Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 36 Good Guys and Bad Guys

Chapter 36 Good Guys and Bad Guys
  Since that night, An Yan rarely met Zhao Li, and Xia Dongqing also looked worried.

It was raining heavily outside and the sky was gloomy.

Didi! !
  An Yan, who was having breakfast, picked up his phone and saw someone added him as a friend on QQ. He glanced at the notes and looked happy, and did not bother to have breakfast.

Business is coming.

Since this is a soul ferrying world, there must be many supernatural events, so An Yan established an exorcism agency on Tieba. He usually posts about his deeds of drawing talismans to catch ghosts, specifically to handle supernatural events.

Unfortunately, it was not open for several days. When he was thinking about whether to go to the construction site to move bricks, business came to him.

An Yan quickly clicked through and sent a greeting emoji with his backhand.

"Excuse me, are you really a Taoist priest from Maoshan?"

"It's true." An Yan replied with a message, fearing that the other party would think he was bragging, so he sent a photo of himself wearing a Taoist robe.

"I've encountered something, can you come and help me take a look at it?"

“The price is easy to talk about.”

An Yan's eyes lit up and he immediately asked for the address. It was actually in Youdu City.

"Wait for me! I'll be there soon!"

An Yan hurriedly finished his breakfast, grabbed his backpack containing the magic weapon, and set off.

In a hotel room in Youdu, two elderly people looked sad. Among them, the woman touched the photo in her hand and cried silently.

There was a knock on the private room door, and An Yan pushed the door open and walked in. The old woman hurriedly wiped her tears.

An Yan was startled when he saw the two old people in the box. He didn't expect it to be two old people.

He asked: "Old man, which of you is always content with what you have? Am I right?"

Although the old woman had seen photos of An Yan wearing Taoist robes, she didn't expect that he actually looked younger than the photos. She opened her hoarse voice and said, "I am just content and happy. Are you Taoist Priest An?"

Lin Jianjun looked a little ugly on the side. He felt that his wife must have met a liar, but when he thought of his deceased daughter, he opened his mouth and said nothing.

"Hello, this is my business card." An Yan nodded and handed over his printed business card.

Lin Jianjun took it and took a look, and immediately felt that the other person did not look like a Taoist priest, and finally couldn't help but said: "Taoist Master An Yanan, right? Why do you have to hand out business cards in your profession now?"

Aware of the old man's dissatisfaction, An Yan said with a smile: "Old sir, it's a new era now. We Taoist priests are also human beings and we have to eat. Nowadays, society is fiercely competitive. How can we keep up with the times if we don't keep pace with the times? ?”

"Let's get straight to the point. As for whether I have the ability or not, you will know later."

"If I can't do it, I won't get any money."

Seeing An Yan's confidence, Lin Jianjun's face relaxed. He was not young and was quite calm in his work.

"Old man!" The old woman on the side tugged at Lin Jianjun, fearing that her old man would offend him.

"Oh, that's all, it's up to you."

Lin Jianjun understood that his wife would not die until she reached the Yellow River. How could there be ghosts in this world?

The old woman felt relieved and smiled at An Yan: "I made you laugh."

With the old woman's red eyes, An Yan could vaguely guess what was going on. The saddest thing for the old woman was that the white-haired person gave the black-haired person a gift.

He sighed secretly and said, "Old madam, if you have anything to say, just tell me."

"I have a daughter who has been a good girl in the eyes of others since she was a child."

"I couldn't believe she took drugs until she committed suicide."

The old woman's eyes were blurred with tears, and her hand holding the photo couldn't help but tremble. The girl in the photo had a youthful and bright smile.

Speaking of his daughter, Lin Jianjun couldn't help but his eyes turned red.

They had a daughter when they were old, but they didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

How could their daughter take drugs?

"So you want to?"

Hearing An Yan's question, the old woman trembled her lips and said with a glimmer of hope: "I want to see my daughter again. I want to ask clearly. She couldn't have committed suicide by jumping off the building. I can't let my daughter die in an unknown way." !”

"Dad! Mom! I'm sorry!"

"I shouldn't have disobeyed you!"

Behind the two old men, a girl had tears streaming down her face and hugged the two old men tightly, but it was too late to say anything now.

The girl's death was horrifying, as if she had fallen from a high building. She was covered in blood and one side of her face was bloody.

"You heard it, right? Your parents want to see you again." An Yan looked at the girl and said.

The two old men were a little frightened. Who was Taoist An talking to?

Following Taoist An's gaze, the two people who reacted excitedly stood up and looked behind them, but they were very disappointed and saw nothing.

"Your daughter is dead. The living and the dead are separated by Yin and Yang, so you can't see her."

Hearing this, the old woman could no longer control her emotions, and tears burst into her eyes: "My Xiaoxue, my good Xiaoxue, how can you bear to leave us two old things and take the first step?"

Lin Jianjun also wanted to see his daughter again, to find out the truth of the matter, and to restore her daughter's innocence, so from the perspective of a father, he chose to believe An Yan. “Taoist Master An, can you let us two old guys meet Xiaoxue again?”

"No!" Lin Xue almost begged and looked at An Yan. She could feel the sense of danger coming from him. He was a man of real ability.

"Why?" An Yan was confused.

Lin Xue's hands were trembling and she didn't dare to touch the half-smashed face: "I'm afraid that I will scare them with my current appearance."

An Yan's voice became a little heavier: "She's afraid of scaring you."

"Silly child! How can any parent be afraid of his own daughter?" the old woman said sadly.

"I can help you temporarily return to your original appearance." An Yan said to Lin Xue. The reason why Lin Xue could not cast illusions like Dong Xiaoyu was because he died too short and was not strong enough.

However, the other party is so full of resentment that he will turn into a ghost and come back to demand his life on the first seven days.

Once someone's life is involved, they will be in trouble even if they enter the underworld.

Lin Xue hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"She agreed."

The two old men suddenly became excited.

An Yan stood up and came to Lin Xue. His magic power was concentrated in his palms. With a wave of his palm, a little bit of magic power fell on Lin Xue, and he soon transformed into the youthful and beautiful appearance he had before his death.

Even An Yan couldn't help but sigh inwardly when he saw the girl's appearance in life, what a pity.

Then, An Yan opened a pair of bowls and chopsticks, took out the bowl, took out a bottle of water from the cloth bag, poured half of it in, traced the top of the bowl with his hand, and sang at the same time.

"The laws of heaven are pure and clear, and the laws of earth are spirited."

"The yin and yang combine to form the essence, and the water spirit appears."

"The spiritual light captured by water reaches the sky and the earth."

"Follow the Dharma, the Yin-Yang Dharma Mirror, the true form will appear quickly, the true form will appear quickly, I obey the laws of Sanmao Zhenjun! Be as urgent as the laws and orders!"

A trace of magic power flows in the water. As long as you use this water to open your eyes, you can temporarily see ghosts.

Moreover, according to folklore, grapefruit leaves and willow leaves are eye-opening. This method is really not suitable for use in the north. It is even more difficult to find fresh grapefruit leaves and willow leaves in autumn and winter.

The two old men did not dare to disturb An Yan's practice.

An Yan picked up the bowl, dipped water in one hand and flicked it towards the two elders' faces.

The two elders subconsciously closed their eyes. When they opened them again, they found that there was another person in the room, it was Lin Xue.

"My little snow!"

"Little Snow!"

The three of them hugged each other and couldn't cry.

"How can you take drugs? Don't you know this thing can harm people?" Mother Lin was heartbroken.

However, Lin Jianjun was stronger. He wiped the tears from his eyes and asked with a trembling voice: "Xiaoxue, tell dad, did you commit suicide by jumping off the building?"

Lin Xue had a look of resentment on her face, but when she thought that the other person was a drug lord and her parents were old, she didn't know whether she should say it.

An Yan spoke out. He hoped that Lin Xue would tell the truth both in public and in private: "Lin Xue, if you don't say anything, you will harm the two elders. Do you think they won't pursue the investigation if you don't tell them? ?”

Lin Xue's body trembled, she bit her lips, and finally spoke slowly.

There once was such a beautiful and well-behaved girl. Her life was supposed to be wonderful until she met a boy.

Soon, she fell in love.

Her father is a retired soldier and saw that the boy was actually not pure-minded, but unfortunately she didn't listen.

So under the guidance of the boy, she started going to bars and was tricked into taking drugs. Until that night, the boy wanted her to accompany customers to make money.

Only then did she realize that the boy was an out-and-out scumbag who specialized in deceiving innocent girls in school and used drugs to control these girls and help them make money.

Unable to bear the humiliation, she finally chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

"Beast! I'm going to kill him!"

Lin Jianjun punched the wall violently, his red eyes filled with overwhelming anger.

Even An Yan couldn't help but feel angry and wanted to tear these beasts into pieces.

"Dad, don't be impulsive. He is a subordinate of the big drug lord He Qiang. They also have guns." Lin Xue said hurriedly when she saw the look of her father, Lin Jianjun.

"It's my fault that I didn't listen to you before. I couldn't tell the difference between good guys and bad guys."

"Mom, Dad, don't worry about this. I will take revenge myself!"

"And thank you, Taoist Priest, for allowing me to fulfill my last wish."

Lin Xue's voice was filled with determination.

Even if she fights to the death, she still wants revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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