Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 37 Changing Destiny

Chapter 37 Changing Destiny

"Xiaoxue, what do you want to do?"

"Don't do anything stupid!"

Father Lin and Mother Lin saw an ominous premonition in their hearts when they saw their daughter's face filled with resentment.

An Yan stared at Lin Xue and said in a deep voice: "If you kill someone, you will most likely be killed by the soul ferryman as a ghost, and your soul will be scattered."

"Apart from this, do I have any other methods?" Lin Xue smiled miserably, "Without evidence, there is no way to bring them to justice even if the police are called."

Indeed, if there is no evidence, even if the police are called, he cannot be brought to justice. An Yan recalled that there was another important character in Lin Xue's story just now. Perhaps this was a breakthrough.

"You just said that there is a man named Kong Xiaolong among the drug lords. Did you remind you before?"

Mentioning Kong Xiaolong, Lin Xue didn't know why Daoist An suddenly mentioned this person. She said with regret: "Well, he seems to have a high status among drug lords. He hinted to me in a subtle way, but I didn't pay attention at all at the time."

If it is really the undercover Kong Xiaolong, then there is a way. I wonder if he has been exposed now.

But no matter what, Kong Xiaolong has enough evidence to bring down the drug lord. As long as he is found, he can catch all those beasts.

According to what they committed, shooting them a hundred times would not be too much.

An Yan said slowly: "Then maybe I can help you."

"Dao Zhang An, do you really have a way to help Xiaoxue get rid of her grievances?"

"As long as I can help Xiaoxue get rid of her grievances, I can do it even if I lose everything."

Father Lin even expressed his determination.

Lin Xue cried bitterly when she saw her parents looking haggard because of her. If she could have her life over again, she would definitely choose to believe her family's words.

"If we want to bring those drug dealers to justice, we have to find a key figure, Kong Xiaolong."

An Yan said slowly.


Night Bar.

Men and women are swaying their bodies to the loud music, leaving all the work of the day behind, just to enjoy the joy of this moment.

Kong Xiaolong was drinking in a box with several small leaders in the organization. The mole caught him and he finally got rid of the suspicion.

But instead of being excited, he felt a little heavy. Is the person who was caught one of his own? Are they all undercover like him?
  Now that he has collected enough evidence, he is hesitating whether to go back and confirm the identity of the undercover agent.

But if you do this, you will most likely expose yourself.

Soon a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Xiaolong, come and have a drink. If you survive this disaster, you will be lucky in the future."

"With the trust of the boss and Brother Fei, don't forget your brothers when you become successful in the future."

Others also showed a bit of flattery, and now no one knew that it was Kong Xiaolong who desperately saved Brother Fei from the policeman.

Now that the boss has found out the traitor, in order to appease his brothers, he will definitely entrust Kong Xiaolong with important tasks.

Kong Xiaolong faked a smile and gave in to them.

Outside the bar, An Yan looked up at the name of the bar. Yes, it was here.

According to Lin Xue, this is an industry owned by a drug lord, and Kong Xiaolong is usually in charge of it. It was here that she met Kong Xiaolong.

As soon as An Yan stepped in, he felt as if he had stepped into another world, with crowds of people, feasting, and various noises coming together like boiling water.

He rarely visited such places, frowned, and then came to the bar.

"Sir, what would you like to drink?"

"No need, I'm looking for you Brother Long, I'm his friend." An Yan tapped the bar with his hand, looked at the bartender and said, "Where is Brother Long?"

"Are you a friend of our boss?" The bartender smiled suspiciously, "Well, wait a minute."

Although he has never seen Brother Long bring this person to the bar, he is not sure whether the other person's words are true or false. He can just report this kind of thing truthfully. The more he does, the more mistakes he makes.

There are still some smart people who can work here.

Seeing the bartender being masked, An Yan felt relieved and a little excited at the same time. It felt like a police movie in a Hong Kong movie.

According to police movies, the protagonist comes to the bar to find someone, always makes a big fuss, and then walks away with what he wants.

An Yan was amused by his imagination and shook his head, but he was wary and there was nothing wrong with keeping an eye on things.

"Tuk tuk tuk!!!" While several people were singing to their hearts content, there was a knock on the door.

Several people who were interrupted showed displeasure.

"I'm going to see what's going on. Don't let those trivial matters disturb everyone's mood."

"Old dog, if you sing your song, do you still want to smash my bar?"

Kong Xiaolong smiled and cursed, he was the boss here, so he had to stand up.

"This is an injustice to me. I wouldn't dare to smash your shop, Brother Long, even if I had the courage to do so."

The old dog yelled in grievance, causing everyone to laugh.

"Okay, I'll go take a look."

Kong Xiaolong got up and went to open the door. There was a waitress outside, "What's the matter?"

The waitress said: "Brother Long, the bartender at the bar said that a friend of yours is looking for you."

"My friend? Did you say who it is?"

"Maybe not."

"Yes, I understand." Kong Xiaolong was confused and wary, waving the waiter to go down.

"Brother Long, what's going on? It's your best song." A voice came from the box.

"A friend is looking for me. I'll go take a look. You guys can play first."

In front of the bar, An Yan was holding a girl's hand and reading her palm, making the scantily clad girl burst into laughter.

"Brother, it seems we don't know each other, right?"

Kong Xiaolong sat down next to An Yan, with a hint of caution in his expression.

"Ah! Brother Long!" The girl exclaimed when she saw Kong Xiaolong. Whoever came here didn't know that the owner of the bar was the person in front of her.

Then she looked at An Yan and said doubtfully, "Didn't you say that Brother Long is your friend?"

"We know each other now, right?" An Yan glanced at the girl and gave her a piece of advice: "Children, please go home quickly. Not everyone is a gentleman like me."

The girl gave An Yan a roll of her eyes, "That's not what you said when you touched my hand just now."

"Tch! Psycho!"

Seeing that the girl didn't believe it, An Yan shrugged, turned to look at Kong Xiaolong, and said with a smile: "Let me meet you, my name is An Yan, a Taoist priest."

"Taoist?" Kong Xiaolong was surprised and looked up and down. Apparently he didn't expect the person in front of him to be a Taoist.

An Yan looked down and said with a smile, "Isn't it like that?"

"No, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me. I neither believe in Buddhism nor Taoism."

"Friend, I'm afraid you have found the wrong person."

The An Yan in front of him always gave him a sense of danger, just like the Siberian tiger he felt when he first went to the zoo. Kong Xiaolong didn't want to cause trouble at the last moment and was ready to leave.

Seeing Kong Xiaolong turn around and want to leave, An Yan narrowed his eyes: "You know Lin Xue, that poor girl."


Kong Xiaolong froze and turned slowly, his sharp eyes like an eagle fell on An Yan.

"who are you?"

Just when An Yan was about to speak, his cell phone rang, interrupting him. He took out his cell phone and saw that it was actually Lin's father calling.

"Hello, I'm An Yan."

"An Yan, Xiaoxue has been captured! Please save her!"

"What?!" An Yan's pupils shrank, "Okay, I'll be right back."

Now he had no time to talk to Kong Xiaolong and said seriously: "Take me to Xingfu Community."

Kong Xiaolong also said seriously: "Give me a reason."

"If you want to wipe out those rats, trust me."

Meeting Kong Xiaolong's scrutinizing gaze, An Yan did not waver at all, his eyes were firm and serious.

(End of this chapter)

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