Chapter 42 Destruction
  In the warehouse, along with the sound of gunshots, a gloomy wind blew, and the incandescent lights around him flickered on and off.

"Boss, you are so cruel!"

The bullet went straight through Kong Xiaolong's head and hit the bodyguard in black behind him. The bodyguard fell straight down with a trace of shock on his face.

Kong Xiaolong smiled strangely, his eyes shed tears of blood, and half of his face was bloody.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

He Qiang was frightened by the scene in front of him and trembled. He shouted in fear and pulled the trigger at Kong Xiaolong repeatedly, emptying the magazine in one breath.

But all the bullets passed through Kong Xiaolong's body and hit the open space behind.

I don't know who shouted, "He's a ghost! Run!"

He Qiang jumped up, threw away the gun in his hand, turned around and ran out of the warehouse.

Seeing the drug dealer in chaos, "Kong Xiaolong" revealed his original appearance, it was Lin Xue.

Lin Xue sneered and let out a high-pitched scream. The sinister wind gusted and the hallucinations arose, scaring all the guilty drug dealers to the point of peeing, especially that scumbag who was so frightened that he became incontinent.

The drug dealer who wanted to escape from this desperate warehouse found something even more desperate. There was a thick fog all around, and it was impossible to tell the difference between east, west, north and south.

"Fog! Why is it so foggy?"

It was the enchantment array set up by Zhao Li that took effect. I saw drug dealers running around in the fog. The entrance to the warehouse was clearly within easy reach, but it seemed to be far away. No matter how hard I ran, I couldn't reach it.

This is just the lowest level of ecstasy array. It is similar to the ghost wall. As long as there is a boy among the drug dealers, it can be broken by the boy's urine.

Unfortunately, no, not one.

Just then, sirens sounded outside, and police cars arrived one after another, surrounding the drug dealers.

Policemen rushed out of the car, including the real Kong Xiaolong and Xia Dongqing.

Until the warehouse door was violently broken open, He Qiang and other drug dealers were still standing still, with expressions full of panic and fear. They were obviously frightened to death by Lin Xue.

"Don't move! Police!"

"Put down your weapons, raise your hands and surrender!"

There is righteousness in the world.

The police, who represented the righteousness of the world, broke through the enchantment formation with great righteousness. Before the drug dealers could be happy, figures that made them afraid rushed in one by one.

With the dark guns pointed at them, the drug dealers did not dare to resist and raised their hands to surrender.

He Qiang and some of the leaders, who knew they had committed serious crimes and were facing death, tried to escape, but were knocked to the ground one by one by the police and had their hands cuffed with silver handcuffs.

At this point, He Qiang, a generation of big drug dealers, was arrested.

An Yan smiled when he saw this.

Early the next morning, the doorbell rang.

Kong's father and Kong's mother were having breakfast.

"Honey, go and see if Lao Li from next door is here."

"Hey, I'll open the door."

Confucius put down her bowls and chopsticks and walked quickly to open the door.

Click, the door was opened.

When she saw the smiling person standing at the door, Kong Mu let out an ouch, tears immediately flowed out, and she held the familiar face with trembling hands.

"Xiaolong, you have lost weight!"

"If you let him go, I will pretend that I don't have this son!"

Kong's father walked out with an angry look on his face, but when he saw the police uniform and medal on Kong Xiaolong's body, he was stunned.

In an instant, he understood something.

Kong Xiaolong pushed his mother away slightly and knelt down in front of his father with a plop.

"Dad, I'm back!" Seeing his son's face full of vicissitudes of life, Kong's father, a retired criminal police officer, couldn't help but his eyes turned red. He already understood why Kong Xiaolong was the only one in the police academy who was not a police officer.

"Get up! I wrongly blamed you. You are worthy of being my son!"

"I am proud of you!"

Unlike the joy of the Kong family, the Lin family was in mourning.

"Tonight is the deadline. Lin Xue must enter the underworld and be reincarnated. Otherwise, if he misses this opportunity, he will become a lonely ghost and will be wanted by the underworld."

Seeing Mother Lin who was reluctant to leave, An Yan could only persuade her.

Otherwise, after time passes, it will not be so easy to reincarnate again.

Finally, with Father Lin's comfort, Mother Lin let go and let An Yan take Lin Xue away.

Lin Xue followed An Yan away with a lonely look on her face. She asked, "Taoist An, can I be their daughter again in the next life?"

"Maybe it's possible, maybe it's not possible. Throughout the ages, no one can say clearly about reincarnation."

Unless someone with great supernatural powers intervenes in reincarnation.

But when you think about it, you know it's impossible. An Yan doesn't know anyone with great supernatural powers.

Convenience store No. 444, there is still one hour until twelve o'clock at night.

Kong Xiaolong hurried over after the meeting, pushed the door open, and saw An Yan, Xia Dongqing, Zhao Li, and Lin Xue.

Because he was in convenience store No. 444, he could also see Lin Xue in ghost state.

Xia Dongqing asked impatiently: "Xiaolong, how are those drug dealers sentenced?"

"This is a major case. A group of big and small bosses headed by He Qiang basically cannot escape the death penalty."

"Their men also face punishments ranging from a minimum of more than ten years to a maximum of life imprisonment."

"As for the culprit who killed Lin Xue, what he committed was too bad and had a great impact on society, so the death penalty cannot be avoided."

After hearing that she could not escape the death penalty, Lin Xue finally let go of her last obsession. She bowed deeply to An Yan and the others and said with tears of gratitude, "Thank you!"

"If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would have done."

"Collecting people's money and helping them eliminate disasters is what I should do." An Yan waved his hand and said, since he can collect money, he will naturally do things beautifully.

Xia Dongqing looked embarrassed. He felt that he had not helped at all, but he was also very happy to see Lin Xue's relieved look.

"Come with me when the matter is over. Your news has been uploaded. You must report to the underworld before twelve o'clock." Zhao Li took out his bright Ai Crazy mobile phone and clicked on it, and then said.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhao Li and Lin Xue suddenly disappeared.

Kong Xiaolong was quite shocked and asked: "Are you going to the underworld now?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" An Yan shrugged, "You are the maintainer of order in the human world, while he is from the underworld."

While talking, An Yan's cell phone rang with a Cantonese voice.


"Alipay arrived, 30000 yuan."

At the same time, a Fetion message pops up.

An Yan clicked on it.

Father Lin: "Mr. An, thank you for helping us fulfill a wish and repaying my daughter's innocence. This little money is what we as a couple want."

Xia Dongqing's eyes widened. Thirty thousand, my God! You must know that his monthly salary is only four thousand, and An Yan's income at one time is almost as much as his annual salary.

An Yan, who was originally confused as to why there were ten times more, suddenly understood and accepted it without ceremony. This time he was bleeding heavily.

Seeing the strange expression on Kong Xiaolong's face, An Yan took out a business card from his arms and handed it over.

"Let me introduce myself again. An Yan, an exorcist firm, specializes in exorcism and catching ghosts. If you have any questions from me in the future, I will give you a 9.10% discount."

(End of this chapter)

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