Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 88 The blood appears

Chapter 88 The blood appears

In the monk's horrified gaze, the withered corpse flew up and pounced on him. Without giving him time to react, he spit out a pair of sharp fangs and bit down hard.


The empty church was filled with the screams of the monks.

The next day, An Yan got up early to practice Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing and Yubu.

After two days of hard training, today is the day when Maoshan Bodybuilding Fist has achieved its breakthrough.

After finishing the third round of Maoshan Strengthening Boxing, a huge flow of heat appeared in the body, filling the whole body, and the blood flowed like a big river, making a roaring sound.

The blood is boiling, and a large amount of sweat flows out with the impurities accumulated in the body. The body turns red due to the high temperature, and the sweat is evaporated into mist.


With An Yan's low drink, the air seemed to vibrate, and the steaming blood immediately emitted and soared into the sky. The huge blood transformed into a mighty blood tiger, roaring up to the sky.

The terrifying sound stirred up circles of dust on the ground, spreading out around An Yan.

The roaring sound of a huge tiger woke up the people around.

"Tiger! Is that the voice of a tiger?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how can there be a tiger in Ren's town?"

When he came out, the blood tiger had been taken back by An Yan.

But Ah Wei witnessed this scene and was stunned.

Is this, is this still a human being?

After completing his breakthrough, An Yan looked down at his eight-pack abs and the perfect muscles of his arms, grinning happily.

With this figure, he will have food to eat while lying in bed.

Ah Wei trotted over with envy and desire on his face and asked shamelessly: "An Yan, what kind of kung fu did you do just now? Can you teach me?"

"My Kung Fu?" An Yan looked at Ah Wei who was full of envy and said, "Didn't Master teach you Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing?"

"What? This is Maoshan Bodybuilding Fist?" Ah Wei said in disbelief, "Are you sure we are practicing the same technique?"


"As long as you are like me and rely on persistence and hard work to practice Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing to perfection, you can also achieve this step."

An Yan said in a serious tone.

"I don't study well, don't lie to me." Awei still didn't believe it. Is Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing so good?

"You'll know it after practicing. I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to take a shower. My whole body is sticky and uncomfortable."

An Yan looked down at the yellow-grey stains on his body with a disgusted expression. He was a bit of a germaphobe and couldn't stand it.

He immediately abandoned Awei and ran to the well to fetch water for bathing.

When Awei heard what he said, he thought it made sense, and he immediately started practicing with great interest. After ten times, he was exhausted and found that he still hadn't started. He shouted angrily: "This is completely different from what you said!!!"

An Yan, who was taking a shower in the shower room, burst out laughing when she heard Ah Wei's sad and angry voice.

"There is one more thing I forgot to tell you. If your hard work doesn't work, then just cheat."

An Yan smiled and murmured to himself, then opened the panel.

[Maoshan Bodybuilding Fist, Dacheng (blood energy manifesting), proficiency: 0/10000. 】

[Yu Bu, extremely skilled, proficiency: 3900/4000. 】

I saw that Maoshan Body Training Boxing had become a great achievement, and the proficiency level had not surprisingly reached 10,000.

"The blood appears?"

Seeing the four words in brackets, An Yan thought back to the blood tiger he had just condensed. If I had used this trick when fighting the Japanese old devil, I wouldn't have had to work so hard to break the ghost realm.

If he were to face an old devil in the early stage of refining the gods and returning to the void now, he was confident that he could win.

Just when An Yan was happily taking a bath, Ah Wei's panicked voice came from outside.

"An Yan, something happened. There was a murder in the church."

Inside, An Yan paused for a moment, then sped up his movements. “Wait a minute, I’ll be right out.”

After drying himself and putting on his clothes, An Yan walked out quickly. Ah Wei came up to him and said anxiously: "An Yan, what should we do now?"

"What should I do? Let's eat it cold." An Yan pressed Ah Wei's shoulder with one hand and said, "A Wei, calm down, they should be the ones who are panicking."

Only then did Awei react, "Yes, it's not like something happened to my family. What should I be afraid of?"

Now he is Uncle Jiu's disciple, and he also has an insanely strong senior brother, so he should be afraid of those dirty things.

"When you calm down, come with me and take a look."

Seeing Awei calm down, An Yan said something and walked to the church.

When I went out, I saw people from the security team already at the door. I guess it was Awei they informed.

In front of his men, Ah Wei became more majestic again, waving his hand and saying, "Let's go, follow me and my senior brother to see what's going on."


A large group of people walked toward the church.

There were already many people gathered outside the church. There were very few entertainment programs these days. As soon as they heard about the murder, a lot of people came immediately to eat.

"Why are you all hanging around? They're all gone, gone."

Seeing the security team, the melon eaters all gave way to a way. As for leaving, it was impossible to leave. Where would they go to eat melon?

An Yan and Ah Wei walked into the church, and when they entered, they happened to see Father Wu covering the body with a white cloth, and the mayor and others were also there.

But both of them saw the bite on the corpse's neck at a glance. The flesh and blood were protruding, and it looked very disgusting and horrifying.

Ah Wei, who had seen a zombie, said solemnly: "An Yan, he was bitten by a zombie!"

An Yan nodded and said, "If we don't burn the body as soon as possible, I'm afraid a corpse transformation will occur."

Recalling his experience of being chased and bitten by Master Ren, Ah Wei immediately couldn't sit still and immediately led others forward.

"You all get out of the way and quickly take the body and burn it."

"Take it away and burn it? No, I haven't said mass for him yet."

Father Wu refused without thinking.

Ah Wei said anxiously: "He was bitten by a zombie. If he doesn't carry it and burn it, he will turn into a zombie tonight."

"Can you shoulder this responsibility?"

"Zombie? What is a zombie?" Father Wu looked at the mayor and others.

David explained quickly.

When the mayor and other wealthy businessmen heard that it was a zombie, they couldn't sit still and advised, "Father, why don't you just burn the body first."

"It turns out that the zombies are the devil." Father Wu suddenly realized. He patted his chest and assured the mayor and others: "Don't worry, getting rid of the devil is also one of my responsibilities. God will bless us."

"Don't worry, I will perform an exorcism ceremony for him tonight."

When the mayor heard this, he thought about the big business his son told him. He had the answer in his mind and said to Awei: "Awei, since Father Wu knows what's going on, you don't need to worry about this matter. Just take people back."

An Yan, who was in the back, looked at the group of people who were still trying to commit suicide, and finally reminded him: "It's still too late to close the church after burning the corpses. Otherwise, it will be too late to regret at night."

However, no one paid attention to him.

Seeing this, An Yan stopped talking nonsense.

"Awei, let's go."

The faces of these people also made Ah Wei very angry. He finally understood how Uncle Jiu felt at the time, so he simply didn't care.

"Crap the team, let's go."

After walking out of the church, An Yan looked back at the people inside.

I'm afraid too many people will die tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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