Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 73 Fuqi tracking method

Chapter 73 Fuqi tracking method

At this moment, Kong Xiaolong's mind was filled with confusion and he couldn't figure out why An Yan did this.

"I'll explain it to you when I have time. I don't have time now." An Yan saw the tray and wine glasses on the table beside him, and immediately picked up the tray and handed it to Kong Xiaolong: "Take it."

Kong Xiaolong subconsciously took the tray and saw An Yan take out a mineral water bottle of powder, incense and yellow paper money from his bag. He immediately thought of something and said in shock: "An Yan, you don't want to use the fuss tracking method. Bar?"

"Isn't this just a show?"

Hearing this, An Yan poured the incense ash from the bottle into the tray and said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to know this. Didn't you say you had no impression before?"

"You're looking down on people, aren't you? After hearing what you said before, I went back and watched the movie." Kong Xiaolong said proudly, and then thinking of the scene in the movie, his face turned bitter: "Can you be gentler? "

"I try my best."

Although it was An Yan's first time to use this method, the principle was very simple, as long as he got the opponent's blood, it would be easy.

He smoothed the ashes, lit the yellow paper money and threw it into the wine glass, then lit the incense.

When the chasing team members saw this scene, they felt a little ridiculous. Is this what they were doing?
  "Xiaolong, where is Black Tiger? Also, what are you doing?"

"Shh! Don't make any noise!" Kong Xiaolong was afraid of affecting An Yan, so he immediately silenced the others and explained in a low voice: "We let the black tiger run away. We are fishing for big fish with a long line."

"Don't be anxious yet, trust me."

An Yan didn't have time to explain, so he immediately tied Xiaolong's fingers with a red rope, dripped Black Tiger's blood on them, and then pricked them with fine incense.

Kong Xiaolong immediately took a breath of cold air and connected his fingers to his heart. It really hurt.

Under everyone's surprised gazes, An Yan grabbed his finger and put it on top of the wine glass to bake it with flames, causing blood to drip from it.

At the same time, Heihu, who had just gotten into the car after running outside, felt a pain in his fingers. He was so anxious that he immediately drove to find his boss without thinking too much.

As long as he finds the boss, he will be saved.

"Open your mouth!"

Kong Xiaolong opened his mouth, An Yan put the wine glass in front of his mouth, and as he inhaled, all the smoke was sucked in.

When the smoke was inhaled, Kong Xiaolong felt dizzy and soon lost consciousness.

Black Tiger also felt dizzy. He shook his head and cheered up.

As soon as An Yan put his feet down, Kong Xiaolong dragged the tray and knelt down softly.

Then he held up three sticks of incense in worship and put one of them in Kong Xiaolong's mouth.

Fortunately, we are all our own people here, otherwise this would definitely be the headline in tomorrow's newspaper.

Under the gaze of the onlookers, Kong Xiaolong moved, holding the incense and moving on the tray.

An Yan was not idle either. He took out a piece of paper that had been prepared in advance, measured the distance marked on the tray from time to time, and sketched it on the drawing based on the burning time of the remaining two incense sticks.

Until Kong Xiaolong stopped, there was no more movement.

"found it."

An Yan showed a smile, and then said to the others: "You guys are holding your breath."


The others were confused and didn't understand what it meant, but they soon understood.

As An Yan pulled out the incense, Kong Xiaolong was instantly discouraged, a loud voice sounded, and then there was a stench.


Others hurriedly covered their mouths and noses, looking disgusted.

As for An Yan, he used magic to block his sense of taste early on.

After Kong Xiaolong woke up, he ignored the stench and asked hurriedly: "An Yan, how are you?"

"Found it, let's set off now."       "Great!"

Others were doubtful, but there was nothing they could do now. Since the director asked this person to help, the proof must be unique.

So, some people were left waiting for the police station to send people to pick them up, while the others got in the car and chased them along the route provided by An Yan.

Here, Heihu returned to the villa. He was very cautious and did not drive the car to the door. He parked the car elsewhere and then turned around.

It's a pity that no matter how cunning he is, he can master Taoism and mysteries. When he was complacent, he didn't know that he had been clearly exposed.

Heihu is usually the only one in his home, and servants only come when he is called. In his line of work, he doesn't believe in family, friendship, or love at all, so the large villa seems particularly deserted.

Heihu turned on the light in the hall and was startled by the man sitting quietly on the sofa. He was relieved when he saw that it was the boss. He cautiously stepped forward and said with a smile: "Boss, why didn't you turn on the light? I thought you were leaving. It’s over.”

The man raised his head and glanced at Heihu with a look of disappointment: "Heihu, I thought you would be a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be a stupid pig."

"You didn't even know you were being followed, and you brought someone here."

"Impossible, boss, I even took a detour on purpose!" Black Tiger was stunned and then said.

"Extremely stupid!" The man sighed, raised his hand and shook it softly: "Forget it, I don't plan to keep you anyway."

When Black Tiger heard this, he turned around and ran away without even thinking. He knew that he would not be a match for the old monster in front of him.

But it was too late. He was horrified to find that he could not move and something seemed to be passing through his body.

I saw white essence floating out of the black tiger's eyes, ears, mouth and nose, being sucked in by the man with a face full of enjoyment.

Black Tiger was desperate. He used his last strength to curse: "Watanabe Ichiro, I fucked the eighteenth generation of your ancestors! I curse you to die miserably!"

"I hate rude people!"

Ichiro Watanabe had a cold expression, and with a strong squeeze, the soul of the black tiger was sucked out, and the body was directly sucked into a mummy. Then the body dried up like a mummy and fell to pieces.

"I found it so quickly." He looked outside, frowned, then let go, licked his lips and showed a ferocious smile: "It's just a matter of refining qi and becoming a god. I just haven't eaten enough yet."

Outside, police cars surrounded the villa.

An Yan and Kong Xiaolong walked out of the police car.

The captain of the action team asked: "Xiaolong, are you sure this is here?"

Kong Xiaolong immediately promised: "Captain, I can guarantee it!"

Hearing this, the captain took a deep breath, waved his hand and said, "Surround us!"

"An Yan, how are you?" Kong Xiaolong felt a sudden change in his heart when he saw An Yan's solemn expression and asked hurriedly.

"The gloomy air here is soaring into the sky, and the black clouds are covering the sky. I'm afraid there's something serious going on!" An Yan said solemnly.

There is nothing strange about the villa in front of ordinary people, but to a person with magical powers like An Yan, the villa is full of gloomy energy, spiraling into black clouds in the sky, like a wild beast entrenched here.

"Xiaolong, wait for me outside. Don't go in until I come out." An Yan explained.

Kong Xiaolong disagreed when he heard this and said: "How can this be done? How can you be allowed to risk your life alone?"

The captain didn't agree either: "Yes, Brother An."

"The things here are not simple. You may be unhappy if I tell you, but if you go in, it will only affect me."

An Yan said seriously.

The captain wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Kong Xiaolong. He knew what An Yan was capable of. Seeing An Yan say this, he gritted his teeth and said: "An Yan, if it doesn't work, just quit. At worst, we can wait until daytime to take action." .”

"Haha, don't worry, my little life is precious to me."

So, under the worried eyes of Kong Xiaolong and others, An Yan climbed over the wall and entered the villa.

(End of this chapter)

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