Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 53 Replicating the World

Chapter 53 Replicating the World
  After everything calms down.

Jade was frightened when she saw An Yan getting bigger and smaller.

"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" An Yan asked strangely after noticing the expression on Jade's face. He looked down and saw that his leggings were still there.

Jade said sincerely: "No, I just think your girlfriend is really happy."

"You rot girl, you are hopeless."

An Yan really wanted to open this woman's head and see what was inside. How could such a good girl have a head full of junk?
  At this time, Chairman Lin walked over quickly and saw An Yan, who was left with only a pair of leggings, and said gratefully: "Master An, thank you very much."

"You don't have to be polite to accept people's money and help them eliminate disasters." An Yan waved his hands and pointed to the broken concrete pillar that exposed most of the steel bars: "Chairman Lin, the evil ghost has been eliminated. We need to deal with the aftermath."

"Of course, I won't bother you about this, Master."

"Don't worry, I'll have the money transferred to the card later."

"Master An, Miss Jade, let's leave here first."

Chairman Lin saw that An Yan's clothes were in tatters and he didn't want to stay here any longer, so he invited the two of them to Youdu Hotel.

During this period, a set of brand-name autumn clothes was prepared for An Yan. At the banquet, Chairman Lin also asked him to redecorate the Feng Shui bureau on the first floor of the building.

The money for setting up the Feng Shui bureau was naturally calculated separately, but it made the jadeite on the side jealous.

Although Chairman Lin was also very polite to her, it was obvious that he took An Yan more seriously.

So speaking of mixed society, you will never suffer a loss if you have an extra skill.

It made Jade doubt herself whether she should be more diligent and watch less Korean dramas and learn more about things passed down from her family.

Naturally, An Yan would accept any business that came to his door.

Chairman Lin Nianlin in front of him, judging from his personality, he was not a treacherous person. He was also rich and powerful. He still understood the principle of having many friends and multiple paths.

An Yan agreed immediately, "It's not difficult to get rid of the Feng Shui bureau. All we need to do is find a new Feng Shui item to use as an eye."

"Many people have been killed by evil spirits in this building recently, and there is a lot of resentment. I suggest you use the Bagua mirror, which can not only attract wealth, but also prevent ghost intrusion."

Although his Feng Shui tutorial is just an introduction, the most basic Feng Shui layout for attracting wealth can still be laid out.

Hearing that he could kill two birds with one stone, Chairman Lin said it would all depend on Master An's arrangement.

Naturally, An Yan would not give him the Bagua Mirror, so Lin Nian needed to find it himself. So after finishing the meal and confirming that the bill had been received, An Yan and Jade said goodbye.

"The money has been transferred to you."

After leaving the hotel, beside the Beetle, An Yan transferred Jade's 400,000 yuan.

"I believe you." Jade didn't look at the phone, but leaned on the Beetle and said to Cai Mi: "Hey, do you want to help? Nine points to one."

An Yan knew that she was talking about the Feng Shui Bureau and looked at Jade with a smile, "Are you helping? Will you be a cheerleader?"

"No need, I can do it myself."

Seeing that he refused so simply, Jade snorted: "I'm not happy if someone asks me to be a cheerleader."

"Then you go find the willing scapegoat. See you again when we are destined."

An Yan shook his head, turned around and walked away, waving back in a crisp and clear manner.

Seeing that, Jade was so angry that she stomped her feet.

It wasn't until An Yan stopped a taxi to leave that she remembered something and patted her head in annoyance: "You idiot, why don't you leave his phone number? Maybe we can join forces in the future to do something big. "

An Yan is so powerful, wouldn't it mean that if he hugs this thigh tightly, he won't have to worry about eating and drinking?
  After watching too many romantic dramas, my brain is no longer functioning properly.

Jade wants to cry but has no tears.

An Yan, who got into the taxi, naturally didn't know the girl's troubles. He took out his Ai Crazy 5 and dialed Li Zhao's phone. Now that he had some money on hand, he wanted to ask if the Ai Crazy 7 in the underworld was still in stock.

It took a while before the call was connected, which made An Yan think that Official Zhao was not alive. “Hey, An Yan, what do you want from me?”

On the other end of the phone, besides Officer Zhao, there was a woman's voice. An Yan raised his eyebrows. As expected, Officer Zhao was really good at playing.

"That's right, I want to ask you if Ai Kuang Qi is still in stock."

The driver in front of him suddenly pricked up his ears and his mind was filled with confusion. Was he unable to keep up with the times? When did Love Crazy reach 7?
  "Yes, there is, but I don't recommend you to buy it. I have inside information. Love Crazy 8 will be released next year."

"Ai Crazy 8 is about to be released. Is it so efficient?"

"No, with so much manpower allocated to Jobs, if there is no speed, Pluto will be unhappy. If Pluto is unhappy, Jobs will be in big trouble."

An Yan didn't expect that there were so many circles in it. He suddenly remembered that in the original work, Love Crazy 8 was released during the Ghost Festival, which means that it will be at least July next year, and it is only the end of October now.

As his realm and strength increased, all the previously fuzzy plots in his mind became clear.

Thinking that it would still be so long, An Yan immediately said: "Buy Ai Crazy Seven first, and then buy Ai Crazy Eight. You have some money in your hands, so you don't have to feel uncomfortable."

When Officer Zhao on the other end of the phone heard this, he immediately understood: "Have you dealt with the evil ghost in Ruian Financial Building?"

"A small profit."

"You are very efficient. Then go to the ghost market. There is something you want in there."

It’s Ai Crazy 7 again, and it’s Ai Crazy 8 again, both of which made the driver confused.

After ending the call, An Yan looked at the Ming coins he had on hand.

The so-called ghost coins are the transformation of yin virtues, while merits are even rarer. Most people will not spend their own merits indiscriminately.

To put it bluntly, the underworld is similar to the human world. One is for living people and the other is for dead people. It also costs money. The class concept is more straightforward, and the civil servants in the underworld are more popular.

I heard from Zhao Li that all the civil servants in the underworld married wives with three wives and four concubines. However, in recent years, due to the influence of human customs, the monogamy party and the three wives and four concubines party have become very fierce.

There were so many bullshit things about this dead man, and An Yan felt a little amused.

His current Yin De was rewarded with 200,000 yuan for killing the evil ghosts, and the previous ones added up to almost 300,000 yuan.

One point of yin virtue is equal to one dollar of nether coins, which means that his current assets are almost 300,000 nether coins.

According to the current market situation in the underworld, the price of an Ai Crazy 8 is around . It is said that this is because the Ai Crazy is about to be released. This is only after the original price dropped.

"Nima, the prices in this underworld are too ridiculous."

Looking at the price sent by Zhao Li, An Yan wanted to curse. No wonder Zhao Li had to carry a suitcase of money to buy Love Crazy 8.

  Got home.

Watching An Yan get out of the car and leave, the driver lamented that he had heard a lot of inside information today. While reversing the car, he took out his cell phone to brag to the old guys in the group.

"Don't you know, Ai Crazy 7 has already been released, and Ai Crazy 8 will be released soon."

As soon as these words came out, questions were raised in the group.

"Old Zhao, is there nothing wrong with you?"

“If you’re caught driving drunk, you’ll lose the few points you have left.”

An Yan returned home and happened to see Xia Dongqing eating instant noodles.

"Holly, let's go have a big dinner."

"Brother is now a rich man too."

Xia Dongqing, who was eating deliciously, looked at the instant noodles in her hand and suddenly felt that they no longer tasted good.

 The link between Yin virtue and Ming coins is one of the settings of this book. A little Yin virtue equals a Ming coin, so don’t squander it.

  (End of this chapter)

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