Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 5 Knocking on the door in the middle of the night

Chapter 5 Knocking on the door in the middle of the night
  "The sky is dry and everything is dry, be careful about the fire."

The sound of the watchman's gong was heard in the distance.

After finishing the Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing as usual, An Yan's whole body was filled with steam, his abdomen had the beginnings of a six-pack, and his arm muscles were bulging.

[Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing Proficiency +10]

[Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing, entry level, proficiency: 5/500. 】

Waves of heat surged from his limbs, his whole body felt warm, and he was covered in stinking sweat.

"Finally a breakthrough!"

It took three days for An Yan to finally master Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing.

An Yan carefully felt himself at this moment, his heartbeat became stronger and stronger, and he waved his arms, causing gusts of wind. He felt that his strength was much stronger than before.

He was so happy that his three days of hard work finally paid off.

Unfortunately, the Taoist breathing method is still far behind, and some professional terms are difficult to understand even with Uncle Jiu's explanation.

[Taoist breathing method, no beginner, proficiency: 70/100. 】

But it was coming soon. I thought that this week I would be able to break through the breathing method and officially step into the realm of refining and refining Qi. An Yan suppressed the excitement in his heart and went to take a cold shower.

Seeing that it was getting late, in fact it was only ten o'clock, Wen Cai was already sleeping like a dead pig in the morgue, and Uncle Jiu had also rested, so An Yan went back to his room and prepared to practice training instead of sleeping.

Because the practice of Taoist breathing method is to sit and meditate, completely relaxing the mind and body, which has the same effect as sleeping.

Otherwise, his proficiency in the breathing method would not have increased so quickly. He was not used to it at the beginning, but now he is not used to it without practicing.

Now that Maoshan's body-building boxing has broken through, he might be able to hold on all night.

In a banana field near Renjia Town, the two brothers of the Li family lived on the edge of the banana forest.

The two brothers are almost thirty years old, but they have not yet found a mother-in-law.

The bright moon is in the sky tonight and the cool breeze is blowing.

Li Ergou's whole body was unbearably hot and he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

"I miss the little flowers in Yihongyuan so much."

"Not too big, not too small, just enough to hold."

Thinking of the alluring scenery of white flowers, Li Ergou couldn't help but take a dig.

But when he thought about how much money he had spent, he felt discouraged again.

Suddenly, the storyteller's words he heard while passing by the teahouse during the day came to his mind, and his heart was shaken.

"You don't have to spend any money on this. I heard it's all beautiful and fragrant."

He, Li Ergou, has always been a person who does what he says, and he immediately finds the guy at the bottom of the box.

A few years ago, he talked about a woman from a neighboring village. The groom had prepared everything, but he didn't expect that the woman actually ran away with someone else.

Later he was caught and soaked in a pig cage.

This marriage naturally ended.

It actually came in handy today.

Follow the storyteller's approach.

He was dressed in red and green, dressed as a groom, tied a dragon and phoenix candle with a red rope, took it to the banana forest at the door, inserted it into the soil, and then lit it.

The leaves of the banana forest are dancing and swaying in the night wind.

Li Ergou swallowed, but his desire still prevailed over his reason, as if you clicked on the website despite being warned that it was risky to open it.

Throw one end of the red rope into the banana forest, take the other end back to the house and tie it to your toes.

According to legend, the banana tree is a shady thing. Its leaves are large and block the sun. It just so happens that ghosts are also sinister things, so ghosts especially like to hide in banana trees.

This method can seduce the female ghost hiding in the banana forest and have a night of love.

I heard from the author's description that those female ghosts all have long legs and big waves, and they are all stunning beauties that make people want to die.

This storyteller is so useless. If someone hadn't rewarded him with such good deeds, he would probably still be hiding it to enjoy himself.

Li Ergou, who had been single for almost thirty years, quickly tied a slip knot on his toes, then lay down on the bed with great expectations, waiting for the female ghost to come to his door.

The night is getting darker.

The red rope that was thrown into the banana forest suddenly became taut and wrapped around a banana tree. The grass below the rope collapsed out of thin air, as if something heavy had stepped on it.

In that thatched house.

Li Ergou felt something and his eyes widened.

I saw a beautiful female ghost wearing a bride's scarlet robe appearing above. She had soul-stirring red phoenix eyes, a delicate cherry mouth, a snow-white pipa half exposed on her chest, and a pair of white and tender feet that made people want to lick them a few times.

No little flower in Yihongyuan can compare to a toe of the beauty in front of me.

Soon, a comfortable sound came from the thatched house.     "Where does the wild cat come from?"

The brother next door, Li Dagou, was woken up. The scratching and ecstatic sound became more and more familiar to him. Isn't this the voice of his brother Li Ergou?

"This bastard, could he have brought the girl from Yihongyuan back to eat alone?"

Li Dagou was furious, you Li Ergou, I am so kind to you.

The aggrieved Li Dagou wanted to get a share of the pie. When he went out and saw the red rope and the burning dragon and phoenix candles at Ergou's door, he felt a little baffled.

He ran to the window and peeked in secretly.

I saw Li Ergou hugging a woman in red, his face full of ecstasy, and his whole body was hot and hard. But when the woman in red turned her head, Li Dagou trembled violently, as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and almost became impotent due to fear.

What kind of beautiful woman is this?

He is clearly a deadly ghost!

The rotten face, blackened teeth, a hollow, fat maggot was twisting its body, and the other eyeball jumped out, with some veins still attached and jumping around.

Li Ergou hugged that grimace, as if he was tasting an unrivaled delicacy, mouthfuls of fat maggots bursting with juice.


Li Dagou finally couldn't bear the heavy taste. His stomach was churning and he vomited all of a sudden, even the gall water was vomited out.


Hearing the noise outside, the female ghost turned to look at the window, and met Li Dagou's horrified eyes.


Li Dagou was so frightened that he crawled away and ran away.

The female ghost wanted to chase her, but Li Ergou turned over and pinned her down.

"My dear, a spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold. Don't worry about those barking wild dogs."

The frightened Li Dagou immediately thought of Uncle Jiu and hurriedly ran towards Yizhuang.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

"Uncle Jiu, something happened!"

"Open the door quickly!"

A knock on the door in the middle of the night woke Uncle Jiu and An Yan in Yi Zhuang. Wen Cai frowned, muttered something, turned over and fell asleep again.

An Yan opened his eyes in the room, and a trace of doubt appeared. Who knocked on the door in the middle of the night and called Uncle Jiu that something was wrong.

He put on his clothes and hurried out, and met Uncle Jiu who was rushing out.


"An Yan, come with me to have a look."

Uncle Jiu took An Yan towards the gate.

As soon as An Yan opened the door, a man bumped in and threw himself in front of Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu saw that the visitor was out of breath and could not speak clearly, so he hurriedly supported him and patted his back: "Take a breath first, and tell me slowly if you have something to say."

Li Dagou finally recovered, knelt down with a plop, and said in panic: "Uncle Jiu, please save my brother quickly, he is obsessed with ghosts."

"Is there a ghost?"

Uncle Jiu was shocked when he heard this, and immediately said to An Yan: "An Yan, go and ask Wen Cai to get up, and then get ready."

"Yes, Master." An Yan suddenly became excited when he heard that he was going to catch ghosts. He said that he had never seen what a real ghost looked like.

Arriving at the morgue, among a pile of corpses, Wen Cai slept soundly.

An Yan couldn't help but admire the literary talent. He was really born to do this job.

"Wencai, Wencai, it's time to eat."

As soon as Wencai heard that he was eating, he immediately sat up, rubbed his eyes and asked, "An Yan, where is there food?"

"The master will treat you to rattan braised pork later."


Wencai suddenly woke up and understood the situation clearly under An Yan's few words. He became a little panicked: "Get ready, what guy are you preparing?"

An Yan was helpless.

"Of course, chicken blood, yellow talisman, peach wood sword, Bagua mirror and other food guys."

After preparing the guy, Uncle Jiu and his two apprentices followed Li Dagou and hurried to the banana forest.

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(End of this chapter)

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