Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 87 Something happened

Chapter 87 Something happened
  "Well, my name is Nianying." Nianying saw this and asked curiously: "Do you know my sister?"

"Nian Ying?" Uncle Jiu looked dazed for a while and couldn't help but murmured carefully. Because his real name, Lin Fengjiao, was too feminine, he specially named himself Lin Zhengying.

Unexpectedly, Lian Mei still remembered.

"We meet, old friends."

After saying this, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but sigh. If he hadn't been dedicated to cultivating Taoism, his children would probably be obsessed with it now.

Qiu Sheng, who was eating melon on the side, turned to An Yan and the others and whispered, "Wow, the master is actually still separated from his old lover."

"Nianying, Nianying, I am obviously missing my master."

Ah Wei was also surprised and said: "I didn't expect that Master, an old virgin, actually has a lover?"

In Uncle Jiu's current state, he could even hear the sound of mosquitoes flying ten meters away, not to mention the two people's voices were not quiet, so he glared at them fiercely.

These two brats are in need of cleaning up if they don't put on the roof for three days.

The two people who were originally laughing suddenly turned into bitter faces. It was Wencai and An Yan's turn to laugh.

An Yan said amusedly: "So, you two are too talkative."


Wen Cai finally felt proud and proud. Usually he was always frustrated, but today it was finally Qiu Sheng and Ah Wei's turn.

At this time, Uncle Jiu had no intention of arguing with the two of them. He quickly asked: "Nianying, your sister asked you to come to me. What happened?"

"My brother-in-law has a strange disease, and my sister hopes you can go and see him." Knowing that Uncle Jiu knew her sister, Nianying guessed that the two were related, but she didn't ask. Anyway, her sister is married now.

Hearing that Lian Mei was married, Uncle Jiu sighed silently, then regained his composure and said, "Nianying, wait for me here. I will change my clothes and follow you right away."

"An Yan, please help me greet Nianying first."

Before leaving, Uncle Jiu also warned An Yan.

An Yan nodded, smiled and said to Nianying: "Miss Nianying, please sit down and drink tea first."

When Nianying saw An Yan's handsome appearance, her eyes immediately lit up. She nodded shyly and sat down. Then she raised her head and asked, "What's your name? Are you Uncle Jiu's apprentice?"

An Yan sat aside and said, "Just call me An Yan. I am Uncle Jiu's third apprentice."

As soon as the master left, Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and A Wei immediately returned to their true nature and came up to them and said, "Miss Nianying, my name is Qiu Sheng, the eldest disciple of Uncle Nine."

"My name is Wencai."

"My name is Awei."

Nianying was a little impatient with these three bullshit plasters. She just wanted to talk to the handsome guy, but when she saw Ah Wei's appearance clearly, she couldn't help but exclaimed: "Brother-in-law?!"

Qiu Sheng was also shocked, "What? Awei is your brother-in-law?"

"Awei, do you dare to compete with the master for your lover?" Wencai also pointed at Awei with a look of disbelief on his face. He didn't expect Awei to be so bold.

Ah Wei panicked when he heard this and waved his hands hurriedly: "I don't! Don't you know if I have a wife?"

"Miss Nianying, look carefully, are you sure Ah Wei is your brother-in-law?" An Yan said with a smile, picked up the teacup, blew on it and drank.

At this time Nianying also realized that she had recognized the wrong person, and apologized: "I'm really sorry, I recognized the wrong person."

"But how could there be such a similar person in this world?"

There was deep surprise in her tone.

When everyone was amazed, Uncle Jiu came back.

Wearing a men's tuxedo, holding a cane, and hairspray on his head, he looked very British.

"Is this the master?"

Even An Yan, who was used to seeing Uncle Jiu's Republic of China costumes, felt a little weird when he suddenly appeared like this.

The eyes of Qiu Sheng and the other two people were all widened, they couldn't believe that this stylish man in front of them was the master.

"Wow, Uncle Jiu, you are so handsome!" Nianying couldn't help but clapped her hands and said. It seems that it was not unreasonable for her sister to like Uncle Jiu back then.

Hearing Nianying's words, Uncle Jiu became more and more confident. He looked at the four senior brothers and shouted: "An Yan, you and Awei stay here to prevent anything from happening to the church." "Qiu Sheng, Wencai, you two come with me." trip."

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at each other, and when they saw the master dressed up beautifully, they knew that they were going to play the role of Lu Ye again.

The two of them said with a grimace: "Master, can we not go?"

Uncle Jiu said angrily: "What do you think?"

The two of them said weakly: "Oh!"

"An Yan, Ah Wei, are you okay with this?"

An Yan said: "Master, leave the Renjia Town to me and Awei. You can go without worries."

Ah Wei knows his level, so there is no problem.

After Uncle Jiu left, An Yan looked in the direction of the church, thought for a while and said to Awei: "Awei, spread glutinous rice around the house tonight and hang some garlic."

Although Ah Wei's talent is not as good as Qiu Sheng's, his brain is much better than his literary talent. His face tightened and he asked: "An Yan, is something going to happen tonight?"

"Who knows?" An Yan shrugged and walked back, "Everyone sweeps the snow in front of their door and doesn't care about the frost on other people's tiles. Since someone wants to die, let's watch him do it."

Ah Wei understood the implication and looked at An Yan's back with even more awe.

After thinking about it, thinking about the faces of the mayor and the others, Awei also smiled coldly, telling you to look down on people, it will be easier for you.

However, I have to inform my brothers.

Soon, it was night.

The moon is very round and big tonight, and there is a banging sound from the church.

"After nailing this, we're done."

Inside the church, a monk was nailing wooden boards.

Suddenly, a muffled roar came from a nearby room, which seemed to be some kind of wild beast.

At first, he thought it was just his auditory hallucination. How could there be a beast in the church?

But the voice was always there, seemingly struggling.

"That's weird, what's this sound?"

Finally, this inexplicable sound aroused the monk's curiosity. He picked up the candle on the side and followed the place where the sound came from.

The church was quiet, with only the low and suppressed voice echoing.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have run away long ago.

But if you were a Westerner, that would not necessarily be the case. Their so-called adventurous spirit drove the monks to go to hell step by step.

There is a reason why the number of Westerners is small.

Soon, he came to a black door.

They had already gone down to take a look during the day. Inside was a basement with a dried up body that had been crucified, but no other goods.

Sounds kept coming from inside. Sensing the curious monk, he couldn't help but push the door open and went in.

The basement was covered with cobwebs, the floor was covered with a thick layer of dust, and a weak candlelight illuminated the darkness.

"Strange, why is there no sound?"

As the door opened, the sound disappeared. The monk, who became more and more curious, walked down the stairs and came to the body.

Looking at the withered body that was still nailed to the cross after death, the monk couldn't bear it. He put down the candle in his hand and made the sign of the cross on his chest: "May the Lord forgive your sins! Amen!"

After praying, the monk took action and pulled out the wooden cross.

In the darkness, the eyes of the withered corpse suddenly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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