Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 74 Battle against Japanese evil cultivators

Chapter 74 Battle against Japanese evil cultivators

The villa is very big, and there is a large open space in front, but there is no grass growing.

An Yan rolled over and found something was wrong. He was clearly down to earth but could not feel the presence of earth energy. He immediately scratched a mark on the ground with his foot, took out the Ai Crazy 7 and took a photo, only to find that there were lime and glass fragments underneath.

"They actually used lime and broken glass to forcibly condense the Yin Qi, artificially creating a place of great evil, which is harmful to the heaven and the world. The heresy is the heresy, huh."

An Yan walked quickly to the door. Before he could get close, the door opened automatically, and a cold breath hit her face.

"It's a great pleasure to have friends from far away. Fellow Taoist, please come in."

Hearing the voice coming from inside, An Yan said coldly: "You are pretending to be a ghost, I want to see what kind of ghost you are."

The lights in the hall are turned off, but it doesn't matter. After practicing to his level, he has already begun to possess all kinds of supernatural powers, and seeing things at night is even more trivial.

As soon as An Yan came in, he saw a man dressed in kimono looking at him with a smile and frowning: "It seems that all this is the fault of you, a Japanese brat. It seems that the black tiger just now also suffered from you." Poisonous hand."

"Fellow Taoist, you claim to be the Kingdom of Heaven. Isn't it too impolite to speak like this?" Ichiro Watanabe's smile did not diminish, but his eyes became cold and filled with murderous intent.

"First of all, I want to correct something. I am not flattering myself."

"Secondly, we don't have the habit of being polite to beasts."

An Yan said coldly and sarcastically.

"You know what? Your overflowing murderous intent and that hypocritical smile really expose your ugly nature."

"Bagaya road!"

"You are looking for death!"

Watanabe Ichiro could no longer keep his smile. He became angry with shame, and his whole body exploded with a ghostly aura. Countless ghosts were struggling and roaring behind him.

The chrysanthemums on the table flew up one by one without any wind, and shot toward An Yan.

Seeing the miserable and wailing ghosts behind Ichiro Watanabe, most of them were Chinese, and there were even some ghosts wearing Republican costumes, An Yan was furious.

"Old ghost, you are the one who is going to die!"

He immediately grabbed it into the cloth bag, raised his hand and raised it, and the evil exorcism and extermination talismans flew out. It collided with the flying chrysanthemums, and burst into flames.

After seeing the scattered chrysanthemums, An Yan drew out his short peach wood sword and ran, jumped up on the tea table and stabbed: "Jiu Ju's group? Heretic! Die!"

However, unexpectedly, Ichiro Watanabe was still sitting firmly, but he just raised his hand and smacked An Yan with a ghostly big hand out of thin air.

The golden light of the peach wood sword with magical power emerged and collided with the big palm. With a loud bang, the peach wood sword broke and An Yan flew backwards.

  An Yan summoned his magic power, suppressed the rising qi and blood, controlled his body and landed on the ground, took a few steps back and exited outside before stabilizing his body.

He couldn't help showing a surprised look: "Refining God is still weak?"

"Haha, I prefer you to call me Ghost General than this!"

Ichiro Watanabe stood up, his ghost energy erupting all over his body, his kimono rustling fiercely, he raised his hand with a sneer: "I haven't tasted such a young spirit refining spirit yet, it's exciting just thinking about it."

"Sen Luo Ghost Hand!"

The huge ghost energy formed a ghost hand several meters in size, crushing towards An Yan.

"So what if you are still weak after refining the god? I will kill you today!"

Refining the God and Returning the Void is indeed powerful.

Fortunately, the opponent's aura looks unstable, and he must have just broken through. If he hasn't broken through to the late stage of Qi Refining and God Transformation, he really is no match for him. But with the help of Zhao Li's medicinal pill, he made a breakthrough two days ago.

He took out the Heavenly Thunder Talisman, and a mana condensation in his dantian that already had the prototype of a golden elixir immediately began to circulate, and surging mana surged out.

"The sky thunder is faint, dragons and tigers walk together, thunderbolts thousands of miles away, destroying ghosts and gods, urgent as laws and regulations! Sky Thunder Talisman! Go!"

An Yan spoke quickly, and while retreating, he threw the Thunder Talisman in his hand.

Paired with the Heavenly Thunder Talisman driven by the magic power in the later stage of refining energy and becoming a god, the thunder and lightning exploded, and the thunder and lightning was as thick as an adult's thigh and split open Senluo's ghost hand.     “Go again!”

An Yan then shot the second thunder talisman, and the thunderbolt as thick as an adult's thigh fell directly on Ichiro Watanabe. The powerful power shattered the surrounding sofas, tea tables, and floors.

Kong Xiaolong and others who were standing outside swallowed their saliva when they saw the sky illuminated by thunder and lightning and the roar like a bomb exploding.

No one would doubt that this formation was a group of heavily armed terrorists fighting each other.

Even the nearby residents were awakened by the noise. Upon seeing this, the captain secretly thought something was wrong and quickly asked other team members to calm the residents. He immediately called back to the bureau.


After eating a Sky Thunder Talisman, Ichiro Watanabe revealed his true form, a terrifying ghost about three meters high. The momentum of the ghost general was clearly revealed at this moment.

Living people within a radius of several hundred meters felt palpitations in their hearts and a feeling of imminent disaster.

"Jie Jie Jie, no one has been able to force me to look this ugly for a long time."

Watanabe Ichiro laughed ferociously, and then waves of black energy enveloped the villa. When he thought of the woman holding a crossbow, he no longer held back.

"I'm tired of playing, I'm going to kill you now!"

The black mist shrouded An Yan and Ichiro Watanabe's vision was suddenly lost. Even if he used magic power to infuse his eyes, he could not see through the black mist.

He was pulled into the ghost realm, which is a method only ghost generals have. It has been isolated from the outside world, and he can't even borrow earth energy here.

"Is this the strength of a ghost general who is as weak as the God of Refining?" An Yan did not dare to be careless, and immediately took out the Little Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword to protect it in front of him.

"Let me feel your wails!"

In the black mist, Ichiro Watanabe's loud laughter rang out from all directions. White palms stretched out from the black mist, and white palms stretched out from the ground to grab An Yan, trying to trap An Yan into this ghost. area.

"Damn it! Get away!"

An Yan swung his copper coin sword repeatedly, cutting off the ghost's hand with streaks of golden light, and stepped on it with his feet beating continuously.

But the number of ghost hands is too huge, and even his full defense is unable to stop them.

  Suddenly, while An Yan's back was exposed during the attack, a dark ghost hand came and hit An Yan hard on the back.

  The protective magic was instantly broken, An Yan spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was knocked away.

"Didn't you just want to kill me? Now it seems that you are still stronger than me!"

"Asshole! Still carrying out a sneak attack!"

An Yan fell to the ground and stood up quickly, feeling a burning pain in his back. If it weren't for the magical protection, he would have been disemboweled at this moment. He cursed angrily. It was the first time he saw such a cautious ghost. He was obviously very powerful, but he liked to play dirty tricks.

"Little devil, do you really think you've got me?"

"Watch how I break this ghost realm of yours!"

An Yan's face showed a ruthless expression, knowing that he could not delay it any longer. He put away the copper coin sword, reached into his bag with both hands and grabbed a thunder talisman.

“Let’s see if I can’t blow you up today!”

"Heavenly Thunder Talisman Array! Fast! Fast! Fast!"

One by one, the Heavenly Thunder Talisman flew out and turned into shining thunder. Compared with the original Heavenly Thunder Talisman Array, the current one has the appearance of five thunders striking the top.

A total of twenty-two lightning strikes struck down, shrouding the entire villa. Wherever the lightning struck, the land cracked, houses collapsed, and the black mist was cleared away.

Ghostland, broken!

 Those who took leave before are now making it up.

  I would also like to thank the book friends for their monthly votes, thank you very much.

  (End of this chapter)

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