Wheel will take the initiative to protect its master when in danger.

Tsk tsk, when I think about it this way, this White-browed Master is actually a scheming boy!
An Yan shook his head. Of course, it could also be that he was judging others by his own standards.

Anyway, we'll know when we meet later.

(End of this chapter)

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