Chapter 7 Breakthrough
  By the time we got back to Yizhuang, it was already early morning.

"Master, I'm going to bed."

Wencai yawned and walked to the morgue.

Uncle Jiu, who knew his disciple well, shook his head and said to An Yan, "An Yan, you can go to bed and leave the rest to me."

An Yan handed the Ghost-Sealing Wine Jar to Uncle Jiu, looking tired and curious: "Master, how should we deal with this evil ghost?"

"Well, you can come with me and gain experience."

Although the personality of the disciple in front of him was a bit offbeat, he was still calm. Uncle Jiu said after a while, then he walked to another room with the wine jar in his arms.

Entering the main hall, turn around and walk into a side room, where the ancestor's magic weapon whisk is enshrined. Going further in, there is a room covered by a black cloth curtain.

Uncle Jiu opened the door curtain, revealing the scene inside.

The room was filled with the smell of fragrant wax and was surrounded by trapezoidal ledges with black wine jars on them, some with yellow symbols on their surfaces and some without.

The wine jar with the evil spirit in Uncle Jiu's hand also had a yellow talisman attached to it, and An Yan realized it clearly.

"Stinky Taoist, let us out!"

"Taoist Master, please let me go. I don't dare to do it anymore."

"Hey, hey, brother Taoist, please come out!"

"They can do laundry, cook, and warm beds."

"You're a big guy who picks his feet, aren't you disgusting?"

"Hmph! If you don't want to lose your mind, just be quiet." Uncle Jiu, who had always been ruthless towards these ghosts, snorted coldly.

The wine jars visible to the naked eye trembled and became quiet, as if what An Yan saw just now was all an illusion.

Seeing An Yan's calm look, Uncle Jiu nodded secretly and taught, "What ghosts are best at is telling lies. Don't believe what ghosts say easily."

"I understand, master."

An Yan, who has read many supernatural novels, TV shows and movies, naturally knows this truth.

Uncle Jiu took the wine jar to an empty spot and placed it on it.

"As practitioners of Taoism, we should not make mistakes, but should accumulate more merits and negative virtues. Like heretics, it is because of excessive shortcomings that it leads to five disadvantages and three shortcomings."

"No matter how prosperous and wealthy they may be, the price is clearly marked behind them."

An Yan suddenly realized that this was the origin of the five shortcomings and three deficiencies.

"Wait until the gate of hell opens on July 14th, and then we will send these evil spirits to the underworld for trial."

"This is all about accumulating merit and virtue."

"You will understand the wonderful functions of merit and yin virtue later."

An Yan has just entered the path of spiritual practice. Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

So Uncle Jiu didn’t say any more.

"Okay, let's go and rest. I'll teach you how to make the yellow talisman tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you, master."

An Yan's face lit up when he heard that there was something new to learn.

When Uncle Jiu saw this, he showed a somewhat satisfied look. The principles of cultivating Taoism and studying were similar.

There is no limit to the ocean of learning, and there is no limit to the practice of Taoism. Every mountain is always higher than the next.

Those who practice Taoism must always have a thirst for learning.

After returning to the room, An Yan continued to meditate and practice the breathing method.

[Taoist breathing method proficiency +6]

"Why did the proficiency increase so much all at once?" An Yan was shocked.

Is it because of the breakthrough of Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing?
  He now finally understood why Uncle Jiu said that the two complemented each other. As his body became stronger, his body's essence naturally increased.

As the essence is strengthened, the breathing method will naturally be able to refine it more easily.

An Yan was filled with joy and thought it would take two more days to do the breathing process.

Now, he was sure to break through the Tuna method before dawn.

As a result, An Yan devoted himself to cultivation.

Amidst the crowing of cocks, the eastern sky turned fish belly white, and a round of golden light shot out, dyeing the sky golden.

The sky shines brightly.

This miracle seemed to be happening inside An Yan's body.

The body is like an oven, and the essence is continuously put into refining until a milky white airflow appears.

  An Yan felt that a whole new door to the world had opened to him. A stream of air flowed through the meridians in his body, and finally fell into his Dantian.

In the desolate and dark Dantian, there was a bang, and a small opening was penetrated by the air flow. The life essence was finally communicated, and a steady stream of air flowed from the opening into the dry Dantian.

[Taoist breathing method proficiency +6]     【Taoist breathing method, entry level, proficiency: 3/500. 】

In the dim room, An Yan opened her eyes, and a ray of light flashed out, making the room seem brighter for an instant.

"Is this mana?"

An Yan's face was filled with surprise. He could feel a hot mouse running through his body, nourishing him.

At this time, the sky outside was dyed with the unique golden color of morning glow.

He couldn't wait to see his changes.

Pushed open the door and came to the courtyard.

An Yan hit the body-building fist, one punch after another. His energy was strong, and the magic power in his body circulated and strengthened, making his fists more spiritual.

After finishing a set, proficiency tips will appear.

[Maoshan Bodybuilding Fist +6]

[Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing, entry level, proficiency: 11/500. 】

"Proficiency has decreased." An Yan frowned, and when he saw the word "Entertainment", he made a guess.

With the improvement of realm, does it mean that we need to be more meticulous?

An Yan didn't quite understand. He suppressed the doubts in his heart and thought about asking after Uncle Jiu got up.

Soon, the time came to seven o'clock.

Wencai got up.

"Good morning, Anyan."

He was already used to it that An Yan got up so early. In his opinion, An Yan was just a cultivator.


After An Yan helped make breakfast, Uncle Jiu was already playing Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing in the courtyard.

The exact same boxing technique gave An Yan a naturally different feeling, as if he was blending in with the surrounding environment, and every move gave people a feeling of being natural and how it should be.

How strange!
  Unknowingly, An Yan stood and watched Uncle Jiu finish a round of Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing.

Seeing Uncle Jiu stop, An Yan stepped forward and said, "Good morning, master."

"Master, why do I see that the Maoshan body-building boxing you perform is different from mine? The moves are obviously the same."

"Of course it's Jing Anyan. Have you made a breakthrough?"

Uncle Jiu wanted to say that the realm was different. He glanced at An Yan and was shocked again. He said in surprise.

"Hehe, I made a breakthrough by luck." An Yan touched her nose and was a little embarrassed by Uncle Jiu's eyes.

Being able to shock Uncle Jiu, whether it should be said or not, is a happy thing.

"That's not right! You have already mastered the Breathing Method, successfully refined mana, and entered the early stage of refining Qi."

Uncle Jiu was all numb.

After only a few days of practice, An Yan actually achieved breakthroughs in both techniques.

"Is it possible that An Yan is really a unique genius?"

"Master, what are you talking about?"

Seeing Uncle Jiu mumbling to himself, his voice was too low to be heard, An Yan asked in confusion.

"Master! I'm here!"

Just at this moment, Qiu Sheng walked in, leaning back and yawning.

Looking at Anyan and Qiu Sheng, Uncle Jiu sighed: "Rotten wood cannot be carved."

Qiu Sheng: "?"

He thought that he hadn't offended the master recently.

"Look at An Yan. As a junior fellow apprentice, his cultivation is almost catching up with yours. I just want to ask you if you are ashamed."

"It's harmful, it's all my fellow disciples who are saying this."

Uncle Jiu, who originally wanted to use this to stimulate Qiu Sheng, saw veins popping up on his forehead and picked up the broom beside him.

"I'll beat you to death for being such a loser."

A lot of excitement passed.

After breakfast, leaving Wencai to guard Yizhuang, Uncle Jiu took An Yan and Qiu Sheng out.

"Before I teach you how to make the yellow talisman, there is one more thing to take care of."

"Let's go meet the storyteller for a while."

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(End of this chapter)

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