Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 43 Big business is coming

Chapter 43 Big business is coming

Progress: 13%
  [Shangqing Dadong Sutra, entry level, proficiency: 560/5000. 】

[Maoshan Body Forging Boxing, Xiaocheng (body like an oven), proficiency: 1060/5000. 】

[Drawing symbols, proficient in painting, proficiency: 639/1000. 】

[Yu Bu, entry level, proficiency level 1036/2000. 】


Seeing the proficiency of Maoshan Bodybuilding Fist and Yu Bu, An Yan slowly closed his fists and exhaled, exhaling in vain, leaving the old men and women around him stunned.

Some old people who had seen An Yan practicing boxing before were not surprised at all, and even looked at those shocked people with contempt and fuss, completely forgetting that they were exactly the same at the beginning.

Although everyone was amazed by his skills, they didn't think about cultivating immortals. At most, they thought An Yan had real skills.

An Yan walked aside and sat down, picked up the thermos cup and took a big sip to replenish water. During this period of time, the cultivation speed of Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing slowed down, while Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing and Yubu kept making rapid progress.

Is there any way to speed up cultivation? His eyes were divergent, thinking.

Miraculous elixirs and spiritual stones should be able to speed up his cultivation, but it is difficult for him to obtain these in reality. Taoist sects are hidden in famous mountains and rivers, and he cannot find them.

The only hope is in your own golden finger.

Progress: 13%
  Alas, recovery is too slow.

So far, An Yan still can't figure out how to affect the progress bar.

Otherwise, by speeding up the progress bar, he can quickly travel between the two worlds, greatly speeding up his cultivation.

He shook his head and laughed at himself, saying that the human heart is not as good as a snake swallowing an elephant. After Uncle Jiu's training, he also understood that his cultivation speed was far beyond that of ordinary geniuses.

The phone rang. An Yan took it out and saw that it was a strange caller.

"Hello, who are you?"

"Is this Mr. An Yan'an from the Exorcism Agency?"

An Yan suddenly smiled and business came to her door.

Xia Dongqing looked at the pitiful salary sent on the phone and suddenly showed a bitter face. There really is no comparison and no harm.

I envy An Yan so much!

Although An Yan is sharing half of the rent, the prices in Youdu are expensive. Even if he is sharing half of the rent, it will still cost more than a thousand. Plus the usual food, he can only barely survive in a month.

Just then An Yan walked in humming a song with a smile on his face.

"Dongqing, why are you looking so sad so early in the morning?" Seeing Xia Dongqing's expression, An Yan joked, "Isn't it because Zhao Li has deducted his salary again?"

"Not to mention salary deductions, no one else has been here a few times."

Since Lin Xue's incident, Xia Dongqing has rarely seen Zhao Li, and he doesn't know where he went.

Suddenly, he asked An Yan expectantly.

"An Yan, do you think I can also learn Taoism from you?"

"Aren't you going to take the postgraduate entrance examination? Why do you want to practice Taoism with me?"

An Yan grabbed a piece of bread from Xia Dongqing's plate and tore off a piece, stuffing it into his mouth. When he heard that Xia Dongqing wanted to practice, he almost choked, and when he swallowed the bread in his mouth, he said doubtfully.

He couldn't believe what Xia Dongqing's training would look like, and he was also afraid that it would stimulate Chi You in Dongqing's body and cause Chi You to awaken early.

Xia Dongqing tore off a bit of bread and stuffed it into her mouth, sighed and said realistically: "The purpose of taking the postgraduate entrance examination is to have a better future and find a good job, but now I don't know if I can successfully land."

"Besides, my eyes are naturally yin and yang, so I can't avoid dealing with those weird things. I also want to learn something to defend myself."

Hearing this, An Yan finally understood why Xia Dongqing wanted to practice with him, and it was because he was stimulated.

He said with a smile: "Dongqing, you should just take the postgraduate entrance examination honestly. Compared with practicing, the postgraduate entrance examination is much easier."

"Are you really willing to give up the postgraduate entrance examination like this? Have you been preparing for this for so long?"

"You just think too much."

An Yan patted Xia Dongqing on the shoulder and smiled.

"Well, if you really want to practice, after you finish the postgraduate entrance examination, if you want to practice again, how about I teach you?" To be honest, Xia Dongqing was not willing to give up the postgraduate entrance examination. When An Yan said this, his heart suddenly became brighter.

"Okay, you have what you want, I have a big business coming to visit and I want to go out."

An Yan clapped her hands and went back to the room to get her coat and prepare to go out to discuss a big deal.

Ruian Financial Building has been stealing the show in Youdu recently.

Unfortunately, they are all negative news.

Shui On Financial Building is haunted!

In recent months, there have been frequent incidents of employees committing suicide by jumping off the building.

The police also sent people to have a look and ruled out the possibility of foul play. They could only ask the company management to send people to strengthen floor management.

The employees working in the building were also frightened. The senior management was afraid of another accident and did not dare to leave employees to work overtime at night. After six o'clock, everyone except the security guards had left.

In the dark night, the dark windows of the tall buildings seemed to hide monsters peering outside.

The lights were still on in the security duty room, and two unlucky guys were playing a game.

It's on the first floor anyway, so if anything happens, you can run away in time.

"On the road! On the road, stealing the house!"

"Ouch! You swindler, stop playing."

The other security guard who was scolded showed an embarrassed smile and put away his thoughts of firing again.

Suddenly, the surveillance screen on the first floor flashed, attracting their attention.

"what happened?"

"I do not know!"

Just as the two were wondering, a figure slowly appeared in the aisle.

"Who is this?" a security guard asked doubtfully.

The other security guard's face instantly turned pale, and he said in a trembling voice: "Could it be a ghost?"

The two of them suddenly felt that it was over.

An Yan came to Ruian Financial Building and happened to see people from the hospital carrying two corpses out. His eyes flashed. There was such a strong ghost aura, at least it was an evil ghost.

The whole building was bright and sunny, but it exuded an inexplicable coldness.

It seems that things are not simple this time.

No wonder the other party offered a price of 200,000 yuan. Compared to such a big building, it was just a drop in the bucket.

"Another death."

"It was the security guard on duty last night. You didn't see him. He died so tragically."

The two little girls at the front desk were whispering, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?"

Seeing a handsome guy coming, one of the girls smiled sweetly.

An Yan took out her cell phone and showed it to the front desk, saying, "Manager Jia invited me here."

"Yeah! You're a ghost hunter!"

Another girl came over and exclaimed when she saw the chat history, and looked at An Yan differently.

Coupled with what happened recently, both of them were a little afraid of such things, and they didn't dare to ask An Yan for WeChat anymore, so they honestly let An Yan in.

After An Yan entered, an aura-filled girl walked in.

"My name is Jade, and your manager Jia invited me here."

(End of this chapter)

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