Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 54 Zhao Li is crazy about the same style 7

Chapter 54 Zhao Li is crazy about the same style 7
  Have you ever taken a midnight bus?

No passengers, no driver.

In fact, they are all there, but you can’t see them.

There are still ten minutes until midnight.

Seeing that the time was almost up, An Yan, who was sitting in the dining area, picked up a backpack and got up to leave.

"An Yan, are you ready to go back?"

Xia Dongqing, who was sitting at the counter reviewing, heard the noise and looked up to see An Yan walking over.

An Yan teased: "I'm going to go to the ghost market, Dongqing, do you want to go and see it with me?"

Xia Dongqing rolled her eyes at An Yan and said she didn't want to care. She picked up her graduate information and said, "You know I have to be on duty, but you're still teasing me."

"Haha, come on, see you tomorrow."

No wonder Zhao Li liked teasing Dongqing so much. It turned out to be a good feeling. An Yan laughed and said something, and then left.

Looking at An Yan's leaving figure, Xia Dongqing showed a trace of resentment: "It must be Official Zhao who led An Yan into trouble."

Zhao Li, who was reporting to Hades Ah Cha in the underworld, suddenly sneezed, which made Hades Ah Cha displeased.

"Zhao Li, please stay away from women, you have forgotten what your beliefs are."

"Of course I believe in my king Acha."

Zhao Li smiled playfully to show his loyalty, but he cursed in his heart that it was the bastard turtle grandson who was scolding him.

After An Yan left convenience store No. 444, he put on a ghost mask, extinguished the three fires on his shoulders and forehead, and went to the nearby bus stop alone.

It was approaching midnight, the bus stop was empty, and there were no vehicles or pedestrians on the road.

An Yan did not sit down, but stood in front.

"Hey, man, you're blocking me."

A complaining voice sounded from behind.

An Yan turned around and his eyes flashed. There were three people sitting at the originally empty bus stop, three ghosts to be precise.

The three of them died in different ways. They all just passed their seventh birthday and were about to take the bus to report to the underworld.

Generally, on the first seven days, the dead will go home and take another look, cutting off the last trace of connection with the human world. From then on, the yin and yang will be separated forever, and they will take the ghost bus to the underworld.

Seeing An Yan's ferocious look, the old man who looked like he was dying of illness shrank his head in fear, and quickly waved his hands and said: "It's okay, it's okay, I can just sit over a little bit."

Do I look like a bad person?

Seeing the old ghost's scared look, An Yan had some self-doubt.

He has now extinguished three fires, lost all his popularity, the energy and blood in his body have been collected, put on an evil ghost mask, and with the fierce aura brought by killing ghosts, he looks more like a ghost than a ghost.

Before he could think about it, a bus drove up, with a sign on it that it departed from Human World Station and ended at Guimenguan.

Ordinary people cannot see it, unless they are extremely unlucky or have unusual eyes.

The door opened and An Yan was the first to step on. There is no need to pay for the bus in the underworld. It is a real public welfare undertaking.

There were already a lot of people sitting inside. An Yan saw someone who was dead, at least not nauseating, so he sat next to the hanged man.

The bus to the underworld is very fast, shuttling between yin and yang.

"The ghost market is here!"

The ghost market is a special place that exists at the intersection of yin and yang. It is open every first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, and you can buy many things from the underworld.

It can be regarded as a special port open to the underworld. On the surface, no living people are allowed to enter, but as long as the identity is not blatantly exposed, the managers inside will turn a blind eye. And in order to prevent ghosts who had grievances from meeting here and fighting here, all ghosts must wear masks when entering the ghost market.

This is why An Yan wears a mask, also to conceal his identity.

When he got off the bus, the bus drove into a gray fog and disappeared.

In addition to the ghost market, the surroundings are shrouded in gray fog. Unless you have a road guide, even a strong person who practices the Void and the Way may get lost in the vast and vast underworld.

An Yan glanced at the gray mist with fear, turned around and walked into the ghost market. He didn't want to die.

Because the ghost market is only open on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, the ghost market is extremely lively, with ghosts coming and going, and everything you need to eat, drink, and have fun.

It’s just that eating here refers to incense candles, indicating various flavors.

There is also a lot of fun to be had, and there are places where you can only sneak around in the human world, but there are no controls here.

I don’t know what this ghost feels like, whether it’s cold or not.

Those female ghosts who are pretentious and soliciting business at the door are dressed in hot and exotic styles. Which man can resist these?
  There were constant perverts who couldn't resist the temptation and walked inside.

An Yan just looked at it with admiration, and then left. He did not forget that the purpose of coming here was to buy a mobile phone.

"Brother, do you want to buy a mobile phone? The latest version of Aikuang 7, with a new transparent design, is the latest masterpiece of Steve Jobs."

"This gorgeous and cool appearance is a status symbol when you take it out. Female ghosts will fall in love with it after seeing it."

"Brother, would you like to buy one? The latest discount price is 99,999. If you can't buy it, you will suffer a loss and you won't be fooled."

As soon as An Yan came in, a plump young lady wearing a cheongsam came up to him and hugged his hand. It was cold and soft, and her little mouth was extremely sweet. She came up and praised him.

"Here, go swipe your card."

Under the excited eyes of the young lady, An Yan felt very proud today and took out the Tian Di Tong card that Zhao Li had given him.

The young lady excitedly took the Tiandi Tong card and swiped the card quickly, but one-third of the Ming coins were gone.

It may be difficult to earn moral virtue in the underworld, but it is easy in the human world, so he spent it without any hesitation.

In the sweet voice of the young lady welcoming her next visit, An Yan walked out of the store with a smile and a transparent Love Crazy 7. She loved it with all her hands.

"Tsk, transparent, that's it."

When others saw An Yan's pretentiousness, they looked at her with envy and jealousy, and said to themselves: If you have the ability, give it to me!
  Finally buying the Love Crazy 7 that she had longed for, An Yan did not leave immediately, but wandered around the ghost market to see if there was anything else to buy.

"Jumbo Pavilion!"

In front of a building door, An Yan stopped and looked at the plaque with a playful look.

Interesting, they sell things for living people in a ghost market.

Feeling something strange, An Yan walked in and was greeted by a waiter.

"Guest, do you have anything you like? Whether it's for ghosts or for living people, our store has it all."

Seeing the shop clerk speaking openly, An Yan wondered: "Why are there things for living people here?"

"It's the first time this customer comes here. There are big names behind our Zhenbao Pavilion, so feel free to buy. I guarantee that no one will dare to cause trouble for you when you go out." The waiter said confidently.

At this moment, An Yan finally understood why there were living people coming to the ghost market.

His heart moved and he asked: "Is there any elixir?"

"Does the guest want to use it as a ghost or as a living person?"

The clerk looked at An Yan with a half-smile, obviously seeing through his identity.

(End of this chapter)

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